is NOED ever going to be removed?



  • Jasuo
    Jasuo Member Posts: 54

    NOED is solely an end game perk, one that can be cleansed too. Killers are going into the game with 3/4 perks until the exit gates are powered, and that's IF you don't cleanse the hex before then. Also where are all these claims that NOED just automatically wins killers the game coming from? I've played with NOED (not a fan of it, I don't like a portion of my power only coming into affect when the game is basically over) and I've also played against it. It's by no means broken, maybe get your hands off a gen for a few minutes and break some bones instead.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    It already is removed by doing bones

  • TalkedToast505
    TalkedToast505 Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020

    Any killer with a brain will wait dead hard. Ds anti tunnel perk not me fault you picked my up within 60 seconds. (bamboozle a perk that meant to ends infinite but yall block some infinite before it's put into use.) I don't see that as a problem. I don't see bt as a problem meant for safe hook and that what it does. " Second chance perk". Adrenaline reward you for doing the objective or you let your team do all the work and get rewarded for doing nothing or killer close hatch. (now that a second chance)

    Post edited by TalkedToast505 on
  • microwavablefootball
    microwavablefootball Member Posts: 62

    Its just as likely to get removed as insidious is :


    "Camping is a strat"

    -The devs 2019

  • Jasuo
    Jasuo Member Posts: 54

    You won't see a lot of things as a problem until you play against them. The issue is that while none of these perks are inherently the devil on their own, when all 4 survivors run all of them at once it often comes down to slugging or even tunneling to get even a single kill. Which, of course, you can't do because it's not fair/fun 🙄

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited June 2020

    Since "Gen rush" and "Tunneling" are sensitive words, I will change it to "doing objective effectively"

    • Survivors do objective effectively + Killer fails = Killer just need to just pressure gen
    • Survivors do objective effectively + Killer uses Noed = punish Survivor for doing objective effectively
    • Killer does objective effectively + get DS = not my fault that Killer do objective effectively
    • Killer does objective effectively + avoid DS + get Unbreakable = Killer should not slug me

    Killer do have a similar flawless mindset like this:

    • Killer camp + Survivors fail = Survivors just need to "do objective effectively" and escape
    • Killer camp + Survivors do objective effectively + get Noed = Survivors just need to do bone and stop "doing objective effectively"

    Its a circle of flawless logic, people

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm not a killer main I swear lol I play a lot of killer but definitely play more survivor.

    The perk doesn't need nerfed. It's the survivors fault for letting the killer get this perk and ths killer did play will only 3 perks for the full game.

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    I refuse to believe someone is so ignorant at the state of this game. This person is either new to the game or a master troll.

  • dusty0923
    dusty0923 Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2020

    As a survivor main, I have to say I think NOED is balanced. You still have to put in the work of chasing and hooking the survivor, all it gives you is an instant down. It's one of the easiest perks to counter as all you have to do is cleanse totems which gives you BP so why wouldn't you want to do that. I run the perk as a joke sometimes and never actually have to rely on it as I can normally get a 3k or 4k before the gens are done. If your having problems with NOED where it's at the point you want it changed, you might want to practice the game and get to a high enough rank where you don't go against killers that bring perks that help the killer play the game. It can help a killer learn a new killer and just shift a game like a lot of survivor perks.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The problem is that survivors suddenly think that defending generators is the killer objective

    It's not. The objective is sacrificing survivors. Killers have not lost when the last generator is completed.

    If i choose to focus completing that objective in the late part of the game that doesn't mean i "failed"

    I never use Noed cause it's too inconsistent, but people qho say it rewards failure are just plain dead wrong

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    NOED isn't always giving a bad Killer a crutch. Killers also do the end game strat and don't care if you make all 5 gens. They then try to not let you out and that's where NOED comes in. You didn't do bones? Well, then you eat NOED

    And even if a Killer has a bad round and you get hooked due to NOED, then you failed to do bones and probably rushed gens. Hence YOU get punished for it.

    Deal with it

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112

    Well survivors have perks that heal a health state and give a speed boost once all gens are done, it's only fair don't you think? Besides Noed can be countered by simply destroying any totem you see, besides don't you have perks that you abuse even if the killer is doing well? Say **forcing unhooks with Decisive strike in hand and BT** it also counts as a second chance perk, let's not also forget Adrenaline.

    I don't think deliverance counts as a second chance nor does unbreakable, they can be easily countered.

