I don’t even what to play as killer anymore



  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Been playing for a few years but came up against my first ever flashlight squad. Got DC'd twice and locker hit once. They didn't even tried to flee, they were awful at being toxic or I was just on it :)

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    How does new DS reward you for being outplayed? If you get unhooked and the killer is nearby what on earth are you meant to do?

    Sprint burst or dead hard sure, but not DS

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Same dude. I get more swfs then I do anything else. I can just about play two games before switching to survivor. Worst thing is people are still too stupid and defend the system. Nothing will change if try and justify it.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Sorry to hear you had a bad time

    Welcome to the forums the community is terrible

    Best of luck playing survivor or other games killer is a trash role

  • ADyingRose
    ADyingRose Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2020

    That's tuff lmao, gg nice going against you :) may we meet again.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    "Stop slugging and tunneling" really? I dont agree with the guys killer loadout but the entitlement is real in that comment , most good killers may not tunnel but they definitely slug, it's a very good strategy, unbreakable +ds is one of the strongest combos in the game that force the killer to leave you alone even if you're in their face trying to get tunneled, I'm ok with the perks separate but that combo is literally an example how bot survivors with no skill end up in red ranks they sure cant stay up in a chase or that combo wouldn't benefit them

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Good thing lithe is more popular than DS according to the devs.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Tbf it's pretty hard for survivors to go off-meta in this game. Don't run DS? Get tunneled, don't run BT? Killer camps. Those are 2 perks that can be rendered completely useless based on the behavior of the killer, yet they are the most complained about perks in the game. In all games people will take the path of least resistance to get good results. Killers take this path by taking their own meta perks, camping, and tunneling. Survivors take the path of least resistance by countering the easy but highly effective strategy above.

    Pot, meet kettle.

  • Psychic1337
    Psychic1337 Member Posts: 29

    I hate to be that guy, but as killer I never see decisive or unbreakable as a issue. I always go after the unhooker and there's never any issues. If someone with ds throws themselves at me to use it, then I'll just eat it and continue chasing them or do something else if it's not worth continuing. That or I'll slug them and waste their time, and if they have unbreakable, then that's now used up too. I see plenty of ds's but I rarely get hit by it because I just go after the rescuer. Red rank lobby's btw, typically get a 3k, or a 4k if they don't get hatch. No ruin, or noed.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    ds unbreakable combo is literally unavoidable after an unhook.You down them and pick them up then they ds you or you can slug them and wait it out or leave either way it plays into unbreakable and you wasting time why? because you are winning.

  • gdelgadoatw
    gdelgadoatw Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2020

    I'm sorry, i didnt know it was bad for survivors to use perks that counter smol brain tactics like tunneling, camping, and slugging.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    When I was rank 15-20 the game was putting up against an entire team of red ranks. This is nothing

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Running ruin, surveillance, and discordance together is much better. All this while forcing yourself to not tunnel too hard basically stops all gen progression. It's rare survivors complete more than 2 gens with this setup. If you have a hard time playing as killer against meta perks, just ignore the rest of the game and play to halt generator progression. They can't leave as long as gens don't get completed and with this setup they never will complete them

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    If you're running ruin you should probably run surveillance

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    I think the perks are fine for the most part, but the fact you can sit In a locked and be completely safe with DS is bullshit. The opportunity to slug should still be there, a red box shouldn't suddenly beat the killer. DS should only work when being picked up from the dying state.

    People have said to me "just wait for DS to wear off" and if anyone thinks waiting a minute in front of a locker is a legitimate way to win as killer then they are clueless about the game.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    It was his first message. He tried to bait people giving him a response and hoping he could get some juicy salty answers.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    You were outplayed at some point to be on the hook right?

    Instead of having proper mechanics to punish face-camping or hook farming they use band-aid fixes. Even worse is that DS is usually used offensively promoting bad play on the survivor's end. The killer can be DS'ed even after they have hooked someone else in the meantime which is what makes it frustrating when the whole team uses it.

    I am not the best survivor but I feel cheap using it especially knowing how lame it is for the other side, nor do I use NOED. I don't think using either makes me become a better player.

