Ways To Make Rift Progression Easier

If you're like me and sometimes find progressing in the rift much more slower than other games with game passes, then perhaps you might agree there are ways to make it more manageable. Here are some suggestions that'll make completing rifts easier.
-Daily challenges now give fragments
-All tome challenges from previous rifts still give fragments for the current rift.
-The amount of days to finish a rift is extended by 5-10 to close the time gap of no active rifts. (Most games have game passes release after eachother back to back)
-You gain fragments based on pipping. (You don't lose any when depipping.)
-Tiers can also be bought with iradescent shards (Like 750-1250 per tier)
-After a rift closes, you can still gain fragments from playing matches and they'll transfer to the next rift when it opens. (Just like with the 1st rift.)
-The level of tome challenges not only increase bloodpoints gained from them, but also fragments.
-You can do multiple challenges at once
-Grindy challenges requiring you to play multiple games are not as long
-Theres a game pass bundle that for a small sum of money can give you extra tiers as well
Any of these changes can make rifts less stressful and more forgiving to complete.
little issue: the entire point of the rift is making it as grinding as possible, so that people spend real money.
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Spend money or play non-stop. Exactly.
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This ^
The purpose of the rift is two fold.
To make you play the game and to bring in more revenue for the devs.
The rift itself is not designed so all the players can complete it or its then a one off purchase. The design of all battlepasses are for the vast majority to not quite complete it so they have to spend at least some money for each one.
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Since part of the paid rift you receive auric cells I don't see them letting you buy tiers with iridescent shards.
On mobile they have offerings for xp. Since fragments are tied to xp a similar offering on pc/console would be nice for the rift. Players would need to choose if they'd rather earn extra xp or BP in a match. The offering could be one you get in the free rift, put that offering in the many empty spaces and will be available to use on the characters of that rift.
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Also, it would be better if they didn't put so many "troll your team" challenges. I'd have had a lot more fragments but I won't even bother with challenges like "waste an entire minute hiding in the killer's terror radius while your team does all the work, then escape" as it's not fun for me or the ppl i get matched with.
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So you're telling me it's not enough for the devs to pay $25-$50 for the game, dlcs for characters that are in the rift, $10 for every single outfit you buy, and $10 to get the other half of items in premium rift? Are the devs really that greedy?
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Well The game is only $20 at full price and goes on sale a few times a year for $7.99 and most of the dlc you can earn for free by playing.
The dlc is $7 if you wish to buy it but only licensed is not available to earn due to the licensee getting a portion of the sale.
Cosmetics are in part what can keep the dlc lower in price and like the rift are a choice. You don't need any of these to play the game.
The whole battlepass concept for any and all games is the same. Designed to give you far more for the money you spend even if you reached 40% of it but its still a lure to keep people paying.
You can play this game of course without buying any dlc and stick to base characters and wait for the shrine to give certain perks which may be weeks or a year. Still its an option.
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Well I do think the Grind can be a little bit difficult for some people speaking as a person who used to always play grindy games it's not an issue for me honestly it's like the easiest grind I've done in comparison to other things like Warframe, certain Dark Souls farms and other RPGs.
(Yeah trying to farm something with with a less than 1% chance to drop from an enemy with a 5% chance to spawn would make some of these people want to cry)
What you're suggesting will make the Rift grinding way too easy see like a ridiculously easy.
I've heard many people on reddit and the forums complaining how they completed all the challenges and it only got them to something like 62 or 64 with still a good 16 days left
I'm going to be cruelly honest to you the majority of of battle passes aren't designed with you completing it in mind.
Sure the hardcore players are going to complete it easy peasy.
Honestly I could go into the whole of psychology of battle passes however that's not the topic of the post
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TBH i just wish there were less challenge that require a large number of games to achieve. "hook 20 different survivors" isn't exactly the most difficult, but it requires a minimum of 5 games to accomplish. Of course, there's always the opposite problem, where they have absurd requirements to be done in a single trial...
I think a good balance would be for a challenge to be possible in 1-3 games. Not necessarily that you'll get it by 3 games, but that it shouldn't require more than that in the most optimal conditions.
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I think making dailies give bonus shards is a good idea. The rest of them feel like too much.
I haven't bought any rifts aside from the first one because of the rather lackluster rewards, including the free line being pretty MEH.
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Hard quote for "Blood pact" TFW you're only getting rescued by the only survivor who won't go down.
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You excluded challenges that require you to play certain characters like Kate and Jane for example. Same goes for killers like Legion and Spirit. Some of the cosmetics also go to characters you may not even own or play. The rift wouldn't be a problem if the more difficult challenges didn't require you to play the game abnormally or to be in very strict circumstances that hardly happen. The only thing from the Rift that can be used on every character are the charms and unlike rift cosmetics, they'll never be rereleased. It's also unlike this game that I can't actually finish the rift on time when I could with Rainbow Six, Brawl Stars, and Apex Legends.
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FOMO, it's a manipulative and abhorrently immoral practice that most dev companies are able to get away with, BHVR included.
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Everything you mentioned is optional. None of the rift is ever needed to play the game for what it is. The rift is an extra and something you can choose to participate in its not forced.
I've said it many times the rift is a want not a need. These system's only work due to the people who pay for them and make them possible as if they made no money then the work making one wouldn't be warranted.
You may finish the ones in other games but how many other players do not?
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Okay so you're saying rather than do anything to make the rift tolerable like other games, simply ignore the problem, play the game 2-3 hours a day while the challenges become gradually harder, or spend my money? You're right that it's a want, just like this entire game is. I can just quit playing this game altogether and spend my time with another game that's easier to do game passes and isn't as repetitive.
