What Killer do you like playing against the most, and the least

Personally I like playing against Myers the most, and the hag the least.
I love to play against doc and nurse. I don't like freddy.Post edited by Eveline on1
No big preferences.
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If I want to stay alive, Nurse because most players on PS4 don’t know how to play her and so you’re more likely to live.
But i guess my favorite killer to play against might be Michael. He actually scares me and it’s fun trying to outplay him.
I love PLAYING the Doctor but against is a bag of mixed feelings. I love him but also as a natural stealth player he’s the bane of my existence.
I don’t know how you play against Freddy. He always puts me to sleep.
But tbh I think Pig might take the cake only because every time I’ve played against her, she tunnels her bear trap victims. Like you can’t even play the Game, and its hard getting bp against her once she focuses you.0 -
I play on PS4 so if you see the Nurse it is a blessing because she is very hard to use on controller so I like seeing the Nurse.
I love going against Myers simply because of the chase music, other than that he can be hell going against.
My least favorite is Doctor because he is the most annoying. The shaking skill checks, everybody screaming, and his annoying laugh after every shock. Yeah...Doctor is a pain in the ass.
I also dread seeing the Pig because I hate going around and finding the boxes for the RBT.
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@pemberley said:
If I want to stay alive, Nurse because most players on PS4 don’t know how to play her and so you’re more likely to live.But i guess my favorite killer to play against might be Michael. He actually scares me and it’s fun trying to outplay him.
I love PLAYING the Doctor but against is a bag of mixed feelings. I love him but also as a natural stealth player he’s the bane of my existence.
I don’t know how you play against Freddy. He always puts me to sleep.
But tbh I think Pig might take the cake only because every time I’ve played against her, she tunnels her bear trap victims. Like you can’t even play the Game, and its hard getting bp against her once she focuses you.
Bingo on The Pig. Players always tend to tunnel the RBT victims and I never understand why.
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Leather face is my favourite to play against since his power gives me extra loops because of the slow down on the saw and hes patheticly easy to loop. Billy is a close second since his saw is rarely a concern once you got a lay of the map and learn how to deny them saw hits.
Worst killer for me is a nurse espicially in high ranks as they tend to slug and run sadisticly powerful builds hags a close second worst but thats mostly with mint rag and make your choice.0 -
My favorite Killer to play against is Pig because she’s a respectable, formidable Killer but isn’t ridiculous in the right hands. She can force mindgames with her crouch, but she can’t delete loops like the Nurse can. She’s efficient at chases when played well and her RBTs give me a better objective to do than M1 simulator.
My least favorite Killer to play against is Hillbilly because literally none of them play well but because they have permanent access to extremely high speed with no downsides whatsoever it never really matters. RURURURURURURURU
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I love going against Doctor, Pig and Spirit (in no particular order.) They each scare the piss out of me in their own unique way, even when they play badly. I never get so nervous in DbD as when I spawn and see a Jigsaw Box.
EDIT: Oh and the least. That would be Hillbilly or Leatherface. They are too easy to play against and just don't scare me like when I first started playing the game. Hillybilly always either gets crushed by me or winds up being an MLG that ######### slugs all 4 of us within the first couple minutes. Either way not fun.
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I think my favourite killer to go against is Myers, probably the most fun and legitimately scary killer out there at the moment. I've had a few "Tier 1 grabs off the generator" moments.
The one I hate currently is the Spirit, but I think that's down to how most killers are playing her at the moment (mainly tunneling, proxy camping (kinda) hooks (When you unhook she immediately phases back so you get denied a heal under hook, and worst of all the campers.
If I had to pick a killer that I genuinely hate to play against, not down to individual players, it would be the hag. She's obnoxiously strong right now and the only way to really counter her is flashlights on her traps, even then, they're hard to find unless you run small game, plus you don't even know what killer you're against until they show themselves.
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Hmm... that's tough to answer. I don't love facing anyone. But I guess I'd rather face the wraith or the nurse... I hate facing the hag and the doctor.0
@MegMain98 said:
Players always tend to tunnel the RBT victims and I never understand why.Because it's fun.
(Edit: And we know where you're going to be.)
I don't hook someone while they're trying to get an RBT off, but if I'm feeling mean (looking at you Jake, or someone who's been trying to blind me all game) then, while chasing/looking for others, I'll sometimes run past a jigsaw box and slug the guy.
Anyway, back to the original question.
I think I like playing against The Nurse most. Makes for exciting chases. Tempted to say Myers, but I find that a lot of Shape players on PS4 tend to camp too much with him. Which is "fine", I guess, but makes for boring games.
Hate playing against Freddy, Billy, and Leatherface. Of those three, would probably avoid Freddy most, if that was an option. Get a bad group and his sleep mechanic is a right ol' pain.
