Do you think this is ok?

I have been searching for a game for 20 minutes, and then when i finnaly can play a match, i find this guys playing swf. ALL of them toxic, teabagging me and sending me messages after the game was over. I am not a hardcore player, i like to play the game when i get back from work, and this just makes me Sad, and on top of that, the dbd community os one of the worst i have ever seen in a videogame.
Matchmaking's broken asf. Apparently the way it's SUPPOSED to work is by putting SWF's against killers closer to the highest person's rank. Instead we get...this. Or we get met in the middle where a Rank 1 and a Rank 20 group up so they get put against a Rank 10-ish killer. Which might be fine if it was only a 2 man with two randoms at your actual rank, but it's not.
So people can have like 3 red ranks and 1 brown-yellow and get put against a green-yellow killer. Fun. Fun fun fun fun fun.
Like I like to play SWF, SWF is fun, and sometimes if the SWF isn't tryhard as hell you can have fun versing them. But it's the tryhards that ruin it. Survivors seriously need more obligatory objectives (and I say this as someone whose majority of playtime has been survivor).
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I don't think it is that bad. You could have been an 8 at the start as well, although it looks like you should have pipped
Also everyone's score is pretty good, which to me suggests you gave them a fair fun game.
You may have gotten a few kills with less fun tactics.
A rank 8 killer to me, is a at the skill level of a red rank survivor based on how much harder killer is than survivor.
With that said the post game bm is bs and that says more about their character then skill level.
In game bm is a tactic used to distract you , dont fall for it, play your game.
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You just went against people being toxic... Just note their profiles/names and just bring a mori and facecamp them next time. Yea it kind of sucks if you're not prepared but just remember, that's usually why it sucks. You're not prepared.
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You still got 25k points. I’d consider that a win
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Freddy with NOED and high rarity addons.
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Tbh this pic doesn’t suggest such a bad game. And we don’t know if they were really that toxic or even SWF (why would someone bring empathy?). Not saying you are lying but it’s only one pic from one match. And matchmaking is known to be broken, SWF can’t really control that with their ranks either, still just random.
you got a fair amount of points and didn’t resort to tunneling or camping as it seems, if they were harassing you in endgame I hope you reported them for this.
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The match making is just kinda broken at this point. But I find it less bothersome than their attitudes though.
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SWF definitely can influence it with their ranks. Bring 3 red ranks and a rank 16 and you'll get a lot of rank ~16 killers.
For whatever reason, it just doesn't work the way they say it's intended to work. Fairly easy to test this if you felt like it, too.
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its not really reliable to do this though. You could also see the reverse scenario with SWF all in brown ranks going against higher ranked killers.
With current matchmaking you can probably achieve this with a 4 Man SWF all in red ranks and they still get a fair amount of brown rank killers.
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theres a privacy setting on ps4 that makes it so they cant send you messages unless they are your friend. Also i think you can block friend requests from people you dont know. I think
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No, it's extremely reliable. It's consistent, predictable, reproducible, and I've even had SWF's straight up admit to me that it's what they're doing. I've even tested it myself.
Literally the game after I read your post:
1, 4, 12 all grouped. The 11 was the only one solo.
This happens constantly, as in 100% of my games some nights, no matter what rank I'm sitting at.
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And the game after that one:
4-man SWF. Actually not as blatant, but the 2 is clearly out of my range and I'm only getting them because they're grouped with the 8. (Was 12 at game start)
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Super sorry you dealt with that garbage, friend. Yeah, the toxic bullshit just over flows in online gaming.
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I didn’t say it wouldn’t happen though. But is it just me or is the red rank color off?
also I guess I just have to take your word on them being SWF? Like I am so often accused of playing SWF even though I am solo queueing.
it also may happen often in this direction because there are just more survivors in higher ranks and not enough killers, plus maybe in your region the new MMR might have been enabled, they said they are testing it in some regions sporadically and looking at those points, the matches weren’t terrible for you and even though it were high rank SWF they didn’t Overperform at all.
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Yes this is supposed true untill youre rank 1 as both and get rank 20 everything else
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Feels bad just play the game for fun you could ingore the messages and the reason the community is toxic is because you got surivor mains that think bullying killers is fun when you have brain dead perks to make you basically invincible killer mains that get annoyed and have to try insanely hard only to get toxic messages because they got you played and the few who play both solo like me