The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Message to devs and IMPORTANT questions that id love to be answered by the devs

If have such PRECIOUS time and cant spend a couple minutes reading all of this then ive added some titles so you can scroll to whatever you want to see. You are welcome.

--- Angry Intro Lel ---

These devs are so oblivious to balance and health of their own game that quite a bit of people quit once they get good because of that, some people stay because of the game's potential and all these "what if the devs do this" etc. (if the devs are reading which i doubt i recommend you read everything as its only a couple minutes as long as it looks and its quite useful info to take to heart if you want to fix your game and build a bigger community)

--- Interesting rant with good insight on players opinions ---

Was this game designed so newcomers spend their money on petty content thinking its cool then realise the truth of the game and leave?

Literally theres so much content coming put but its getting to a point where people dont give a flying frog, and they just want balance.

Im one of those people losing hope and thinking bout just quitting, ive put so much time into this game and im just sick to death of update after update with nothing being done they always add something cool then ruin something else, they dont know what they are doing though they think they do. They dont wanna change gen time thats reasonable but ATLEAST change something with the objective,

basically, survivors are op is what im getting at(suprise suprise... as if it wasnt known already), they get so many chances, theres the injured state then theres the 3 hooks per person and if they have decisive you can just add another chance for them, or even unbreakable or whatever else. Ive played survivor a fair bit, i always play it with friends so i know how easy and funny playing survivor is simply because you cant be scared of a killer if you feel completely safe right? with a pallet next to you and an exhaustion perk you are just laughing at their face since you are in control, even against good killers you can still t bag into the heavens as unless its a good af nurse theres nothing they can do.
everything a killer does is detrimental as chasing someone wastes time, hitting them and cleaning your blade wastes time, picking them up wastes time, walking to a hook and hooking them wastes time, probably around 1:30 in total for chase time and getting them on hook if it was a fair chase, (this assuming theres no decisive strike) and in the time boom a gen or two or even three pops, only 1:30 and possibly 3 gens have popped, nothing a killer does is worth it.

The killing part of the killer is a hassle to do. I dont know if theyre thinking that it will ruin the lower tier gameplay or what, but changing the objective will not do anything bad if done correctly, Right now the objective for survivors is hold M1 or R1 or whatever button and wait 80 seconds then repeat then open gates, and the killers objective is to slow gen progress and try kill everyone. For having 1 game mode this gets boring and its too stupidly easy for survivors. They get so bored of gens they want to just mess with the killer and t bag instead because what else is there to do right.

--- Some mistakes the game has made ---

Stop adding new content which does nothing but waste time and effort. Wow a new killer and survivor thats cool, but so what the game is still ya know... Ew. I get way more hyped for any miniscule balance change thats actually good rather than new characters.

If this game was balanced and way more interactive and just had more things to do, id say the average player count daily could triple. And people would stay longer. The game seems to be designed so new players come in, they get good then realise the game is broken and the devs arent doing anything and have even become memes at this point then the players eventually leave or stay and endure this false hope and potential.

Survivors can complete gens in less than 4 minutes, killers need at the very very least 6 minutes to kill everyone (without slugging and if the survivors play stupid which barely happens at high ranks) but 4 mans mostly range from 9 minutes up to 20 minutes. Dont believe me then just look up dead by daylight 4 man and look at the video lengths... Its so heavily on the survivors side and tbh most survivors arent even trying thst hard so they make silly mistakes more often than the killer though they barely get punished. The killer actually is always getting punished at every second.

--- Some little words to think about ---

F the community and what the general opinion from rank 20's just change your game and listen to streamers like TrU3Ta1ent as they actually know what they are talking about.

Make the objective time for both sides equal or make the killers objective faster because you are meant to be scared of the killer right.

I believe every game you should as a survivor be uncertain of escaping so when it does happen its a rare occurance and feels amazing, this feeling is like when you get your first fortnite win or any battle royale win because odds are against you, so winning is extremely fun. And you'd get used to "losing"/not escaping eventually.

Right now escaping isnt anything special and is so common that not escaping gets frustrating which invites people to have a reason to be toxic and ruin the tiny community further.


To complete 1 gen = 80 seconds
x by 5 = a total of around 6.70 minutes right? (assuming you teleported to all the gens)

Sure that sounds ok... but it is NOT. BECAUSE something quite IMPORTANT is missing... ya know 3 gens can be complete in 80 seconds hehe.... add the extra 2 gens which would be another 80 seconds so thats less than 3 minutes now...

You can get all the gens in less than 3 minutes if you all teleport....... this is assuming you also dont have 2 people working on one gen... what psycho thought this was reasonable. - This is why killers never win against optimal survivors. The only reason they would get more than one kill is if the team get too altruistic at endgame or get too cocky

Chases can last like a minute to 3 minutes and they are dull and just consist of running into pallets and windows till the survivor escapes or dies. In this time THREE gens can pop and you would only have ONE hook...

You can tell that your team of survivors arent compotent or trying if a gen hasnt popped in atleast 2 minutes.

I dont understand why gates can be open in less than 5 minutes though... Its so stupid.

