wow BHVR, that's it?



  • ChozoChorizo
    ChozoChorizo Member Posts: 18

    Don' know what the agitating title is all about, maybe it's just that I'm new here, but It really doesn't look like it's helping the case you're trying to make in this post. You seem to be going off personal opinions that you're applying to "probably the majority of Billy players", which is not productive and makes you come off as biased.

    Yeah, there were a lot of complaints about Billy, but you can't just expect BHVR to change everything that was complained about. There is more than just the killer player base to cater to, I'm sure you are aware, and making such an ignorant claim about the fact that every complaint about Billy was valid or didn't conflict with what other players thought were a problem with him is quite frankly, close-minded.

    I also feel like you think you're in the majority when you say that these tweaks aren't enough to keep Billy players playing Billy, when honestly I think these changes put Billy in a "better" spot, as in he's more agreeable for both teams now. When I say this, I mostly mean a decent group of survivors who really do think Billy can be too strong. I think I can safely say that most killer mains thought Billy was a consistently powerful and, more importantly, a fun killer. That's what these changes are aimed at, in any case: Making Billy less restrictive and more fun, while still bringing back his snowball and add-on potential so that he's less amazing at everything, something old PTB Billy was struggling with getting a good balance of. I assure you, as a Billy main, these PTB changes actually make him more appealing to me. Managing an overheat is an interesting concept which I think they've made reasonable now and even if his add-ons are really different and consistently "worse" you neglect the fact that numbers can change to make these add-ons better. Sure, they may not ever be what they were before, but just because they're weaker now doesn't mean they're terrible changes that will ruin the game.

    I also flat out disagree with the notion that Billy without add-ons is too weak in live, I think he is still great without add-ons and with them, he can be a bit overclocked. That being said, don't think for a second that I'll miss some of his add-ons, I enjoyed playing with Insta-saw but I can safely say that they are a bit too strong. It kind of takes the timing and positioning strategy out of using the saw, in my eyes. Having those add-ons removed is fine by me, sure it was fun while it lasted but acting like it wasn't crazy good and kind of sucky to play against isn't being productive either. Now that this overhaul to his add-ons is coming, though, I'm gonna be honest in saying I think these add-on changes are healthy for his overall diversity in gameplay. When once before there were maybe 4 meaningful alterable statistics, there are now far more unique things you can do by altering your add-on builds. It's not like the add-ons can change statistically either, when you assumed early on before the developer response that they weren't touching add-ons, it just drove home how you were entirely expecting nothing to change with Billy, only to have a dev response imply the contrary and to have you respond to that with a shift to blame. Instead of it being your mistake for assuming the add-ons were not being looked at, it was the dev's mistake for not telling you that they were considering it. Just swallow your pride, honestly. This makes you look petty and childish.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    No reason? Tell that to players who come to DBD to main the Hillbilly. It's been nerfed.

    You really lack empathy. Just because you done main Billy down mean that characters you like to use won't have their basekit hobbled and add-ons downgraded.

    Whose side are you on? The consumers' or not?

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2020

    Ngl i would love to have throwing knife leigon

    Also. Oh?

  • xl0ud
    xl0ud Member Posts: 17

    that isn't really ungrateful if everyone is saying they dont like the new Billy i mean all the billy mains are quitting dbd like me ima jus be a killer main lmao never playing survivor after i seen the new leatherface add ons bruh

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618
  • MrGimmsYouTube
    MrGimmsYouTube Member Posts: 47

    Thank you so much for making these changes on what I think was a blunder of a idea. I think he did need slight changes, definitely. But not a complete overhaul. Let's all be THANKFUL of these changes, rather then be toxic. Can't wait to stream this when it comes out much love!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Yeah sure insta down and map mobility with no limits sure is weak.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited July 2020

    You're being disingenuous, people were against the base nurse nerf which draws parallels with most people saying at base they were balanced obviously billy more than that and it went through, you seem to be someone who likes to stir the pot and play what used to be one of my favorite games when it comes to being on internet forums, you'll get a big reactions out of alot of people hear i'm sure.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Seriously? They decided to make changes because of feedback from you guys and you're still complaining? LOL

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    The problem is that the feedback mostly consisted of "remove the changes".

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited July 2020

    Your way of thinking is probably worse than the complainers because if nobody complained the game would have died along time ago because the devs wouldn't have any feedback on what is bad or not fun in there live video game. Nobody should just shut up and consume, it's a product at the end of the day.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I think most of us knew that the changes were not going to get removed. I think the devs are trying to please both sides.

  • DreamSmasher23
    DreamSmasher23 Member Posts: 12


    What game r u playing? killer mains wrapped around their finger lol seems to be quite the opposite.

