The BIlly Circlejerk
There's your consequence now, also it didn'T ######### make sense that legion has a longer CD on his M2 than billy altho it CANNOT DOWN PEOPLE.
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Well afaik, @DwightOP challenged somebody else yesterday i think and I just remembered how @ClickyClicky always talked how easy billy still is and that actually really nothing did change as he can still zoom across the map and immediately down people. So i thought he would be totally up for it to proof his point and show everybody how easy it is.
But yeah he keeps posting and ignoring it so after all it was just big words and nothing to back it up, pathetic honestly.
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What the ######### is the point of such a challenge? Is a normal billy game a 1v1? Can you immediately pick up a billy and immediately do well against a seasoned survivor with thousands of hours who basically dedicates his whole gaminglife to DBD? heck no.
Is that a fair example? ######### no, unless you want to count marth88's experiment to nerf the ######### out survivors too then.
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Are you mentally okay? These people were not only claiming that billy ez pz but also that he has no skill and everyone can 4k. So if Billy doesn't take skill what do you need time to train for?
And I'm not even asking to challenge me and my team with ptb Billy. He can take live Billy with strongest perks, strongest addons and ebony mori. He can also pick any map he wants. We WILL be shitting in him and get 3 escapes.
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Wait, an SWF that coordinates and solely plays on getting out will ######### on billy while in the process most likely blackpipping at most? Wow, what an accomplishment. by that margin no killer ever should be nerfed and every killer needs to get buffed HARD. I mean I get what you're saying, he's saying billy is EZ (which is btw true, i'm not saying there's not a high skillcap but he has a readily available instadown that massively punishes survivors that are out of position which only bubba can do who's kit is WAY worse...or was)
A better example would be him playing billy on live against randos in redranks and post the results. tbh if I played billy and you'd watch me I'd probably just play him as a normal M1 killer who'd only chainsaw the weak links but that's exactly where the problem is with a snowbally build involving pop.
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I'm not using voice coms. Just 4 players with a brain.
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You don't need voicecoms against a non stealth killer, depip squad also didn't neccesarily need voicecoms, they just sat on gens, didn't play altruistic and looped super safely. If you know your team is just pissing out gens then a dropped pallet is not a waste at all.
Heck the only one able to even pip against them was scottjund when he facecamped marth at endgame while they didn't use perks and those guys aren't even top survivors.
Doesn't change the fact that NOBODY PLAYS LIKE THAT.
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So then survivors are to strong? Thanks for confirming me. Cheers.
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okay, so would the community outcry regarding said nerfs ever since they got announced count as enough evidence for you?
maybe you could make a poll in the polls section, asking whether this is a good change or not aswell?
the vast majority of players i see are against this change after all - this includes content creators, this forum or just general people i talk to. thats my "data", now please provide me with yours.
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Potentially? Absolutely, I've always been in favour of removing survivor mechanics that only the top 1% can abuse in the first place. 360s, fastvaults that are unintended, block off windows after 2 or even 1 repeated loop, introduce WAY more pallets but remove the looping exploit, give BT/DS as a standard passive to survivors and incentivize killers to leave the hook, there, casual DBD and way easier to balance.
Luckily we're going into that direction, nerfing nurse and billy was one of the first steps towards this along with the new maps that have very limited looping possibilities.
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The most you'll see is what, thousands of opinions in a game that is played by millions? That's an indication for you now? Wanna talk about skewed statistics?
I got an example for you, if I go to newschannels on youtube, I'll see mostly vile vitriol being spewed by anti-vaxxers with only a minority being people with actual intelligence, the videos are downvoted to ######### most of the time with being 50/50 tops. Does that mean rightwing nutjobs are a majority in germany now?
I guess masks are dangerous now, look at the comments debunking that video.
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no one complained about legion being gutted,? dude like all of the community complained and they did for months until he became "ok" to use.
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Thanks for stepping up to me but little people barking at me is something that I'm used to, it's just a feeling of powerlessness and it's okay, they're like infants and they can't help it and want to show it by being overly aggressive towards people that they could never match IRL. If you play killer alot you know what i'm talking about esp in terms of steamcomments and afterchat lol
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yeah, i have a couple of thousand people agreeing with me on this topic.
thats a lot better than the millions of imaginary people you have though.
and your "examples" have quite literally nothing to do any of this. this is not a facebook group of anti-vax moms, this is not a Covid 19 conspiracy theory diskussion, this is about Dead by Daylight and the newest changes on the Hillbilly.
you're way off topic right now, so i guess the best thing is to call it a day here before you throw the next strawman at me.
have a good day
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I agree with the orig OP, but come on, if you aren't a red rank frst class streamer etc your opinion doesn't matter.
