Gens to be increased to 120s from 80s (be honest please)

Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

Gens to be increased to 120s from 80s (be honest please) 195 votes

MandySnakeSound222White_Owlfcc2014AdelooSeiko300OnryosTapeRentalsIhatelifeShrimpTwiggsLethalPugyJoelux1VolantConch1719ScourgeTapeKnotOkkonerAllu12finarslaNDimekfeechimaCancan71 146 votes
Techn0GHERBEARRULESF60_31InnCognitoSN1P3R5G3TH3ADsmappdoodaxEaWalker_of_the_fog_96MrPenguinSpiceyRiceRin_is_my_waifuPurgatorianwannabeukGlamourousLeviathantenoresaxleyzymanHero_awesomeDarkHunter99DabihwowZackaryFreeman 49 votes


  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    120s would definitely help any amount of time would

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    But isin't that all surivors do at the beging of the game hold m1 i say 120 depending on what this new start game mechanic is if its simmlar to clensing a totem its not going to be good

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    It may be good though like if you have to find a switch to unlock the gen and the killer and deactivate it. So you have to re activate it to continue progress

  • Kirby
    Kirby Member Posts: 26

    oops can i take my vote back lol

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Gens can already be made longer than 120 seconds with the right perks and killer.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    OP af. Increasing the gen time isn't the play and you're able to kill with any killer and remember that this game is supposed to let 1 or 2 survivors escape. Making it 120 seconds would break this. There are so many slowdown perks and running them together makes even simple killer very strong. So big no on that doc

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    Mayhaps the best option is there's a "Repair Deffenciency" at the start of the trail, where until the killer gets into a chase and hits a survivor, the total time it would take to repair a generator would total out to be 120 seconds. afterwords a survivor getting hit would remove this debuff and the generator would resume normal repair speeds.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    You're asking for gen time to become Forever Freddy by default. If you did that, then camping to death the first down would mathematically guarantee a 3k at minimum.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    So you want to make it even easier as killer to win? Right now I'm finding it pretty easy as killer so I don't get what your thinking by increasing the gen times by that much.

    Genuinely don't understand people who want gen times increased.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited June 2020

    Change the maps, not gen times.

  • ToppingPanic
    ToppingPanic Member Posts: 77

    27 to 7.. that's a whole lot of good honesty.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I have no idea what "8ps0" means, but it's clearly the option for people who are saying "no" to 120s gen times.

    Sorry, but I'm not trying to play "Mouse 1 - The Game" during my survivor matches. If that ever happened I'd probably stop playing both sides and just become a pure killer main at that point, there'd be noticeably less fun as the survivor role, and you'd be encouraging slow down perks even more than they already are. Making the game overall especially worse for those of us who are playing SOLO.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I think the devs are doing something about the start of the game to stop the early rush. Making the gens longer - especially by 50% - would be too much. Maybe a slight increase may work, but I'd much prefer a new mechanic to freshen the game.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,310

    No, because you mention no other changes.

    Changing gen times indirectly change a variety of other things. It changes the strength of all slowdown and speedup perks involving gens, combos and interactions between such perks, the strength of the sort of hard camping where "do gens" is the correct response and more.

    If we ignore that an increase in gen times means holding M1 for longer which isn't very exciting to begin with, it could certainly work if other parts of the game were balanced around it. It could even be made less boring and more skill-based by making great skillchecks more rewarding or something too, as well as options I probably would never imagine but I'd still like. But simply changing the "CHARGES_TO_COMPLETE_GEN" variable or whatever without changing anything else would be a total mess.

  • Ihatetoxicsurvivors
    Ihatetoxicsurvivors Member Posts: 50

    The time increase would be good but not 120 seconds also what do you mean tilted to killer for that to happen they would have to have a lot more buffs than that

  • Duskyy
    Duskyy Member Posts: 51

    Increasing gen time would help so much. In my rank we have no time to get gens done because the killers and good. (I'm rank 7 was rank 5 but rank reset came.)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Direct gen time increase will at best replace the problem with a different one. Gen rush should be handled indirectly just like camping.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Make the survivors grab gas cans and fill the generators before starting them

    This gets rid of their early game advantage without making the game boring as ######### for them

  • Vixley
    Vixley Member Posts: 54

    Gens are boring enough as it is, increasing them by another 40 seconds would be torture. On top of that, perks like Thana and Pop would be horrendous to have to play against. Increasing gen times isn't a good answer to helping killers, hopefully the devs find a way though.