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I hate playing against Trapper that knows what he's doing. As trapper main, I know that if Trapper does things correctly, I can't counter him. And also I have luck to always step into random trap. Have yet to face the house of pain tho
I love playing against Shape. He's hard AF, but people for once try to break LoS and start playing cautiously. Plus can be played very differently, so there's always a twist to his power.
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I love playing against Pig. I know it sounds crazy, but I have so much fun removing them RBT-s, although I find it really bad manners when I'm attacked while at it.
I hate going against a skilled Billy or Nurse, but the worst is the Doctor. Those of you who prefer stealth to looping feel my pain, I'm sure.0 -
Most? Jumpscare Myers (followed by any Myers tbh)
Least? Doctor. I know he's not actually that stong but damn it, I will groan anytime I see that static at the start of a match -_- Give me high rank PC nurses or a facecamping LF over Doctor anyday.
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Killers I like playing against- nurse and Myers because a nurse is just fun like you don’t play loop de loop against a nurse and after having almost 2000 hours Myers still scares the hell out of me
i dislike playing against billy because in red ranks that’s all you see *yawn*0 -
I like going against the Pig because of the mindgames she can play with her crouch, and Clown because I rarely go against him so it actually messes me up because I'm not used to him.
Least favorite has to be the Doctor and Have, partly because their abilities annoy me but mostly because I only ever seem to go against one of those two when I'm not against Myers. I now bring flashlights into every game just to ruin a Hag's day.0 -
I love playing against good trappers too as much as I find it challenging sometimes.
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MM for sure. Only killer that makes me scream IRL. It's so freaky and weird just doing a gen to turn around and see MM staring at you.
Least is probably Trapper, at least a good trapper. He's just not a very fun killer to play against.
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Playing against Trapper is always fun for a Jake main. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I will break your stuff.)
As for playing against, I feel like I have loads of fun playing against anyone really. (Except Pigs, (Indiscernable Angry Muttering)).0 -
My favorite is definitely Myers, spooky boi's name is earned.
Least favorite is definitely hag. The automatic camera jerking caused by her traps is complete and total bullshit.
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@Eight said:
@MegMain98 said:
Players always tend to tunnel the RBT victims and I never understand why.Because it's fun.
(Edit: And we know where you're going to be.)
I don't hook someone while they're trying to get an RBT off, but if I'm feeling mean (looking at you Jake, or someone who's been trying to blind me all game)
Why the ######### do people hate my precious Korean thicc boi™ so much
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Michael because he is the 2nd killer than can actually spook me during games and because he is a total challenge. Is he ready for EW3? Does he have wallhack EW1 or 2? Infinite EW3? Is he gonna moonwalk me? Is that Michael or Bill at the distance? Will we ever get a topless Michael skin? So many questions so little answers.0
Good question.
Wraith has to be my current top foe. I cannot seem to get away from those massive tracking powers. I do not want to vs him.
Doctor and freddy are up there.
I supppse nurse, billy, and hag would probably be my preferred ones to vs.0 -
i like playing against all tbh...
the least i like playing against a good huntress... god i hate that xD0 -
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
@Eight said:
@MegMain98 said:
Players always tend to tunnel the RBT victims and I never understand why.Because it's fun.
(Edit: And we know where you're going to be.)
I don't hook someone while they're trying to get an RBT off, but if I'm feeling mean (looking at you Jake, or someone who's been trying to blind me all game)
Why the [BAD WORD] do people hate my precious Korean thicc boi™ so much
Maybe if he’d stop SABOTAGING my hooks and had the most annoying injured cry of any survivor he wouldn’t be as bad.
I have bad blood against Jake’s but they tend to play like potatos. It’s Claudette that I have the real beef with. She’s a wall-licker, a farmer, a flashlight saver, and a teabagger.
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@MegMain98 said:
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
@Eight said:
@MegMain98 said:
Players always tend to tunnel the RBT victims and I never understand why.Because it's fun.
(Edit: And we know where you're going to be.)
I don't hook someone while they're trying to get an RBT off, but if I'm feeling mean (looking at you Jake, or someone who's been trying to blind me all game)
Why the [BAD WORD] do people hate my precious Korean thicc boi™ so much
Maybe if he’d stop SABOTAGING my hooks and had the most annoying injured cry of any survivor he wouldn’t be as bad.
I have bad blood against Jake’s but they tend to play like potatos. It’s Claudette that I have the real beef with. She’s a wall-licker, a farmer, a flashlight saver, and a teabagger.
This propaganda about Jake's injured sound being annoying is so irritating lol
Like I didn't realize that "annoying" was another word for "actually sounding like he's in pain from a giant ass cleaver machete mangling his body"
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Most: Pig/Hag, since they're my mains. Fun to play around them, since neither is capable of a one-hit down, but also have cool mechanics to play around.