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I don't need to, the devteam is basically siding with me by going through with these nerfs unless you're claiming that they rework "the most beloved character in the game" because they're bored and have nothing else to do. Also I'm not claiming to be some sort of a majority voice, I'm saying you guys here aren't either by any stretch of the imagination and the CIRCLEJERK that is happening on the forums is not representative of the actual DBD playerbase.
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Exactly, personally I'm totally okay with a 2k, I'll very often give hatch so technically I never 4k and I still manage to stay at rank 1 even tho according to this community it's hard to reach r1 as a killer and survivors go there basically automatically(???) and 4k'ing is required? The only time I'll actually lose is when playing killers that I never play and have nothing on like Bubba, Billy when trying to M2 too much, Nurse and Huntress. Can't remember the last time I lost as freddy.
Measuring by kills is dumb anyways, I usually count my points and if I'm over 20k I'm good with obvious exceptions like plague who's just garbage at making points.
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Weird how pro Billy change post don’t get moved to PTB feedback 🤔
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360s and fastvaults are fine. That's not the issue.
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Explain how I'm aggressive.
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Thing is they're not needed to be in the game, if you're caught then you should take a hit not for some reason accelerate at impossible speeds while running a circle while praying that the killer misses. Removing it would not affect 99% of the playerbase and would make survivors less OP without hurting the actual survivor playerbase that gets recked by any semi competent killer.
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A normal billy game would obviously be billy vs 4 survivors. He was challenged since he was very vocal about everything regarding billy and the rework as to how there is no change at all and everything is still ez pz according to him. He had his chance to back it up and show us, proof all of us wrong. Yet he didn't reply because he knows it is all lies and nothing else. @ClickyClicky is so pathetic you know, like the dude who equips a flashlight and OoO and lasts 20sec in a chase. He made his claims and not me.
@Valor188917 unless you at some point argue the critique about the changes and why people do think it is bad, i have no intention to waste any further time on you.
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Already said that hillbilly compared to other killers was always 3 steps ahead unless you take a 4man SWF commandosquad into the equation (which rarly happens EVER), if you don't accept that fine, it's just a fact tho and the devs are acting accordingly. Just because you can't accept facts doesn't mean they're not valid lol.
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how about this, billy is everything a killer should be, good map mobility and good chase potential, i dont play him but i still already hate the changes billy is the most fun killer to play against, it was so dumb they nerfed him and not spirit or freddy or PH or any of the other killers with little chase interaction
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PH was nerfed lol and how the heck would you nerf him even further without making him unplayable, he already has no mappressure. Let me guess, a higher cooldown after faking an M2.
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TLDR; I'm not on either side of these arguments, because the game is heavily imbalanced. Very few killers perform optimally when against equal skill level opponents, and the rest struggle unless you're opponents have a brain fart and hand you a free hook stage.
Hey, someone who legit never plays Billy because I find him boring af. I know what skill he requires, but I just find that playstyle boring.
I'm not on either side of these bandwagons because honestly, I couldn't care less about him.
The big issue I see with this is an honest and direct comparison to an identical version of this killer in another identical version of this game. Joker in Identity V.
Joker uses a "rocket" to fly forward extremely fast, having minor curving capabilities, and the ability to augment it with parts he finds, which gives him "mangled," better speed, and unlimited duration with slower speed. As the match goes on, the speed increases and lasts longer. His only performs a single instance of damage unless he's using "Detention" which is the old NOED of 120 seconds of 2 instances of damage.
Now obviously, we're dealing with two completely different games, so design philosophy is drastically different between the two. For starters, the "Hunters" in IV are already massively faster than survivors, thus they catch up much quicker. Survivors have twice as many pallets, Bloodlust is a Talent choice that only increases speed once, and Survivors have built in weaknesses that make choosing your character actually matter, and not just be "$15" cosmetics.
That being said, lets compare the two (old Billy):
Billy could apply massive amounts of gen pressure, with average chase, and slightly above average kill potential. Being able to cross from one side of the map to the other quickly means that pressuring Gens is much easier than most other killers. Joker runs into the issue where if he uses his Rocket to dash around the map, he's required to burn one of his pickups, which means to use that again he'd have to burn another, which takes time. Not to mention, it has a 12 second cooldown. That being said, since Joker already moves naturally a lot faster than Billy, he can roam easily without needing to Chainsaw around.