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They need better challenges (less challenges that actively hamper your team) and the ability to focus on more than one node at once.
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The ridt is tolerable for a lot of players. If not a lot more complaints would be posted.
Many other games the rift may be tolerable for you but those that can't complete it may feel how you feel about this games one. The rift then is tolerable for some just not for others which again is a personal feeling.
The fact the rift is optional means you have to spend no money what so ever for it that is why its a want and not a need. You can freely play the game in its entirety ignoring the rift completely if you so wish or play another game like you said.
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This is something Fortnite does right.
Fortnite's Battle Pass now is all based on XP. Any XP you earn in a match and Level Ups ends up being your Tier Level.
Challenges in Fortnite also give a good amount of XP (40k i believe) so 2 challenges is a Level/Tier up. They also have Daily Challenges called Punch Cards (About 5 a day) which are 14k each then i believe 1.4k after that for the rest of the day then resets the next.
Problem with DbD's Rift is a find it extremely boring as it's just an unrewarding grind fest. Hook X Survivors, Complete X gens, Escape X Times etc and only being able to do 1 at a time makes the grind longer than it should be. Can you imagine playing Fortnite and only being able to do 1 challenge per match? it would be extremely boring. Plus there is barely any reward once that grind is over, 5 Fragments? Half a Tier after potentially an hour of gameplay? Quite boring
If DbD allowed you to complete multiple challenges a match it would create much less of a grind and potentially would encourage people to buy the pass. I don't buy it simply because it is full of lazy reskins but if these sorts of things changed i may connsider
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Half the rift is behind a $10 pay wall and you can only get your money back if you finish the entire rift where as you said, is designed for people not to finish so they have to spend more money to complete it. Regardless, you still have to spend money.
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Half the rift isn't behind a pay wall only the cosmetics in the pay side which is exactly how all battlepasses work.
That is what all battlepasses. These systems are designed to make money of course and keep people playing the game with something else to strive for. What is in the rift takes people to design and make and they of course need paid for that work. Would work for no pay?
That is why these systems are designed with those who really put in the hours to get it for free but I would day most probably won't and each month they may be another 2 dollars or more to get the next one ir they can spend some to complete the current one if they want A specific cosmetic. Its all about choices.
You can complete the free rift if one has enough time to play and gain all the free items from it. You can do all the challenges for the lore and if you can't finish them all in time you can go back and do them as these are always available even if it is closed.
Always remember they are just cosmetics and no cosmetics are ever needed in any game. If you have the time or disposable income and you enjoy having these cosmetics you can chose to purchase it. If you don't or just want to play the game you can choose to ignore it.
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I only do the challenges because of the rift. Without finishing them all, you can't hope to complete the rift on time. I don't care about the lore or bloodpoints. They're just a nice bonus. By enough time, you mean someone who only plays this game everyday and has nothing better to do. And a lot of people care about the cosmetics since they bring life to your characters. At the very least, being able to select multiple challenges at once would be fair. Maybe reduce the amount of auric cells gained if they're so worried about people getting their money back. Anyway let's just forget there was ever any problems about the rift and just spend money to solve all our problems because that's how the devs think now a days.
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@V1V3 Thanks for taking the time to do that. :-)
Questions though:
"Daily challenges now give fragments"
I've been playing for 6 weeks. I've only ever had two daily challenges that were survivor - they are all for killers? Is that how it is suppose to be?
"You can do multiple challenges at once"
I've never been able to do two Compendium / Rift challenges / daily at the same time. Daily (the odd time there was one for survivor) and a Compendium? Is that how it is, or am I missing something?
I'm asking only as I wonder if I'm bugged up somehow.
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There's actually more survivor dailies than killer because the ones that require you to perform cooperative actions for 180 seconds, picking up someone's item and escaping, and get 3 hook rescues can apply to any survivor you own. The killer dailies have you use a certain killer's power 4 times or killing 1 survivor with a Mori.
You should technically be able to do a daily and a tome challenge at the same time so long if you meet both conditions of them, but you can't actually do multiple challenges at the same time. The game would be much better if you could since every other game I play has that.
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Thank you very much.
Okay then there is something wrong with my game then. For the dailies, the 6 weeks I have been playing - only 2 for survivor and when I close one, another killer one pops up. On top of that you are supposed to be able to close one daily. Yup, not the case with me. I don't have that option until several days pass. Strange.
I like seeing the killers one and I do agree they seem much tougher than the two I've had for survivor or any in the Compendium.
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I have an idea.
Remember the splinters for licensed Killers? Maybe the tomes could utilise a mechanic similar to that.
If you are on a challenge for a character that you do not currently own, you will be able to unlock a trial version of the character. This trial version only allows for the use of their teachable perks and the bloodweb is locked for the character. As soon as you swap to another challenge or finish it, the trial ends.
Let's give an example I can think of.
Let's say you didn't have Ace for the next tome, but you still want to do a potential "Escape a trial after getting a new item while using the perk Ace In The Hole in a single trial" challenge (not saying that's one of them, but just saying it could be). You simply select the challenge, go to your Survivors menu and Ace is suddenly unlocked. However, there is an Archives symbol in the top left corner of the portrait that means it's a trial version of Ace.
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That would definitely be interesting, but I think it'll be better if it can be used on any survivor/killer you don't own or the character is unlocked while the specific challenge is active, but something definitely needs to be fixed with this rift. The amount of problems outweigh any game I played with a game pass.
Edit: I misread what you meant and I agree with you.
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