For a killer to get a 4 man which should be a common thing but ya know "KILLERS ARE SOO OP SO NERF THEM SO FAR INTO THE GROUND THAT TNEY CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS OF PEOPLE IN HELL"..

Anyway for a killer to get a 4 man it takes 12 hooks. 1 chase usually lasts around 30 seconds to 3 minutes, lets say you are lucky and its 30 seconds every time 30 x that by 12 you get 6 minutes. Now that sounds pretty good, theres only 4 minutes difference between objective times.

BUT what about the time to hook someone.., id say its on average 10 seconds from the point of pickup, ok now what about the time to find someone.., oh boy now this is getting hard to calculate, the killer has to find survivors by running around checking gens. Now kicking a gen takes like 2 seconds, but it still adds up, destroying a pallet is the same, and so is vaulting etc. all these miniscule things can create a lot of time wasted. The killer is an ultimate slug, even after hitting someone theres like 2 seconds of blade wiping and movement slows down so you have to take more time catching up again. Now all this adds up.. ALSO I ASSUMED EVERY SINGLE HOOK WAS 30 SECONDS IN TOTAL, BUT ITS REALLY NOT WHEN YOU INCLUDE THE ANIMATIONS TO PICK UP AND HOOK, ALSO IF EVERY CHASE LASTED AN ABSURD 3 MINUTES THAT WOULD MAKE TIME TO KILL ALL 4 PEOPLE A WHOPPING 36 MINUTES...

^ Even writing all that took longer than the survivors simple af no brainer math.

--- Changes that I believe should be made ---

First of all i just want to say that i think the DBD devs should stop making all this useless content and new characters, and first take a couple months or years if needed to make the game a GREAT horror game with good balance in point system and fun factor.

Its better for business if theres millions of people playing and buying auric cell packs or wharev rather than 20,000 people playing and some of them buy these cell packs for new characters.

1) Survivors objectives should be more interactive and fun but made a lot longer, 6 minutes is a good time to start with, which is actually what gens are if you do them one by one by the way.

2) Hooking animation should be faster, small change but it will have a big affect in making the killer feel less sluggish.

Slightly opinionated and experinental but could improve gameplay and balance if done right imo

1) This is big - maybe 10 Meter terror radius for all (or most) killers so the game actually feels like a horror and you will actually get jump scared af. This will make the horror aspect more fun and survivors will actually be more aware of surroundings and feel actually scared rather than a crappy heartbeat that you hear a mile away. Dead By Daylight is not scary because of the huge terror radiuses ruining the fear that you could be slapped by a blade at any moment.

Though this could be a bit op-ish, scratch marks should also be reduced by maybe 2 seconds, basically driving the game into more stealthy-ish gameplay, along with this there could be map changes and more hiding spots

Reason for this is so the chases arent as long, itd be easier for the killer to get the first hit which disrupts the survivors from gens since they have to heal, and its more fun id say, though perk tweaks may have to be made and the perk meta would probably change into some more interesting builds

2) Less pallets but more hiding spots and juke/mindgame mechanics. Reason is simply looping a killer is unhorror-like and boring for both sides. Also when have you ever seen over 20 pallets scattered ready to drop in random areas, unrealistic really.

-------------- Now the actual questions after reading all the info --------------

1) What is the aim of this game, what is it meant to be about and how was it designed to be played because I feel like loops and no horror wasnt the actual goal, and how do you plan on making it more like what it was intended to be?

2) Are there any major changes to objectives coming up, what can we expect if so. Or are there any plans for objective changes to be more "fun"?

3) Why are new characters and content being focused on. When making the game more horror like and balanced could be more productive and increase player base massively?

4) How does Huntress kill entire military groups (info taken from her origin story) but cant take out 4 random people, nor is she flexible in the slightest, you expect a psycho tarzan to do that but nah Huntress is a big o'l slug that takes 3000 hours to throw a hatchet.

A lot of this is opinion and facts so dont twist my words thinking i believe its all fact, and I am not the most knowledgable person in the worlds so dont be a douche and believe im spitting out pure fact and things thst should happen.

Uhm thats all i got to say for now so uhhhhhhhhh bye lol

Best Answer

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642
    Answer ✓

    I am sure that the devs (who always read the forum) are gonna go through this wall of text :wink:


  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    lazy cucks probably dont even know how to read, either way idgaf i just wanted to spit all that onto something, that essay/novel of text is me just letting it all out x)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i agree with most of it, BUT i dont think a 4k should be a common thing. a 4k is the best possible outcome for a killer, so you should not get it commonly, just like escaping. id say 2 - 2 is fine (2 dead - 2 alive) for the endgame, so the killer and the survivors entered the final stage of the game and whoever gets found now is probaply gonna die, while the other one is gonna live.
    common 4ks sound stupid tbh... like, i also want to have a challenge! the only time when i complain, is when i didnt even stand a chance (like you mentionen, facing optimal teams).

