A discussion about Pig or why Amanda is the worst Killer to play against and needs to be nerfed



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    ROFL, 360 seconds to get your trap off AND it's guaranteed which box it's in. You could literally do all of the gens and have the gates open before even considering your trap.

    If a Pig is patrolling Jigsaw boxes she is hurting her own game. The entire point of the RBTs is to get survivors not doing gens. If you're focusing on people who aren't doing gens, then you're losing out to the survivors who still are.

    The exception is survivors with their head up their asses that behave as though having an RBT on makes them invincible.

    • If you run out in front of the Pig, SHE CAN STILL HIT YOU.
    • If you noisily search a jigsaw box in the jungle gym where Pig is chasing someone, she will hit you because you're standing still as an easy target.
    • If you get unhooked, and go to the nearest jigsaw box and immediately search it, she might be doing a quick check, especially if she wasn't occupied so she went back to the hook and found nobody, if you're at the closest one it's an easy detour that doesn't require checking every box. Be smart and go further away.
    • Pay attention to when the Pig sees you. If I;m chasing someone and see you crouching around near a Jigsaw box, then I hook them and your trap icon disappears, guess where I'm checking?

    If, and it's a very big if, the key were predetermined, you wouldn't get 360 seconds to search, something closer to 60 seconds would be fairer. It would force you to act now and do something that's not gens. It would probably also remove the 4 charges from her power as they would very rarely be lethal. It would also be bad to always assign it to the furthest one as then the Pig knows what direction to go.

    Her stealth is stealth. Like other stealth killers, you have to actually use those things in your head called eyes and be aware of what's around you. Considering you'll almost always see a Jigsaw box before the Pig reaches you, you have no reason not to be on high alert. Her crouching action is slow. Her movement speed is slow. Her ambush charge speed is slow. If you're not reacting to the loud warning roar and still getting regularly hit by that, that's your own issue. In fact half of the changes you suggest are reversing buffs she's got previously because of how weak it was the way you want it. A "small" 18m terror radius is larger than a 110% killer with M&A. Your concept of terror radius size is ludicrously poor. 4.8m/s is 0.2m/s faster than her walking speed. It would literally cover less ground than just standing up and walking with the charge time. As it is it can't even catch up to a survivor who is running away in a straight line in most cases.

    Half of the add ons you mentioned aren't even good, exhaustion and blindness suck, mostly for the fact that aiming for someone with a trap on is terrible. Combat straps and the viedo tape basically make her ambush usable in more than esoteric situations.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    More than anything she needs a buff. I did see someone recently post how maybe tampered timer and crate of gears can be OP but unfortunately as you said it’s RNG and CAN be op it’s mostly not OP though. Very specific circumstances have to occur such as putting on a trap at the right time before generator pops or on a hook and even then could get it off on first box.

    If anything rework some addons and maybe tweak some stuff with rng people complain about. I would be ok with that as long as first box could never open a trap guaranteeing time a good amount of time wasted.

    This is just what I’d be ok with happening if anything. Truly, she needs a buff and has so many counters both at detecting her, loops and the traps as well that it’s quite unnecessary. Just FYI as well she is far from having best stealth ability and I think I would give that to ghostface.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798
    edited July 2020

    Thematic Pig buff: Survivors also have to search the stomachs of their mori'd teammates for keys

    Post edited by notstarboard on
  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well i guess there is plenty of crazy ppl on both sides,

    pig isnt op xd

    "easiest stealth" tell that to GF that isnt slowed, have that on demand, and can remove red light in jungle gyms

    dash in most cases isnt used combined with stealth (pretty much always its better to uncrouch and hit/make grab attempt) because of your roar SB user can outran you xd, but in loops her dash is nice, you can counter it but she can outmindgame you

    in soloQ some add on combos might be too deadly (because you wont tell your friends " guys i see 5 boxes dont pop a gen"), for swf its fine (but its always bad if pig is trying to tunnel your ass) imo hook should pull timer a little bit back

    and pig absolutely NEEDS global ROAR add on.... and addons like GF that makes your crouch faster .... not zzz add ons like blindness, exh zzz

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Or instead of hooking she throws them into The Rack or The Angel Trap (think PH cages)

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Thank God...😂

    Honestly, us all falling for it thinking it was real makes it funnier

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    As you play more, you will realize that Pig is barely mid tier. She is easy to counter as her traps only trigger after a gen is completed, giving lots of time to get it off. Furthermore, her crouch mechanics are often a hindrance to the killer as they can't see crap over the grass and boxes.

