A discussion about Pig or why Amanda is the worst Killer to play against and needs to be nerfed

Hi everyone on the forums, I am here to bring you an analysis on the most idiotic Killer in this game: Pig.

Pig has every tool she needs to make the Survivors' experiences miserable without any drawback whatsoever. She is so oppressive that even after all those nerfs Pig mains have whined about she still had a 70% (!!!) Kill rate in Red Ranks ( https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/106566/ ).

Pig has little to no counterplay in the hands of the Survivors, she has to make the mistakes, Survivors are merely spectators of a slaughter. Here's my suggestion on how to change every single problem she has currently.

Reverse Bear Traps (RBTs):

The Reverse Bear Trap is the most RNG-heavy disgusting thing in this game at the moment. All she needs is to down you, press M2 and that's it. You are now constantly zoned and threatened without any other input from the Killer side.

RBTs could kill you on the spot, they allow the Killer to PATROL BOXES in order to gain an unfair psychological advantage on the victim, they are completely random so you don't even know where to go but the most annoying thing is that they PUNISH Survivors for doing their objective.


RBTs now activate when the Survivor wearing them cleanses a Totem. That way Pig is now stronger on Hex builds and Survivors can play their objective.

RBTs are always disabled by the farest boxes from the Survivors, like Freddy's clocks. That way they will not be such RNG idiocy.

RBTs timer changed to 360s. This way they will be a true delay mechanic and not a random kill thing that completely ruins the game for the Survivor.


Pig's crouching ability is easily the best stealth mechanic in the game currently. It's a mindgame tool, it's a dash, it's a counter to Borrowed Time, a must have perk nowadays.

Amanda has so many different options with this mechanic that there's no way for the Survivor to play around them all, negating counterplay.

First off, the biggest offender: when crouched, Pig looks like a Survivor. The lack of red stain, the size, the speed alter the way you, as a Survivor, are supposed to look at the game.

Secondly, since the Terror Radius closes on Pig and does NOT disappear instantly, she can use it to make someone think she left, the feeling is entirely different and there's no way for a Survivor to grasp what's going on with precision.

Last but not least, the dash. This is so unfair, how is she allowed to move at 6.9 m/s for 2.5s? How is a Survivor supposed to dodge that? Where is the counterplay? The only way out is to hope the Pig messes up, not reaching you because she miscalculated distances.

Side note on how the Undetectable aspect allows her to proxy camp better than any Killer bar Deathslinger, the second best Stealth Killer in the game.


Crouching now takes 2s (up from 1.3s). This minor change will make sense with the next ones.

When crouched she is not Undetectable but she has a small 18m Terror Radius and the red stain. This give Survivors counterplay with Borrowed Time and Pig can no longer disguise as a Survivor.

During the dash she now moves at 4.8 m/s for 2s. This way there will be counterplay to it.


Most of her Add-Ons are nuts and make her even more insufferable from the other side point of view.

Combat Straps is the most oppressive one, allowing her to crouch way faster and permitting an even quicker Dash, especially combined with the next add-on I'm about to talk about.

Video Tape does a little bit too much on an already good aspect of the Killer and needs to be addressed. Change it so it does something else, something completely different.

Face Mask counters all aura reading Perks and items, a bit too much for a single add-on, no counterplay, no way to play around it, just suck it up and play without your stuff untill you remove the RBT, extremely oppressive.

Slow-Release Toxin has a similar problem but Exhaustion is so much more than Blindness, every Exhaustion add-on is broken but this one is total insanity, Exhaustion for around one minute after getting unhooked? You are supposed to recover from Exhaustion when hooked, this add-on doesn't make any sense at all.

Tampered timer is basically a free mori in disguise, obviously broken, I don't need to talk about it, Scorpionz proved it for me.

And that's it. That concludes my analysis. I hope you liked it :)

I would also like the roar to be changed to the Metro Golden Mayer one so that even new player can recognize it and know what's up ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrLyllumxts ).



  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346


  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's not even that. Pig's counterplay is far more obvious than most other killers, with every other killer having a better (although highly specialised) ability for stealth.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited July 2020

    I could agree that Jigsaw boxes and Reverse Bear Traps need some fine tuning but the rest of her kit is fine. I do believe with how Pig and her perks are designed she encourages tunneling similar to how Leatherface encouraged hardcore camping but that's about it. She could use a rework aimed at buffing her in all honesty. The only nerf I'd give her is removing her ability to see jigsaw boxes and that's about it. However I'd remove the addons that increase her RBT and look towards letting her recycle helmets that are taken off. But again that's just me. I do not agree with anything else you said however especially crouch. Do you not remember Ghostface when he initially hit the PTB? What you suggested would be worse than that.

    tl;dr - Remove aura of jigsaw boxes for killer / Let Amanda see a Reverse Bear Trap on the ground after it is taken off so she can reset the timer and put it back on a survivor. Rework some of her addons.

    Buff her in other ways? Definitely doesn't need heavy nerfs. Just fine tuning.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Not a bad idea...

