You Have Been Chosen To Remove Three Things From The Game. What Do You Axe?

Nurses cooldown
Nurses cooldown again
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Ebony Mori
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I do believe you forgot something. Was it...Nurse's cooldown?
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I do believe it was my good sir.
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Keys, mori's and ds
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Keys moris and spirit.
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Keys, moris,
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Post nerf nurse
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play survivor button
play killer button
exit game button
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Nurse basekit rework.
Iri Head Addon.
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Object of Obsession
The Chainsaw Overheat mechanic
The Afterpiece Tonic (either give Clown a new, better, power or turn him into a Legendary skin for another Killer - ideally Nurse or Ghostface so I can see an Elephant teleport through walls or peek around corners)
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and then Spirit again
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Decisive Strike
Nurse's blink recharge mechanic
Whoever at behavior came up with half of Hillbilly's reworked addons (particularly the increased movement speed while a flashlight is shining on you addon).
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Iri Heads, Mories & Meg
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Add-ons, Offerings, and Map Variations.
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Object of Obsession.
Add ons that increase number of hatchets.
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Nurse basekit rework
Midwich (because while I love the aesthetic holy hell do I hate playing on it as both sides)
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The accounts of people that troll, dedicated servers, Nurse.
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Face Camping, Gen Rushing and Meg.
That is all.
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The Doctor, Moris, and Hillbilly or dedicated servers.
The Ruin nerf is pretty awful, too.
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1.) Huntress hitboxes.
2 & 3.) Remove the perks decisive strike and neod and just make them part of the base kits, so no one can complain about people using them ever again since everyone will be using them.
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Bye loop ( you cant remove loop whitoit removing bloodlust)
Bye nurse cooldown
Bye lery
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That first one is interesting. How are you going to remove looping? "If a survivor circles any object the entity stabs them in the foot"?
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Im not a map designer so i have no idea how. but instead of having loop and trying to waste the killer time i think the game could be more interessting if the survivor were trying to escape the killer who chase him.
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I would say:
Remove DS
Remove Noed
Remove and replace the tutorial. It doesn't teach anything about the game.
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I'm not trying to troll here, I promise. But what you described is looping.
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Remove the penalty for Killer Malicious Emblem when survivors heal. (Oh, you couldn't stop that survivor healing on the other side of the map while in a chase with another survivor? Time to lose malicious points!)
Remove the Bloodpoint Cap
Remove Iri Head Hatchets.
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Addons, Items, Offerings. I've never gotten a list faster lol.
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No, looping is running around the same area for a periodic time
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Because killers are faster than survivors so that's the only way to gain distance or break line of sight. Are we suggesting maps should just be open fields?
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Dead Hard
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Well since survivors are slower than killers, what other method would you suggest to gain distance or break line or sight?
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Dead by Daylight
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What? There's a distinct difference between a good player who can run between a lot of tiles, evade the killer, and in some cases lose them, and a person who just finds the safest pallet, runs 7 laps of it, then moves to the next one.
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Survivors losing a killer by running past a few walls says a lot more about the lack of skill of the killer and their inability to follow simple scratch marks and sound than it does about the skill of a survivor.
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- keys
- iri head
- teachables
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No mither
Nurse in her current state (bring back old nurse)
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OoO, Keys, Moris
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Running in circle around a pallet, the killer shack etc...
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!!!!!>>>>devs with stupid improvements for the game<<<<!!!!! (i Hate the new billy)
object of obsession
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Quentin's Face.
All of Nea's Torso Cosmetics besides the Accented Ananas Torso. (Pineapple is clearly the best shirt)
And finally the word "The" from the perk "Ace In The Hole".
Fixing these 3 things would greatly balance the game to a better state.
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DS, Scratchmarks, Moris
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Deathslingers PWYF nerf
Legions nerf (I miss old legion)
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Wait I'm a genius.
Remove Generators, Hooks and the Bleedout timer.
Both escape and death are now impossible.
Unless you are playing as Pyramid Head. Then death is possible.
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People would still complain that you can't facecamp cages.
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Well of course you can't. Pyramid Head doesn't even HAVE a face
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Moris, the current PTB and Self Care :)
Anything else is heavily reworkable but I wouldn't straight up remove it from the game.
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Removing self care is honestly a buff for survivors as a whole. Every blendette will just bring a med kit instead of wasting endless time self caring in the corner.
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Honestly everyone should bring a medkit. They are so good