    She is an M1 killer in most hands, which is why crappy Pig players tend to camp the hook so much. Really good Pig players can do some mind games, but she has limitations.

    Her addons are mostly a joke. She has a couple good ones, but not many.

    Pig is low mid tier, she just takes getting used to as an opponent. Spine Chill completely destroys most Pig players who don't learn to look away as they approach.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I think the reason most people (myself included) didn’t see this as a joke is because some people are actually like this. And nothing you wrote sounded so absurd that I couldn’t imagine a real person thinking it. Nothing shocks me anymore when it comes to the things people want nerfed on this game. 😂

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    I have been playing nothing but pig and let me tell you that most people can get the traps off easily. Its literally just used to buy some time. I rarely even use the crouch. Only add ons I use for her are the gears and the timer. Sometimes a head will pop but its not often.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    How to rework the Pig in a fair manner:

    First, we need to give her the ability to teleport around the map. No cooldown on this, because that's no fun. Next, she should be able to turn invisible. Also, in addition to her RBT's, she should be able to place traps around the map that people could... maybe step on? Yeah, that makes sense. And it's thematic. As for teleporting, it makes sense when you watch the Saw movies. But I digress. She should also be able to stalk survivors, and as she stalks more -- she ranks up and can get up to tier 3 (everything's tier 3 with this game) where everyone is exposed. Also, give her a chainsaw. Actually, give her two chainsaws. One will be great for downing multiple survivors, the other for traversing the map. Both being insta-downs of course. Also when she stalks survivors maybe she could also mark them. Like they've not enjoyed life enough, so they're marked exposed. This is in addition to her tier 3, of course. Also, she should have another kind of trap. Maybe one where she could teleport to if people stepped on them. Of course, it's only fair if survivors have counterplay to that, so they can crouch to avoid those traps. Then we give her the ability to 'ping' survivors so they can't hide and she can drive them mad. It's all part of her game afterall. Oh, and she should be able toa ctually turn invisible. That's a lot scarier. Let's also give her some throwing weapon, maybe a hatchet! Yeah, that sounds good. She should also be able to put survivors to sleep -- I mean that just makes sense. And while they're asleep, they hear no terror radius, and she could put down traps that slow people down. SPeaking of slowing people down... let's also give her some bottles she can throw at people and slow them down that way too. I think it's only fair we also let her travel at really fast speeds, so let's give her the ability to... let's call it Phase Walk. And during this time, survivors can't see her. Man, can you imagine going invisible to phase walk, to downing a survivor? Spooky! She should also be able to run really fast normally though, so we'll give her an ability to go into something I like to call 'Frenzy' where she can hit survivors and make them mend, but not actually down them (she has enough powers that do that already). I also think, because she's a drug addict, she should be able to puke on people and make them sick. Survivors can cleanse, of course. But if they do, she gets super powered vomit that can hit at a long distance. Then we should also give her portals to make traversal just a little easier. I mean teleporting is good, but horror killers like Pig should have multiple options open. Also, when she injures survivors, let her get another insta-down ability with a lot of speed. But she has to get enough blood before she can do that, otherwise its not unfair. And she should get a harpoon gun to reel survivors in. And an ability to hit people from behind walls.

    Of course, with all of this we'll also have to make her a 114 killer. Yes, a new speed. Not quite 110, because that's a little too slow and her crouch speed is almost that fast and you'd make it pretty much worthless to run normally. So instead she gets 114.

    That way surivors won't have to worry about things like those nasty Reverse Bear Traps.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Should be fun I'm going to sit down and break apart each of your points because honestly they're rather stupid


    1) hahaha. Honestly the condescending laugh should be the only explanation I need for it but still. There are 5 totems on the map it takes roughly about 12 seconds or so to cleanse them.

    Speaking as someone who has run small games and detectives hunch that I could tell you had a solo survivor can pretty much wipe the map of totems before anybody with a reverse bear trap has a chance of doing it. Even if they didn't let me explain this to you really slowly why would anybody with a reverse bear trap do a totem until they get it off

    2) sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the RNG mechanic is what turns it into such a stall game the reason why Freddy works like that is because you're not limited to how many times you could go to sleep you're limited to how many bear traps you could put on a person.

    When going up against Freddy because you are nearly constantly falling asleep in the match having the furthest away clock attached to you means that you might know which clock is yours you're going to be continuously going across the map to wake yourself up each time.

