Alien vs. Predator DLC

Deadnaught Member Posts: 40
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

In the four years I've been playing this game, I've only ever wanted one DLC since it came out. You already read the thread title, you know what it is. At first, me and my friends had been in "Haha I know it would never happen BUT wouldn't it be cool IF..." mode about the possibility of Behavior getting this license.

And then we got Stranger Things and Silent Hill DLC.

What I'm saying here is at this point, Behavior is a god to me. There is no place they will not go and no license they will not seek. So I'm saying let's GO, time to pitch this. This post is both to put the ideas that I have out there AND to get feedback from people and get their contributions.

And Behavior, if you're reading, let me just upsell this to you as possibly the biggest and most expensive DLC you could charge for yet 😏

It would be a double-killer, double-survivor, double-map DLC for both series.

Xenomorph as Killer, Ellen Ripley as Survivor, Nostromo for map.

Predator as Killer, Alexa "Lex" Woods as Survivor, and the Temple from Alien Vs. Predator for map.

(Side note, I know a lot of people might want to have more of a focus on a survivor/map from the Predator series but in my opinion Lex is the most badass human in the AVP universe to have tangled with Predators and survived besides Arnie and I don't think we have enough money to pay for Arnold Schwarzenegger in DbD. Additionally, I think being able to have a map that changes every five minutes during gameplay would be amazing and unique.)

The following section will be open to edits as people suggest ideas but I will post what I have for Powers and Perks to start with.


For the Xenomorph I'm still on the ropes-Xeno's greatest assets in the series are its stealth and speed-this is hard to play out as a killer without being a carbon copy of existing ones. I felt that the most relevant ability would actually be a stealthing crouch like Pig's, but one that roots the Xenomorph in place. From this position, the killer would then be able to deliver a long-distance lunge much like Demogorgon's. You could even have addons that reveal survivors nearby at different radii! I think it would also be cool to have a secondary power of a straight-up sprint that was meter-based. Since the series often switches between sneaky sneak and straight up chase-downs, I think having both sprint and stealth spring skills would fit the proper flavor of Xenomorph.

As for perks, the three I came with so far:

Apex Predator: You are used to approaching your prey unnoticed. For every survivor within 16/18/20 meters your Terror Radius is reduced by 4 meters.

Adapt and Survive: You quickly learn to circumvent your prey's defenses. For every pallet stun or blind event during a trial, gain a token, for a max of up to 3/4/5 tokens. Each token increases your movement speed, vault speed, pickup and drop speed, and break speed by 1%.

Merciless: You will stop at nothing to see your prey lifeless. For each nearby Survivor within 8/12/16 meters gain a 5% movement speed buff and a 5% cooldown reduction on missed basic attacks.


For the famed Yautja, it's pretty obvious the main choice is a stealth mechanic. However, we don't want to be stepping into Wraith's domain because he has the stealth area pretty covered, and the next closest thing is Freddy. I think a fair difference and balance would be that he does not have a cloak or uncloak sound like Wraith does, but does not have the speed boost while cloaked or after uncloaking like Wraith does, and also gives his ubiquitious clicking sound notification at certain distances which can be altered by addons so you know he is coming. (Imagine, addons similar to Wraith's that cause constant clicking at a wide radius so you don't know if he is there are not). The lack of Terror radius could also be removed, so that you know he is nearby but can't see where. He would still retain his ability to break pallets and generators while stealthed of course.

EDIT: Some wonderful feedback given also recommends adding audible cues to the Predator's uncloak, as well as giving the Predator an energy pool that limits how much he can stealth at a time. When this pool is depleted the Predator will lose stealth and gain higher visibility with a crackling visual and audio cue until the stealth is deactivated.

As a possible second mechanic, consider adding his gun to the map. It starts placed as three chests across the map, and both he and the survivors can interact with them to pick up a piece. To obtain a piece from a survivor they must be downed and the piece can be acquired from their downed body before hooking. When all three pieces are acquired, the Predator gains the ability to instadown survivors at range with the shoulder-mounted gun, however it will retain a very thin line of fire and slow the Predator's movement and turning speed greatly while being used to limit its power.

Consider a possible skill-check-based mechanic for survivors attempting to acquire the gun from a locked chest in order to prevent being slammed by survivors as a counter?

Game Hunter: You are used to taking your time with your hunts. Every time a generator is completed, gain 1/2/3 tokens for each remaining survivor in the trial. for a maximum of 24 tokens. Each token reduces your terror radius by 1 meter.

Honor-Bound: Your personal sense of honor and culture cause you to follow certain rules when hunting, even to your own detriment. When you gain Bloodlust I, the Aura of any survivors in your Terror Radius are revealed to you.

Hex:Gruesome Trophies: You turn your worthy prey into terrifying reminders of your prowess which considerably distresses your enemies.

1/1/2 Hex totem(s) spawns at the start of the match. Any survivor that cleanses the totem will be marked for death until the end of the trial and may be killed by your hand. Once killed, Gruesome Trophies recieves a stack that reduces survivor repairing, healing, and cleansing speed by 5/10/15%

Ellen Ripley

"Get away from her you #########!"

Your girl would come with the necessary perks that show in any situation she's used to being the last woman standing.

And the best part is, she's had three whole movies so tons of costume potential (I so want that badass outfit from Alien 4 even if the movie was trash.)

In Charge: You are used to stepping in to fill where others have fallen. While completing any action that already has some progress (Healing and repairing) gain 3/4/5% bonus speed until completing the action. In Charge only activates if you are the only person executing the action.

