Your Killer Round Rule.

I wanted to ask what your rules are for your matches mine are.
1. Ten second rule on all unhooks, wait 10 seconds then hunt.
2. Never become focused on 1 target.
3. Two people dead and 4 generators I give them two generators before I hunt again.
3. Last random survivor I give them the win, unless their being a toxic little ball of sunshine then I give the gift of the Mori.

To me though the game seems more like a hunt instead of trying to kill 4 people as quickly as I can. 
My motto is: Its never about the kill but the hunt.


  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    I like killing altruistic survivors the best, always swing back around to the hook after hitting someone to slug the saver.

    Cleansing my ruin within half a minute into game summons me for facetime
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    wherever I am I must also slug

  • @ZFennecFox said:
    I wanted to ask what your rules are for your matches mine are.
    1. Ten second rule on all unhooks, wait 10 seconds then hunt.
    2. Never become focused on 1 target.
    3. Two people dead and 4 generators I give them two generators before I hunt again.
    3. Last random survivor I give them the win, unless their being a toxic little ball of sunshine then I give the gift of the Mori.

    To me though the game seems more like a hunt instead of trying to kill 4 people as quickly as I can. 
    My motto is: Its never about the kill but the hunt.

    Haha, quite the odd way to play in my eyes.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited September 2018

    I have one rule I stick to. If a survivor gets stuck in the map geometry, I'll down them then let them wiggle loose and give them a full minute head start before I go looking for them again. Conversely, if it's obvious to me they would of made it to the exit before getting stuck, I'll carry them to said exit.

    Other than that, expect to be hunted down ruthlessly.

    There is only victory or defeat. Rules are for scrubs.

  • ShooterKnight
    ShooterKnight Member Posts: 14

    Depends on how the people play and behave and in which mood i am. Often times i let the last one go through hatch if i had a good game and the guy behaved. If someone thinks that he need to teabag everytime he stuns me or something like that, the chance that they get facecamped are rising.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    my iron rule is: i want to have fun.
    my second rule is: i want to win.

    thats the most important stuff for me.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:
    wherever I am I must also slug

    I've played against Yeet and he doesn't camp, and isn't a jerk when he plays.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    1. I will show mercy to the survivor abandoned by disconnects. 

    2. I will also show mercy if I killed everyone else and it was a good game, and they weren’t a jerkbag to me. 

    3. I would also like to think I would also show mercy to the poor soul left behind after 3 friends jumped into the hatch. This happened to me before and I was terrified the killer would find me and kill me as payback...but he was really nice and took me to the hatch. 

    4. Teabag me and I will make sure you struggle even if everyone else lives. 
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    My rule as playing killer - to enjoy the good things in life.

    What are the good things in life?

    To destroy your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    My rule as playing killer - to enjoy the good things in life.

    What are the good things in life?

    To destroy your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

    I was thinking the exact same thing as soon as i saw what are the good things in life lol.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2018

    I don't have hard and fast rules that I stick to, but I generally follow this as far as camping/tunneling:

    1) If someone does an unsafe hook, kill the person who did it and let the survivor who was hooked escape
    2) If they set off a trap when going for the unhook, teleporting in is fair game. If they don't set off a trap, I let them heal/run away, assuming there are still generators to be done.
    3) If by chance I end up chasing the same survivor several times in a row and they are on their third hook, I will drop the chase if I see someone I haven't hooked nearby (or teleport away if a trap is set off), assuming there are still generators to be done.
    4) If they want to do a hatch standoff, I'll wait like 5 seconds and then let them have it. No time for that s***.

    That's about it. If I am having a difficult time of it (usually SWF), anything is fair game. If they are having a difficult time of it, I'll drop chases on 1 person just to apply some spread pressure (I spec thanatophobia/sloppy butcher for this purpose).

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I don't tunnel or camp (I only have BBQ on Leatherface, and I haven't used him yet), so when I hook, I immediately get away, unless I see a survivor in the area.
    I only care about "getting the quad" with getting the Adept killer achievements. Otherwise, I'm fine getting two or three kills. I'll probably let the final person go.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Everyone dies, unless 2/3 people disconnected/gave up, in which case the last one gets the hatch. If the hatch is not available, they get to do as many generators as they'd like and leave without a care in the world.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    My only rule: If you are a wangrod towards me, I am a wangrod towards you.

    Permaloopers get camped, players who actually try to escape from a hunt by hiding might get the hatch if I had a good game.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    My rules fluctuate depending on my mood.