  • SlingerKing
    SlingerKing Member Posts: 65

    You could always just delay the hillbilly portion of the update.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    The devs should develop their own game. Community ruins everything.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If it wasn't so ridiculous it would be funny. They listen to the feedback and make changes to make him feel better to play and people still are ranting. I didn't agree with the Billy nerf. Quite the opposite. But I am encouraged to see they listened to the feedback. And have other tweaks in the works if they prove necessary.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    "Killer main" oh please stop with that Bs even survivor's were questioning the devs on that billy nerf.the only people who were happy that Billy was getting nerfed was people like you who are extremely survivor sided. Look everywhere on the internet that mentions end and this ptb Reddit/Forums/discord/twitter etc no one was happy with PTB Billy.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    So we get a bandaid for a broken bone. Addons are still crap. Engraving addons are severly nerfed, charge addon is a joke, lopro chains is a joke and do I even need to mention Mother's helpers? Hillbilly will still be able to get kills but will he be fun to play anymore? I guess Bubba has finally gotten his chance to stand above his chainsaw brother...

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    It would be smarter to be thankful for what you get, instead of what you didn't. If everyone was always so rude about the things they didn't get or in this case weren't sure if they got, I wouldn't listen if I were the devs. In fact, I wouldn't blame them if they stopped listening to criticisms at all. Thankfully, only a small part of the community complains about what they do get, and thankfully, the devs care about the game and community. Sadly, no matter what they do, someone will not be happy, but that's to be expected in a competitive game, but what sucks is when they do something someone wants, and they still get backlash from that person or group.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Ummm you realize that for one, not all Killer mains are like the OP right. That's like saying all children are overly entitled little pieces of ######### that whine and cause a scene when they don't get what they want

    For two, have you read any of new Billy addons. They are absolutely garbage.

    For three, you should be thankful that the devs are doing it the way they are. The game is heavily survivor sided, so they could choose to increase gen time drastically to make weaker killers stand a chance, or they could remove most loops on the map for the same outcome, where the stronger killers would almost always wreck all the survivors, but no, instead they are buffing the weaker killers, and nerfing the better ones so that all the killers are around the same balanced point to verse survivors.

    The game still plays the same for survivor so why are you complaining. You don't have longer gen times, or less loops, so stop whining about quality of life changes to the killers to make them playable and able to stand a chance

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited July 2020

    Get over it. Nurse got her nerf to make her require actual skill and knowledge of how she works. Now Billy will too. All the freedom Billy has had for years of running across the map getting up onto a survivor and downing them almost for free with chainsaw with no repercussions for over use or spam of chainsaw. It was bound to happen. Kind of funny though had a friend say survivors need a buff and Billy needed a nerf. ( He's not that good and is aware, but we got stomped by a billy) told him if anything Billy would get nerfed is he'd get a cool down on chainsaw. Seeing it happen now is beautiful honestly. Didn't expect the leather face buffs and rework.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    God damn it, I knew he was going to get himself banned.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Where exactly was the line that he crossed into ban territory?

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    to all the people just saying to be grateful they listened at all, you seem to be forgetting that no one asked for these changes. Insta down billy was complained about by newer players, but no one at any rank higher than yellow ever once thought this was an issue. Positioning could counter Billy outright, but billy always had the potential to zone out survs and restart the snowball. He was one of the, if not the only, high tier killer who was balanced and enjoyed by both sides. There was no reason to change him, and until they remove this pointless overheat mechanic, I will not be satisfied. If someone punches you in the stomach you don't thank them for choosing not to punch you in the face. It didn't need to happen and it crippled the most balanced killer on the team

  • Anoukori
    Anoukori Member Posts: 3

    I really don't understand what the problem is. I'm really the last person that would claim the game to be "perfect", but I'll defend the defs until the end.

    They don't owe you ANYTHING. Yes you bought the game, congrats and now?

    Of course, it's nice when developers listen to the community, but they don't have to. In fact, it's their game and their source of income and they can do whatever they want with it and just because they don't do what you want, because you think you know so much more about game design than the professionals doesn't equal 'indifference'.

    Additionally, they did listen. In fact, they only changed Billy and Bubba for the sake of the community, since everybody still is crying over killers camping.

    But what can you do? No matter how they do it, they do it wrong for some people. I for one am happy that they still have the nerve to add things to DBD, because I love the game (as many of us do here) and that is what should bring us all together.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    can't bad talk the devs without a ban, completely understandable. Remember to be civil and polite in criticism or it won't even be acceptable

    Same three posters I see on every single thread acting like every killer needs every nerf in the world because they've never lived a single match before lol. Don't reply to them guys it only feeds what has to be trolling at this point.