    Amanda has 4 reverse bear traps after she uses the four she can't use it again so having it's been super easy to take off isn't going to work.

    3) increasing the timer to 360. You have not played a lick of pig at all have you. You just gave the survivors 6 minutes to take that bear trap off do you know how many generators can be completed in that time.

    Stall mechanic you do know people with reverse bear traps are just going to do generators because they have such a large amount of time.

    Rule set no' 2 already has the problem of encouraging survivors to complete gens rather than wasting time searching for boxes blindly do you honestly think this massive time increase is not going to do the same but worst.


    1) crouching used to be 2 seconds it was changed for a reason

    2) I'm sorry honey what. You want me to move slower than nurse just so I can get a measly 18 m radius are you kidding me.

    If you didn't know crouching has a drawback you move incredibly slowly even slower than nurse. Why would anybody on this planet do that for a 18 m radius when they could simply just use monitor and abuse.

    3) I don't need to explain this ambush is fine the way it is and I don't want to to have to explain why this change is stupid.


    Tampered timer- hey something in this massive diarrhoea rant that I actually agree with.

    While tampered timer by itself is it massively problematic it's when it's combined with crate of gears or jigsaw sketch turns into a massive RNG screw you to the survivors.

    Either you get the trap off in the first two boxes and the add-on combination was pretty much pointless or you don't and you could pretty much sit down in the corner because you're not surviving.

    Points on Amanda in general well patrolling boxes can be beneficial when the time requires it devoting your time to it is basically throwing the game.

    You're not patrolling generators giving the other survivors free time to complete them all you're also not guaranteed to be able to stop the survivor in question from taking off the Trap as you don't know which box is specifically theirs so you could basically throw the game and the survivor could still get the trap off.

    If pig needs anything she needs an Adam rework to bolster her more useless and super situational add-ons ( not like Billy or nurse style actually making them useful) and maybe a couple of buffs to her base kit.

    But no she does not need a Nerf not in the slightest

    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    Pig is bottom three killers in the game

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    You can't fool me but in your silly satire you provided a interesting idea instead of traps they could make it that cleansing a totem or unhooking activates a gen

    Unhooking would make more sense because saw

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    As much as I know this HAS to be a joke thread, dear ######### god you put a lot of work into trolling the community.

  • fixthegameplz00
    fixthegameplz00 Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    Is this guy a re re

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Pls stop being so entitled. Youre making the rest of us survivor mains look bad. Once you learn how to play, you will realize that pig is one of the funnest killers to face. You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to search a couple boxes. Tampered timer makes it 2 minutes. Heres some advice before you ask for more pointless nerfs: GIT. GUD.

  • Gamerpoop
    Gamerpoop Member Posts: 34

    Completely stupid. My pigga doesn't need a nerf

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah sure, lets take a killer most people consider weak and obliterate their moveset. By any chance do you happen to be on the dev team?

  • Kruegersleatherface
    Kruegersleatherface Member Posts: 14

    Oh boy another survivor main upset about her. Leave her be if anything she needs a buff. Try playing as her and you'll see she's very difficult

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I was taking you seriously too (although utterly bewildered) until I got to the Metro Golden Mayers suggestion, where I thought: Ok, thats gotta be a troll. You really made it sound so believable, it seemed deadly serious. Seeing how most other commentors have taken it serious as well, I guess your troll / joke paid off nicely, sort of xD.

  • iFuddly
    iFuddly Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    She can be devastating with the right perk build but her alone. Shes straight a**. If the clown didn't exist, she'd be the worst killer. I do think the stealth to sprint lunge is a bit odd seeing i get hit a foot away from the blade, but broken hit boxes is a completely different topic. I do hope they give her some form of buff or even a rework, ive been seeing less and less people playing her and that shii is sad.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800
    edited July 2020

    I will not be shocked if you Saw (hehe) all of the comments, and you decided to pass it off as a joke to save your dignity.

    Sorry bro, at this point, intentional or not, you just dug a hole for yourself.

    EDIT: I need to remind you, this is the DBD forums, People pass off serious posts as jokes, but takes jokes about stupid stuff seriously. It's kinda backwards here.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    If you really werent trolling, you have literally the best survivor impression ive ever seen, we all got got, good work.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    This, is bait, right?! RIGHT!?!!

  • DeadByMittens
    DeadByMittens Member Posts: 60

    I read the title and I already know LOL!!!