    If I'm in a good mood, I usually go after the unhooker, try not to tunnel, sometimes give the hatch.

    If I'm in a bad mood, my only rule is don't camp unless they REALLY deserve it.
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Rule #1: Laurie always gets the hatch.

  • xxDeAd_SiLeNcE
    xxDeAd_SiLeNcE Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2018
    Most of my rules have already been listed here, and I still get trash messages from Rank 2 Survivors 😆

    Soft camps because I know there are people around the hook; gets message saying I’m a camping scrub even though I patrolled the area of 3 Gens bunched up and pretty close to the hook.

    Gotta love survivor mains eh? 
  • Waffle
    Waffle Member Posts: 24

    My only rule is to not camp..... unless there being really toxic.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited September 2018
    1. Win at all costs
    2. The longer it takes to catch you, the longer i camp you. Every gen that pops during the chase gets you a hook phase of one-on-one time. Two going off means i stay til you're dead.

    That's it. I may, if i feel like it, go easy on a survivor. But in general, I do what will lead to me killing the most survivors, because that is what I play for: the kills.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    1. Get my daily done.
    2. Get lots of points.
    3. Don't get stressed cause you can't die
    4. Get at least a 2k against swfs
    5. Camp people who hide in lockers.
    6. Let people with d strike die on the ground slowly.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited September 2018
    1. Kill.
  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    1: If half the survivors disconnect I'm not sparing the others. I'm playing to actually have good games, and if the fastest way of moving on to the next round is bodying the others mercilessly, so be it. 
    2: If I find you helplessly lost when the hatch is open I'll bring you there because I've already won. If you're still actively looking for it/running to it, I'm hunting you down cause the game isn't over yet. 
    3: If you get downed because you just had to break my hex right in front of me, I'll make sure you die for it.
    4: if you're playing alongside a swf that you're clearly not part of, I'll go a bit easier on you
    5: Flashlights are the first to die
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    1: Start Dead by Daylight
    2: Wait in Killer lobby
    3: Wait in Killer lobby
    4: Wait in Killer lobby...
    5: Go to bed...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    Have Fun.
  • CydoniaTV
    CydoniaTV Member Posts: 45
    1. No tunneling unless I'm forced to (if I can't find others or if the survivor is being completely toxic/obnoxious)
    2. Slug DS users until they cry
    3. Win
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    1.) Do my best to not tunnel. If you just keep popping out of nowhere I might give you a free pass once, but afterwards it's game on.

    2.) If I have a sudden lag spike for whatever reason (I do have an older machine I play on it happens), and I get someone,  I let them go. Not my cup of tea to get someone because my computer decided to be a prick. Got a little too much pride for that.

    3.) Ignore the attention seekers. The longer you do so, the more likely they are to screw up.

    4.) Attempt to steer away from playing Nurse or Hillbilly at high ranks. People see enough of them, and I like to mix it up.
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    When I'm playing pig, my rule is, if I've slaughtered you before the last gen pops, 1 person gets to walk away from the game. If I slaughter you and the doors open, and all the gens are done, only 1 person gets to walk away.
    If there are disconnects I will pace myself slowly, but everyone who is currently connected, MUST PLAY "THE GAME" if you remove your helmet without the timer being started, you are next to die.
    If your helmet is still on and the other people are dead, you get to walk away.
    If you teabag or flashlight me thinking I won't snap you in half, I will mori you.
    If you pull any slick ######### at all during the match trying to be a hotshot, I will mori you.
    If I see you farming a weak survivor who's been hooked for blood points I will mori you, if I don't have a mori, I will tunnel you until you are dead.
    If you get off the hook, without deliverance at any point in the match aka the 4% self escape, I will personally open the door for you and let you walk away, you lottery winning bastard.
    If you bring party streamers, I will let you survive until the end of the game, and then maybe kill you by accident because I forgot. Woops.
    If you are getting boosted by your friends (AKA the rank 5 who wants to be a hotshot by inviting his rank 20 or 15 friend to a match), I will let you survive until you are dead on next hook, if you still manage to be a complete screw up by the time 2 gens are left your time is up.
    If you bring decisive strike.....I will let everyone live and the game go up and let all gens progress to the exit gates while you are still on the ground and ranchor you or mori you first.