    For everyone else discussing entitlement

    Its tough with live service games like this where you buy a product and it changes its new concepts to alot of people imagine if your pizza was taken away mid meal and they came back with pineapple on it. Everyone should give honest tbh feedback if they want positive change

    and everyone has the justification to push back against something like this that completely ruins a character they prolly had to invest months grinding into if not spending money on skins.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    To can tell whose been here for a while or at least whose been paying attention.

    Anyone remember when they pulled a ptb bait and switch with Freddy? Made him seem really amazing in the ptb, released him needed to #########, then took forever to build him back up?

    Hillbilly will still be worse off, but I guess we'll just see how bad it is soon enough

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Yea, that's a horrible, horrible mechanic that shouldn't have been in in the first place.... So they get rid of something obviously stupid and get praised.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Not only that, it shows bhvr is regressing in creativity this year. They had a great start to 2020 with the gun and the sweep of perk updates and QoL fixes.

    Now they're just doing what they did last year, shitting out tons of cosmetics and making haphazard changes based almost solely on community input.

    I don't want to play a game developed by fans that don't really know how to play. I'm starting to think the devs will do whatever it takes to avoid hiring dedicated playtesters, even at the cost of their player base.

    This product clearly indicates to any gamer that they simply do not have a person whose sole and singular job is to play test. Either that, or the devs are simply refuse to work on broken ######### in this game, opting for cheap and laborless fixes that create different issues.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    By change i think people meant scrap the idea all together and come up with something else that isn't bad.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited July 2020

    Or is this where they really wanted billy to be and released a purposely over nerfed version to make it look like they are listening and hopefully quell the rage.

    other games do this all the time with in game loot shops and loot boxes. Release a skin way over priced and then "listen" to their community and list it at the actual price they wanted.

  • ES3TH
    ES3TH Member Posts: 1

    I still don't understand why did they touch the Hillbilly in the first place. Nobody was complaining about him. He was arguably the most balanced killer in the game except for the so-called "instasaw" addon combo which could've been toned down a bit and that would've been it. Why nerf him so heavily when nobody asked for it? Not even survivor mains were complaining because besides him being fun to play as, he was also fun to play against. I play both sides equally as much and I whenever I play survivor I prefer to play against Hillbilly the most out of every other killer. He's relatively easy to tackle and most of the time while in a chase I never felt that he's heavily overpowered and that I have a massive disadvantage as a survivor against him. The only people I'd imagine who were complaining are the low rank beginner survivors who couldn't grasp the idea of going down immediately in one hit because they are not able to look behind and dodge the chainsaw. Since they altered Nurse's power there are like 5 times less Nurse encounters because of the unnecessary cooldown and charges system they implemented which everyone hates and which also made her way more addon dependent while more than half of her addons are useless now, and all that besides her barely being playable on the dedicated servers. Nurse used to be one of the killers I was playing the most, 90% of the time without any addons, but now I don't have any appeal to play her anymore after spending hundreds of hours on her.

    There are so many other issues to address in this game and out of everything the devs chose to do something nobody asked for? In this case I only have one question: who are these changes meant for in the end?

    P.S. Kinda feels bad that my very first post on the forums was a rant but I couldn't stay quiet this time.

  • Hex1099
    Hex1099 Member Posts: 1

    Ah yes weak, we have totally been saying that, a 1 hit killer, they redesigned him for long saws clearly as he was intended for, why would they give him an m1 if everyone is going to m2

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    If that's what you want to believe, then sure. But you have no way of knowing that for sure and it's most likely just a conspiracy.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Can' you simply remove the hillbilly rework from the update completely? Or at the very least postpone the update? There's a strong feeling that once it's live it will go forgotten about or continuously put off.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    Just reading through the changes, you're full of #########.

    A blanket 20% decrease in heat generated while charging. A blanket 33% increase in heat dissipation when not overheated. A 100% decrease on heat gained when reving down (in fact, more when you consider it goes from adding heat to removing it). Heat dissipation during post-sprint animations. This is a clear and intentional move to make heat less harmful, and your claim that these are minor or insignificant changes is stupid at best, and malicious at worst.

  • SlasherBait
    SlasherBait Member Posts: 9

    Maybe if both killers and survivors would stop whining and play the game as is the devs could focus more on developing awesome new content and less on pacifying a bunch of cry babies who expect to win a game with no real skill. BHVR can't win with most these people because you can't give everyone everything they want and these people want everything their way. Play the game or don't play the game, but stop whining and expecting these people to tailor their game to your specific needs or wants. BHVR trying to appease the whiners has directly contributed to quite alot of the issues the game has now.

  • xP3nnyWize
    xP3nnyWize Member Posts: 282

    I was a billy main at one point. I understand in some ways. But the way he has his post is just a little too much. And the majority can agree. Just be grateful the devs are changing him in general.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Which perks? And how does this prove that this game is so survivor sided when considering all the buffs to killers that i mentioned in my post?