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    Pig is great and even a bit underwelming , you just have to improve

  • Cebren
    Cebren Member Posts: 19

    Just because you got crapped on by a Pig doesnt mean shes OP. She has never been A tier, even on release there were more viable options.

    She is shut down easily on loops, much like clown. No counterplay. She is a pretty mild killer in comparison to what we have now. PH, Oni, Demo, all are more modernized and all make her look like F tier lol.

    You salty little nerd, just go next.

  • Rybo
    Rybo Member Posts: 5


  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    How did so few people get the joke?

  • Azurumi
    Azurumi Member Posts: 1

    This was funny, I understood it was a joke when I read the part about the bear trap needing totems to activate it.

    I mean, obviously you don't want survivors to remember your totems and your new bear trap would force them to ruin your hex build lol.

    But I have to be honest, it's hard to blame everyone for not getting it was a joke because ...there is some seriously idiotic people who are completely blind and we can assume you are just one of those people.

    But the way you gave all the details of Pigs stats was a great way to show you aren't a complete idiot and are probably just a Pig main making a joke.

  • Pittelli_Money
    Pittelli_Money Member Posts: 9

    🤔 I main Pig and feel as if I’m pretty good. 3-4K games at red rank. But I’ve put quite a bit of time into her. But you can not afford to make a mistake or it’s GG. Overpowered I don’t think so. Most ones I play against as survivor are pretty awful. I think she is in a pretty good spot and super fun to play.

    The most fun part is when I play a game with the last survivor. I save the bear trap and use it on the last survivor. Then I let them wiggle out as I open the gates. If they can get the trap off in time. I just may let them escape 🤫

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    Her add ons suck cuz many of them encourage hard tunneling but I quite enjoy playing as and against Pig. Changes the add ons, the rest is fine.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Don't really think it's the best idea, but I agree Pig's RBT is stupid and oppressive, and honestly needs a change.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Low tier killers op.

  • Pittelli_Money
    Pittelli_Money Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2020

    You should never have to tunnel as Pig. Whoever you are playing against is just a trash PiG. But I do see it too when I vs her as a survivor.

    Post edited by Pittelli_Money on
  • EstridMayoumi
    EstridMayoumi Member Posts: 3

    I have been Main for pig Eversince she has been released and i know for a fact she isn't Overpowered as she has many counters and factors to overcome in a whole. I cant tell if your joking or being serious considering Pig reqiures a large amount of skill to land off perfect shots. I also doubt your a Veteran player since you've said all of this. Also P. S Keep a minder that Veterans are sometimes in 20 rank since rank reset, so do not Go judging A character that has alot of counters. BOOP THE SNOOT, And if anything Hillbilly needs the nerf considering he has one of the most powerful abilities in game if used correctly and right add-ons.

    Not mine - Credit goes to Sourthrobin

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Is this, a joke?? Pig is DEFINITELY one of the 3 killers in the game that need some level of buffing. Unless her bear trap kills you because it makes you search every box on the map because the timer runs out, she is easily beatable. Her stealth ability is only better than wraiths, definitely not on par with ghostface or Myers. Her lunge is terrible, easily duked or 360'd.

    I don't play her as killer, she's not worth the cost, so I am not sure about the usefulness of her add ons. But from playing against her, they're not too strong anyway.

    This must be a joke, thanks for baiting me, I was so bored

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Please tell me this a joke and not someones actual opinion. This may be the worst post on this forum I have ever seen in my life. If you honestly think the pig is in anyway op you need to just stop playing dbd straightaway because no amount of playing will make someone as bad as you good. Just omg..completely out of touch with real state of dbd.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Lmao pretty great bait.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Pig will be buffed and nerfed in her update like Letherface

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Thus the survivor asking for killer nerfs frenzy has begun sense the devs nerfed billy for no reason.

  • wolfyjones
    wolfyjones Member Posts: 5

    Legit, she does NOT need a nerf.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    A bad piggy is almost on the same level as a god nurse, I wish more people would realize this. Like I remember dying to a pig one time... seriously thats just wrong.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Lmao pig players that chase players with active traps. Stupid as hell

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Problem is that this looks like way too much effort for a joke, and unfortunatly my usual language of sarcasm and dark humour is lost over the written word, or isn't allowed due to the feelz, so unless it's blindingly obvious or stated, occasionally I miss the joke.

    Not to mention there are people who do think this way. There are those, especially new people, who would legitimately make these claims. Until it can be proven either way, I will take it seriously.

    Thank you for clarifying though.