Harsh truths for survivors that complain.



  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    You think you know what you’re talking about, but you don’t 😂 survivors don’t have the advantage. Slugging and proxy camping 3 gens is OP and not really fair either. I can tell you right now I main plague Lvl50 prestige 3 red rank killer and it’s ezzzzzz. If plague can do it anyone can do it. Okay okay maybe I use 4th gen Astro A50s and have an elite controller. But still, you use the right perk combination on the right killer with awareness you’ll be 3-4K every game. Killers are A little privileged

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Hell no survivors are not overpowered. After playing both sides It’s safe to say it’s too ez to get kills. I find the hit boxes slanted in killers favor heavily!

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    if we add the "excellent" mm system of this game, the statistics are not worth anything here..

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Most streamers will disagree with you. Unless you're arrogant enough to think your opinion trumps the opinion of people that play this game for a living.

    VPN to the Sao paulo servers and play at 1am CST, then come back.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    The forum is filled with killers complaining about survivors nerfs. What are you talking about.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I play both sides, survivor and killer, and when I play killer, I do not see the "Ruin Nerf" as a major nerf. It was definitely nerfed but it really wasn't a major nerf. I'll still use it and it works great with certain other perks. And to be honest, I didn't use pre-nerf Ruin every game, it was a bad crutch and handicapped you as killer, because you got use to the slower gen speeds and had to use a perk slot just so you can keep up. Trust me, ruin is much better as it is now because it allows you variety in your slow down perks.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited July 2020

    "Survivors have the advantage in this game, not killers. Information is also survivor sided"

    meanwhile me dying on first hook while the rest of teammates are selfcaring in a corner/slugged/being chased/just standing walking somewhere.

    damn it, I didn't use my comunication advantages.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    What loops? All the new maps have updated loops, and they are a joke. Even the new updates that added doors for the killer to walk through and smack survivors are a joke. The game is definitely favoring killer sided game play going forward. Playing killer is not hard, it's easier than it has ever been, and they still complain. They get bullied by a SWF Rank 1 squad and the game is survivor sided.

    Can we just stop treating this game like an e sport, and just have some fun, no sweat, etc?

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    What happens when the only thing you face is rank 1 swf? That's the whole point of this thread, at the very top, survivors destroy killers. If you're dying as survivor, you can improve to the point of never dying. Asking for nerfs to killers will only widen the gap at the top, making killers leave the game.

    That leads to red ranks sucking up the entire killer base, making life miserable for everyone except red rank survivors.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    Not a chance that all your games are SWF, that is a flat out lie.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Unbalanced perks = killers

    Objectives = survivors

    Servers = whichever side I'm not playing on

    Maps = killers

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Wanna bet? They're not all 4 mans, but at least 70% of my matches have at least a 2 man.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Posts like this one just go to further incite this stupid killer vs survivor mindset on the forums. You can't get anyone to sympathize with your problems and stressers if your going to turn a blind eye to theirs and claim that they dont matter.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Typically those SWFs teams your talking about arnt the horrid sweat squads you fear anyways. While things like OoO is pretty broken in a SWF squad, proper pressure and knowing when to drop chases can win you games with any killer.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Ugh this is such a useless threat.

    This thread is basically idiot killer main VS idiot survivor main. There are no winners.

    The game is in a way balanced state if you dont focus on all the bugs and matchmaking.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    You'd lose. I play in sweat city. Try slugging, they're up in 20 seconds. Hit and run, they're healed back up. Down someone, there's two people waiting for a pallet stun or flashlight, chase one and the other is healing. Everyone knows where the pallets are broken.

    I understand the frustrations of playing survivor, but they need to buff solos, not nerf killers. Its not the strength of the killer, it's the weaknesses of your teammates.

