Is "Surge" a bad perk?



  • Saemeael
    Saemeael Member Posts: 6

    I'm sure it's been summarised here before but the perk is just too map & killer dependant to be useful.

    Being a basic attack down pretty much makes the perk useless on most killer using m2, such as huntress and billy, and since the perk requires gens to be tightly together to get more value it only works on smaller maps effectively. Add into this the fact that pop goes the weasel and corrupt intervention exists and you can understand why it's kinda bad.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270
    edited July 2020

    8% regression is equal 6.4 seconds of regression and base regression speed is 4x slower than a survivor working a generator. The major selling point of this perk is that it gives you over time regression without requiring you to physically kick gens but because regression is so slow, It isn't worth it. Suppose you surge a 35% gen, it will take 108 seconds for it to regress fully. that is really long time. on top of that, the only killers who can get use out of this perk are killers who aggressively chase survivors all over the map but also use M1 as method of downing. There are only 3 killers that I can think of that do that, Nurse, Clown and Deathslinger and all these killers have better perks to use than Surge. If surge regress generator by about 15%-18%, It might be justified over pop goes weasel but right now it has no real purpose. Perhaps in future, if they release a perk that when you hook a survivor, the next time a generator is regressed, it regresses at 400%(1:1 ratio in survivor repairs), than you might see Surge+that perk get used. As of now, This over-time regression perk isn't worth anything.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    8% that I can't control, which requires the survivor to be somewhat near a gen, and with a long cooldown. MAYBE hits multiple gens.


    25% on a gen of my choice every single time with the small drawback of kicking.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I wouldn't call it bad, but it has a lot of wasted potential.

    To buff it they should either remove the cooldown or remove the m1 hits only penalty. The latter makes more sense because its a Demo teachable and the reason why it does not work well on him is because he is forced to use his shred in many occasions and the perk simply does not proc.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Surge is definitely his best perk. Believe it or not, I find it incredibly strong on Ghostface.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I just ought demo too and interestingly enough I've gotten pretty much the same comments as you have lol I was interested to know about surge too so I'm glad you asked 👍

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    A couple of peeps have mentioned it's good on GF. GF is one of my main stabby bois so I'm going to have to try it on him but his stalk powers combined with Surge does on paper look like a...killer combination :D

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I don't see why Surge's radius can't be increased. Maybe 32/48/64 meters depending on the level of the perk. Since it has a cooldown, I think an increased range would be fine and make it a useful perk, instead of a novelty perk.

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