We need a piggy buff...

As a Piggy Main, I am a little bit tilted how she is balanced. She is in an okay spot. Not good or either bad. But Rules NO.2 is an add-on? I mean really? Cmon. It is so annoying that I have four Jigsaw boxes staying around and they can easily rush it down to get their helmet off. I knew the people who said, "You can control the game with it." No. I can't especially on higher ranks above 10. The Jigsaw boxes are instantly highlighted and the survivors don't hesitate to finish the Gen. Please dear Devs... I am begging you. Make Rules NO.2 as a permanent power. It would help so much and put piggy in a good spot. I don't need more then. That would be enough. Well, one thing... Amanda's letter is quite a nerf to yourself so... buff it or I will never use it. I mean there are a lot of posts to buff Amanda why don't you do it? She is not even Tier 1 or 2 she is probably Tier 3 which sucks. Devs... do something with her... I am begging you. Thank you. Oink.


  • SneakyAlbaHD
    SneakyAlbaHD Member Posts: 12

    I gotta agree with you here. I love playing killers that make the survivors scared of you, and unfortunately only really Nurse and Myers can do that at the moment and still be effective. This is the buff that Peppa The Pig needs.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    I agree, I find her red addons to be ridiculous. Especially since seeing jigsaw boxes before the timer goes off doesn't make sense. Why would a survivor be given a chance before they're in real danger? Rule No. 2 is required to be permanent if the pig wants a good advantage. Although I feel her perks, except Make Your Choice, (cause it's a great perk actually) seriously need either a buff or rework, surveillance...is garbage as the time it has at 16 seconds is pathetic with not even a notification it wore off. It needs 60 seconds at a minimum in order for it to be usable. Hangman's trick....Idk aside from a rework.
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    She only has, like, 4 addons that are actually good. Her Ambush counters itself and is largely a trash ability/"power".

    The only buff she needs is the removal of her Ambush roar, but one of the DbD devs confirmed in a livestream that they aren't going to remove the roar... or buff her in general. They didn't even comment on her balance as it stood.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Eninya said:

    She only has, like, 4 addons that are actually good. Her Ambush counters itself and is largely a trash ability/"power".

    The only buff she needs is the removal of her Ambush roar, but one of the DbD devs confirmed in a livestream that they aren't going to remove the roar... or buff her in general. They didn't even comment on her balance as it stood.

    ....that actually sucks since while she ain't bad. The buff is necessary, especially when two out of three of her perks are absolute crap. They also need to fix the balance bug where survivor's can crawl through the exits....even when they have a trap on their head....WHAAAAA!?
  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    I personally feel as if The Pig was a missed opportunity in game design. I hate playing against her because with a trap on your head, it is the same old pains you have to deal with accompanied by normal killers added to a mandatory extra objective. The only time I have ever had fun against a Pig and didn’t survive was when I had to make a choice between attempting to get the trap off my head at a box across the map possibly near The Pig and saving a a Claudette on the hook in the other direction. I chose the Claudette, and the instant she came off the hook, I dropped my medkit for her and my trap popped. As I died, I realized the hatch was 5 meters away. It was a really satisfying end to the game for me. I personally wish that The Pig didn’t use hooks at all, had Rules Set No. 2 built in, could set traps on people yhrough a successful ambush attack, and had a different criteria for starting the traps’ timers. She could have been so much better than she is now.
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @TheMadDoctor said:
    I agree, I find her red addons to be ridiculous. Especially since seeing jigsaw boxes before the timer goes off doesn't make sense. Why would a survivor be given a chance before they're in real danger? Rule No. 2 is required to be permanent if the pig wants a good advantage. Although I feel her perks, except Make Your Choice, (cause it's a great perk actually) seriously need either a buff or rework, surveillance...is garbage as the time it has at 16 seconds is pathetic with not even a notification it wore off. It needs 60 seconds at a minimum in order for it to be usable. Hangman's trick....Idk aside from a rework.

    Why is the survivor seeing the box any different than the killer seeing generators? I think if you remove that than there should be something added to the game as a balance whether it be a survivor perk that slows down the timer or a skill check that can be triggered to add 5 or 10 seconds to the timer and have a one and done feature. And yes I do play both sides and I think that the head trap is the pigs most powerful asset. I see them sneak constantly so I feel its not a strong point for them. Giant pink head kinda gives it away lol

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143

    Pig is fine. She can do well and isn't too overpowering. One of the more balanced killers of the game. If she needed anything perhaps a self activation of the trap after 40 seconds instead via a generator completion.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Williamz said:

    Pig is fine. She can do well and isn't too overpowering. One of the more balanced killers of the game. If she needed anything perhaps a self activation of the trap after 40 seconds instead via a generator completion.