    I can't help but notice the bugs and matchmaking, since it mostly hurts killers.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    I somewhat disagree with "survivors have the advantage"

    I main killer, most non sfw games end up in 4ks for me if I'm playing one of my main killers. while survivors have better add on type things (keys, some great offerings) killer in general has an advantage over a normal game (non sfw) due to survivors having a lack of information. Yes they get more info than killers, but it's 4 people. This leads to disorganization and time wasting. Not knowing who is being chased for if anyone at all for example. Killer also has a faster movement speed and has time on their side granted their not tunneling. once you're down to 3 or 4 gens left it's so easy to halt all gen progression for the most part. Yes, genrushing sucks, but people tunnel too much which makes it so easy. Get a hit, don't commit to the chase, go get someone at the gen you know they'll be at.

    Sfw with voice chat however is such an insane advantage it's ridiculous. To list a few things it lets you know when someone's being chased to rush gens, it lets you know the exact best moment to rescue from hooks, it takes away room for survivor error as 1 person's knowledge becomes the rest easily.

    I play survivor sometimes, and sfw a few times. The difference is insane. Its such an advantage I'd compare it to wallhack in a fps games.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. No side is the power role in this game. Especially now.

  • SilentChill
    SilentChill Member Posts: 39

    Things wont be balanced until survivors can Gen-rush/no-deaths in under 5 min... oh wait... I mean if Killers can 4K no-gen ... Oh wait ... im confused guys .. how will we know when the game is balanced?

  • exf310n
    exf310n Member Posts: 24

    Can we talk about what really is winning in this game? We all basically know that rank does not determine your skill level at this game, yes? So even if you don't kill a single person in match, but manage to gain 20k plus points, I consider that a win. Points are what advance character level, buy add-ons, and perks for characters, not rank. Yes, everyone wants to dominate a match and crush the killer/survivors, but perhaps we should shift our focus away from those metrics of performance. Points reward us. Points are awarded based on a number of factors during a match, not just surviving or sacrificing. Sure, there are matches where killers very quickly end a match and very few points go to survivors. There are also matches where survivors manage to keep a killer occupied long enough to open the gates and prevent them from securing hooks by using perks or items. This happens because people are focused on the wrong goals, and they are only concerned for their enjoyment of the game, and their rewards. If we would all think more about earning points through extended match play and performing different tasks during matches, then perhaps more people would enjoy this game and be less stressed. 🌾🌾🌾🚜

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    My problem is that I'm in a region with extremely strong survivors. I watch a bunch of streamers and they have time and survivors that screw up. When otz or bronx is having what they call a tough game, that's the kind of survivor play I see all of the time.

    Pips are the win condition.

  • exf310n
    exf310n Member Posts: 24

    @Dwinchester I'd have to disagree about pips being the win condition. As I pointed out, pips and rank buy you nothing in this game. Iridescent shards and blood points do.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Both sides have OP and broken #########. Your initial post is saying a survivor isnt allowed to call out killer OP broken ######### because survivor OP broken ######### exists. If someone complains about a mori, instead of coming at them like "Yeah, moris are broken...keys are broken too. Lets address both" you're coming at them like "STOP COMPLAINING!!! YOU HAVE KEYS!!!"

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Because survivors don't want their broken stuff fixed, they want to keep it AND nerf killers.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    You're saying THEY alot like anyone who's ever clicked that "play as survivor" button is some kind of hive-mind. You're thread isnt "Lets get rid of the broken stuff" its "stop complaining about MY broken stuff". When you go into these discussions, rather than acknowledging than someones complaint is infact valid... you are discrediting it because survivors have broken stuff too, and the conversation breaks down because you've successfully established a killer vs survivor mindset. "THEY" dont want this. Sure you have people on BOTH sides of the debate who are extremely skewed, but just because one person doesnt see anything wrong with keys, but moris are the devil... doesnt mean thats everyone. Alot of people would be completely fine with tossing both.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Scott recently made a video about that very subject, I think it's an interesting watch.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I've seen it and while I dont agree with EVERYTHING the guy says, this video is pretty spot on.

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    What do you personally consider a win for killers / survivors?