    Right now killers are really pressed for time especially with ruin gone (and most have low mobility), so they resort to tunneling because hooking survivors 12 times is most likely going to be a loss against even decent survivors. Hopefully the early game ECG fixes some of this.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    Survivors who use DS shouldn't ######### about killers using NOED. Get over yourselves and have some fun, it's only a game. }:‑)

  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    Then don't. Come be a survivor and see how fun it is to play against completely op killers. Stop complaining about the little perks us survivors do have. Thanks.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I'm sorry, why are you downing the survivor within 60 seconds of unhooking? Couldn't find the person that unhooked them or anyone else in the map when you left the hook initially?

    As a red rank PS4 survivor, I can tell you the most capable killers don't play to this style (Pyramid Head aside since he has a power that counters either perk). I typically don't run either perk because I usually get tunnelled/slugged maybe 10% of the time. The only time you see me running it is when I've had game after game of being tunnelled.

    If you opt to go for an injured survivor when you have other options, then you can't complain about the unfairness because you are literally tunneling that player and giving them no chance to earn more points.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Same response goes to you. The most capable killers I've played against in PS4 red ranks don't slug...except for the 4k, I'll give you that because a lot of people don't want to lose a survivor to the hatch if they couldn't manage to even get enough gens done.

    Also, why do you think survivors have adapted to that combo? Because they got sick of being tunnelled off the hook and/or slugged. I don't typically run either, but I will if I've had some crappy tunnel games in a row. I'd like points too.

  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93

    I imagine the developers thinking after seeing this image: I see that you have a sloppy butcher and discordance. Let's nerf it, it's very strong

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    This post gave me PTSD and I wasn't even killer in this match.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Oh, here we go again. Because the 'meta' perks on killer don't give us a second chance to kill (with exception to NOED which can be completely nulled) whereas the 'meta' perks on Survivor grant a second chance to survive.

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    Another thread of a killer complaining for the thousandth time about those 3 perks. We get it dude, they are ######### op, you don't win a single game, can we move on to something else? I don't think devs reads our threads.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I don't know why so many people dislike meta perks. I enjoy a challenge when I play killer. These guys were a 4 man SWF and I still managed to 3 hook everyone without camping or tunneling anyone. DS and BT did not affect me at all.

    Note: For some reason perks do not show up on the end game screen sometimes... Must be a bug.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Want to avoid BT? Don't be near the hook or if they hook bomb, go after the rescuer.

    Feel like you're being forced to take DS? Eat it. Survivors are a lot more scared of a fearless killer and now they have no safety net for later instead of slugging them and allowing them to keep the one thing that could save them in end game. You really shouldn't have any DS left to deal with by end game if it ever gets that far. If you do you've probably spent too much time chasing one person instead of conceding. If they want your attention, ignore them and go after the weaker links. And before anyone goes 'what if there are no weak links!!1!1', there always will be. Every team you face is not some godly, infallible, sweaty SWF.

    Slugging because you're scared of flashlight saves? Worry not, they're buffing Lightborn so no killer will ever have the ability to get blinded again. Amazing.

    And deadhard? That's laughably useless as it is. 9/10 you end up exhausted on the ground, but if you know they have it get right up on them and there's nothing they can do anyway because if they dash your swing more than makes up for that distance at this point.

    These perks are nothing worth complaining about. I like to run varied/fun builds more than anything, so I only use ds/unbreakable/headon/soul guard/etc combo's when I'm having terribly unfun campy and tunneling killers.

    God forbid you get face camped to death on first hook or tunneled and mori'd IF you get saved six times in a row so you finally bring DS, don't even get a chance to use it this game, escape, and still get messaged after the game that you're a carried R1 just because you dare use any meta perks.

    Got chewed out by a teammate that got himself killed while running all the meta perks just because I was testing out a build with technician. 'Only babies use technician.' Yet I lived because I wasn't the one taunting the killer while having 0 capability to actually loop them sooo.

    You can't win no matter what you run. 😂

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited July 2020

    Well I mean if I'm playing against a toxic team of sweat, why not be toxic in return?

