When do Killer get balance changes?

Akito Member Posts: 673
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I mean Hillbilly got some chan ges so he feels better to play against.



Omegarange Doctor?

Pyramid Heads Zoning without any cd?

From all the killer who are extremely unfun to go against you choose billy. I never felt like: Oh a good Hillbilly rekt me with his moves, this is so annoying. Never. Because I know how many hours and practice is behind those skills. And I could still counterplay anything. I never felt that anything is wrong with him.

I mean I get it. You wanted to change bubba and made a theme out of it: "chainsaw"

But please tell me you will adress other killers who are extremely unfun to go against? Killer where you seriously feel like: oh yea woho I die against this killer no matter what.

Pyramid: I am at a pallet, no matter what I get hit cool!! I can drop it and die, or I keep running.... and die!

Doc with addons: Oh cool! I can dodge his big range and get hit or I won't be able to do anything until im dead, nice.

Deathslinger: he will shot, or not! How will win? Lets wait and see. And I can be sure that the distance after a hit won't be enough and he can shoot through everything and cheese a hit out of mostly anything.

Spirit: Shes here, she's there, she could be anywhere! Lets find out that she was the whole time standing still. Awesome.

And Billy hasn't anything of this frustrating gameplay. You always had options it was always on you if he got a hit and you nerf him in a way that impacts his default gameplay alot...

Slowly the developers are hurting my trust in them ...


  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    yeah nerf all killers that are in a good spot

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I do think Spirit is a problem, and while Deathslinger isn't op, it's hard to argue that he has proper and fun counterplay. However just nerfing these killers won't do it, especially Doctor and Pyramid Head who are certainly not op. If the devs did that, I can tell you people would go crazy. Just look at how crazy people are going because of the billy nerf.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Okay when I see people talking trash without reading and try to understand the message. Hell yea I love the new joke of a Hillbilly. Everytime Im gonna see an old billy main Im gonna laugh at him.

    Doesn't matter if I literally said that I don't agree with the billy nerf bc it impacts his default (without addon) gameplay that much even he was fine all the time bc he was counterable by good decisions and good gameplay. And then you have a spirit where you don't know what she's doing, a Pyramid who leaves you without any choice at pallets/windows, a Doc where you can't to anything in a chase with specific addons or a Deathslinger (a good, not a beginner or intermediate).

    All those are so unfun to go against because it feels so out of hand. It all depends on how good is the killer. If he's good you can't do anything you will die no matter what. You feel helpless. And none of this has the hillbilly. He's strong and extremely fair. He has the best fun/strenght balance on both sides.

    And he gets nerfed so hard. This just doesn't makes any sense to me. It's insane.

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    for real. i never went against a billy and thought "ughhhhh i hate billy" he was fine the way he was. i love playing against billy and i could always find a way to counterplay him. nerfing ans buffing all the wrong killers tbh.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    You have zero valid opinion unless you play both sides.


  • MelodramaticWraith
    MelodramaticWraith Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2020

    Deathslinger should be buffed, not nerfed. He is slow, needs to reload after every shot. When he hits someone from a long distance he gets nothing if the person is injured, and the survivor gets a free speed boost.

    But yea, lets nerf him. Maybe... Make him hold his gun up for 5 seconds before he can shoot, if he misses a shot his harpoon gets back to him with a very fast Speed and hits him in the head stunning him for 10 seconds.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Almost 4k hours in game. About 3k of it killer. The rest survivor.

    Yes. "Like me".

    I swear, with the people on this forum, lol

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    You can't do anything against a skilled pyramid. What do you wanna do? If he's in his ability on a pallet? You can go on and get a hit bc he hasn't a cooldown or throw it, and get a hit while being stuck in an animation. And a doctor isn't that of a problem without range/faster shocking addons. And you can beat them all by playing efficient.

    It's about chasing those killer. And it's not fun at all and not on your hand. If the killer is perfect good you wil ldie no matter what. And Billy was like: if you predict him right and you know how he's working you can dodge his chainsaw at any time. And that's why I dont get his nerf. I hope they change his numbers so much that his new heating downside won't affect his chase at all.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    You can bait his attacks and pay attention to where his red crap on the ground appears, hoping you move in time. Breaking line of sight helps. I don't mind Doctor so much but he comes down to me staying as far away as possible or trying to predict when he uses his shock so I can hop in a locker. Then it's all juking and hoping he isn't so good at shocking near pallets/vaults.

