A discussion about Pig or why Amanda is the worst Killer to play against and needs to be nerfed
Calm down there Kermit
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Deathslinger? Second best stealth killer In the game? Yeah i’ve read enough
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Spirit, Freddy, Legion and Deathslinger exist, and you out here worrying bout Pig? Smh
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The amount you've got people to type is amazing, wish you were around when I was doing my dissertation op
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I know this is bait. I am still going to let you know, that I LITERALLY created an account to let you know you’re a ######### idiot.
You’re a ######### idiot.
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Ah yes, one of the weakest Killers is too powerful. Maskes sense.
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yes play nerf all killers so all they can do stay in one spot all match.
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I can't tell if you have poor understanding of piggy or this is really long bait. I seriously can't see anyone who's played this game for longer than a month thinking pig is op.
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The only two changes Pig needs is make it so she can't see the boxes and find a way to reduce the RNG for bear trap removal. Nearly every Pig I play against tunnels the RBT out of the game because they know the Survivor will get it off first try or almost die from it, there's almost no in-between.
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She needs a rework, not a nerf.
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The sad thing here is, this guy went to a lot of effort with this post.
Pity he has spoken a lot of s***e.
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'I'm terrible against a killer so they must be nerfed into the ground'. Shes one of the weaker killers. I agree she's not fun to play against as I find myself spending long parts of the match trying to get her traps off.
That totem idea is just ridiculous though, noone would be in their right mind to cleanse a totem with a trap on their head making her power, which is all she's got to slow down the match, completely useless. Na try again class leader.
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The only thing I don’t like is the Crate of gears & Tampered timer combo. If RNG isn’t in your favour then you will die to the trap. It feels sorta crappy to die to RNG....
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No, she doesn't need to get nerfed.
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christ 4 whole pages just shitting on this guy lmao, fantastic bait my friend
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I stopped reading after you suggestion to change the rtbs. 🙄 Youd be negating her power and making it useless. What rank are you? 12?
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Oof..this is one of the MOST biased posts I've ever seen and it makes me think it was deliberate and a bait post. I hope it is. Everything here are really terrible ideas. Pig has the best stealth? 4.8m/s for 2s with ambush attack?
Definitely a bait post.
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Personally, I think pig is a very luck heavy killer on both sides. She is arguably one of the worst killers in the game. Her hats are useless if survs get them off before a gen pops. My only question is, how many pigs have you gone against and what rank are you dude? Most pigs I go against in red ranks are probably as good as a rank 13 trapper with her power.
And another thing is, pigs stealth ability ISN'T the best in the game, it's probably GhostFace. Her dash does 0 to nothing in a chase, if a survivor actually uses their ears and eyes. Great noob stomper though. So maybe you should connect the dots ;)
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When I look at the official statistics and the dennisreep rating, I logically conclude that the Pig is an underestimated killer. Moderately powerful, but not popular. For me, two problematic things:
- activation of traps when a generator is completely repaired.
- the random deactivation of traps.
This activation is a problem for solo players (who are a majority) who cannot coordinate, decide on a strategy. The slowdown effect is enormous and amplifies snowballing. Deactivation is frustrating for everyone. This may be on the first try as well as the last, or not at all. Same thing: potential snowballing, totally random.
In short, it's a bit all or nothing with the Pig, and that may be partly what makes her an unloved killer. She ultimately has no control over the traps.
More killer interaction with his power? Maybe give it the possibility to activate any trap anytime can be interesting, maybe give the possibility to choose where the key is hidden... Traps that can hurt and put in dying state (new addon?) but don't kill?
On the survivor side, perhaps an increasing difficulty in deactivating traps. More time if it is the first, less if it is the second, the third... Or perhaps offer the possibility to the survivors to sacrifice something for additional time if the trap is activated (a second survivor sabotaging the trap, like waking up with Freddy)...
Anyway, I think we have to smooth out the Pig's potential a bit.
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Stopped at "RBT are the most RNG heavy" because they ARE NOT RNG.
When you get a trap, a key is put in a box. A specific box that doesnt move. It's up to YOUR GUESSING AND LUCK to pick correctly, not a roll of the dice per box.
