Purple rank is keeping me hostage

I solo queue, I now have around 130 hours in the game. I recently got back into the game during the anniversary event (near the end I think, around 2 weeks ago) and before that I hadn't played since pig/Freddy got released, whichever came last. Needless to say there have been a TON of changes to the game and a bunch of new killers I'm still not used to. I don't play killer much so my knowledge of their abilities mostly comes from YouTube videos and my own bad firsthand encounters. Because of this, that knowledge isn't really all that great, so I'm pretty weak to most of the new killers specially spirit. Still not sure how she works tbh.

Anyways the point is, I've somehow managed to get myself stuck in purple ranks. I'm mostly a 7, but I somehow managed to go up to 6 for a few matches. Do I belong there? Hell no! I LITERALLY DIE MOST OF MY MATCHES. It's insane. I'm not good at looping so for the most part my greatest contribution is always doing generators, sometimes being altruistic but that usually leads to me dying pretty quick, since again, not good at looping (Not that I avoid helping my teammates I always do, to the point of stupidity sometimes, just plain old suicide when I could have just escaped through the gate against a bubba). My skill checks aren't good, sometimes I get great ones but I wouldn't say it's really often. I don't know any of the maps very well. I don't even know how to use flashlights properly. I'm literally quite average, and I did best in green rank matches. How I wish I could go back.

For like the past 4 days I can honestly say I've escaped maybe 6 out of like 30 matches. Yet somehow I keep ranking up, slowly but surely. This is so boring for me. Unless I get a swf team of 3 or 2, or a rank 16 killer or something, the match is pretty much always a loss. And by a loss I mean we all die, not just me. Or maybe 1 person gets out alive.

All I want is to go back to like rank 10 where I at least could escape half the matches. It was more fun and it didn't feel completely one sided.

Does anyone else feel this way about their rank? Is the ranking system just completely broken and I'm not aware of it? I really enjoy this game but lately it's just exhausting. Let me be greeeeeeen.

I want to clarify I don't want the game to be easy for me, the game just thinks I'm better than I am I guess. I wish I could derank.


  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Hmmm so you want to bully baby killers right? You meanie.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Ranks are watered down. If you play solo its expected that you will die in 9 out of 10 games.

    Rank reset changes and an influx of new players over the last year are to blame.

  • Raviobunny
    Raviobunny Member Posts: 3

    No I just want to have fun. It's not fun going against a killer that's bad. I'm sure it's not fun going against me since I'm too easy to kill. Or maybe that's fun, I know I laugh on the off chance I play killer and a survivor does silly things like run into a wall or run to a dead end ,which I do often. I wouldn't call a rank 10 killer a baby killer anyway, if they're a baby then I'm just an egg survivor not even a fetus.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Maybe try to watch more videos of rank 1 players and how they play. Also if you play a lot of killers you can learn from the people who loop you.

    A really solid advice is to just hold W whenever you can. Also don't stick to a single loop. Connect 2 or 3 loops together to waste more time. The idea is not to escape chase. It's to waste as much time as possible.

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    it is difficult because they constantly strengthen the killers since 2016, the main thing is not the rank. I would advise you to play without skills, play with an eye and just do something non-standard. I take the injury and the eye and just catch the killer starting a new match, at the moment the balance is such that you have to look for interest in the game yourself. My 1K + hours do not give any other interest in the game. Any match from 7 to now 14 rank wind up no more than 2 generators, usually 0, so what difficulties for the killer is not clear. All the more introduced in the game lags, returned, and I do not worry about the statistics, apparently on the test server tested the lags and now entered them into the game as usual. Apparently so I will play until the next update.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Well the matchmaking is "hypothetically" designed to place match you im fair matches. If you're better than where you currently are, you'll climb, if you're worse you'll derank. If you arent deranking or ranking up, i think it means you're at the rank you're supposed to be. If you really deserved to be a lower rank, you would derank