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Does Deathslinger ruin game experience for others?

I recently purchased Deathslinger. As of now he is my favorite killer. I don’t camp hooked survivors, however people still resort to poor sportsmanship if they lose and ultimately blame it on Deathslinger. I feel like Deathslinger ruins the game for some people. That’s the last thing I wanna do when playing as him. I wanna hear what the community thinks. Does a non-camping Deathslinger ruin your experience? I personally don’t think it does.


  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I don't think he does, I actually enjoy going against him when I'm surviving.

    The main problem people seem to have with him is he's very strong in the 1v1 matchup. If you're on point with your shots, it's difficult to outplay him. It's possible, sure, and it's why I enjoy going against him, but the best Slingers very infrequently miss shots and that can feel not great.

    Where Slinger struggles is the 1v4. He has no map presence, he has no while yes, a great Slinger can down survivors quickly, he cannot be pressuring anyone else at the same time, so if everyone else is doing gens, he has a hard time winning. Therefore I personally don't see him as a problematic character. I'd much rather face him as a survivor than some of the other ones.

    Really though if you're having fun playing him, play him. I can guarantee you no matter how you play, SOMEONE will be annoyed with you at some point. There's no real avoiding it due to the competitive nature of the game. Therefore if you're not camping and trying not to tunnel, you're already being a non-scumbag killer, and that's all anyone can even kind of reasonably ask of you.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I think he is pretty boring to go against, and to play he is perhaps the most boring one. This event I really tried to like him when using Deathslinger but no he's not doing it for me.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    I actually think he is fun to play against! I have deathslinger and all survivors have been salty to me for killing them tho...

    it depends on the survivor.

  • UnchainedPredator
    UnchainedPredator Member Posts: 28

    When you say you think he’s boring to go against, do you mean boring as in it’s too hard to avoid him, hence making the game boring? Or do you just think he’s a boring killer?

  • UnchainedPredator
    UnchainedPredator Member Posts: 28

    Yeah, even though there are very few people who play Deathslinger a majority of them are probably the ones who camp with his perk that makes him undetectable when standing still. I think survivors are salty towards Deathslingers because of that. Even if the one they played against didn’t do anything wrong. Shame.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    No I like a challange so not too hard at all, just boring to counter and somehow find him annoying. And the shooting is too loud I mean I have headphones and it's pretty high volume so I can detect everything, but have to turn it down when playing against him.

  • UnchainedPredator
    UnchainedPredator Member Posts: 28

    I haven’t played against him yet, but I’ve played as him. Idk why but every game there’s at least 1 person who disconnects. I don’t do any of the hook camping bs, but I can understand why some wouldn’t like the grappler. All personal opinion I guess.