Least: Hillbilly - Almost every game ends in 5 generators left against any Hillbilly with a full T3 loadout. Most won't even M1, since they can spam insta-downs from the beginning and cross the map faster than any killer's best addon combo by far. Fastest chainsaw down I've see was 7 seconds from gaining control my survivor because he can turn on a dime baseline.
Doctor - I usually just leave if someone else does. Literally no one likes playing against him to the point 1-2 people leave almost every game after the first scream. I don't blame them. It's just a long, drawn out loss if all four survivors aren't experts at playing against them, and honestly, most just burn The Game at this point, so there's no reason to stick it out.
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@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Why the [BAD WORD] do people hate my precious Korean thicc boi™ so muchBecause seemingly none of you can pull off a hook rescue without ending the game of the victim (your victim, not the killers). Jakes are the leading cause of death when I play survivor.
And y'all are getting a trap on ya head, in retaliation.
In fact, there should be a perk where all Jakes start the match with the trap on their head - just to save me the effort of tunneling and hunting you down.
Edit: Because "retalition" isn't a word. Hey, it was early and I've not had a coffee yet.
Post edited by Eight on0 -
Any good stealth killer I love to go against because they keep you on your toes.
As for worst I'd honestly have to say Leatherface because 99% of the ones I run into are face campers that do nothing else. I can now finally start counting on two hands the amount of Leatherface players I've gone against that didn't get multiple kills due to camping, which kinda shows that if people would be willing to put in the god damn effort they'd be decent with him, but nope gotta camp. And tunnel. And one hook mori.0 -
@Eight said:
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Why the [BAD WORD] do people hate my precious Korean thicc boi™ so muchBecause seemingly none of you can pull off a hook rescue without ending the game of the victim (your victim, not the killers). Jakes are the leading cause of death when I play survivor.
And y'all are getting a trap on ya head, in retaliation.
In fact, there should be a perk where all Jakes start the match with the trap on their head - just to save me the effort of tunneling and hunting you down.
Edit: Because "retalition" isn't a word. Hey, it was early and I've not had a coffee yet.
I’m the best unhook guy I know but alright keep spreading your lies about my thicc Korean daddy
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@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
I’m the best unhook guy I know but alright keep spreading your lies about my thicc Korean daddyHahahahaha.
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@Eight said:
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
I’m the best unhook guy I know but alright keep spreading your lies about my thicc Korean daddyHahahahaha.
I had a Pig pfp up until yesterday
I feel a sudden urge to commit camped by insidious leatherface
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Pig players are notorious for their good natures, strong senses of morals, and dedication to fair, enjoyable play for everyone in the match.
Everyone cheers when they find out they're against a Pig, and then they come onto this forum to rejoice publically.
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I personally like freddy because of the sense of paranoia that their is when you play with him you never know where he is until it is too late
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@Eight said:
@No_Mither_No_ProblemPig players are notorious for their good natures, strong senses of morals, and dedication to fair, enjoyable play for everyone in the match.
Everyone cheers when they find out they're against a Pig, and then they come onto this forum to rejoice publically.
Pigs are also the only Killers capable of physically teabagging the Jake they tunneled for playing Jake
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@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Pigs are also the only Killers capable of physically teabagging the Jake they tunneled for playing JakeI like to ruffle their hair while they're lying on the ground, waiting for the inevitable.
Not so much a "There, there sweetie, it'll be soon be over."... More of a "I know it's unfair; you're being punished for the actions of your brother Jakes. But I'm really looking forward to this trap going off so try to make a bit of a show of it. You know, wiggle a bit etc."
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Eight said:
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Pigs are also the only Killers capable of physically teabagging the Jake they tunneled for playing JakeI like to ruffle their hair while they're lying on the ground, waiting for the inevitable.
Not so much a "There, there sweetie, it'll be soon be over."... More of a "I know it's unfair; you're being punished for the actions of your brother Jakes. But I'm really looking forward to this trap going off so try to make a bit of a show of it. You know, wiggle a bit etc."
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I main Hag, and I enjoy both playing as and against her. I know her weaknesses, so I love urban evasion-ing around with a flashlight and destroying the ruin totems of a fellow Hag ;P.
I hate playing against the Hillbilly. At least the nurse's blinks give me the (often false) illusion that I could maybe get away or juke them. On Hillbilly it's just VRRRRRRRRRRROOOOM dead.
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I actually really like playing against most high tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly. The Spirit, Myers, and Pig really spice things up gameplay wise, and always keep me on my toes. My least favorite to play against would be Trapper and Hag just because I hate jumpscares and their traps are ridiculously loud. Also, is it just me or do Wraiths and Leatherfaces have awful attitudes? The ones I play against always have something negative to say in the end game chat.