  • russond
    russond Member Posts: 5

    I've noticed a lot wrong with various perks for both killer and survivor but I don't let that bother me, I mainly play survivor and I even look forward to not knowing whether the killer as noed or not and even when he does there's many games where I've still survived, I think the reason it doesn't bother me so much is I do tend to win more games than I lose so the losing part isn't so bad for me as long as it was a fun match, the only realy issue I have with DBD on ps4 is the wait times for games i was hoping it was cross platform by now, don't take it too seriously and have fun guys 😊

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    As a killer, we literally have FREE REIGN to literally go and delete survivors from the game. Camping and tunnelling have been given the clear by the devs.

    A LOT of changes lately have been in a killer's favour as well. Toolboxes, map changes and Sabotage have all been general killer buffs and the Clown no longer being slowed by throwing his bottles is a huge improvement to him!

    Information is also majority if what a survivor has to work with, and there are a myriad of perks and powers to mitigate or even negate this information.

    Kobe's are also FOUR PERCENT statistically, but it is far from that in reality. The perks and offerings that improve these odds are a percent of a percent. Bear traps are also minimal. RBT is a guessing game, not a random roll either. As a veteran 40k player, if you're relying on a dice roll, odds are you're just screwed.

    And your Prove Thyself maths is horribly inaccurate. It only negates the first 15% penalty for working on a generator together. Nothing more, unless uou have a survivor standing next to a Prove Thyself user, but at that point they may as well be ON the generator doing it.

    As for your final statement about ranks, they don't matter. I've been green and destroyed teams of two reds, a purple and a green or yellow as a green ranked killer. One was even on stream. It it literally on you.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Please don't use corn emojis, I'm still recovering from the PTSD induced nightmares Coldwind Farm gives me.

    The problem is no one can agree to what is considered a win. 20k is nice, but someone might think 21k is better for them. Some killers think 1k is good, some killers think 4k is the only way to consider a win, while others think that 12 hooks is the only true way to win, while others think 32k is the only true way to win. Some survivors think a good chase is a win, a single gen, several gens, making sure at least one person has a good chance at escaping, making sure at least one person actually escapes, all the way up to 4-person escapes.

    The truth is often it's case by case, individually determined, and determined by what map you play on and who you play against in an in-the-moment way--meaning that X individual playing against Y killer on Z map might have completely different goals depending on what happens early, mid, and late game, to change what they consider a win. And we're trying to create a line in the sand as close as possible to our version of winning, which isn't really set in stone anyways.

    As much as I think killers need to chill out about 4k games being the only real way to win, the current pip system encourages it, and in a system where rank is visually important, even if the community knows that it's not really, it systematically stimulates that sort of mentality.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    @Predated Few points I feel you made don't mesh up.

    1) SWF doesn't need to work 'perfectly' together to dominate. That friend that told you where the totem was, even if it wasn't in the spot he thought, still gave you the general location. Unhook, spend thirty seconds looking, find it, pop it. Most totems spawn in the open, so it's not like it'll take long. So, if your bud hadn't told you, would you have found it in a similar time frame? You may, you may not. However, it would have been more on luck if you did. That's the issue with SWF. You don't need to have perfect teamwork. A simple 'hex that way' or 'trap by window' or 'killer moving off' can be enough to throw a match. Sure, I'll agree that altruism is often the downfall of less experienced SWF, but it's not them that leave the lasting impression.

    2) 'Unbreakable and DS are only slightly powerful when applied together.' Do we play the same game? Both together can be game changers. DS allows survivors to do objectives without fear of hooking. Unbreakable allows them to counter slugging. How can that be 'slightly powerful?'

    3) The problem I have with the killrate statistics, is it doesn't differentiate between ranks, instead taking the whole. A map with 55% kill rate, for instance. Are we talking new players, mid ranks, or high ranks? How many hook suicides? Who was farmed? Was somebody tunneled out early? A lot goes into the equation, yet the kill rate data just lumps it all in together. If it was broken down, I'd hazard to guess that data would change.