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112
  • The_Doctor_2005
    The_Doctor_2005 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2020

    Oh no, another entitled survivor main that can't accept that there can't only be op survivor perks (DS, Borrowed Time, for the people and many more that other people said in the comments) and items ( I mean, really, with a key everyone can leave before even doing 5 gens) I also bet you want moris to be removed, maybe we should remove every ability from the killers, that'll be fun, right? Also I'm a survivor main too, I rarely play killer but I think noed is very balanced since you can just cleanse a totem at the endgame or 5 at the duration of the match. Also there are multiple occasions where noed isn't even triggered, so then the killer is left with only 3 perks for the whole match.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    Why? Noed is balanced and fine, just dumb survivors just don't know how to counter it and crying about it. It give a fair chance to killer to counter gen rushing.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Noed needs to be changed to have exposed only last for a set period of time (60 secs?) OR it needs to be lit the whole match OR a totem counter needs to be added to the HUD.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It will be removed

    as soon as you cleanse the bones

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Or you could just use soulguard with unbreakable... I mean, survivors really don't need another crutch perk, but there you go. Run that and the killer can't slug everyone with noed provided more than 2 people are alive and their decent at looping.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    "NOED is by far the worst perk in the game and any killer who uses it is just so bad, you shouldn't be able to win because you couldn't confirm a kill the whole match"

    Woah, let me tell my boys, Monto, Otz, Tru3, Noob3, King, Scott, etc that they're BAD killers. Omg, what a revelation.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Mate, these types of posts exist so much that one of the Anniversary Quotes is “Do Bones”

    If we have to deal with all of your perks, you can spend your time breaking 5 totems

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I hate tunneling too, but are you talking about HARD tunneling or you happened to cross the killer after a minute of them not catching you. I assume the former

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    So should adrenaline be nerfed to? Cuz it would entitled if you say me losing to a meg with adrenaline and a key with 5 gens left because when I closed hatch she got a full heal could take a hit and open hatch no risk cuz of it atleast Noed has a counter only one to adrenaline would maybe be broken something very few killers have

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Just gonna mention 2 things...

    you shouldn't be able to win because you couldn't confirm a kill the whole match.

    The match is still going when it activates, and being able to win during a match should be a possibility.

    Survivors shouldn't be punished for actually doing a good job and getting to end game

    Getting to endgame isn't their job, or rather getting to endgame is 80-90% of their job, which is to escape.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    *makes survivor-sided demand and complains against killers*

    "Anybody who disagrees with me is a killer main and automatically will be ignored!"

    A titan of intellect here, surely... lol

    Either that, or bait.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what so hard about do the bones?

  • YawningBear
    YawningBear Member Posts: 6

    If only you do bones

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    This is true. Contrary to popular belief. By the time noED triggers, theres either 1 person already dead, 2 people already dead or god forbid 4. As soon as anyone with a brain sees the exposed effect they run for the door.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    The problem people have with noed is that it punishes stupid play. Say 4 people are alive after the gens are done, and one goes on the hook. The killer is likely to camp that one hooked survivor.

    The other three heal up, 99 the gates, then hookbomb, hoping to save with bt and body block all the way to the exits. They will then teabag and abuse the killer in chat.

    Noed denies them this hero moment that they so very much desire. They either have to leave, or give the killer more kills.

    They can't see that the game is already heavily slanted in their favor, both with objective times and perk strength.

  • JaviDonatelli
    JaviDonatelli Member Posts: 20

    Break 5 totems

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Came back to re-read this and man, I play 50/50 and cleanse totems

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    "Survivors shouldn't be punished for actually doing a good job and getting to end game"

    Gen rush and not giving yourself time to do bones, then you did not do a good job. If you have problem with Noed you really need to get better at the game.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2020

    I personally do not have a problem with NOED. Is it a bit overused probably but it teaches people to do bones. I have seen MANY survivors dry humping a totem but because it is not lit they get off and run and leave it for the next survivor to dry hump. If a totem is dull or not dull JUST DO IT!

    I will say however I do have a slight issue with it only because as a killer myself I do not use it because I hate to use it as a crutch. I do personally feel it is a good tool as a first time killer but it should not be something you learn to depend on. I now use it just for laughs in combination with Blood Warden and laugh as survivors teabag and I bop one and hook him and then the other ones panic because they are trapped. I laugh and think yeah keep teabagging. lol

    There is no ONE perk stronger then the next and all perks have their good benefits and bad ones. I have played games using DS and never got to use it once because the killer was smart enough to leave me on the ground. I also have to say I almost never see DS or BT anymore even though killers think they are overused and to strong.