The ONLY RNG is placing a key. Which is irrelevant because you dont see it or know. You still have to guess.
So suck it up and male your choice.
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It's very obviously bait, I can't believe everyone thinks this guy is serious. Honestly I feel like this was some kind of experiment given how much effort went into a satire post.
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Piggy is nearly impossible to beat. She's hands down the only Killer who has
no weaknessesone weakness.But if I reveal that booping the snoot completely defeats her, she'll go from top tier to bottom tier. And no one wants that.
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According to the data you presented, pig has a similar kill rate to every killer in the game aside from clown, spirit, freddy and billy. Three of those killers vastly outperform her and the other greatly underperforms, with every other killer averaging within 5% of her kill rate. This shows just how unimpressive that kill rate is, 3/4 survivors per game which most other killers also average.
Now to address your points;
I actually agree RBTs are too RNG heavy, most of the time they get removed within the first two boxes. Also overpresenting her RBT by dismissing the amount of effort and gen pressure you're giving up to down and trap a survivor is ridiculous. Pig gives up a chases worth of gen time to gain additional pressure using RBTs. I also agree that pig seeing the boxes is unfair, it's not even really needed for pig's pressure. RBTs activating on a totem cleanse is a ridiculous idea, it completely ignores the point of the power and circumvents the pressure of the trap entirely. Additionally, always securing on the furthest box is another dumb idea, I agree there should be a more consistent solution, but this isn't it. If the trap was guaranteed on a know box, those 4 traps will now last 20-40 seconds at most. 360 seconds with your other proposed changes is another stupid solution. For reference 360 seconds is enough time for a single survivor player to complete four generators with another 40 seconds for walking around. The traps lose all their pressure from being inactive until a survivor decides to activate it, the box is guaranteed and the traps last too long, you remove all power from the traps, and the pig player and lay it solely in the hands of not being a completely inept and moronic survivor player. Seriously, your "solution" would only make traps scary, not even lethal but scary, to survivors with less than an hours playtime.
Calling Pigs crouch the best stealth mechanic is really up for debate, I would argue ghost face's is better since he doesnt have the give any time or charge an attack but again, it's debatable. "So many different options... there's no way for the survivor to play around them all, negating counterplay" Her only options during a crouch are; charge, stand up and swing, fake a charge. That's not many options, and effectively using any of them requires a huge gamble of you knowing that survs playstyle. "When crouched, Pig looks like a Survivor" that's up to personal interpretation. She's too small and too fast when crouched to be a survivor, even if you thought it was an urban evader she's too wide to be a survivor anyway. Having the terror radius disappear with time isn't really that impactful, once again this ability only works if you as a survivor are unaware and inattentive. This is the first time I've ever heard the dash be called OP, what a joke. It's a mind game for one, and for two, 6.2m/s with no insta down and no pallet destruction isn't that strong. The only times a pig will even use this is when you're in a deadzone for BP or when you're camping a loop, you can entirely counterplay by just dropping a pallet or leaving the loop while she can't see you. Also TIL Deathslinger is a stealth killer and Bubba lost his title as ultimate camper.
Pig's crouch speed was purposefully buffed to be lower since it's stupid to make a killer take 2s to remove their ability to m1 for a chance at a mind game. 18m Terror radius is also a stupid idea, nerfing a killers counterplay to perks and stupid decision making isn't smart, also again you'll never think pig is a surv since you see both the jigsaw boxes and a shape too fast and too large to be an urban evader walking around. Nerfing dash by 2 metres a second would just make it useless, she'd become an m1 killer.
I'm not even going to address your addons list because it's getting boring writing a list of reasons why your ideas are very obviously overkill. To summarise the list tho, her addons are more awful than they are good. It says alot about a killer when her brown addons are objectively her best. Even the purple addons are inferior. The only addon above brown even worth running is amandas letter for obvious reasons, and that's only because it greatly assists in mindgaming loops.
I'd recommend getting Scorpionz to read this since as a piggy main, and a very good one, he's more apt to address this than me. But I guarantee you that your ideas are so ridiculously outlandish that most people will think you're baiting with alot of effort. At least go watch scorpionz to see the thought that goes into piggy.
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Bro come back when you're sober
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For you