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Am I the only one who feels unless the killer is going for a basement hook, it's totally useless ? Talking from both sides of the spectrum. As a killer there's always hook nearby even if you sabotage 2 there's usually a third within range. As a survivor I can never wiggle away unless there's bodyblockers or I was dropped too many times. Could we have instead something similar to skill checks ? Doing enough would free you. It would also destroy less joysticks...



  • Triggered92
    Triggered92 Member Posts: 7

    I also feel this is a problem. I play on PC instead but same applies. it seems like the only way to wiggle free is if like you said have body blockers. and it doesnt seem to matter how fast i click, it goes the same speed. i know that they are trying to beef up the killers because people are picking on them but to me it was way better when you could destroy a hook and it would stay gone. that gave you enough time to wiggle free. would be cool if they made it a perk to make the hooks reappear instead of making every killers hook reappear automatically.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @Triggered92 said:
    I also feel this is a problem. I play on PC instead but same applies. it seems like the only way to wiggle free is if like you said have body blockers. and it doesnt seem to matter how fast i click, it goes the same speed. i know that they are trying to beef up the killers because people are picking on them but to me it was way better when you could destroy a hook and it would stay gone. that gave you enough time to wiggle free. would be cool if they made it a perk to make the hooks reappear instead of making every killers hook reappear automatically.

    I agree completly. It would also fix the saboteur class who got almost entirely destroyed by this.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    wow you described the entire point of the wiggle in the first sentence
    you don't deserve to wiggle free every time
  • Triggered92
    Triggered92 Member Posts: 7

    @RSB said:
    Do you think wigling is there to get a free escape everytime? No, it was implemented to prevent the killer to take the surv to the basement everytime, and only for this.

    no i dont think i should be able to wiggle free everytime. but the fact that i am on one corner of the map and by the time he gets me to a hook on the opposite side i only filled the meter 3/4 of the way makes it kinda dumb to even have it. especially when the killer has iron grip. might as well not even try at that point. if i wanted to be unfair i would just say we need to make this life like and hook my guy up with a 1911 and a 12 gauage with slugs so i could knock mummy dust from the killers ass. cause in real life i wouldnt be caught in a situation without protection. but i know im gonna loose matches and im gonna go on the hook. it just kinda made me pissy when they damn near wiped out my fave class instead of making it a perk.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Am I the only one who feels unless the killer is going for a basement hook, it's totally useless ? Talking from both sides of the spectrum. As a killer there's always hook nearby even if you sabotage 2 there's usually a third within range. As a survivor I can never wiggle away unless there's bodyblockers or I was dropped too many times. Could we have instead something similar to skill checks ? Doing enough would free you. It would also destroy less joysticks...

    Workign as intended.

    Wiggling is only supposed to stop the killer from bringing everyone into the basement.

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    so if it is only to stop the basement hooking then why do we need iron grip???? Should we not have perks on both sides to create better balance. I mean 90% of the killers I play have bbq and chilli and iron grip. Would it not make sense to have a survivor have a perk to counter a killer perk and have so many that the chance of a killer and survivor countering each other very low? For example a wiggle perk that would have a difficult skill check that you could use with a cooldown timer, that could stop a regular grip. Then redo the iron grip to be the counter to that. Same with bbq and chilli give it a counter so that you can not be seen in a certain radius or give a skill check when it activates. Then make it to where only certain perks can be used with one and another. So you can not use bbq and chili with iron grip or thier counters at the same time. This would make selecting your perks even more important to a win for either side. You only get 4 perk slots and if you change it up to where neither side can become op by themselves then it is done right? Killer needs to be able to take down 1 lonely survivor, and survivors should be forced to work as a team in order to beat the killer.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    I find kind of a waste then. Just remove basement hooks and wiggling. This is literally a waste of time and effort for both sides.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    so if it is only to stop the basement hooking then why do we need iron grip???? Should we not have perks on both sides to create better balance. I mean 90% of the killers I play have bbq and chilli and iron grip. Would it not make sense to have a survivor have a perk to counter a killer perk and have so many that the chance of a killer and survivor countering each other very low? For example a wiggle perk that would have a difficult skill check that you could use with a cooldown timer, that could stop a regular grip. Then redo the iron grip to be the counter to that. Same with bbq and chilli give it a counter so that you can not be seen in a certain radius or give a skill check when it activates. Then make it to where only certain perks can be used with one and another. So you can not use bbq and chili with iron grip or thier counters at the same time. This would make selecting your perks even more important to a win for either side. You only get 4 perk slots and if you change it up to where neither side can become op by themselves then it is done right? Killer needs to be able to take down 1 lonely survivor, and survivors should be forced to work as a team in order to beat the killer.