    Here's mine... instead of searching for one key, survivors now search for pieces of the key

    Small pieces, medium pieces, and of course whole keys

    Change an addon or two to change the size and amount of pieces in each box (each box still can only be searched once per survivor)... I think this would make Amanda play differently without making her "too strong"

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Quite honestly I don't know how you remove the RNG aspect of her unless you just put Jigsaw boxes for survivor on a timer that randomly rotated and reworked some addons to change the frequency of how often the Jigsaw box rotates to where the key is available. Arguably this is still RNG but it gives survivors more of a sense of direction instead of hopelessly looking for a key.

    I like your idea but I feel that adding parts to an item is not something BHVR would want to do and they'd likely opt towards just search X amount of boxes.

    The only way I see you removing the RNG aspect of The Pig's kit is adding more various traps and minigames for her that were more consistent throughout the whole game. Maybe survivors have other traps they have to deal with that hinder them? Maybe they start with an RBT on? The Pig is a lot of wasted potential tbh considering the movie.

    To tl;dr and clarify on the timer suggestion - A survivor will only see one aura for a jigsaw box and it has their key. After about 40 seconds the aura will turn off and another jigsaw box will light up. This will be the new box they have to go to. The Pig can use addons to speed up the frequency at which each jigsaw box unlocks per survivor. Ideally the aura will always be the farthest one but again just an idea.

    I want Pig to be good but her power is too map dependent where RNG can either screw her over or the survivors. RBT's need to be less important and she should get a revamp on her entire kit in my opinion. Essentially give her a new power.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Lol sounds legit.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    Imagine thinking that Pig needed a nerf. She needs a buff. She should move faster when crouched, her ambush attack should be silent and survivors shouldn’t be able to see jigsaw boxes until their RBT is active. She can slowdown games and get some good momentum going but that’s all reliant on you being able to down survivors fast. Her map pressure is virtually non-existent and she has nothing to help her during chases. I suggest maybe playing as her for yourself so you can see. As it’s so easy to sit in that survivor driving seat and say what is and isn’t OP, but it’s completely different when you’re the one in control of the killer.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    its really hard to tell... when I first read this it sounded like billy nerf upset.

    But its so well done people accually responded like your serious. And joking or not you might have just convinced the devs to nerf her

    I mean with the same logic they used to gutt billy to unusable they could use it just as you have for clown.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Are you also going to propose similar changes for Wraith? Considering he can also render BT useless? I’ve even seen him down somebody before. So he’s definitely in need of a nerf. A killer shouldn’t be able to down a survivor. How is that fun for the poor survivor? It just ruins the game.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    Even before she was nerfed into the ground she was low tier... She is arguably the second weakest killer, just above clown. Her issue is she has NOTHING going for her. She has nothing to end a chase. You can dash if they try to hold you at a loop but thats about it, as long as they keep cycling tiles shes far too slow to catch up. The bear traps themselves can be countered by 99ing gens. You do a bit of progress on multiple, and you try to coordinate your pops so more than one is always going off at the same time, minimizing the opportunities for activation. She can't patrol gens and boxes, if she wants to be an idiot and camp boxes just do gens, easy solution. No one out of white or Yellow ranks are feeling "psychological fear". You sound like someone who just picked up the game, which is fine, but learn the game before you start complaining about the lowest tier killers online

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    2/20 for the effort <3

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2020

    The sad part is, that she will sooner or later be nerfed. A reason doesn't matter - just that some people have long enough complain about her is enough, I guess :|.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    If you think Pig is too strong then you seriously need to practice your surviving skills. Sounds like low rank games were you met lots of "tunneling" Pigs.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I appreciate the effort you put into replying at the very least.

    But I'm pretty sure this is just a revised list from the billy changes but with pig instead

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    May I ask what he does differently than other players?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I gave me a good laugh, especially with the last bit, thanks.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    When you have so much time in your hands, you write a whole giant thread as bait. Bravo

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I know, but it's still infuriating. It's also the reply that I'd wish more people show each other, rather than the usual myriad of "lol just git gud" and all of those usual ones.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    especially when it comes to Pig...

    Seems to me that she's being overlooked (just saying)

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    This is bait

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    This is bait.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Im sorry but have you gone against many pigs bc their very easy to counter play the dash doesn't do crap if you mond game and the rng of rbt is very survivor based about a 2 and a half minute timer 5 boxes amd you search them fast. Also she doesnt look like a survivor whole crouching bc who in their right mind goes hey when did they give survivors a pig head like what. And since shes easy to spot to taking away her stealth when crouching is like saying wraith is to hard to spot he needs a terror radius while cloaked so I disagree with all of this and I play pig a lot and play against pigs a lot so

  • Halun
    Halun Member Posts: 177

    You were trying to write a satirical post, but you made it too believable, despite the metro-goldwyn-meyer lion roar and all.

    People write some sus af suggestions for this game on these forums lol.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Lmfao, in another thread calling for PH nerfs I was being facetious and used Pig as an example of who survivors would want nerfed next. The trend is becoming too predictable.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Well it started a "real" discussion on the topic of what we all thought of Amanda (Pig).... So Good Job 😄