    I don't even think she's even remotely overpowered in a good way....hell I think she's underpowered. Yeah she has the traps but it doesn't make sense to have the survivors see jig saw boxes before the timer activates...cause that's 4 people with an annoying advantage cause there's only one killer, that killer needs to be op but balanced properly so they're threatening. The issue here is her power is undermined by not having any advantages that make that much of a difference. Rule No.2 shouldn't of been an addon and the pig should of had a built in aura reading when crouching cause having that put on another ultra rare addon,"Amanda's Letter." Was stupid as it gives her a petty advantage but debuffs her way too much by making her only have 1 trap. That's not a justified set of debuffs for seeing survivors aura's in a range of 12 meters. A good example of a red addon is Freddy's Red Paint Brush, it lowers Freddy's terror radius and Dream transition time but it slightly nerfs his movement speed. She needs this buff. 
  • SilverMaster
    SilverMaster Member Posts: 12

    One thing that can be added in my opinion that we should see more than grass. I mean it makes quite a sense to crouch but... cmon it is more annoying at it helps. Sometimes I just don't to crouch because I wouldn't see anything or I would miss survivors. Also, thank you for all your posts! I highly appreciate that you all take your time and give your opinions. Quite funny and learning to read them. :blush:
    Let's hope that the Devs are buffing our piggy.
    Thank you all for your posts and upcoming posts! Love ya! Oink.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250

    @SilverMaster said:
    One thing that can be added in my opinion that we should see more than grass. I mean it makes quite a sense to crouch but... cmon it is more annoying at it helps. Sometimes I just don't to crouch because I wouldn't see anything or I would miss survivors. Also, thank you for all your posts! I highly appreciate that you all take your time and give your opinions. Quite funny and learning to read them. :blush:
    Let's hope that the Devs are buffing our piggy.
    Thank you all for your posts and upcoming posts! Love ya! Oink.

    No problem, hopefully they do, and like I said, if they took the ability to see survivor's auras in a range of 12 meters while crouching from Amanda's Letter, that actually would help that issue, along with rule no.2 being a permanent buff. Those basic buffs with the addons being reworked will fix the issues. Still, I hope they see the feedback and buff the poor piggy.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I miss when I mained Pig all the time. She definitely needs some buffs.
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I don't consider the Pig weak. She's arguably above average to strong, but you have to play her meticulously, run certain perks, AND have incredible in-game judgment to use her traps to maximum effectiveness.

    The problem is that her stealth aspect is the worst part about her, and offers almost no benefit to her whatsoever beyond negating her terror radius temporarily. However, Ambush is crap, and it's usually better to try and pick people off of generators by just standing back up. Until Ambush can hit people during Sprint Burst if she catches them off guard, it won't be an overall effective ability.

    Buffing the speed of Ambush was something I was vehemently against, but nowadays I'm wondering if it would be the best option. However, a change like this--to counter JUST Sprint Burst--just continues to make the other fleeing perks that much less attractive of a choice.

    Ditching the Ambush roar is still my single, favored buff choice, but trap RNG and Ambush speed aren't bad alternatives. By design, she's one of the most anti-tunnel killers, but her powers don't hold up very well for that in upper ranks because her pressure is gated behind RNG (like Freddy).

  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2018

    @TheMadDoctor said:
    Williamz said:

    Pig is fine. She can do well and isn't too overpowering. One of the more balanced killers of the game. If she needed anything perhaps a self activation of the trap after 40 seconds instead via a generator completion.

    I don't even think she's even remotely overpowered in a good way....hell I think she's underpowered. Yeah she has the traps but it doesn't make sense to have the survivors see jig saw boxes before the timer activates...cause that's 4 people with an annoying advantage cause there's only one killer, that killer needs to be op but balanced properly so they're threatening. The issue here is her power is undermined by not having any advantages that make that much of a difference. Rule No.2 shouldn't of been an addon and the pig should of had a built in aura reading when crouching cause having that put on another ultra rare addon,"Amanda's Letter." Was stupid as it gives her a petty advantage but debuffs her way too much by making her only have 1 trap. That's not a justified set of debuffs for seeing survivors aura's in a range of 12 meters. A good example of a red addon is Freddy's Red Paint Brush, it lowers Freddy's terror radius and Dream transition time but it slightly nerfs his movement speed. She needs this buff. 

    When I say overpowered I mean she isn't a top 3 killer or low tier compared to Freddy. She's in a sweet spot. I definitely don't think she needs anything adjusted to a large degree. The Rule No.2 addon could do with a secondary buff but I don't think it should cloak boxes by default as that would make it too far strong on larger maps and I do feel like the sizes of the maps reflect her effectiveness as a killer. I do agree that Amanda's Letter should give at least three traps not one though.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Williamz said:

    @TheMadDoctor said:
    Williamz said:

    Pig is fine. She can do well and isn't too overpowering. One of the more balanced killers of the game. If she needed anything perhaps a self activation of the trap after 40 seconds instead via a generator completion.

    I don't even think she's even remotely overpowered in a good way....hell I think she's underpowered. Yeah she has the traps but it doesn't make sense to have the survivors see jig saw boxes before the timer activates...cause that's 4 people with an annoying advantage cause there's only one killer, that killer needs to be op but balanced properly so they're threatening. The issue here is her power is undermined by not having any advantages that make that much of a difference. Rule No.2 shouldn't of been an addon and the pig should of had a built in aura reading when crouching cause having that put on another ultra rare addon,"Amanda's Letter." Was stupid as it gives her a petty advantage but debuffs her way too much by making her only have 1 trap. That's not a justified set of debuffs for seeing survivors aura's in a range of 12 meters. A good example of a red addon is Freddy's Red Paint Brush, it lowers Freddy's terror radius and Dream transition time but it slightly nerfs his movement speed. She needs this buff. 

    When I say overpowered I mean she isn't a top 3 killer or low tier compared to Freddy. She's in a sweet spot. I definitely don't think she needs anything adjusted to a large degree. The Rule No.2 addon could do with a secondary buff but I don't think it should cloak boxes by default as that would make it too far strong on larger maps and I do feel like the sizes of the maps reflect her effectiveness as a killer. I do agree that Amanda's Letter should give at least three traps not one though.

    Yeah...cause that addon debuffs the pig too much to make it useful.