    Why bother carrying lightborn, when I can just delete your items....flashlight or toolbox or map or health kit?

    Why bother carrying ruin when you can just tear the totem down?

    Thano+Dying light stacks, and stacks quickly to the point where you would need to gang gens, and it slows healing, and its a much better slow down than new ruin. Also, the obsession even while buffed can't be everywhere at once. Slug em, move on, because their team mates heal speed is debuffed.

    He wanted a build thats effective against those perks he mentioned....and I gave him exactly that, the most hated killer perks in the game. Deal with it?

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    In comparison to my uncle's match yesterday, wherein he (a rank 15) played against three rank 2 and a rank 5

    IKILLCOWS573 Member Posts: 2

    At least you were close in ranking

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Dying light is far from overrated. I usually get 7 stacks into a game snowballing and stacking on top of the thano stacks, if you're moving around and throwing survivors off of gens it compounds this effect. Corrupt is mediocre, its great for killers who need a long set up like Myers or trapper or hag, but for the rest of the roster you're better off stacking slown down perks on top of thrilling tremors. Or, you could be dock and stack Surge on top of distressing.

    Having to run to a generator to stop it wastes too much time. You should be snowballing and moving from chase to chase non stop.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Then go after the one that didn't just come off the hook....seems like the better bet...he was already injured in that video.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Not all killers can just “snowball” though and if they do it’s because the survivors made some massive misplays. There are only a few that can truly do it. Even with Dying light, Sloppy, and Thana it’s not going to slow heals enough to get the survivors to just not heal and be free one shots. It’s hard for a none stealth killer to really even profit from spending that many perk slots on just slowing heals. Even Tru3Talent the guy who vouches that Wraith and Ghostface are top tiers if you use antiheal only uses two perks and only one of them slows down heals. Sloppy. Nurses is just an information perk that’s complimented by -slightly- slower heal times.

    Dying Light is 100% overrated. Think about it. It starts the game off buffing a survivor with no downside and then slowly builds throughout the game to slow the other three. With Dying Light you have to ignore the obsession because if you kill them it deactivates and that’s a waste of a perk slot. You’re going to be chasing one of the 3 survivors it effects at any given time, meaning at most it’s only ever going to be effecting two people. It also is actively fighting against your slowdown “snowball” build as the obsession gets a 33% buff to healing speed. Thana isn’t going to be able to give it’s mediocre slowdown if the obsession is still healing faster than base speed because of Dying Light. The only killers it could be annoying on is Freddy and Legion, but there are better Legion builds out there.

    Corrupt is great. The fact that it cuts off the gens the survivors are most likely to spawn on and forcing them towards you is great for just about every killer because the early game is the only point where they have zero pressure. It’s certainly not needed, but it’s better than Dying Light and Thana.

    If you don’t like pop, the best slowdown perk in the game, then you could always run Ruin and Surveillance. The hex will usually be up for a bit and get you some really good mileage. A mix of info and gen regression.

    Thrilling is one of the best information perks in the game though. I agree with using that. Thrilling plus pop is actually a very good combo. It shows you where people are on gens so you can apply pressure and give a quick kick while you’re at it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Outplayed is subjective. With faster movement speed, bloodlust, and hit detection on the killers side anyone can get a down. The idea is that earns you one hook, but I can see to you one outplay = one sacrificed survivor 🙄

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    Can't even slug the bitches, damn, unbreakable was a mistake.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Well heres the thing right, you don't "HAVE" to kill the obsession immediately, if they're in the way and you catch them on a good loop, theres no sense in not hooking them at least 1 time. I mean if they wanna counter your dying light at that point they have to kill themselves. You're gonna get at least 3 stacks of it off before the 2nd gen pops if you know your killer. If you catch the obsession between that point sure you get less, but again as I've mentioned before, the obsession can't be everywhere at one time to utilize that healing buff, and on top of that its "ONLY" a healing buff. They still get action speed reductions on gen times and whatever else. So its not being wasted. If people wanna keep running toward the obsession to heal themselves (considering I also mentioned carrying franklins, which will dumpster their attempts to self heal without self care) (If they try to self care through those reductions thats EVEN MORE TIME, they aren't spending on a gen.) It all compounds off itself giving you more time to complete chases. And if you bring Thrilling, its basically a free BBQ at that point. You have 2-3 people injured and rambling around trying to heal, you have 1 person on a hook, you have 1 person working on a gen, you run to that gen knock them, hook them, kick the gen, and keep rolling from there. No matter how you cut it, by the time they have 2 gens left, or even 1 gen left, you've either killed 2 people by this point (not the obsession), and have 6 to 7 stacks of dying light, and 2 stacks of thano.....they aren't gonna finish that gen if you have a character that can patrol it.