    In the end yes NOED is a huge pain but it is a great learning tool for both survivors and killers but I do agree it can be super annoying seeing the same perk 8 times in a row and a killer who in one case could not find one survivor managing a 3 kill because of it because the gates are easy to camp as killer. I however do not mind it and have come to expect it and that is why I DO BONES dull or not! I will say however I do wish it would let you know when the effect was on though because many games I do 3 totems and HOPE my other teammates can manage the last 2 only to get slugged and killed first hook. Eeehh It's just a game. 😀

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Actually both sacrificing survivors and putting pressure on gens is the killers job. You cannot simply ignore gens and just slap the survivors silly. It needs to be a equal balance. I mean if the game was simply KILL KILL KILL then how come I can get 25k blood points as killer without killing one survivor? It is because I apply so much pressure on gens and win chases and get max points there but choose to let survivors go. I do agree though that NOED is not that bad and is easily killed by doing bones but I also do agree it seems to be used as a crutch by mostly the campiest and crappiest killers. My all time favorites are the trappers and hags who use NOED and also trap the gates that are already close together. I play killer and never use it because I hate needing to wait until the game is pretty much done for a perk to work.

    However! I do find it fun using it mixed NOED with Blood Warden. It is fun when the survivors are teabagging and thinking oh we won and you smack one and they follow you to pluck them from the hook only to run back to the gate and crap themselves when they see Blood warden in effect. That is some funny stuff and I only do it once in a while just for a laugh and a good teaching lesson not to be a toxic teabagging survivor. 😀

  • Kruegersleatherface
    Kruegersleatherface Member Posts: 14

    Someone's salty a killer killed them, take your stupidity elsewhere

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    NOED is fine. It's frustrating to play against but has counterplay by destroying the dulls/lit totem.

    I've been clapped by NOED a few times after I destroyed 4 dulls. I am almost certain at this point survivors are ignoring dull totems because it hinders doing the generators as fast as possible. If people are deliberately ignoring dulls they have to accept the risk the killer might have NOED. For weaker killers like Clown, Wraith, Leatherface, etc. NOED is practically necessary because they lack map pressure and Leatherface's chainsaw is so hard to get hits with NOED is almost mandatory.

    The ONLY problem I have with NOED is people who face-camp right off the bat with 5 gens left, and use NOED to get an extra kill. That's not NOED's fault though. I blame the scummy players since they'd still do this even without NOED.

    There's also people who combo NOED with Remember Me and Blood Warden. That's just an end-game build and it's refreshing to go against rather than the enduring + spirit fury + BBQ + Pop meta for M1 killers.

  • SoupCanSam
    SoupCanSam Member Posts: 8

    I don't understand why they posted this if they wanted a discussion about NOED. It clearly says they don't want to hear any arguments. All they want is to hear people agree with them

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Okay. Clearly you don't play solo enough. It's the only thing I play and cleansing totems is my #1 priority if I find them. NoED is used far less than people think. And saying that you should get special treatment because you have "rough teams" so you shouldn't have to do totems is opposite to what the game is about.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    When is DS getting removed?

    That's as stupid a question as yours.

    Everything has a counter. Get better and stop whining.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I do agree that the emblem system made "what are our objections" a little bit more vague. I know i have pipped as Legion plenty of times without even killing a survivor

    And yeah end game build Noed is only noed for me too

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2020

    I think NOED can be used as a good learning tool and for some of those joke builds when you want to punish toxic teabaggers but other than that it is one of those perks I personally won't use unless like you said I use it in my very few end game builds but even then its rare for me to use plus it is easy to counter.

    The funniest match for me was when I watched a survivor after I had already died open the exit gate as his other team member got slugged on the FAR SIDE and I mean FAR side of the map. Well the guy opens the gate stands there a second watches his teammate get picked up the whole time while looking right at the NOED totem. It was no joke arms length from him! It was on the map Lery's Memorial Institute and there was 3 boxes in a triangle shape right next to the gate with it lit right there. Well instead of taking the 10 seconds and breaking it THEN leaving and giving his other two partners a slight chance the guy just leaves. I was like okay if people cannot do bones when it is that easy I do not expect them to do bones anytime. I am sorry to bore you with this dumb story but it was just funny and shocking to me how easily he could have safely helped his team and got points but was like nope I am out. It just shows me that Solo play is so hard to get all the bones yourself because no one else is gonna. lol

    I guess point to my story is DO BONES! NOED is not the problem but the lazy survivors and lack of team work is the problem.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    A killer can play a game with only 3 perks and have a perk that ensures they win. While survivors have braindead perks as well. Cleanse the bones end of story.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Ngl after reading ur comment I thought about like behavior removing ds would it stop killers from tunneling since they don't have to worry about getting rid of the perk maybe? I mean some people would still tunnel but I'm just saying since your comment made me really think about that xD

  • Gamerpoop
    Gamerpoop Member Posts: 34

    Then they should change or remove some survivor perks like Urban Evasion and Decisive

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 410

    If you really did a good job, ask yourself why there's still one totem left in the match? The exact one who gives the killer the ability to oneshot you...

    Stop complaining, get good and do bones

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Does anyone judge people by the topics they post, as soon as i see a thread complaining about NOED i think "this players dogsh*t and i hope hes never my teammate".