is NOED ever going to be removed?



  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    the difference between the two is

    A. the gens are the main objective and the sole thing you need to get done during 95% of the game, and as such it's a safe bet to assume at least 1 or 2 teammates are also working on it. dull totems have no use other than points and NOED spawn locations, so often (at least from what I've seen) people will ignore them, or will do them when they see them, but not specifically look for them. thus it's never a safe bet to assume if your teammates have done any, because who knows if they cared enough to do it.

    B. Gens have a counter (as in how many are left), meaning you know roughly how much progress has been made on that objective, so it's easier to know what you need to do to complete it. Totems don't, and since there are no auras for them (which i'm not suggesting they add) nobody knows if their teammates did the others or if you just haven't found the rest, resulting in you telling yourself "well i'm sure they got the last one, I did 4 and can't find another so I'm sure it's done" and then getting NOED. a totem counter would let you know if your teammates did the last one or if they didn't, and from there it's up to you to decide whether you want to play it safe and look for it or take the risk.

    essentially, since they are a side objective (that often has no purpose) with no counter (again, the number kind) people find themselves saying "I'm sure they did it, right?"

    a totem counter would make it so that it's up to you to decide if it's worth taking the risk, or if you're better off safe than sorry. plus it would fit with small game, and it wouldn't hurt to have it in-game

    also I know that it isn't a problem with solos, but rather the individual. the problem is that SWF's, especially 3-4's, can keep track of totems easier because they have more communication and can tell each other how many totems they cleansed. not a solo issue, but the difference between the two causes the issue

    and this is from a pro-NOED person, it's one of my go to perks on killer. I think the perk is fine, but the survivors do need a tad better communication in some form (preferably a perk)

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    What about all the one shot killers who get built in noed as a part of their mechanic? are they OP easy-mode crutches for scrublords too?

  • SnailTea
    SnailTea Member Posts: 20

    Sure, sometimes it hurts when there are two survivors left and the killer gets both of you due to NOED, but it's a perk in a game based off using perks. Just finish the match, take your bloodpoints and get in a new game. Everyone's gonna play the game a little bit differently, and everyones gonna have unique perk builds that just work for them. Also, just cleanse totems. (Survivor Main btw, sorry killer mains that people are like this)

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I'm guessing this was posted in the heat of the moment or bait but...

    "Survivors shouldn't be punished for actually doing a good job and getting to end game"

    For me a good game is doing all the gens and totems, I run small game which quickly and easily removes or identifies totems spots however that is a selfless perk I run for my team and BT. I suffer escaping in the lower ranks but almost always escape in red ranks.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Flyguy115 I only play solo and I also didn't write this post give it a rest chief

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    DS is by far the worst perk in the game and any survivor who uses it is just so bad, you shouldn't be able to win because you couldn't avoid the killer the whole match. Killers shouldn't be punished for actually doing a good job and getting a down - will it ever be removed or changed?

    also any survivor mains who reply to this defending DS your comment is being overlooked because I want to scream my opinion really loud and I don't want to have any kind of actual intelligent conversation with you about game balance.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    answering your question: probs not

    changed? maybe

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I've said it before. Remove the 4% speed boost. 1 tier of bloodlust plus insta-downs is broken.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    There are so many perks that reward survivors for being bad, just like how you're complaining about NOED rewarding killers for being bad. You're being entitled, have some self awareness.

  • Thegoldenhotdog
    Thegoldenhotdog Member Posts: 4

    I cannot count the amount of times a survivor has only escaped because of ds, which similar to noed, activates because the killer is doing they're job, you literally did nothing that's your objective to activate ds. And then you complain noed allows killers to get a free kill. Ds is activated because the killer tunneled. Noed is activated because the survivors didn't do totems. And they both have a counter play that takes time if they do tunnel or not do totems: wait 60 seconds, and go find the totem. So if ds is fair and balanced, so is noed. Not to mention, the killer is playing with only 3 perks the rest of the game, the totem can get cleansed immedatly, and if your doing a "good job," why didn't you cleanse totems? Oh you can't find them? Use small game and/or a rainbow map instead of ds or unbreakable and/or a flashlight or toolbox.

  • Cierax
    Cierax Member Posts: 21

    Well maybe destory the totems and dont finish it right in front of the killer? Like what did you expect

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Not sure if it has already been said tho.

    Don't get me wrong on this okey?

    If your team gets whipped out by noed, that is on you and your team.

    Noed is easily countered by doing totems even as solo you can do it.

    If you have a hard time finding totems you can run small game or use a map.

    But i agree noed is a broken perk imo and should be reworked.

    That's why i never used noed nor will I unless requested.

    DS is also a broken perk.

    Yes it has been reworked and is in a better state than what It was, but still broken.

    Why should you as killer get punished for survivors messing up?

    Yes when you get tunnelled I agree that is on the killer.

    But I had a game where I had hooked 2 survivors and than came across another survivor who appeared the have been unhooked before the other 2 survivors.

    And i still get punished with ds even though I allready hooked to others before I downed her.

    To me personally I'd love to see both noed and ds being reworked into a more balanced and fair perk.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    NOED is a really bad an low tier perk with almost no impact to the game.

    Let newbies use it in low ranks so they don't get discouraged.

    If they rank up, they'll naturally stop using it, unless they are doing specific builds.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Teacher teacher! Me me! I found the difference!

    NOED is a low tier perk and the other ones not! 😂😂😂😂😂

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    If you wanna know how BS it is to run NOED, change DS so that you cannot use it till all gens are completed and if the Killer downs the obsession then it deactivates the ability from being used by all survivors.

    Now you will understand how situational, weak, and stupid it is to run this perk, without a corresponding end-game build to try and patch up some things f it’s bullshit.

    Unpopular opinion: It never needed to be a Hex. Survivors should at least be afraid at some point in the game, why not when the doors are open. GTFO if you don’t want to be insta-downed.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Survivors should be afraid game based on horror movies,how many horror movies have survivors out smart the time at the start of the movie none.

    how killer are it's like scary movie not a real horror movie.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Do bones 🤪

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Did someone get killed trying to tbag at the gate?? Little salty?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    if you would just do totems you would never get hit with noed.