    Iron grasp is garbage and nobody uses it, it literally adds less than 2 seconds to wiggle time. You must be rank 20 if you believe everyone uses it.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    OrionQc24 said:
    I find kind of a waste then. Just remove basement hooks and wiggling. This is literally a waste of time and effort for both sides.
    "Just remove one of the most powerful tools killers have in the game."
    how about no
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    yeet said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    I find kind of a waste then. Just remove basement hooks and wiggling. This is literally a waste of time and effort for both sides.
    "Just remove one of the most powerful tools killers have in the game."
    how about no
    The basement is one of your most powerful tool ? You running a no perk build or what ? Lol
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    OrionQc24 said:
    yeet said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    I find kind of a waste then. Just remove basement hooks and wiggling. This is literally a waste of time and effort for both sides.
    "Just remove one of the most powerful tools killers have in the game."
    how about no
    The basement is one of your most powerful tool ? You running a no perk build or what ? Lol
    Yes the basement is powerful for killers, i dont really understand what you meant with this comment.
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @yeet said:
    DisturbedZ said:

    so if it is only to stop the basement hooking then why do we need iron grip???? Should we not have perks on both sides to create better balance. I mean 90% of the killers I play have bbq and chilli and iron grip. Would it not make sense to have a survivor have a perk to counter a killer perk and have so many that the chance of a killer and survivor countering each other very low? For example a wiggle perk that would have a difficult skill check that you could use with a cooldown timer, that could stop a regular grip. Then redo the iron grip to be the counter to that. Same with bbq and chilli give it a counter so that you can not be seen in a certain radius or give a skill check when it activates. Then make it to where only certain perks can be used with one and another. So you can not use bbq and chili with iron grip or thier counters at the same time. This would make selecting your perks even more important to a win for either side. You only get 4 perk slots and if you change it up to where neither side can become op by themselves then it is done right? Killer needs to be able to take down 1 lonely survivor, and survivors should be forced to work as a team in order to beat the killer.

    Iron grasp is garbage and nobody uses it, it literally adds less than 2 seconds to wiggle time. You must be rank 20 if you believe everyone uses it.

    Ok I was just using it as an example, Name a better perk that you want taken away then? Also I am not the greatest player by no means but I normally in the 8 to 10 on the killer range and most of them still use it so I don't know what to tell you other than they do use. oh and there have been a handful of time that the iron grasp was just enough to stop the wiggle when the killer is dumb and bouncing off walls. A good killer should have no trouble killing a decent solo player a bad killer should never even have a chance at it until he learns the game.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @DisturbedZ said:

    @yeet said:
    DisturbedZ said:

    so if it is only to stop the basement hooking then why do we need iron grip???? Should we not have perks on both sides to create better balance. I mean 90% of the killers I play have bbq and chilli and iron grip. Would it not make sense to have a survivor have a perk to counter a killer perk and have so many that the chance of a killer and survivor countering each other very low? For example a wiggle perk that would have a difficult skill check that you could use with a cooldown timer, that could stop a regular grip. Then redo the iron grip to be the counter to that. Same with bbq and chilli give it a counter so that you can not be seen in a certain radius or give a skill check when it activates. Then make it to where only certain perks can be used with one and another. So you can not use bbq and chili with iron grip or thier counters at the same time. This would make selecting your perks even more important to a win for either side. You only get 4 perk slots and if you change it up to where neither side can become op by themselves then it is done right? Killer needs to be able to take down 1 lonely survivor, and survivors should be forced to work as a team in order to beat the killer.

    Iron grasp is garbage and nobody uses it, it literally adds less than 2 seconds to wiggle time. You must be rank 20 if you believe everyone uses it.