    4) Your final paragraph is iffy. Survivors can indeed make many mistakes in a match. That's why they load out on second chance perks, so they can make said mistakes, and still keep going. Recently got unhooked, but want that gen? DS protects you. Still want that gen? No worries, you have Unbreakable. Pumped out the gens like crazy? Adrenaline gives you both a free health state and sprint burst! See your buddy being carried to a hook? Let's just give them BT knowing they'll body block for you so as not to receive punishment; and hey, BT is unlimited usage, so lets keep doing that!

    My point is, perks have a lot to do with it. At higher ranks, a killer is playing on the survivors time card. A killer makes one bad loop, two gens pop. Survivors, again, can rely on perks to get them out of tough spots.

    'If you are facing a team and you cant even get 2 kills, that's 100% on you not being skilled enough to defeat the team you were facing against. Doesnt have anything to do with perks...' This is just incredibly wrong, here. Or lack the experience, I don't know. Sure, you'll have bad matches out there, but to say that perks don't account for that is silly. DH can extend a chase to twice as long when used correctly, for instance. All the second chance perks forgive mistakes, and can even be weaponized. This goes back to my original point, it's killers that play by the survivors given time, and that time can be shortened when you take into account meta builds.

    '...doesnt have anything to do with SWF. Even the sweatiest SWF can be beaten by any killer in the game.' Facepalmed at this. SWF gives a huge advantage, even if it's not always capitalized on. And the 'sweatiest SWF' will come out on top against the majority of the killer roster. There is a reason why Nurse, Spirit, Old Billy, and to a lesser extent, Freddy, are considered top of the class. Because they can manage the map, and keep even the best survivor players on their toes. Throw a Trapper against the best SWF, they'll be out the door in four minutes. Bubba? Plague? Deathslinger? Similar stories. Ignoring the impact SWF has is wrong.

    Now, I do agree with you that survivors by themselves aren't overpowered. But there are certain variables that do tilt matches in their favor, whether capitalized upon or not.

  • feelthepain23
    feelthepain23 Member Posts: 14

    Its fairly balanced. It all comes down to individual skill. True, that if you are a yellow killer that you will get red ranks survivors but that's down to lack of killer player's .

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    And yet how many killer buffs and updates have been added to the game recently vs the amount of things survivors get? Killers are getting so many changes in good ways for them (aside from poor Billy but that's just one killer). Meanwhile survivors get like 1-2 'buffs' for every like... 5-10 killer buffs and changes.

    How many uncounterable and loop ending and sneak ending killers/killer perks are there? Oh look, one was recently added. Deathslinger has next to no counter. Slinger AND Huntress rely heavily on Dedicated Servers more than other killers. Hag can teleport and forces us to go slower with crouching to save people. Doctor can screw over sneak and end loops same with Pyramid Head and Trapper and Hag, etc. Nurse can get across the map super fast. Billy can get across the map super fast. Spirit we cannot tell where she is and is the best mind gamer (and its usually hard to do anything about). A lot of killers have one shots. Etc.

    Let me give you a harsh truth for killers that complain.

    1) Faster. You can already go faster than us plus you get bloodlust making you even faster. How are we supposed to get away from that? Bring me to...

    2) Looping. Sure, a lot of survivors are good at looping but HOW MANY loops were nerfed because killers complained (and they still complain because the killers dunno how to loop, not our fault)? How many maps have like 100 unsafe loops or dead areas we cannot get away in? You realize pallets are eventually wasted by the end-ish (depends on what everyone else has been doing) so even if you can't get iridescent in gatekeeper, you can still probably get a 4k providing you're good... which brings me to...

    3) Sorry the game takes SKILL. You already have a lot going for you, you just need to get smart.

    4) Survs doing objective too fast? Sorry you dunno how to pressure and killers with SKILL actually do.

