"Get 5 gold unbroken emblems"

Why is this challenge worded this way. It's not possible to get a gold unbroken from what I understand. It basically goes to irridescent upon escape completely skipping gold.
also, it seems a bit harsh for the first challenge of level 3 of tome 2 to be "escape 5 times" for survivor.
A bit outdated I guess, but I'm going through the old tomes while I wait on the new one.
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Gold is escaping but having been downed at least once. Iridescent is escaping without being downed.
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Had a game once where I got gold after DYING... dunno what happened there.
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ok. that makes sense..except that it's still requiring you to escape..
so why not just say "escape 5 x". a bit odd considering there's literally an "escape 3 times" challenge..
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weird. emblems are just weird.
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Yeah that level of challenges had way too many "Escape" survivor challenges..
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according to the wiki, you get points based off how long you have been alive and how many times put into the dying state, with the goal to get as few points as possible.
it stops counting at 799 (540 seconds alive). so even if you escaped at this point and had never been put in the dying state the max you get is
799 points.
irridescent requires 0 points.
you get 0 points if you escape the trial and have never been downed once.
Therefore, it's impossible to get gold. Based off this information as soon as you exit the trial you either get 799 points for escaping. If you have been downed once you get a bronze if you escape (800-899). If you have not been downed you instantly jump from 799 to 0 and get granted an irridescent. It should not be possible based off this info to get a silver or gold medal in this category..
though i'm assuming ppl do.
So, my original question remains. If this information is still accurate..
what is a gold unbroken album.
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Because most of those challenges are alongside a killer one on the path, there's probably a "get 5 gold devout emblems" on the same spot on the killer side.
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I feel like you missed a line on that chart.
Escaping a Trial without being downed results in an Iridescent quality, while being downed one or more times results in a Gold quality.
If you die in a trial, the emblem quality is based on the amount of time you were alive, however, the highest quality you will receive in this manner is Silver.
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yes, it's "get 5 gold or better gatekeeper emblems" , but unlike the unbroken one..this is actually possible to do.
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what chart is that.
"Your goal is to gain as few points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 1 point: added for being put into the Dying State
- 999 points: added if the time you are alive is less than 300 seconds (5 minutes)
- 899 points: added if the time you are alive is less than 540 seconds (9 minutes), but exceeds 300 seconds
- 799 points: added if the time you are alive exceeds 540 seconds
Special Condition:
- If you escape unbroken (without having been downed once) and the time you were alive exceeds 540 seconds, you will automatically be awarded an Iridescent Emblem
i'm reading the wiki. please direct me to more updated information. thank you. 😀
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How is it impossible? You just have to succeed the most basic goal of 5 matches. That's like a 50/50 shot each time.
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i think that may be the issue here.
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Look between what you just copy pasted and the emblem pictures. You'll see the 2 lines I just showed you.
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because according to the wiki you jump from 799 to 0 points and never get 699 points. Obviously that information is outdated.
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ugh. thank you.😂
sorry for wasting everyones time. makes sense now. Now I know what I am aiming for here.
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You're fine. All you have to do if you NEED gold and not iri is make sure you get downed at least 1 time before escaping. If you havent been downed yet, maybe wait at the very edge of the exit area before escaping to let the killer down you and crawl out.
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The challenge is gold or better. You literally just have to escape to meet the requirement.
It's also stated in the game when you hover over the emblem after a match.
How? Just... what?
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Says i escaped broken...when I clearly died
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ya. it's messed up.
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still not seeing that 50/50 chance of escaping that was promised to me. It's now been 12 hours. 12 hours across 2 days of ppl who can't do skill checks, grab others off hook in front of killer. kite killer to team mates chase crows, die within 3 seconds of game starting..
I haven't had a successful escape in this game since the 12th..
o wait..that's the day before the rank reset. what a coincidence.
if this whole rift tier is going to be nothing but "escape game" than i'm just going to not even bother with it. Making 0 progres on the thing. I don't want to play SWF and shouldn't be punished because of that.