    I will groan when it's a Doctor, even though I think he's fine. Like someone else said though, I've never found myself against a Billy going "Oh God, not him."

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Cool. I have almost 6,5k hours in the game. Playing since November 16. Was a Billy main for over a year. first 2k hours straight killer, then 1 straight survivor the rest split 50/50 bc any side pisses me off after a while.

    And I like how you're expecting how people are in this forum. Like you're the only god and the other ones are just plebs. Do me a favor and strew your trash about someones elses thread with your hourcounter. Or make your own thread about that we need more unfun to against killer but at the same time beatable killer by just playing efficient. because that's the way people will have fun in dbd. Not outplaying in a chase, m1ing perfectly.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Like you said. Hoping he isn't that good. And that's the point. it all comes to "he has to be not that good" And not just that. All the kilelr i named can be beaten by playing efficient. But seriously. Wil lyou have fun playing against a doc main with his best addons? or will you have fun playing against a pyramid main with his best addons? A streamer I know is god awful good with pyramid and the only reason he loses games isn't bc any chase lasts long. It's bc they split up and do gens at any free second. And when a Pyramid is in his ability while youre looping a pallet he can bait out your bait by just waiting and when you throw the pallet you're stuck in an animation. Or if you keep running he just cancel his ability and hit you. Thisn isn't as easy as it sounds but you can master it. And from a survivor perspective it feels like: -_-

    And Billy never feels like this. He could felt like this with his best addons where he hasn't a cooldown or a charge time.

    I hope they do sth about it. Or delete the heat mechanic. If they wanna do sth about killer they're wrong with billy. And if they wanna do sth about camping then this is not the right way and a very very wrong signal.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Maybe I love Pyramid Head so I'm biased, although I haven't played him much, I love going against him, lol. On Doctor yes, he's a pain, but I just don't see him as that bad. I've won a lot of matches against Doctors and I've lost a lot of matches playing Doctor. His best add ons hurt, but at least he is add on reliant in that case. I just don't mind him so much, but I realize it's subjective.

    Spirit is easy to play (especially with Stridor) and easy to lose against. If I take issues with anyone other than her, probably iri head + infantry belt Huntress. Any other Huntress is perfectly balanced.

    I hope they fix Billy for the Billy players. He was in a really good spot in that I never minded going against him, even when we had the occasional snow ball match. I'm with you on that I lose to Doctor way more than Billy, even if I don't mind Doctor.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I never said I was a god. You questioned me first, kiddo. Watch your mouth. :D

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited July 2020

    IMO, I feel like DeathSlinger is in this weird middle.

    I don't think he's op, but has mechanics that are uncounterable. Also, just because the ads is super quick and the harpoon is very fast, the uncounterable aspect doesn't mean he gets value out of every shot he makes. And then there's the ADS sensitivity drop.

    WIndow shot feel inconsistent to me at least. It feels like some windows have some sort of "sweet spot" where survivors can hook onto and not be dragged into melee range. Instead you'll hit the lip, they run off like nothing happened , and you sadly watch them skip into the sunset as you reload.

    You can't flick shot because of how slow it is and just landing the shot doesn't give that much because you still have to reel them in.So now you have to play super safe. You don't take any shots you don't need to or aren't 100% sure you'll get an m1/down. You just constantly spam you ads and survivor just has to guess.

    When I was just no lifeing Caleb, most of my games had the survivors just hold W. Both parties have to play ultra safe and it can lead to some braindead interactions. The survivor mindlessly running in one direction and the killer just spamming m2, because doing otherwise is a misplay.

    To me, Phead has some similar things going on. Missing his punishment of the damned is .. well, really punishing. If you don't land it, then the survivor gains a lot of ground. Now, you just either fake it, or just go for sure shots. and Again, the survivor just has to guess.

    We can't really buff either of them because of how their core kit is designed.