is NOED ever going to be removed?

claudetterealness Member Posts: 92
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

NOED is by far the worst perk in the game and any killer who uses it is just so bad, you shouldn't be able to win because you couldn't confirm a kill the whole match. Survivors shouldn't be punished for actually doing a good job and getting to end game - will it ever be removed or changed?

also any killer mains who reply to this defending NOED your comment is being overlooked I don't associate with negative vibes

TOO LATE the negative energy has entered the thread



  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @BigBrainMegMain I never run DS but it isn't bad as it prevents tunnelling which is a huge problem in the game - the only counter argument to this would lit be bad killers piping up again

    also to people saying 'do bones' I only play solo it's a lot harder than you think to clear 5 totems & do gens esp when most the time I get rough teams, or someone disconnects etc but yeah do bones and ignore everything else

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Volfawott where did I say I want to have a debate about this? I said will it be changed or removed I've not asked for peoples opinion on the perk itself. I know a lot of people agree with me, it's only the killers who can't confirm kills who don't and some of them are really outing themselves in this thread hahaha

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Volfawott you really sat and wrote an essay for this one huh, you sound really defensive you deffo slot the perk in with every killer you play. Those other perks are perfectly fine as they still give the survivor a chance, to insta down someone end game when there's barely any pallets left is a joker

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    There are many perks that are upsetting to one side or another killers hate survivor perks and survivors hate killer perks its just part of the game. In my mind most of the time if the killer can lose the game by limiting their perks to 3 for the whole game in return for cutting their losses a bit at the end its fine. It's not something that everyone enjoys but they likely will be shooting themselves in the foot just to run noed and get half the kills they could have had without it. If you dislike noed why not give up 1 of your teams 16 perk slots to use small game or detectives hunch, bring a map with totem detection abilities or just straight up check common totem spawns to deny the killer the perk they shot themselves in the foot for.

  • Doultime
    Doultime Member Posts: 82

    Bones are fwends

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    It won't get deleted, lol

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    As i know BHVR, they will remove it, but NOED isnt that bad, you cant even activate that ######### sometimes, so stop crying and go do some totems

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Ned gives the killer an opportunity to punish bad gameplay when because they're all running multiple second chance perks and have gotten too overconfident because they're accustomed to their training wheels.

    Noed is a great counter to survivors who unhook in your face at the very end because they know they have borrowed time and decisive strike, and possibly more.

    When the exit gate is open the killer has very few options and survivors become exceedingly toxic. The killers objective remains the same, but the survivors no longer have anything to do, so all pressure is lost.

    Noed replaced the pressure, and reminds them that if they had only taken a few moments to cleanse totems they wouldn't be in this predicament.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Ok in your opinion noed reward bad killer that mean you think DS, unbreakable, BT , delivrance and adrenaline (work when you are hook) should reward bad suvivor or its fine for the survivor to have those bad play rewarded because you main survivor

  • Starchild_Steven
    Starchild_Steven Member Posts: 2

    Or.. We could always cleanse the totems.

    Use small game perk or a map.

    Or ya know.. Every survivor for themselves.

    >Survivor main

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    The funny thing is, if you’re a good survivor team you will remove it if it’s there.

    The mere existence of NOED gives a reason to do totems. And lots of the games i’m in I run inner strength so I rarely see NOED.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    You're saying there are a lot of bad killers outing themselves. I just think you're a bad survivor outing yourself

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Won't be removed. At most I can see them removing the haste effect but even that I highly doubt

  • TinyMoon3
    TinyMoon3 Member Posts: 45

    I'm a survivor main, cause my wifi doesnt agree with me when I play killer. Tons of lag with a 99% chance of "get better wifi idiot" messages. I see nothing wrong with NOED. It gives a sense of urgency to us survivors once its activated if we didnt find and break the totem beforehand.

    So we either try to escape while avoiding killer, or one searches for it while everyone distracts.

    On the good days where I can play killer, I dont use NOED anyway. I still get enough lag to know I wont get everyone even if I use it.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    You said it yourself you got punish for not doing bones and you finish a gen in front of the killer in all honesty you play really well but what is an extra 14 sec to do a totem in that scenario its not much your game was already 10 minute long doing 1 more totem could have save all of you because no way the killer can stop 3 survivor opening the exit gate whitout noed or a instat down perk/addon

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    Knowing when a killer is using NOED is pretty easy to spot. They're typically really bad, easily juked, etc... Very rarely, if ever do good killers run it. So when you come across a killer like that, do totems.

  • GamerBoiHours
    GamerBoiHours Member Posts: 6

    If it's such a bad perk, then why do you wanna nerf it? Just do totems and boom, you get rid of NOED. Other Perks use the instadown mechanic and happen at end game, so why not nerf or remove those? It just sounds like you don't like it because you don't know how to counter it

  • LeroRo
    LeroRo Member Posts: 2

    The best piece of advice I could give is:

    watch how the killer plays while they chase. If they never pressure gens and are not trying to control the flow of the match then it's fairly obvious they have noed. You can tell the difference in the way people play; that comes with time played. It is unfortunate when you solo queue and get rekt because nobody does totems, but, it be like that sometimes.

    "Rush them gens boi" - NoEd (probably)

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Saw this and I have to share

    If they have issue I deserve it but this is so funny