    Ok I was just using it as an example, Name a better perk that you want taken away then? Also I am not the greatest player by no means but I normally in the 8 to 10 on the killer range and most of them still use it so I don't know what to tell you other than they do use. oh and there have been a handful of time that the iron grasp was just enough to stop the wiggle when the killer is dumb and bouncing off walls. A good killer should have no trouble killing a decent solo player a bad killer should never even have a chance at it until he learns the game.

    i don't want any perks "taken away"
    having perks that are super overpowered but its ok because one killer perk stops it from working is bogus game design, someone should never feel like they need specific perks to win, its good you're not a game designer, because you have no clue how balance works.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Most of the time, unless hooks are very close or very far from where you're picked up, the predictable outcome is the same: you won't (and you shouldn't) wiggle out by default, but you almost certainly will, if there are 1-2 other survivors doing the bodyblocking. So wiggling is fine as it is in my opinion.
    Please consider that when facing skilled loopers, even a good killer may need a painfully long time to down one. Add faster wiggling to that, and you'll see way more 0K games than now.
    Also, as said by someone else, 90% of killers using Iron Grip is a wild exaggeration. There are much better perks. I'd say 20%, tops, from rank 15-1.
    I suggest either improving your looping/juking skills, or even better, stealth. And in case you don't, I'd recommend playing both sides, there's a chance you'll agree if you see how your proposed wiggle buff would effect killers. Cheers.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited September 2018
    How to properly use Saboteur:
    By a Jake main.
    Ignore generators unless your team is getting rolled. Focus on breaking hooks to 99%. Once you are confident that you have gotten all of the hooks you will need to quickly run around and break ALL OF THEM as fast as you can. You will want to do this hook purge at one of two times:
    1.) There are <3 generators left.
    2.) The exits are powered.

    Doing this denies the killer all of their hooks for 3 full minutes. This makes wiggling free more successful at the trial's most critical moments.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    It would and should be easier, IF bodyblocking wasn’t a thing.... but bodyblocking is kinda a thing

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183
    The wiggling system is fine.
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    Peasant said:
    How to properly use Saboteur:
    By a Jake main.
    Ignore generators unless your team is getting rolled. Focus on breaking hooks to 99%. Once you are confident that you have gotten all of the hooks you will need to quickly run around and break ALL OF THEM as fast as you can. You will want to do this hook purge at one of two times:
    1.) There are <3 generators left.
    2.) The exits are powered.

    Doing this denies the killer all of their hooks for 3 full minutes. This makes wiggling free more successful at the trial's most critical moments.
    I didn't know that, great tactic if it work. As a killer that never happenned to me tho. Also don't get me wrong wiggling CAN be useful but I feel like it's so situational it's kind of a waste, imo.
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @George_Soros said:
    Most of the time, unless hooks are very close or very far from where you're picked up, the predictable outcome is the same: you won't (and you shouldn't) wiggle out by default, but you almost certainly will, if there are 1-2 other survivors doing the bodyblocking. So wiggling is fine as it is in my opinion.
    Please consider that when facing skilled loopers, even a good killer may need a painfully long time to down one. Add faster wiggling to that, and you'll see way more 0K games than now.
    Also, as said by someone else, 90% of killers using Iron Grip is a wild exaggeration. There are much better perks. I'd say 20%, tops, from rank 15-1.
    I suggest either improving your looping/juking skills, or even better, stealth. And in case you don't, I'd recommend playing both sides, there's a chance you'll agree if you see how your proposed wiggle buff would effect killers. Cheers.