    5) Information? I don't think spine chill tells me the direction the killer is. I didn't think it was that hard for killers to moonwalk at loops to mindgame (I'm a bad killer and even I can do that). Chase music does not hinder killers, fix your sound. We don't always know when we're hexed, and if we do (like for Ruin) we dunno where it is (some totems spawns are bs). SWF, sorry we have friends and you don't... sorry if some teams are coordinated and you don't even know how to tie your shoes... practice dude as I've seen skilled killers slaughter SWFs.

    6) Perk strength... don't even get me started. NoEd? You don't even need to get a hook the entire time and you can still get a few kills before the match is completely over. Pop + Thana + Dying Light? Bamboozle to end window loops? Brutal Strength so you don't lose us easily at pallets? Infectious so you can slug forever? Sloppy + Nurses + Thana? STBFL for some super faster downs? Yeah okay, have you not looked at killer perks? Sure we have some unfair perks + perk combos but um... so do you?

    7) Map Favor? lololololololplfseolf,keswo;lfkesofkwe I can't. All indoor maps = killer sided (except for a select few like Nurse unless you're SKILLED). Quite a few outdoor maps have dead zones. Quite a few maps are small enough it's easy enough to pressure. Most killers can do very good/super amazing on most maps. You just can't find anyone and are bad at finding people and get corn blind and blah blah... just admit you're not good.

    8) RNG... you're joking right? You know how often Kobe's happen? How often myself and others get out of a trapper trap within the first 5 tries? HOOK SPAWNS? You're actually kidding about that one right? You realize an update came out to make them spawn a bit closer to each other right? Sorry that other killers know how to manage their hooks.

    9) Matchmaking I'll give you that. It's messed up. I saw my friend, a rank 5, get into a match with everyone else around rank 15. But it can occasionally screw over low rank survivors as well.

    10) The biggest thing in a killer's favor is dedicated servers. I've seen people take like 5+ steps through a window and still get hit through it. I've seen people land their feet on the other side of a pallet and still get hit. I've seen the killer facing the opposite direction and still get the hit. I've seen people spamming space before the killer gets to it and still go down as the killer gets stunned at the same time.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I agree with some of your points here...DS, unbreakable, BT, ect are infact strong can personally I'd be very much in favor of reeling DS back so it can work as an anti-tunnel perk rather than punish me for yanking a survivor off a gen after they got unhooked 59 seconds ago. To claim that most of the killer roster are incapable of holding their own against strong teams though is silly. Its very easy to look past the teams you steamroll while looking at the ones that gave you a hard time and say "THERES the boogyman SWFs team I was warned about". In truth, we're all gonna have our rough matches and its not because we picked the wrong character. I've humbled MANY SWFs teams as Bubba...its kinda fun. While I believe there is room for improvements in some areas, the game overall is in a pretty good spot (not talking about bugs...fix the bugs plz, lol).

    As far as killrate goes, theres a giant elephant in the room.

    How are we suppose to measure killrates accurately when matchmaking like this is so prevalent. Today I kept trying to solo Q as a rank 5 survivor, only to get placed with abunch of people (both killer AND survivor) who were rank 14-16. The queue times werent long for me or anything, but it sure made sense why I couldnt count on my teammates for ANYTHING once I saw the scorecard at the end. This is why killrates in general should be taken with the BIGGEST pinch of salt and hopefully matchmaking is fixed with upcoming updates.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Do you think the game is perfectly balanced? Ok sir, you can rest and go

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Survs got non stop nerfing and will keep that way cuz game balance was heavily going to surv side.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Sheesh, so many killer mains think pips should be based on getting 4k ASAP.

    Remember the lore.

    The entity feeds off of survivors' suffering, hence the reason for getting more bloodpoints when you make the survivors suffer and draw out the length of the match vs killing them all to get 4K ASAP.

    The entity also feeds on the growing agitation/ frustration of the killer.

