Why am I punished for garbage SWFs?

Just got out of a game as killer, where I was freddy, and two people disconnected within seconds of loading, one guy stood still, let me hook him, then killed himself, and the third tried to hide in a locker to hold the game hostage, but I heard them get in, so I grab them and they disconnected before I even finished the animation.

Why do I get punished, no pips, no BP compensation, addons/offering lost, no priority queue (Entity knows queue times are horrendous for killer), because of these sorts of ######### people?

Nothing's even going to happen to them. They'll maybe have to 5 minutes to get into the next game and just do it again until they find a match they want.


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited July 2020

    Actually they won't have 5 minute wait. DC penalty is disabled to an exploit that allowed people to give others massive lockouts when they did nothing

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    They shouldnt of DCed but there not wrong. Forever freddy is boring as hell on top of that you brought NOED. Its a build that takes no skill and you have a 50ft lunge. NOEDs LVL 1 too

  • APJosh
    APJosh Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2020

    I've been playing killer for a month, if that, playing the game a week before that. I'm still leveling most of my killers. I've been playing freddy for like a day.

    I don't even know what "forever freddy" is.

    EDIT: looking online, even the devs have confirmed that his lunge is fine.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2020

    Thats forever freddy. Super slow gens, healing and cleansing. On top of that the Blood Warden with Noed looks extremely toxic. The addons put everyone in dream world slowing gens down even more with remember me making the exit gates take 16 secs if you hit the obession 4 times. They wont finsh 3 gens before theres no pallets left to loop and players quit anyway.If they make it to endgame you have NOED. Also your rank doesnt look like a new Killer my friend

  • APJosh
    APJosh Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2020

    I played like 10-15 hours of survivor, then did 20-8 on nurse pretty much exclusively. Started branching out because of challenges, and nurse not being as absurd against higher rank players... Which is another thing they could fix, since I was getting red/purple survivors consistently since rank 18...

    edit: As far as your comment goes, regarding the build... I'm near useless the entire game, and unless i can time someone going down right before the gate opens, which let's be honest, every survivor and their mother 99's the gates anyways, the build is useless. And at this rank, everyone cleanses every totem anyways.

    Post edited by APJosh on
  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Dont... dont listen to survivors rulebook

    Just play how you want.

    Theres no way they could have known your loadout anyway till after. And there's no such thing as a valid reason to willing DC

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    lol @ the forever freddy comments. He aint that bad after they changed the addons, also no sloppy + pop. I mean it drags out a game immensly (with these 3 perks and addons) if a freddy goes full slow, but survivors just got to do gens and loop you for long enough. 2 of them run resilience and 3 of them run spine chill - basicly counters your jump rope (rope = -4%, spine chill = 6% + resilience if injured = 9%)