Borrowed Time should have a cooldown or limit to how many times it can be used in a trial

That's my suggestion. The fact that all survivors in a match can play with this perk and that it has no cooldown or limit to how often it can be used in a trial seems extremely unbalanced.

Pretty much all of the killer perks have some sort of cooldown or limits to their abilities that make them reasonable to counter. I've also noticed a lot of survivor perks don't have any limit or cooldown on them. Alert and spine chill also come to mind off the top of my head.

I think BBQ or NOED come to mind as comparable perks as far as their freuqncy of use and power, but even these have limits and counters. For example BBQ at most gives 6 seconds of aura reading at tier 3 and has conditions required for it to activate (hooking a survivor). NOED can be countered by cleansing dull totems or by cleansing the hex totem that spawns once it activates. BBQ can also be countered by hiding in lockers when someone is hooked.

Borrowed time can be used an unlimited number of times in a trial under its activation conditions and has no cooldown and grants up to 20 seconds of immunity to a rescued survivor. 20 seconds is a quarter of the time required for a lone survivor to finish a single generator, to put into perspective.

It seems like it puts a high level of pressure on the killer especially when multiple survivors are using it and making instant saves or rescuing people before the killer has a chance to get 32 meters away from the hooked survivor. In those instances I typically see an extremely skilled looper/chaser make a rescue while one or more survivors are somewhere else on the map repairing a generator. This puts a lot of pressure on me to decide to abandon the chase with both the rescued and rescuer and try to find someone on a generator so as not to waste time, but that would encourage the survivors to continue to play this way.

It's also very problematic when the survivors are hooked and rescued in this way while near a generator. Then it means you abandon them and basically let them also have free time to heal and work on a generator in the hopes that you can find the other survivors before they finish the generator they're already working on or you let the other survivors finish that gen and waste time chasing the rescuer in hopes that you'll be able to down them before that next generator is repaired, which is highly unlikely.

The only killer scenario I can think of that can build that kind of pressure on the survivors side is playing Freddy with BBQ and Pop Goes The Weasel, and in that instance you have to synergize a pair of killer perks and a killer power to get the same level of pressure as one survivor perk. Otherwise it seems like most killers aren't able to get enough distance across the map quick enough to build that kind of pressure whereas survivors can easily build pressure if they spread across the map on objectives (rescuing, repairing, cleansing).

It seems like the killer's ability to cover distance quickly on the map is the issue, and unless some of these survivor perks are balanced with cooldowns or limits to the number of times they can be used then somehow killers need some kind of adjustment to give them the ability to spread pressure across the map as effectively as survivors can.

Granted I don't see this level of pressure when playing against lower skilled players as killer, but those matches are few and far between with my rank (purple) and the state of the matchmaking system.

I'm not saying something like Freddy's teleport should be a part of every killer's kit, nor am I saying all killer perks are balanced etc. I don't really have any kind of solution in mind. All I'm saying is that there is a balance problem in this specific instance.

What I am saying is that borrowed time, specifically, seems to be unbalanced and offer a high degree of pressure and power for survivors without much thought as to how to use it and it is also used with a very high degree of frequency by almost all higher skilled players and this should warrant some attention from the devs and balance team.


  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2020

    Not hitting the rescued person,or away from the hook you can ignore the advantage.This is not a difficult thing.Nothing to magnify so much

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    You didn't read my post. I'm talking about when people make rescues before you even have time to get 32 meters away from the hook.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    It means there is another target already, so what do you not understand?

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    What do you not understand about my post? You clearly didn't even read it.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I don't understand why you want to hook someone newly rescued.Go to other targets why you're still chasing the rescued person

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Dont camp and tunnel. Easy solution.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    For the record, Borrowed Time DOES have a limit to how many times it can possibly be used in a trial. Each survivor can be rescued from the hook twice (since their third hook sacrifices them). Borrowed Time can only activate UP TO eight times in one match.

    And honestly, it's really in a fine place right now. If you are really running into problems playing against it, try playing Freddy or Pyramid Head more (both have base kit counters to it) or one of the stealth killers who can quickly eliminate their terror radius and prevent BT (Wraith and Ghost Face).

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    stop unsafe unhooking in killers face

    i can't tell how many times i just hooked someone for them to be off the hook in sec ( like the survivor followed me to hook) and the the unhooker bolts after unhooking.

    this happen to me as survivor too being the rescued person but when it happens to me they not using BT and i don't run DS so i bad word in that game.

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    I'm just can't anything else than "I WANT TO TUNNEL, MOM! LET ME KILL THE PEOPLE I FACECAMP". jk. But being serious, the point of BT is straight foward, never go for the unhooked survivor, focus the one saving him. The only time BT becomes a problem is at the last minutes saves.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Here is how I would rework BT:

    Survivors must be healthy to use it.

    If the unhooked survivor gets hit within 15 seconds of being unhooked in the TR, the unhooker would become broken for 60 seconds. This would encourage survivors to be smarter with it then just: hur dur, I'll be dumb and unhook in their face.

    There needs to be a drawback, not just a straight buff.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Or you could just go for the unhooker is they are unhooking before you get to leave? its not that hard if you go for the guy with borrowed time you are most likely going to get DS'd anyways. the only time i see BT being a problem is in the endgame where if someone gets a unhook with borrow time and they also have decisive the person you hooked is all but guranteed to escape.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I will start by saying I read your post fully. I see you accusing a lot of folks of not reading it, but I think they just don't agree.

    Most survivor perks are one time use, and Borrowed Time is very situational with an easy counter. Borrowed Time only works if you are in the area. So if you are leaving the area and the person gets offhooked by this god-like looper, either go after the looper or just comtinue on your way to whatever gen you were heading to in the 1st place. You waste more time looping back if that was the case, gen patrol is way more likely to pressure surviviors then fooling around with one dude on the hook.

    Borrowed Time is not some indestructible shield, it allows a person to take ONE extra hit and then they still have to find a place to mend even if they manage to escape your tunnel. So they are not working on gens or doing anything else, they are grunting around on their knees to heal.

    Borrowed time is fine. I do not have any issues with Borrowed Time but I don't camp or tunnel, so it really hasn't even come up for me very often.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Survivor perks have no cool downs? Premonition says Hi, Any Means Necessary says hi, sabotuer says hi. Also borrowed time is mainly a perk to make a play if the killer is face camping or constantly hanging around the hooked survivor instead of patrolling gens.