    My only general rule out of all that mumbo jumbo is to be forgiving of the weak survivor on the team, or the person who shows they care about their team mates even if they lack the ability to be a real "hero". I have a soft spot for noobs. Everybody else though? Mori'd.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MegaWaffle said:
    1: Start Dead by Daylight
    2: Wait in Killer lobby
    3: Wait in Killer lobby
    4: Wait in Killer lobby...
    5: Go to bed...

    Must be a PS4 user, come to the dark side and join pc.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    powerbats said: 

    @MegaWaffle said:
    1: Start Dead by Daylight
    2: Wait in Killer lobby
    3: Wait in Killer lobby
    4: Wait in Killer lobby...
    5: Go to bed...

    Must be a PS4 user, come to the dark side and join pc.

    Lol, on PS4, unless rank 1, you find full lobby in minutes. 
    On PC you wait for hours.

    Are we in same universe?
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    If I have rankor and catch obsession before gens are done, I check whether he has DS it not. No DS, then no Mori if all gens are done. 

    Oh, and it you disarm my trap, the Chase is on.
    If you break my trap or hook, though... You're facecamped / moried even if I have to throw the game.
  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    I just kill, no mercy given. I just survive, no handicaps or rules set.

    I will try and win no matter what, whether that means camping, tunneling, looping, gen-rushing, using DS and NOED and all that, doesn't matter to me. The devs gave me and the opposition these tools and I will use them whether they use them too or not.

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Rule 1: Kill the Jake.
    Rule 2: Kill the other Jake.
    Rule 3: Reward the funny survivors.

    I don't camp, except in extremely special circumstances, and try to avoid tunneling... but if I happen to see you next, then I'm not just letting you go for the sake of it.

    Everything else is subject to change. If you're the last survivor, the gates are open, and you get your 4% hook escape then I'll probably let you go. But that's not a rule.

    If you get 2 early d/cs then I'll be thinking of giving a hatch escape etc. but you still have to earn it. i.e. Not be irritating (and not Jake).

    I'm here to have fun, so if you can do something funny/unexpected that gets my attention, then I'll be trying to find some way to have fun with you and will frequently do things like dropping people at the exit or hatch.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    1) Try to figure out whether you versing SWF or not by checking their steam profiles in lobby. Dodge if you VS 3 or more people in SWF.
    2) Check totem first, if it spawned near gen.
    3) Patrol hooked survivor if gates are opened.
    4) Smack the wall to scare DS user and make him miss.
    5) Look around before pickup surv if you noticed FS player.
    6) Dont play Freddy

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @BigBlackMori said:
    1. Win at all costs
    2. The longer it takes to catch you, the longer i camp you. Every gen that pops during the chase gets you a hook phase of one-on-one time. Two going off means i stay til you're dead.

    That's it. I may, if i feel like it, go easy on a survivor. But in general, I do what will lead to me killing the most survivors, because that is what I play for: the kills.

    My list expanded as of today:

    1. Teabaggers get tunneled and camped to death at all costs.
    2. Anyone helping a teabagger gets tunneled and camped at all costs.
    3. If you pissed me off in a previous game, you get tunneled and camped at all costs.
    4. If you rapidly click a flashlight at me, guess what? you get tunneled and camped at all costs.
    5. If i catch and kill you after the gates are already open, you get killed and laughed at in afterchat for being stupid.
  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    1.) Until i reach rank 1 everything is fine to get a pip
    2.) after that just have fun

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    edited September 2018
    None, I do my best to win no matter what survivors want me to do. I am playing a killer, I'm going to kill you, and I will not give them any chances. Their are no rules for killer and any made up are bs.
    Post edited by thekiller490490 on
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    My rules:
    1/ Remind myself at start not to be lured into an endless chase by that Legacy Dwight with purple flashlight
    2/ Get lured into an endless chase by that Legacy Dwight with purple flashlight until all the gens are done
    3/ Go hide in the basement and make myself a cup of tea while they are endlessly vaulting over that pallet near exit.
  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Oh I also generally dodge SWF groups. Sucks for them but I dont care to deal with that kinda #########.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    @BigBlackMori said:
    2. The longer it takes to catch you, the longer i camp you. Every gen that pops during the chase gets you a hook phase of one-on-one time. Two going off means i stay til you're dead.

    That's a little harsh considering they probably started the generators right after the match started. It's probably inevitable that a gen goes off while you hunt someone.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    ClogWench said:

    Oh I also generally dodge SWF groups. Sucks for them but I dont care to deal with that kinda #########.