    Funny thing is I played about 15 matches last night, Had at least 10 killers use iron grip all killers was between 12 and 8. So yeah 90% wasn't achieved during last nights matches but that is still pretty high. Had 3 of those matches with iron grip where my bar filled up and the killer did the little electric slide maneuver to hook me. I am Really not a fan of the killer being able to do that and steal my wiggle from me. Also I do play as killer. most of the time. I have no problem with a survivor wiggling free. It means More points for me to go chase them again. When I run as a killer I hook someone and go to the far end of the map unless I see someone on the way just so that they can get unhooked. I try to go for max hooking 2 if not 3 a player. Only Time I dont is if they act cocky and are try to run interference then they die a bit faster. I play killer for points and the fun of the chase not the kill. the kill means game over I like to play with my prey for as long as possible. Most of the time I get told I was an awesome killer. I just think it is stupid to have every killer run the same perks. it makes the game repetitive to say oh look another bbq hillbilly, another hex totem hunter, a dr with his terror radius, and so forth. The only challenge is to figure out will the killer chase me straight or cut me off, will he follow me through the window or walk around. No change at all. I have played lvl 1 and 2 killers who play the exact same as a lvl 10, or 15. You really think changing it up to where each killer is unique with different perks would be a bad thing? I can look up perk builds right now and almost all the results will say the same thing. So a survivor counters that and then the killers cry that they are being picked on and need more op perks so that they only use the same lineup for almost every match. I would much rather see it to where a killer says oh crap there are two megs in the match I need a different killer or to change my setup, or there people running with flashlights better not use this killer. All they do is pick one killer for whatever reason, use the same perks and never change it up.

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    People hate the perk but boil over has helped me many times in getting off the shoulder (mostly because of teammate help) but the strength of blocking hook auras can be quite powerful if you can get yourself downed in a crafty position (lots of obstructions between hooks). If you want a higher chance try this out and you’ll get a few good laughs along the way. Boil over is also even stronger with Sabo but that’s also a time waster 
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @CrtKazz said:
    People hate the perk but boil over has helped me many times in getting off the shoulder (mostly because of teammate help) but the strength of blocking hook auras can be quite powerful if you can get yourself downed in a crafty position (lots of obstructions between hooks). If you want a higher chance try this out and you’ll get a few good laughs along the way. Boil over is also even stronger with Sabo but that’s also a time waster 

    I do use this perk lol that is why I get so close to getting off sometimes, i do think it is hilarious too watching them hit walls but in a open map like the cornfields it doesnt do much good other than to block the aura of a hook or two.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the whole point of the wiggle mechanic is, that the killer will not be able to always get the basement hook. that said, there should be no spot in the map, where the killer cant reach a hook in order to hook the survivors in the given time.
    thinking, that the wiggle mechanic was actually ment for survivors to wiggle out and escape is wrong. the only reason it exists in the first place to put some pressure on the killer and to force him to use a hook, which may be in their disadvantage (like a hook in the open field as trapper).

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @Mister_xD said:
    the whole point of the wiggle mechanic is, that the killer will not be able to always get the basement hook. that said, there should be no spot in the map, where the killer cant reach a hook in order to hook the survivors in the given time.
    thinking, that the wiggle mechanic was actually meant for survivors to wiggle out and escape is wrong. the only reason it exists in the first place to put some pressure on the killer and to force him to use a hook, which may be in their disadvantage (like a hook in the open field as trapper).

    So Where does it actually state that is the purpose of the wiggle? I cant find anything officially that says the wiggle feature is only to force the use of hooks that are not in the basement. If that is the case then why is there boil over? it seems to me like the devs want you to make it tough on the killer so he doesn't just carry you and hit people as he takes his leisurely stroll over to the hook. Another example is agitation. Why have a perk used to speed up the killer getting to the hook if there is almost no chance of wiggling free?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @DisturbedZ said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    the whole point of the wiggle mechanic is, that the killer will not be able to always get the basement hook. that said, there should be no spot in the map, where the killer cant reach a hook in order to hook the survivors in the given time.
    thinking, that the wiggle mechanic was actually meant for survivors to wiggle out and escape is wrong. the only reason it exists in the first place to put some pressure on the killer and to force him to use a hook, which may be in their disadvantage (like a hook in the open field as trapper).

