How do I properly use demogorgon's portals?

I'm trying to learn him, I think I'm good with the shred, but I still don't know how to get maximum value out of the portals. I use corrupt to set them up.
I just put them in places survivors wont be able to see them otherwise theyll just destroy them. You could either heavily defend an area on the map or I like everywhere so i can easily move around the map.
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I'd either dump them straight on top of generators / hex totems to be used as a detection system or hidden nearby a cluster of gens you want to protect so you can get to it with pop goes after successful chases. You can also use them with make your choice pretty well if you get a basement hook or a hook in a dead zone.
I think putting them directly on top of gens is the only way you will get use out of some of the more exotic add-ons, like exhaustion portals. If they are cleansing portals, they are not doing your gens.
Realistically though, demo is weak in chase (compared to other killers) and you won't really have much time to be messing about with the portals alot unless it's down to 2-3 survivors. Demo can hold a 3 gen that's split across the entire map if it's down to a couple survivors, something unique to him.
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The more gens you have to defend the more portals you wants open. This allows survivors to destroy them - you may think that's a bad thing, but hear me out - if survivors are trying to destroy your portals, not only does that give you free intel and potential to rotate your pressure onto them (especially if the chase you're in has got the value of a hit out of it already) and it also means that if they destroy the portal near a gen you know is about to pop or is a lost cause in defending in general, they've just given you a portal back to place down elsewhere.
As the match goes on and the gens start thinning down, you should aim to start clumping portals together in areas you can navigate to effieciently. So, if two gens are in one area, place 4 down for them, have one open near to a gen so you can see the Killer Instinct, and have one closed further away, a) as a backup for the other; and b) so you can traverse to that gen and potentially get a free hit on the survivor(s) repairing it without them running as soon as you start to emerge. The rest of your portals should be in between the ones at the gens, making your navigation of the map easy and fluid. This combined with perks like BBQ is very good since you can traverse to a portal they may not know is in the direction they are headed in.
In general, as a rule, always place a portal down in the area you spawn in, if your spawn is near a common rotation area or a gen that is string for you to have still unrepaired later on. This allows you to navigate quickly at the start if the survivors start the game immersed or sneaky. You ideally want two placed within the first 20 seconds of the match during your patrol. Don't forget, survivors can see you performing the place animation, but they do not see the portal until it's opened - meaning you can place for 99% then cancel it, and they will have it in their mind that you placed one there. So next time you traverse nearby they're likely to turn to that direction anticipating you from there when really you traversed to the other side of the gen etc (neat little trick to do with his portals, especially with Red Moss).
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I play Demo quite a lot and what works for me is putting them hidden near a generator. I notice a lot put them right next to the generator, which is a big no-no, as then they get destroyed within seconds. Try to hide them near enough that it doesn’t take you long to get to the gen, but also far enough away that a survivor won’t instantly see it. He’s also great with perks like Surveillance as it allows you to keep track on what gens are being worked on. He’s honestly such a fun killer to play as and you rarely see him. Makes me sad.