Killer Battle Royale

Killers should fight other killers too sometimes. Make it a special event :o Doesn't even have to be permanent or anything, just take all the killers as they are, allow them to perk up and go to town lmao
fairly certain pyramid head would just be wacking through walls, huntress sniping with hatchets,nurse blinking everywhere none stop,billy chainsawing around the map and deahslinger just fishing etc
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I would give it a go.
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This sounds fun af.
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I'm also pretty certain that Legion would dodge most of that, Wraith would just ignore most of the drama he can't deal with, and Ghostface would just oneshot the troublemakers.
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Why does everything need a Battle Royale ???
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Just because you're not interested in the mainstream doesn't mean that everyone else isn't.
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I remember seeing a clip where there was one killer playing against 9 survivors. That's the closest to battle royale we'll probably get.
Can't do it now btw.
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Battle Royale? No. This idea is as ludacris as putting 50 survivors in one game as a race to finish gens, it’d be kinda boring, and eliminate the little bit of “fear” this SURVIVAL HORROR game has left.
However, I would be open to a 2v8 mode or something of that sort. I’m sure there are several people here that once wished they could have a friend killing beside them.
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I didn't say anything at all about survivors. Who said survivors? I'm not talking about survivors.
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Who tf Would evwn win. Lore based Freddy or oni are probably the most powerful. Depending on the Version of Michael as well.
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I think you need a Dictionary, but I’ll re-word the exact same thing I already said.
”This idea is stupid. An idea for a survivor BR is even more stupid. No to all the above.”
Hopefully you get it this time...
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At that point why not just make a proper fighting game? That way they don't have to take up the main teams resources and they won't have to balance an entirely separate game mode.
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I don't understand. You're the one who said survivor. I meant like I want to fight Bubba as Plague famo
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This seems better to me.
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I know what you meant. I was using survivors as a metaphorical comparison to show why this idea was sub-par. Regardless of the fact that I said the word “survivor” multiple times, if you translate it to English correctly, I wasn’t talking about survivors either. It is simply a comparison.
Perhaps I’ll try a different one. It would be like a basketball game making Steph Curry go 1v1 vs Clay Thompson.
Or Luke Skywalker VS Yoda.
Or survivors VS survivors...oh wait, that’s the one that confused ya.
The thought of putting same sided characters against each other just totally wrecks the storyline. This is my own opinion, but I’m not even slightly interested in killing another killer. Look at the movie Freddy VS Jason. You really think turning horror into comedy is a good idea?
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"Battle Royale" wrecks the storyline.
Also Horror into Comedy (especially within DBD): Ash is in the game. Just let that sink in :thinking_emoji:
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Oh cool, you understand now! Kudos brutha.
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Battle Royale in a horror game.
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I know this won't match the lore but:
a 5v5
A killer and 4 survivors on each side
the survivors have to go to the other side of the map and do gens (2-3) and make it back to their side to open the door
while the killer stays back to defend the gens and kill the survivors
Corrupt would be automatic as the middle gen needs to be done first
among other perks that would have to be banned in order for the mode to work... I think it would be fun
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Won't match the lore?
"One day the entity got bored and decided to tell both the survivors and killers 'do this new trial or you'll experience a real nightmare.'"
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It's more like "Work together or else"
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We are already playing this tradition. But with better mechanics than this, I don't think it makes much difference
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We are?
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Funny idea.
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Play some Fortnite then and leave DBD as it is.
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ill place my bets on my boy pyramid head