    So Where does it actually state that is the purpose of the wiggle? I cant find anything officially that says the wiggle feature is only to force the use of hooks that are not in the basement. If that is the case then why is there boil over? it seems to me like the devs want you to make it tough on the killer so he doesn't just carry you and hit people as he takes his leisurely stroll over to the hook. Another example is agitation. Why have a perk used to speed up the killer getting to the hook if there is almost no chance of wiggling free?

    just think about it:
    if a survivor wiggles free, the killer gets heavily punished for failing his objective. if it was something common to wiggle out, that wouldnt be the case. little example: i think we are all familiar with the perk "enduring" (teachable hillbilly perk, reduces the stun time by 75% on lvl 3). this perk affects all stuns, except for two: the DS stun, which will only be reduced by 55% and the wiggle out stun, which will get reduced at all. why is that so? i think, thats because the killer is supposed to be heavily punished for failing to hook a survivor, so they get the whole stun, the survivor gets the whole headstart and the killer literally has to restart the whole chase he just went through in order to even down that person, which means a huuuge time loss for the killer, which might even cost him the whole game. now, what do you think would happen, if that would be a common thing? killers would mostly just leave the match with 0 - 1 kill, since they just dont have enough time to let survivors escape from them.
    but lets take that step even further: what if there were locations on the map, where the killer wouldnt be able to hook anyone at all? well, every long time DbD player knows this, since that was a common thing in the old days of DbD, where all hooks got sabotaged and didnt respawn as they do today. two main things would happen here: first, the survivors would take heavy advantage of this and abuse it as much as they can and secondly, we'd have a whole new slug meta (something no one wants).
    you see where this is going?
    you cant just take away the killers objective, since what do you expect him to do then? taking away the killers hooks is like reducing the amount of generators on the map to 5, so the killer can literally camp the last gen, until everyone got downed. thats just not a good idea. you are ment to have more of them, since it would bring an unfair advantage to the other side if you hadnt.
    also, since you asked:
    the whole point of agitation is to reduce the amount of time it takes the killer to get his objective, since, as we all know, time is very crucial in this game and even one second can decide, weather you win or not, so this perk helps you speed things up a little. agitation is not ment to give you a greater distance, thats just a nice little side effect. iron graps is the perk that is ment to give you the extra time you need to pick, which hook you'd like to get. a combination of both will grant you the freedome to decide where to hook the survivor, no matter where you are (not 100% true, but you gain a huuuge amount of extra distance to get to a hook you like).
    (write "pumpkin" in your response, if you actually made it till here) (;
    boil over only screws baby killers. dont run this perk, its rly useless. its only ment to make it harder for the killer to get to a hook, and waste his time. its not ment to just allow you to get off.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018
    Have no fear, shake those maracas and the body blocking conga line will come to your aid, and take turns getting hit at the hook. 

    Holy ######### that drives me crazy. 

    But in all seriousness, it’s boring. I wish survivors could latch onto tree branches and props to stop me temporarily, this way I can’t just walk wherever I want, and I’ll have to wiggle my camera to yank you off the prop. 

    To be honest though, destroying hooks is devastating to us. If we don’t run hangman’s trick then it’s almost impossible to get hooks when the last remaining three are too far away. 
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @Mister_xD said:

    @DisturbedZ said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    the whole point of the wiggle mechanic is, that the killer will not be able to always get the basement hook. that said, there should be no spot in the map, where the killer cant reach a hook in order to hook the survivors in the given time.
    thinking, that the wiggle mechanic was actually meant for survivors to wiggle out and escape is wrong. the only reason it exists in the first place to put some pressure on the killer and to force him to use a hook, which may be in their disadvantage (like a hook in the open field as trapper).

    So Where does it actually state that is the purpose of the wiggle? I cant find anything officially that says the wiggle feature is only to force the use of hooks that are not in the basement. If that is the case then why is there boil over? it seems to me like the devs want you to make it tough on the killer so he doesn't just carry you and hit people as he takes his leisurely stroll over to the hook. Another example is agitation. Why have a perk used to speed up the killer getting to the hook if there is almost no chance of wiggling free?