Quick Learner: You learn to use the tools and weapons at hand quickly to help you out of tough situations. While using Items looted from chests or other survivors during a trial, consumption rate is decreased by 10/15/20%

Stay Frosty: You keep your cool even when others around you panic. While in the Killer's Terror radius and within 10/24/36 meters of another survivor, any effects that would cause you to reveal your presence to the Killer (Aura or audible) will be muffled. Stay Frosty has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds.

Alexa "Lex" Woods

"I'm not gonna let you die down here!"

A badass in any situation, Lex's perks would focus on making her perform well under tough situations.

The Right Choice: Sometimes you choose to the right thing even if it is terrifying. While completing an action within 8/10/12 meters of the Killer gain a 10/15/20% increase to speed.

The Enemy of my Enemy: You are willing to avoid conflict for your survival. You start the trial with 3/4/5 tokens. Each token grants a 1% increase to cleansing, repairing, healing, vaulting, and searching chests.

While in a chase, stunning or blinding the killer removes one token.

Close Call: You are used to just barely scraping by fatal situations. When the killer attempts to grab or basic attack you while you are performing the rushed vault action, there is a 50/75/100% chance you will avoid the grab or attack instead. Close Call has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Post edited by Deadnaught on


  • AngelicRampage
    AngelicRampage Member Posts: 5

    The alien/predator universe is something I would love to see in dbd. There are so many movies to pull ideas from, characters, maps. If at the very least, alien and ellen ripley need to come to this game at some point. An idea I had for alien would be to allow tail attacks on M2 to stun survivors or possibly cause other effects. I'm thinking this could work since it does work in other avp games where the tail is used to stun opponents and then hit them. Nostromo is a perfect map environment too. Alien could possibly have a mechanic similar to the pig, instead of reverse bear traps, have face huggers. Or maybe something with cocooning as opposed to pyramid head's cages. Many possibilities are there. Then you got predator with how own invisibility, it could cause the electric noises when he comes in and out of invisibility, also have an electrical shimmer so he'd be easier to spot as opposed to the wraith. I like the gun pieces idea, and the pyramid map with rotating pieces. That could be so cool if done right. Predator could also have his heat vision to help spot survivors, but cloak and vision both use up energy quickly so he cant stay cloaked for very long or use vision mode for very long. Also have his eyes glowing so survivors know when hes in heat vision mode. Basically have his cloak be not as concealable as the wraiths and have a limit to how long his stuff can be used, including any energy weapons, so to not allow spam or OP abilities. Lex as survivor is a cool idea but I feel Arnold would have to take the cake for me, but honestly maybe even Danny Glover. Or heck all 3 would be great. I hope BHVR is in talks with FOX about the alien/predator license. It needs to happen. Especially since demogorgon is the only creature killer we have, all others people human like, it would be cool to have another actual creature killer to mix things up more.

  • Alien yes, and if we dont get a perk called Acid Blood to auto-destroy a pallet after 7 secs THEN I WILL RIOT!

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Xenomorph yes but I fear the liscense is gonna be a nightmare. Predator is just not gonna happen not with its own game out atm and it just not fitting all that well into the game. Not too sure about Predators hunting targets that cant actually fight back or a highly tecnological advanced race being added. It just wouldnt mesh that well with this game imo.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Not bad, although that is slightly similar to Spirit Fury PLUS you'd lose the Break category points. Will take into consideration.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    That's what I thought about Demogorgon but they made it happen. I can't disagree that the mesh would be odd but I trust Behavior at this point.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40


    Allowing the energy pool mechanic and a more obvious/audible cloaking telegraph would be a GREAT idea-his ability to see survivors via aura instead of straight-up vision would allow for entirely different gameplay and present more of a challenge, I may have to edit his power to reflect this thank you so much!

    And I also agree that getting Arnie would be amazing, I just think the royalties would cost too much. That being said...if it happens, we better get voicelines like Ashley in the lobby.

    I need my "GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAA!"

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    After giving it some thought and trying to see what I come up, I think it would be incredibly difficult to implement the Predator's unique vision and heat-aura. I think these abilities would have to be relegated to addons that change your HUD which would be interesting. I think an Iridescent addon that allows the intensity of Generator auras to increase as they near completion and reveals the auras of all Survivors that are sprinting within a certain radius but allows them to be invisible while crouching/standing still would be amazing. Perhaps something like

    Yautja HUD Implant - Extremely Rare Addon - Your usual HUD is replaced with an advanced heat-seeking module designed to hunt prey in low-light conditions.

    -Alters environmental coloration

    -Survivor scratch marks become invisible

    -All survivors within a 48-meter radius that are Sprinting are revealed to you.

    -All survivors walking within a 24-meter radius are revealed to you.

    -Survivors that are crouch-walking, crouching, or immobile are invisible to you.

    -All Generators' repair progresses are revealed to you by the intensity of their aura.

    Of course this would probably be a NIGHTMARE to code. Sorry behavior.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    You buffoon. You FOOL. You absolutely ignoramus.

    I'm one as well.

    We can't have Danny Glover as Michael Kerrigan for Survivor BECAUSE Danny Glover also played Detective Tapp for SAW and he's the SAW DLC survivor. I just rewatched Predators and remembered that, shame on me forgetting.

    I don't think Behavior would be so lazy as to double-dip and reuse assets.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Yeah that's what I'm hearing and Imma be honest

    You'd think whatever dumbbells made that game would have a look at Friday the 13th and how bad it flopped and cash in with the colossus that is Dead by Daylight and get some real fame.

    But go off I guess.