    Does this build work on all killers? No. As you mention corrupt is great, but only for the first 2 minutes. Some killers can ignore those first 2 minutes and don't need that in their kit, like Doc, Freddy, Pig, and Plague...<----All of which have great built in secondary objectives to stall for time. If you're on ghostface sure, you're gonna wanna run corrupt. You don't have a huge skillcheck debuff and tracking, you don't have puzzle traps, you don't have nightmares, and you can't force people to cure a disease. But that doesn't change the fact that when you're stacking those slowdown perks (aside from sloppy) those gen times are going down....period. No matter if you buff the obsession to have 100% heal speed......doesn't matter....the gen times are going down. <---Which is the target in the first place. I personally don't recommend pop....I mean it does what it says it does sure. But, its got a cooldown, and forces you to path toward a gen instead of immediately engage on another chase. And in the pigs world (which I would hope applies to other killers) Nobody has time for that....I would rather spend my time getting more hooks, and knocking people off the ability to touch a gen in the first place, than spend time walking toward gens while you go and do a completely different one. If I'm not on top of my prey...at all times...I'm losing.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    Because in the long run does sloppy butcher kill a team? Is ruin effective if they sit on gens? If I hook two people within a minute and they get rescued and I hook the rescuer 40 seconds later they still have immunity while going for the save and if I slug them they get themselves up. The only perk survivors and myself complain about is noed and for a reason, while ds and unbreakable is possibly the strongest combination in the game.

  • Roxas01
    Roxas01 Member Posts: 1

    What would i be if i always run with self-care ds, unbreakable and empathy

  • BansheeEC
    BansheeEC Member Posts: 6

    I think the real problem is the rank reset these days. You're pipping quickly as survivor without doing much. And just get reset to rank 5 and that means most of the player are red ranks nowadays.

  • marcy_senior
    marcy_senior Member Posts: 6

    Those are the best perk for Survivor. As the use those perk you use the noed

  • Perfectsavage_13
    Perfectsavage_13 Member Posts: 23

    Ouch dude, that sucks. This is one of the reasons I'm never nice as killer. I always use meta perks and high tier killers to counter survivors like that, and not feeling any sympathy if it ruins their match. Basically in order to "gut gud" you pretty much have to be a mean killer.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Killer, while still secondary in power to survivor, has never been easier to play. Hell, I play killer now to relax since solo has become an absolute ######### nightmare. The odd game like this is no big deal imo.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Both sides can outplay on another I am not speaking for one side. I play solo Q survivor and killer - the two most frustrating roles in the game.

    Btw hit detection isn't always on the killer side - consoles are so poorly optimised that close range whiffs happen quite frequently (fps drops). Being 0.6 m/s faster takes at least 20 seconds to catch up (nearly half a gen when 2 survivors stack) after hitting a good survivor not even counting the subsequent looping (or the chase time prior to the hit) - play on Midwich against a OoO and see where faster movement gets you. Cutting off the survivor is the actual strength a killer has barring high mobility killers.

    I am not a fan of the current bloodlust mechanic either - feels unhealthy for both sides. Would be nice if the survivor could get a prompt when it procs so that they could loop/vault/drop pallet accordingly.

    No one likes to be one hooked - you are reaching by saying that is what I think. I could say you aren't offering anything about the killers side so you must be an entitled survivor main, right? [Rhetorical question]

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well with 20k+ points on each survivor it looks more like a stressful and sweaty 20+ minute game. Atleast for the average Johnny.