    just think about it:
    if a survivor wiggles free, the killer gets heavily punished for failing his objective. if it was something common to wiggle out, that wouldnt be the case. little example: i think we are all familiar with the perk "enduring" (teachable hillbilly perk, reduces the stun time by 75% on lvl 3). this perk affects all stuns, except for two: the DS stun, which will only be reduced by 55% and the wiggle out stun, which will get reduced at all. why is that so? i think, thats because the killer is supposed to be heavily punished for failing to hook a survivor, so they get the whole stun, the survivor gets the whole headstart and the killer literally has to restart the whole chase he just went through in order to even down that person, which means a huuuge time loss for the killer, which might even cost him the whole game. now, what do you think would happen, if that would be a common thing? killers would mostly just leave the match with 0 - 1 kill, since they just dont have enough time to let survivors escape from them.
    but lets take that step even further: what if there were locations on the map, where the killer wouldnt be able to hook anyone at all? well, every long time DbD player knows this, since that was a common thing in the old days of DbD, where all hooks got sabotaged and didnt respawn as they do today. two main things would happen here: first, the survivors would take heavy advantage of this and abuse it as much as they can and secondly, we'd have a whole new slug meta (something no one wants).
    you see where this is going?
    you cant just take away the killers objective, since what do you expect him to do then? taking away the killers hooks is like reducing the amount of generators on the map to 5, so the killer can literally camp the last gen, until everyone got downed. thats just not a good idea. you are ment to have more of them, since it would bring an unfair advantage to the other side if you hadnt.
    also, since you asked:
    the whole point of agitation is to reduce the amount of time it takes the killer to get his objective, since, as we all know, time is very crucial in this game and even one second can decide, weather you win or not, so this perk helps you speed things up a little. agitation is not ment to give you a greater distance, thats just a nice little side effect. iron graps is the perk that is ment to give you the extra time you need to pick, which hook you'd like to get. a combination of both will grant you the freedome to decide where to hook the survivor, no matter where you are (not 100% true, but you gain a huuuge amount of extra distance to get to a hook you like).
    (write "pumpkin" in your response, if you actually made it till here) (;
    boil over only screws baby killers. dont run this perk, its rly useless. its only ment to make it harder for the killer to get to a hook, and waste his time. its not ment to just allow you to get off.

    Pumpkin huh lol Well I have to say you are one of the first to have an opposing opinion and not get pissy. I can see your point, but I still think you should be able to build a character who has a higher chance to wiggle free. You can have characters set up for speed or stealth why not one that can free themselves from the killers grasp? I understand the killer needs to have a chance to hook but unless im within 5 seconds of a hook and I have several perks to aide in this I should be able to wiggle free. That would make the killer think on where he should down me and not hit me the second he is in range. Lets say if I had to use boil over plus an additional perk in order to achieve this than I have already limited my self to being able to escape the killer in other ways, either by stealth or speed. I feel as though it would make for more unique survivors and change up killer strategies a bit. I could still be hooked and I could still be killed and i could still lose the match. I am not saying I need a perk that gives me 100% chance of escape but lets say a perk that had maybe a 5 %to 7% speed increase on the wiggle bar. I think would be fair it would still be a hard to escape iron grip plus agitation at the same time without other survivors help or getting lucky and bouncy the killer off a wall. Also yes I do run boil over just for the purpose of making it harder to get to a hook. To me its a deterrent to not come after me and go for another survivor instead. Every second of a killers time I waste is a second the survivors have to work on a gen or a hex or a box. So to me it is a benefit to the team as a whole. Plus when they made the hooks respawn that really made the tool box's, and jakes sabotage perk kinda pointless to even have in the game. Yes I know it was being used heavily. I played a match where I only had basement hooks and I ended up killing 3 out of the 4 in the basement because I herded them into that area when I downed them. I fully think you should be able to setup both survivor and killer to be strong in one aspect and weak in another to prevent any op on either side. a wiggler shouldn't have stealth or speed perks, where as a killer shouldn't have a silent approach and an unbreakable grasp, or speed plus teleportation or the ability to throw weapons all combined into one build. It would make the game far more enjoyable if every match had more of a what if factor. Is my survivor build going to work on this killer? yes, no, maybe, we will find out after the match starts and we see what kind of killer build it is. Would some killer stats need to be changed up a bit? yeah maybe but it could work. Personally I think it makes more sense to have a big killer like the trapper to have more grip than the nurse. Freddy should be able to vault quicker than the trapper and so forth. I know some stats are like that already but they need to be more prominent to make the killers stand out more. I have out run myers easier than the trapper sometimes why? bad killer? or the stats are not unique enough? I could go on all day long about how off balance the game is compared to what a master piece it could be.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

    Wow I must have really pissed you off since you decided to ######### on most of my discussions bc of what I said on 1 of yours. HaHaHaHaHa!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

    Wow I must have really pissed you off since you decided to ######### on most of my discussions bc of what I said on 1 of yours. HaHaHaHaHa!

