Question about cosmetics

I don't know if this is allowed to be answered or if it was already answered but I figured I'd ask anyway. How is it chosen which characters get cosmetics next. Is it off of popular characters or just by whoever you feel like making next. Just curious not trying to sound mean. Also love the new jeff cosmetic that dropped today another outfit for my main. :D
I can't be certain, I'm not a dev. But I assume it's a mix of all those things you mentioned. Obviously the more popular characters get more cosmetics because they're played more often. I also think they take into account how long it's been since a certain character has gotten one.
Let's take Yui, Jeff, and Adam for example. Yui came out over a year after Jeff and Adam yet she has at least 3 more outfits then both of them. This is because she is played more often.
Also, Zarina JUST came out, is nearly brand new and she currently has the exact same amount of store cosmetics as Adam. I think the dev's notice that female survivors are generally played more then male ones and also take this into account.
Now I'm sure the killers are in a similar situation. It's just not as compact.
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That makes sense
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most played characters get more cosmetic, of course, more people are willing to drop 10$ on the skin. When people starts complaining (yeah, complaining for skins, but anyways) because certain characters get so few skins, they release a new set for him/her.
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I'm guessing that the devs try to make better outfits for the lesser played survivors/killers, so people would play them more (for example: Jeff, one of the least played survivors, had his last 2 outfits be absolutely beautiful).