    No one is entitled to 4K or escaping, because both sides are being manipulated by the entity for it's own purposes.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Want to leave a comment but I already know the second someone tries to shed some light on these people someone is going to ######### at me

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Right because insta blinds, heals, and unlimited DS don't play the game for you.

    Killers have to work, survivors don't. Simple as that.

    You want an even playing field? Okay. Only 1 second chance perk per survivor, SWF needs removed, gen speed needs nerfed AGAIN, totem spawns need to be made harder to find, DS needs completely reworked or removed, so does borrowed time and soul guard. Additionally, keys need removed.

    There isn't even second chances for survs anymore. Its a guarantee if you run meta.

    I play both surv and killer. When I play solo surv I die because I'm trash... but when I play swf, we win every time. Its all about information. It wouldn't be this bad if swf wasn't in the game. Its that you have the ability to ruin any mind game, any trap, any anything that I bring as any killer just by being able to shout it out to your team.

    Don't say he's being a baby, its the truth. You're obviously a surv main to think otherwise because, my dude, its blantaly survivor sided.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    Survivor is overpowered unless you get baboon teammates every game that are somehow red ranks. I play on PS4 and every player just hides or wastes every pallet.

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    every point is wrong. and also game in DJ-like 10-15% players so that not need to from for handful of spoil game 90% players, net math from for tenth parts of suffer hundreds of thousands of players

  • knee_ah
    knee_ah Member Posts: 56

    I agree with you. I'm huntress main and it can be very stressful playing at red/purple ranks

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    If you're relying on bloodlust against my survivors, you're going to lose badly. The time required to get it will see three gens pop.

    Those loop nerfs weren't nerfs. The doors barely help, they've added a ton of long wall into pallet into jungle gym, and they buffed vaulting. As for pallets, every map has more than enough for the game to be over.

    I've got the skill, just I play against top survivors and as stated, top teams will always win.

    Ormond, badham, haddonfield, coldwin, dead dog, midwich are all survivor sided. Macmillian, haddonfield, and lerys is killer.

    Hook rng is as the crow flies, doesn't account for lower levels, swamp buildings, or the great wall of haddonfield.

    Perks strength is no contest, ds and dead hard alone save 6 or 7 hooks per match, no killer perk grants 7 hooks for free.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I mained survivor for over a year. I only played a few killer matches just to do the archives to get the rift, thats it. Now I've been maining killer for the past 2 weeks and am already rank 2, while it took over a month for me to get red ranks as survivor. I find that pipping/ranking up as a killer is WAY easier, especially cause killers get more points per game overall.

    Agreed that could be a bit frustrating going against tryhards/toxic survivors but out of 10 games I probably 4k most of them and maybe have 2 games where all escape.

    I'm liking killer life

  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52

    As a survivor main who wants to start killer, i completely agree. Firstly the killer has to face 4 individual players and needs to outsmart them. Second the perks... It's just so sad. Just looking at both side you will notice the problem of the game. The survivors have it too easy! And the devs treat them as their newborn babies. "Look my little Dwighty boy this killer Has a Hex totem! You should search for it. Oh, btw its Hex Ruin ;) Oh and btw Can you see this little red circle around your teammate's icon? This means you play against a Ghostface! So pls watch out so that you won't get stalked :D But spinechill will help you with that." Survivors get soo much info while Killers have to hope that survivors make mistakes.

  • exf310n
    exf310n Member Posts: 24

    I completely agree with you on all points. Winning is a very ephemeral notion in this game. Everyone wants to have fun and enjoy themselves though, which is also a very abstract and case by case situation as well. But perhaps we can agree that the pip and ranking system are no help at all. So maybe they should be done away with. Also, I think the game should choose match making based upon play time. I'm just trying to brain storm some ways to mildly improve most player's enjoyment of the game. What do you think? And do you have any suggestions?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I don't think play time will work. I'm closing in on 500 hours, but I've been playing against ridiculous teams for so long that I decimate survivors that don't have thousands of hours.