Billy can backrev Survivors to get a quick down, along with curve loops and cancel his Chainsaw for mindgames. Joker has a nearly instant 2 hit combo where he uses his "Rocket" to dash, hit a Survivor, which only requires him to lift it back up, then begin chasing again and smack them to the ground (think Huntress Combo, but little aiming). One requires skill, and one is Joker.
One is in a game where the devs have made every chance possible to balance the game and give viable information to everyone so that SWF doesn't have any more of an advantage than Solo play, and one has Billy.
If you can't tell, I do favor IV, but I love DBD, specifically because I find Behavior to be a good company. I want them to do well!
That being said...
If you notice the issue between Billy and Joker, Joker has the map pressure without having to use his Rocket, and Billy needs to use his Chainsaw to have that map pressure. Now granted, they made it so that if he overheats while in his Chainsaw, he doesn't get forced out of it, which is nice. However, his real only strength was his map pressure, and giving him this overheat mechanic feels like it heavily hurts that.
The question is: Do I care?
Because, the sooner they nerf the top, the sooner the devs will actually see how horribly balanced this game is. The sooner they gut Spirit of her power, and make Freddy have to catch his Fedora after every attack (old memes never die), then the Devs will be forced to see how high rank Survivors (actual high rank Survivors, not red ranks as they currently stand) will have little to no killers to compare themselves to, and thus they'll be playing Dead by Queuelight. And no, I'm not talking things like "Make RBT's Lethal AF" or other silly things.
Again, I love this game, I love this company. But when I can play a game of IV and not feel stressed AF playing and get a 4k, as compared to playing any killer in this game and feeling stressed out of my flipping head, only to get a 1k, the locker DS abusers, and teabaggers, which do you think I'll choose? Hell, the only Hunter in IV I get stressed playing is Yidhra, but that's because I have to control her and 5 Puppets to actually do anything, which means I'm pulling my hair out trying to set up the plays, and that's still less than the stress of playing any killer in DBD.
Anyway, those are my thoughts.
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It really bothers me that in the developer update, they said that they liked where billy was at and that he was in a good spot, but then decided to nerf him anyway.
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I agree, but there is one small problem with your analysis on the second to last paragraph.
Once they gut spirit and freddy, most if not all killers will either stop playing the game or switch to survivor. You have to remember that this is BHVR's second chance. BHVR already messed up their first chance, when it took a killer revolt to enact changes, since the 1st Dark Times were very, very, very brutal to killers, and so far it seems BHVR is messing up their second chance as well.
Not many players are willing to give a game a third chance, especially if the developers don't want to learn from their mistakes (Seriously, the game is already in the 2nd Dark Times), and as such the game will either die or have queue times so long that survivors will eventually leave.
I have already quit the game due to the fact killer is extremely stressful to play, whereas a Solo survivor doesn't get as stressful, and survivor currently isn't even a challenge anymore as you can just be a decent looper and m1 gens and just get a quick escape. I also quit to due to the fact the community is extremely toxic, but most of the toxicity I've seen are from survivors, especially SWFs. There are toxic killers but its minuscule compared to the amount of toxic survivors I've seen.
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Couldn't agree more, I redact my statement on that paragraph.
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You can't? Great, then stop talking bs about me.
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Provide facts or stop talking bs to me. Can't be arsed wasting my time with someone who bases his foundation on emotions.
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Write on my wall then.
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The changes were definitely needed. But there are other killers who are way more broken than Billy and take way less skill. Spirit.
Spirit is the prime example of a braindead killer that gets carried into 4king every game.
Such fun. Such mind games. Such balance.
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yikes cringe
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At which point I would win then you would say “now do it without the ebony!”, then “without the instasaw!” Then “let us pick a map we consider to be balanced!” And it would never end until I was playing Billy with no perks, no add ons.
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Pointless. If they buff Legion survivors will complain, and then they will have to nerf Legion.
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No plz
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Nope, I said USE what you want. Don't search for excuses now. Are you accepting the challenge now or not.
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cant believe im actually going to say this but git gud man, just turn your camera
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This guy cries on every killer thread lolz grow up
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Believing somebody is of good nature just because of some youtube impression is the height of naivité
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######### is this thread? A Billy nerf thread or relationship goals? Because personally.... I love disappointing my ex's