Spine Chill need nerf

Spine Chill shouldn't work on undetectable killers...
For example, Ghostface's description clearly says "surprise", or "survivors need all their perception"...
With this perk screaming (I'm here)!
They are stealth killers the time to get close to the survivors they have already spotted, and remove the power of ghostface, without even having time to mark a survivor...
Ps: Ghostface makes a noise not possible while moving, I don't understand why I've never heard the footsteps in the movie. When I play survivor and I meet a Ghostface I have the first reflex to look at him to remove his power, in order to better looper him. When I remove Spine Chill it's a bit harder, because there is the surprise effect. I can also hear him walking when I hide, crouching down it seems he's walking on iron... On the big maps he has almost no chance against good survivors. Remove Undetectable it's the same. ^^
A change I would suggest would be that it only works within a terror radius. That'd improve the situation for stealth killers, and it would still be a useful perk.
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I agree, what's the point of undetectable if spine chill detects you. The scariest moment of this game is myers, or any stealth killer, stealthily coming round the corner. I can choose not to use spine chill however if you're working on a gen with someone and they run away it's likely they have spine chill.
Best example was a Puppers video which had the best horror movie moment. All in the space of 5 seconds he looks left, nothing, looks right, nothing, looks left again and Myers is stood there. That would not work now spine chill detects all killers.
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i agree it shouldn’t work on stealth killers. spine chill just destroys myers, ghostface and maybe even pig and wraith. As a killer main i love stealthing around, but almost every match spine chill crushes me. with wraith and piggy u can maybe look away but with myers and ghostface its impossible. i agree it should be nerfed!
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and i loveeee jumpscares in this game.
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I don't think Spine Chill needs a nerf. It does it's job and does it well.
Premonition should get a buff however.
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It simply shouldn't work on Tier one Myers. All other killers have work arounds (i.e. not looking directly at the location they are headed). But Myers needs to stalk to change his entire relationship with survivors.
GhostFace? no need.
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I hate perk object of obsession too. Ruined stealth and mind games
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Me too, man.
I can't imagine killers having a perk where they could essentially see the survivors whenever they choose. The more you play this game, the more you realize the sad state it's in.
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i don’t agree with it being completely unusable if it’s a stealth killer because otherwise there’s not really a point to using it for an extra 4 meters against other killers. I believe maybe half or so meters less detection if killer is undetectable because the perk should still be usable for them but not so far that someone like pig Will either have to give up or follow scratch marks for awhile. To be fair though if you suspect spinechill all I do is walk backwards so they aren’t in my cone and that really messes them up.
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Ghostface need stalk too..
Nerf maybe the meters, 36 meters it's far. 20 meters it's correct...
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The ghost face in the game isn't the one from scream. He is literally a costume that BHVR licensed from fun world.
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I don't feel like getting exposed and insta-downed because a GF crouch-walked all the way to my gen, so I use Spine Chill.
You're just asking for easy wins for stealth killers.
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I know, unfortunately !😑
Well, not really.
The killer gameplay has become frustrating and bad, because of the recent nerves and especially the skills of the survivors...
I'm not talking about the Xbox reports, playing killer has become uninteresting! How are you going to play when most of the killers will have passed as survivors or deserted the game ?
I play perfectly well with Ghostface or the Doctor, I don't need buff but I only find the gameplay illogical... a discreet killer must remain discreet.🤗
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How as Ghostface am I suppose to stalk survivors if they have spine chill?
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Exactly! With this skill the survivor worries and hides...
Myers has the advantage of tracking without getting his gauge emptied, but Ghostface needs to stay hidden for that... when it's possible of course ! As I said "a good survivor will discover you voluntarily" !
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moonwalk if u think a survior has it
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You can't stalk if you don't stare at the survivor :/
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Cant say nothing but bruh
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Spine Chill is just simply NEEDED in every circumstance so much that it pretty much may as well just be a core ability.
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ik that down side :/ but i mainly use it just for the 6% vault speed
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And how do you know where they are, or see them go ? That's a fluke.🤣
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Ghostface doesn't need it as much as Myers does.
This statement is partially fueled by my dislike of Ghostface's Stealth for Dummies and my admiration for Myers' Stealth for Advanced Practitioners.
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It's simple...
Make it is undetectable status killers only triggers Premenition and Spine Chill at 50% range.
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So the survivor can know if the killer (with undetectable) comes with the intention to sneak up on him? Oh God! it seems balanced on both sides..
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But isn't that the main purpose of Spine Chill?? To counter stealth abilities?? Why do you want everything to be nerfed??
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That's literally the purpose for the existence of the perk. No one uses it for normal killers, they use it for stealth detection or in conjunction with resilience for vault speeds.
That's like taking away Small Game because it counters Trapper.
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Ok, I love the perk spine chill but I have to agree with this post. Spine chill destroys stealth killers! And even if you don't have spine chill you can hear the footsteps of the killer so you can still counter an approaching Ghostface xD
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Survivor main here and I 100% agree with this. It just demolishes the game for ghostface especially.
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Making it not work against stealth killer would literally kill the perk.
If i can hear your terror radius i don't need spine chill. That's literally the point of the perk to counter stealth kill.
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What's the point of spine chill if it doesn't detect undetectable killers lmao
Another useless perk in survivor kit? No, thanks
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I think Spine Chill is fine right where it is now. I've only really started to use it a few months back due to the highly increased number of Ghostface players. Fix his reveal mechanic first.
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Yeah it's like his reveal area is at his lower legs so when he's stalking you behind low height obstacle he can stalk you but you can't reveal him which is kinda bs.