    Why? It's more of a challenge. More fun. Besides, many swf groups are not a**holes.
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I'll just play it by ear. I don't really play within "rules and regulations" and neither should you, I just play the way that is fun for me. Don't let other people's expectations become your obligations. If gens are getting repaired super quick or my Ruin gets destroyed within the first minute, I'll tunnel my first hooked survivor to confirm a kill ASAP. The only reason is to generate more pressure not so much get a kill. The only time I'll face camp is if the gates are open. At the point, the game is over and camping is fair game. Every now and then survivors will QQ about "tunneling" or camping, but for the most part I play in a fun way for them so they are generally cool at the end of the rounds.

    I consider 1 kill a lose, 2 kills a draw and 3+ kills a win. The only exception is if survivors are hitting the gens HARD and I leave the round with 0 kills but I black pip and have way more points than everyone with 4 BBQ stacks, I personally consider that a win. To me that's like someone getting in destroyed in pool but their opponent hits the Eight ball in the hole on accident. Yea they technically won, but you destroyed them.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    @George_Soros said:
    ClogWench said:

    Oh I also generally dodge SWF groups. Sucks for them but I dont care to deal with that kinda #########.

    Why? It's more of a challenge. More fun. Besides, many swf groups are not a**holes.

    Enough are that its not fun to play against them. I'm not gonna play a game if I'm unable to enjoy it

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2018
    ClogWench said:

    @George_Soros said:
    ClogWench said:

    Oh I also generally dodge SWF groups. Sucks for them but I dont care to deal with that kinda #########.

    Why? It's more of a challenge. More fun. Besides, many swf groups are not a**holes.

    Enough are that its not fun to play against them. I'm not gonna play a game if I'm unable to enjoy it

    Every time I read that, it spells: "I want easy victory". It's only human I guess. I can't help feeling it's wrong though.
    Btw. I've just played a game against four swf players. There was some teabagging and flashlight spamming. Not a lot, and mostly just when they wanted to lure me away from the one on the hook. Got like 4-6 hooks, zero kills, no ranking down or up, and guess what: we had a nice little chat and the well meaning "gl hf" in the end. It was a fun game for all of us. As it happens most of the time if I don't assume every survivor plays with the intent to make my life miserable.
  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673
    1. Camp the Obsession.
    2. Camp Decisive Crutch Users.
    3. Camp the Basement.
    4. Block and Facecamp TOXIC survivos.
    5. Camp CWFs.

    The main goal of my matches is to depip survivors and get 20-28k+ while all of them get less than 8k Bloodpoints.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    I think really my own rule is not dragging things out for my own amusement. If I hook a Survivor I go hunting for another. If someone unhooks that survivor and I'm nearby, I just mosi on back and smack people with my beat stick. I do prioritize the hooked survivor more often than not, though more out of pragmatism than malice.

    Every dozen or so games though I do let the last survivor escape through the hatch, though I try to down them first. That's mostly to help people get the escape by crawling trophy since that's how I got it. I'm more prone to give this escape to Survivors who either led me on a merry chase, or ones who really showed altruism. The way I see it, I know I won, they know I won, so why not just let them escape. Might inspire them to do that at least once for someone else.

  • When I play Killer and hook someone, I get my ass outta there. If I am nearby and someone saves the Victim, I'll return and hope I find the savior instead of the victim. IF I just find the victim, I'll slug them and leave them. Not only does it give them SORT of a break for their friend not sticking with them to heal them, it also wastes the time of whoever is going to save them. I know it's common, but BBQ & Chili fits how I want to play perfectly as it tends to give me a reason to leave the hook rather than "I don't want to be a jerk".

    Other than that, if someone disconnects before the match starts, sometimes Survivors disconnect in the loading screen (on PS4 anyway.) or disconnects early, I'll play my best and if they are all twice hooked before they get 3 Gens done, I'll hunt one down, down them, pick them up and lead them to a gen swiping at it to show them they can go. They clearly weren't going to win that one.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Rule #1: Don't let survivors tell me how to play

    Rule #2: All toxic players get punished by being camped and nodded at until they die. This means if you rat out your teammates to me, Tbag and blind at every pallet, abuse mechanics/glitches, etc.

    Rule #3: Hatemail = mori in every game I find you in.

    Rule #4: Take it easy on the team if there's a DC. What I mean by this is, everyone gets 3 hooks. I won't hunt the freshly unhooked (unless they are toxic)

    Rule #5: 2 DC's before a gen is done = free win for survivors. I'm not gonna punish them because their teammates can't handle a loss.