  • Vixley
    Vixley Member Posts: 54

    I actually really like this idea, as it would also give killers like Trapper and Hag a chance to setup whilst survivors can still work towards their objective- just a bit slower at the start.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    oops, i missclicked there lolz. Of course 80 seconds.

    May i ask why you picked these numbers? Asking for 120 seconds instead of 80 is beyond absurd. There is no way any survivor team would EVER make it out. Why not asking for 85 or 90 seconds?

  • GetGoodToWin
    GetGoodToWin Member Posts: 4

    ######### no dude, if the killer is good then I'm forced to hold M1 in order to win game, and even then it is nit guaranteed, maybe make Totems a secondary objective, but no terrible idea.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    Please no. Having sat on a gen for almost that long only to maybe finish half of it because of Thana and DL, I really don't want the base time being longer. That means slowdown perks could potentially make a single gen with one person on it take five minutes. I honestly almost DC'd in that situation and when the killer found me, I barely tried to escape. There are other ways to balance the timing of a match (requiring x number of totems or something else to be found before gens can be worked on) than making the most stationary and boring part of the match longer.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    To cater towards bad killers? No. LOL

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    they implementing a new early game mechanic maybe to block gen survivor have to do something to unlock them having survivors do something else before gens IMO.

  • BrigYeet
    BrigYeet Member Posts: 5

    There are plenty of perks that deal with Gen rushing, nerfing Gens further would just make every game last 30mins and no more thn 2 survivors could ever escape.

    Good killers already get their kills, infact the devs have given statistics that most of the time (in high levels of play) survivor don't even make it out alive. Nerfing survivor more just to compensate for the killers' incompetence is just plain stupid.

    Killers have already gotten real lazy these days, making them more cheap is killing the game.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    if it was temporary while a better fix was on the way sure. Not the permanent solution though.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Gens can be less than 80 also w the right perks, and add-ons as surv, correct?

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207

    Increasing the amount of time to complete a gen is not a solution, that will make the survivor's experience worse, the best thing of dbd is chase interaction, increasing the time is not a good idea, increasing the number of generators ... that's a interesting idea.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    The netural slowdown of the game by playing good and getting downs and hooks is good enough, only issue is initating first chase and finding the first survivor on some maps, Scotts trial warmup is a good solution, as long as Wraiths dont hide in corners of the map for the whole duration. just got to wait and see how the new mechanic theyre testing out is gonna work.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    its can but its rare and less efficiant than spreading out and doing gens individually.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The only perks would be Prove Thyself and Resilience. Prove Thyself requires another survivor to be near you.

    Killer perks and addons are permanent for the match so toolboxes which are now ######### without addons are irrelevant.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    youre bad at the game? you fail to find survivors and get a down fast enough? it just happenes sometimes when spawns are bad, it doesn't really matter how fast gens pop tbh, most of my matches starts with 2 or 3 gens getting popped to fast, but slugging and snowballing ends with a 4k most of the time.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I'm not bad. I don't play as a killer that can zoom across the map, and actually have to travel. Travel time = gen repair time which usually = gen popping by the time I get to the other side of the map. But 80s is fine though, right? Cmon dude. You literally just admitted how fast gens go, but your cool w the same 80s BS? You can literally cut that time in half to 40s...

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    Im cool with 80 because the natural slowdown of the game is good enough late game, making gens take 40 seconds longer is a bad solution, and theyre implementing the trial warmup mechanic that will try to fix early game pressure. so yea I don't think 120 seconds is good, and we have to see how the trial warmup mechanic works so comeon dude, get gud and stop complaining.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    That's still not a rationale to make every generator an entire 40 seconds longer. 200 more total seconds survivors are sitting around yawning while they hold m1.

    If anything, that would be a rationale to change those perks and add-ons wouldn't it? You tell me.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I never agreed to the 120s. I just was stating how fast gens can be done, and people still supporting the same bs

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632


    Multiple survivors being on a gen at once.


  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    My initial response to this thread wasn't supporting the same BS? I said 80 is good enough and the trial warmup mechanic might fix gens being done to quickly at the start. so again, git gud.-

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    80 is enough because it's so boring, but survivors need another objective to do or playing killer will always be a stressful experience.

  • jonahol2000
    jonahol2000 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2020

    Survivors already spend too much time holding m1 and looking at a bar slowly fill out. 120 seconds would make killers op.

  • PotatoSurv119
    PotatoSurv119 Member Posts: 8

    People don't realize that if surfs work together you can gen rush within 2 minutes of any game. We don't need any added seconds imo

  • Pája
    Pája Member Posts: 28

    Doing gens is boring enough.