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@Beverly said:
My least favorite to play against would be Trapper and HagHmm.. actually, Trapper is a good shout. Not because he's scary, just because there's nothing more heartbreaking than performing a death-defying escape and then casually wandering into a trap while you're admiring yourself.
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Eight said:
Pig players are notorious for their good natures, strong senses of morals, and dedication to fair, enjoyable play for everyone in the match.
Everyone cheers when they find out they're against a Pig, and then they come onto this forum to rejoice publically.
One of my fondest game memories was saving a Claudette from a particularly mean Pig. They had trapped her and stuck her on the hook and crouched nearby. I had BT. I gave my life to save that Claudette and I would love to do it again, every, single, day.
"#Pigsareanimals #Cake"1 -
@Peasant said:
One of my fondest game memories was saving a Claudette from a particularly mean Pig. They had trapped her and stuck her on the hook and crouched nearby. I had BT. I gave my life to save that Claudette and I would love to do it again, every, single, day.Awww. That's sweet.
Well... here's my fondest memory. I watch this every night before I go to bed.
(Just can't figure out how to embed it. Guessing this forum doesn't support Streamable?)
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@Eight said:
@Peasant said:
One of my fondest game memories was saving a Claudette from a particularly mean Pig. They had trapped her and stuck her on the hook and crouched nearby. I had BT. I gave my life to save that Claudette and I would love to do it again, every, single, day.Awww. That's sweet.
Well... here's my fondest memory. I watch this every night before I go to bed.
(Just can't figure out how to embed it. Guessing this forum doesn't support Streamable?)
Amanda mains are a lot like Amanda herself.
They want to play a sadistic game that only they can win.
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I think out of all killers, Myers probably gives me the best rounds. You never know where he will come from, you gotta be on your toes constantly. You also never know when he unpacks that murderous EW3.
I absolutely despise facing Leatherface whenever playing Survivor. If I play Survivor, it's with some friends of mine who are fairly new to the game. I'm not a great survivor myself, so I cannot carry them or anything. LF seem very prone to camping and playing overly scummy. Maybe 5% of all the LF I played against were actually good and played the game without facecamping someone to death.
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@Beverly said:
I actually really like playing against most high tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly. The Spirit, Myers, and Pig really spice things up gameplay wise, and always keep me on my toes. My least favorite to play against would be Trapper and Hag just because I hate jumpscares and their traps are ridiculously loud. Also, is it just me or do Wraiths and Leatherfaces have awful attitudes? The ones I play against always have something negative to say in the end game chat.A lot of Wraith and Leatherface players play like FOREHEADS. Insidious is their best friend and the only way they can get a kill. I dunno, they’re just my least favorites to go against because the players typically have bad attitudes due to their poor gameplay....
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3) Cannibal - Show me a cannibal who doesn't camp and tunnel and I'll show you a monkey who can fly.
2) Wraith - How to play Wraith
- Hook survivor
- Go invisible
- Wait right next to the survivor for an unhook so you can tunnel
- repeat
Or if they're feeling really bold, they might camp the hook and try to take out whoever comes for the rescue.
1) Pig
How to play Pig
Hook survivor
Use stealth to get rid of terror radius
Tunnel the hell out of unhooked survivor
RepeatAlso make sure to spend your entire game stalking the jigsaw boxes to tunnel survivors rather than you know....going for the survivors who are actually doing generators. Genius.
Yeah you can see a common theme among the killers I dislike. It's not the killers it's just that a lot of people can't think of or are too lazy to use their power in an interesting way other than to camp and tunnel.
Honorable mention goes to trapper, who walks in a circle of approx 30m around every hooked survivor just waiting to tunnel.
Nurse and Myers. They're the only ones who don't spend the entire game going for the strategy of camp & tunnel. I hate Freddy but at least they never seem to C&T either.
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@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
Amanda mains are a lot like Amanda herself.
They want to play a sadistic game that only they can win.I can definitely see why people say that. I'm usually nice (honest) and have run into one or two fun Piggies when I play survivor, but there is something about Amanda's mechanics that makes you a little cruel.
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I love fighting Doctor, Nurse, Billy Boi, Spirit, Wraith, Hag and The Shape
I really don’t enjoy playing against Freddy and I know that he is really bad but I just think he isn’t fun to play against
BTW this is coming from a Rank 1 Killer Main0 -
I love being against hag as her lung is complete TRASH, I hate myers/pig because I'm to scared to do gens cuz they come out of nowhere
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Favorite(s): Leatherface + Hillbilly for immersion
Least favorite: The Spirit0