    And a third false assumption. I'm just waiting for my BF to finish dinner so we can prepare for my stream. Seriously, just stop making statements.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

    Wow I must have really pissed you off since you decided to ######### on most of my discussions bc of what I said on 1 of yours. HaHaHaHaHa!

    And a third false assumption. I'm just waiting for my BF to finish dinner so we can prepare for my stream. Seriously, just stop making statements.

    "I must have" doesn't mean I did sweetheart, grammar issues again.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

    Wow I must have really pissed you off since you decided to ######### on most of my discussions bc of what I said on 1 of yours. HaHaHaHaHa!

    And a third false assumption. I'm just waiting for my BF to finish dinner so we can prepare for my stream. Seriously, just stop making statements.

    "I must have" doesn't mean I did sweetheart, grammar issues again.

    Professor Orion isn't going to give you a second lecture. Suffice it to say you are wrong, because you don't understand English as well as you think you do.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    Where's that image of Dwight wearing Evan's mask when you need it?

    Wow I must have really pissed you off since you decided to ######### on most of my discussions bc of what I said on 1 of yours. HaHaHaHaHa!

    And a third false assumption. I'm just waiting for my BF to finish dinner so we can prepare for my stream. Seriously, just stop making statements.

    "I must have" doesn't mean I did sweetheart, grammar issues again.

    Professor Orion isn't going to give you a second lecture. Suffice it to say you are wrong, because you don't understand English as well as you think you do.

    Sure say's the person using "or" as if it mean "and" xD

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @RSB said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    @Orion Even better, this picture.


  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    @Orion said:

    @RSB said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    @Orion Even better, this picture.


    Yawn, so your bf to the rescue. Now you're boring me sweetheart.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2018

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @RSB said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    @Orion Even better, this picture.


    Yawn, so your bf to the rescue. Now you're boring me sweetheart.

    That's the fourth false assumption. My BF doesn't even come to this forum; he doesn't have an account. EDIT: I know you've made a fifth false assumption already, but I won't correct you on it.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @RSB said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Just going to mention since I saw someone say that we should play as a killer to understand the buff would be bad but...I'm already a killer main...and I am the one calling for a buff. Lol

    @Orion Even better, this picture.


    Yawn, so your bf to the rescue. Now you're boring me sweetheart.

    That's the fourth false assumption. My BF doesn't even come to this forum; he doesn't have an account.

    I feel forced to point out since you have not noticed, I'm doing it on purpose just to spite you...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    And I feel forced to point out, since you've ignored it, that all you're doing is helping to pass the time; nothing more.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    @Orion said:
    And I feel forced to point out, since you've ignored it, that all you're doing is helping to pass the time; nothing more.

    Why do you think I'm replying ? I also have to entertain myself you know...

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    Oh BTW Adam is way worst than Claudette imo. Mainly bc of his black coat.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    @OrionQc24 you might want to enter the general discussion thread to pass the time... not balance feedback...
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @OrionQc24 you might want to enter the general discussion thread to pass the time... not balance feedback...

    Oh she was the one who turned it into this. Originally this was a serious discussion. She got mad at me on one of her post and decided to ######### on all of mines except two. That's fine tho it was entertaining. Lol

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @OrionQc24 you might want to enter the general discussion thread to pass the time... not balance feedback...

    Oh she was the one who turned it into this. Originally this was a serious discussion.

    I'm a dude.
    Fifth false assumption. I await the sixth.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    @OrionQc24 wait... are you switching accounts and arguing with yourself? What the #########? 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @OrionQc24 wait... are you switching accounts and arguing with yourself? What the [BAD WORD]? 

    Nope. I'm the original Orion, he's a French knock-off.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @OrionQc24 wait... are you switching accounts and arguing with yourself? What the [BAD WORD]? 

    Nope well he is someone idk. Oh you're gay that explains the bitching.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @OrionQc24 wait... are you switching accounts and arguing with yourself? What the [BAD WORD]? 

    Nope well he is someone idk. Oh you're gay that explains the bitching.

    And there it is. I'm bisexual.
    You should really stop making statements at this point, especially homophobic ones.