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    I completely agree with everything here and I honestly believe if the devs did everything you said the game would be awesome and live up to its name and genre. The opening trailer is so misleading it hurts to watch it. the launch trailer is so cool it makes the game look intense and scary 

    also I love your jokes you put in here 
  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    I've been playing a lot of killer lately, not rank 1, but rank 9 at the moment. The more I rank up the more difficult it gets  by A LOT. Rank 10-1 survivor is a hell of a lot easier than Rank 12-9 killer. That being said, people that keep saying the same thing of "if survivors perfectly do gens it takes x amount of time and a killer needs 12 hooks a game and each chase takes x amount" need to stop... Unless you're doing SWF (which is stupid OP) that NEVER happens. At rank 1 survivor (solo PS4), there is very little coordination and most of the time a hooked survivor will sit there for a long time. Chase to hook never takes 1:30, that's a  ridiculous overstatement. It sounds like people like you steal that line from Tyde. Watch a good killers stream like Tru3 or Panda and you'll see them get 2-3 kills a game. Like other people have said, a good game for killer is getting 2 kills, a great game is 4. It's like having survivors complaining that all 4 don't survive makes killers OP, and that all the survivors should survive (even though that happens a lot).

    That being said, I do think survivors have too many OP perks like DS and SC etc. I wouldn't mind having DS taken out completely or nerfing the hell out of it. I think that when you down someone that's your hook, it shouldn't be up to the survivor anymore. I also think that killers ARE underpowered to some extent. When it comes to SWF, killers have absolutely no chance of winning unless they bring an ebony mori. I've had games at rank 12 with rank 4s and 5s and they abuse the hell out of me and at my level I really shouldn't have to face that... They should have the killer be the rank of the highest rank person, not a middle rank. And yes, I know that at rank 9 I can't talk much, but I watch rank 1 streamers and, unless you're Tyde (who exaggerates everything), I see some struggles but a lot of 2-3 kill games.

    Killers are underpowered but quit exaggerating.
  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    @jmaximo93 I dont like tyde lol, and im not exactly exaggerating, infact i randomly clicked on truetalent as killer vids and recorded the times from survivor found to when they got hook and i got 1:21, 30, 48, 1:24, 2:05 then i decided to try record him as a survivor instead and i got 22 and 1:54 then i gave up looking for more results because it has been like half an hour of me trying to find him actually get hooked xD, he escapes a lot of the chases which wastes time for the killer and the killer doesnt even get a hook. Also true is a really good killer and i believe he only posts good matches on youtube too so he isnt 3/4 manning every match i dont think.

    And Im not trying "exaggerate" im pointing out as close to fact as i can, if you work out the mean of those numbers its actually 1:29 which is quite close to 1:30 SO MAYBE IT IS AN "OVERSTATEMENT" but only by a second -.- and tbh i should exaggerate as not everyone truly understands how underpowered killer is. Even just 30 sec x 12 hooks is 6 minutes , that isnt counting the time it takes to look for a survivor, nor the time wasted kicking gens, nor the possibility of them escaping the chase, im just assuming after every hook you are straight into another chase. A 30 seconds hook is quite a short chase too, and isnt average according to my crazy maths, though it still gets you plenty of time for gens to all be done, its just not all solo survivors are smart, most survivors for some reason dont do gens and instead mess around t-bagging the killer or getting totems and whatever, this is the only reason gens arent 'always' done so fast, a lot of people dont try hard as a survivor. Its more of a chill gameplay unless you are being tunnelled and camped.

    In my swf duos or sometimes more people I never lose unless the other solo survivors get themselves killed and barely do anything, or killer camps and tunnels me though we still win as i can distract the killer long enough for gens to be done and the rest to escape. Only reason i win/escape so easily is because i try to play optimally and remind my friends on what they should be doing, not many survivors i know do, i see a lot of solo queue survs running around and cleansing useless totems or opening chests or simply not doing anything beneficial, i feel that is why the gens being done in less than 4 mins is rarely seen in solo's, people just arent on gens enough or they go on gens the killer is near and find themselves hiding a lot more rather than staying on a gen until its complete.

    Dont tell me to quit exaggerating when there is facts to back up what I say, and the message was told, doesnt matter how i said it, the info of survivor objectives being done a lot faster than killer's is now known. saying its a "ridiculous overstatement" is ridiculous, and chases arent the only way time is wasted for killer so bare that in mind.

    Im not Tyde x) im just a sweaty little tryhard at everygame and know way too much info than needed, which is why im complaining, if this game had a pro league, no killer would win, well maybe a god nurse might but sweaty survivors almost always beat sweaty killers. I guess 4 people produce more sweat than 1 big fella... i dont know where im going with this ill just end it here o.0

    (I wrote this at 2 am and have not read it back so dont murder me if i said something wrong or made a mistake ok? thank you bye bye)

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    @Mister_xD Actually best outcome for a killer is 4 iridescents and a 2 pip, 4 mans dont always mean you get that ;P

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    @jmaximo93 Also i dont think DS and SC are too op, i do think DS can be a problem but self care i dont mind, and nurse counters DS hard since she just blinks and downs them again, but if you dont play nurse then yeah DS can be brutally time wasting. I think they should fix the base of the game before experimimenting or changing perks.

    But dont worry they like to prioritise the worst things first, DS is being reworked and SC is possibly being nerfed id say quite hard, i hope they dont make it too bad since its not too game changing imo.