Does NOED really need to be nerfed?



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769
  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited July 2020

    Absolutely not.

    NOED does not "reward failure." Failure as a killer is survivors walking out the exit gate, until that happens, you have not failed. Generators go fast, and NOED is a perk that capitalises on that fact. In my view it's an alternative to a stalling perk. Stalling perks try to slow the game down by slowing down generator progress, allowing you to get more done in the time before all 5 gens are done. NOED doesn't slow those gens down, but instead creates a new power spike after that part of the main objective.

    NOED creates a unique pressure, similar to DS. When you're in a match with no obsession, it's amazing how much more tunneling you'll see. That's because of the threat of Decisive Strike, even if only one, or even no survivors have the perk. NOED is similar. If NOED is not a threatening perk, dull totems may as well not exist. If they don't have a chance to become scary, people don't waste time on them. What that means for killers who don't run NOED is that they get 15-75 seconds of time extra (almost a full 6th gen) as long as NOED is both prevalent amongst killers and scary. Nerfing NOED is a nerf to all killers whether they use it or not.

    No, NOED cannot be lit from the start of the match, as just like above, that removes any meaning from dull totems. No, NOED can't last a minute. That makes it physically impossible for it to even guarantee one hook state, which means that all survivors have to do is wait for it to time out and then use all their exact same crutchy perks to babysit someone out the exit gate. It completely devalues the killer's perk by preventing it from doing the one thing it actually does, which is create a threatening endgame situation.

    NOED is a very simple perk to completely disable every single match. Unlike generators, they don't take long to do as they are done in 15 second intervals that can't be 'regressed.' If you struggle, or worry that totems are too well hidden, maps exist for that reason, small game exists for that reason, detective's hunch exists for that reason. Don't complain that there are 'no good perks' because not every perk is a second-chance, then neglect actual decent perks that fix issues you have a problem with.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Well, survivors had old DS, infinites, ruin got nerfed, nurse too, billy will be nerfed soon...We got some ######### on both sides.

    But I would like you to tell me why you think survivors are weaker than ever when you have pretty strong builds like DS+BT+DH+Adrenaline in 4 survivors than know how to loop, while 5 gens are done in 4 minutes.

    Played both sides and I tell you this is the worst meta I ever played as Killer, but well is just my opinion ofc.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Because survivors have been able to combine those perks since A Lullaby For The Dark, which released in July 2017. Back then BT was stronger and protected both people, healing time was 12 seconds and self care was meta again, DS was useable on first down, Dead Hard actually worked, exhaustion recovered while running, there were more pallets, insta-heals still existed, BNPs were still good.

    Survivors have never been weaker and killers have never had it easier. Is there still a way to go? Yes; but this is as close to balanced as dbd has ever been.

  • SimonSkinner
    SimonSkinner Member Posts: 24

    The answer should be as simple as; so long as DS, Adrenaline and Borrowed Time are in the game, NOED's power is entirely justified. You address the power of all crutch perks at the same time or not at all.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Noed should be basekit. Survivors have every second chance perk to work in there favor at endgame, and there's nothing the killer can really do about it besides Noed. It would speed up people leaving instead of ######### around until there's 5secs left on countdown, then escaping. Killers should get super strong at the end of the match to add pressure, but instead, they get weaker at endgame...