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When do you plan to make survivors skill based too??



  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Killer mains swear looping killers is incredibly easy. Its not as simple as most think.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Survivor is more complex than that. Holding Shift+W is more skillful than playing spirit.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    They're the same people that run to a pallet and immediately drop it, commenting on how easy looping is as the rest of their team now has no pallets and dies. Bonus points for complaining about solo queue and wondering why all your teammates die so fast.

  • Member Posts: 578

    I totally agree but lets be honest it is really hard to carry three idiots😅. Yes it can happen but not often.

  • Member Posts: 270

    Dude, as someone who's played both other than a few niche killers survivors have a much higher skill cap, are harder to master and are much more difficult to play. As a survivor alone you are weaker than the killer and slower than the killer therefore you must play very well while looping, which might I add is again, much harder as a survivor. Survivors have much less varied gameplay, that's a straight up fact but survivors require more skill then killers excluding a few like nurse, hands down

  • Member Posts: 544

    The reason why so many survivors are trash at red ranks is because this game holds their hands, they have no incentive to get better, they can be absolutely trash at this game and still rise to the highest ranks in the game. It's not that it takes skill, it's that it doesn't take skill to succeed as a survivor. You don't need to learn much as a survivor, most maps give survivors enough pallets that you can just run to each pallet, not loop it, drop it early, then move on to the next pallet and by the time you've thrown down all the pallets, all gens and the exit gates will be done.

    The things the killer can do to counter survivors are against the survivor rulebook, like camping and tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    wheras spirit holding M2 and M1ing is sooo much harder

  • Member Posts: 2

    You say this but killer can be easy mode as well, the amount of sweaty killers I have played against in red ranks is ridiculous. I have countless matches against spirit, Freddy, iri Huntress. Constantly people want 4k so they play dirty tactics such as slugging, tunneling and patrolling around the hook. Both sides can have it easy.

  • Member Posts: 350

    prob bc they're easy to loop? :D /s

    For killers I'd add the "red glow mindgame" around loops. It can really help throwing survivors off, same as unique pathing for survivors. For survivors 1) I'd add the addons as well. Sometimes its really important to identify the addons the killer uses to determine your own playstyle. You play very different against a snare freddy than a pallet freddy, against mirror myers or t3 myers etc. Ofc these are easy to spot/find out, but you have to adjust your playstyle to it accordingly as well as being aware which killer has which addons. While as a killer, you adjust your playstyle to the perks of the survivors (for example ds and bt) and/or the addons/setup you've picked yourself. Map awareness for both sides, bc as surv you always have to look out for unused pallets during the game and as killer remember the used ones to zone survivors off or to determine if its worth spending the time chasing someone around a zone with a lot of ressources.

    Ofc swf removes a lot of these things, but theres more to survivors and killers than holding W and pressing m1/space occasionaly.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Disagree massively mate. Here's the main reason why trash players make it to red ranks.

    If I'm playing killer I want to get 12 hooks. If I'm facing a team of babies this is incredibly easy. The problem is if I do this then the survivors get a lot of points for saving, healing and gens. So even if I destroy them they probably will black pip, or pip. When I play survivor if I destroy a killer they depip since it probably means they only get a few hooks. Nothing to do with incentive. Getting to red ranks isn't difficult but being good enough to beat killers there is a different story.

    Saying you don't need to learn as much as survivor is also a lie. Getting good with killer takes the same amount time as survivor. The game has multiple killers but when you know how to play killer in general, playing a new killer doesn't take as long to adjust to. I'm a rank 1 killer so when Pyramid Head came out it took me about 10 games to get pretty decent with him.

    Also imagine trying to say that just running and dropping pallets is enough. That's why all these bully swf squads just run and drop pallets immediately. Since they are smart they know they don't need to loop so they just throw pallets immediately, save effort then escape.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Incidental: what *is* being jailed, anyway? I'm pretty new here, so I don't know how everything works.

  • Member Posts: 392

    Survivor does take skill to be effective with. Have you not seen the amount of survivor players that can't loop? If you haven't, please go play some solo. Even in red ranks the majority of survivors can't loop. With that said, killer does have to learn a lot more considering each one has different powers.

  • Member Posts: 8,611

    Survivors are already skill based, it's just a different skill set. Especially when you get into really high levels of play. Survivor is all about resource management, spacing, map/generator management, and the looping itself. The difference between a high level survivor and an average survivor is astounding. It absolutely takes skill. Flip the kill rates around when 4 great survivors are playing well and communicating with every perk at their disposal. A great killer vs 4 great survivors is closer to 50/50 or 25/75 in favor of the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Or its because they barely play survivor. And since they barely play survivor they sit a green and purple ranks and loop killers that don't know what "moonwalking" or "double-backing" is.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Here's the thing. While yes, killers do need to learn how to play certain killers first, before they become skilled with them. As a killer main, I can confirm that. But once you get decently skilled, you can learn to apply constant pressure, and not allowing survivors to work on gens. Once you become skilled with a killer, it's already hard enough for a survivor to win, as a good killer knows how to stop survivors from looping, and knows how to make sure they stop generators. With perks like Discordance, you can see SWF, and with perks like Pop the Weasel, you can set them back a while on the generator. Just those alone can allow you to get survivors off gens, and with Nurses calling, once you find someone and hit them, you can know where they are. All you need now is a hex Devour Hope, Play with your food, Hex The Third Seal, or Plagues perk that transfers the terror radius, and makes you undetectable, and you can sneak up on, or apply constant pressure on survivors, as 3rd seal blinds them, Devour Hope can make them 1 shot, Play With Your Food can make you fast af, and Plagues perk makes every survivor near the obsession confused, and looking for the killer, while you sneak up on someone's half way across the map.

  • Member Posts: 5

    In my opinion survivors and killers are both skill based, you may not feel that way but that's probably because you don't play survivor at high ranks. BOTH sides need to learn every perk and add on or you are at a disadvantage. Recognizing perks/add ons and trying to counterplay them is a huge part of the game. Also where you mention that to be certain killers you need to listen attentively, that's true for EVERY survivor and killer. If you don't listen attentively as killer you miss grunts of pain, you miss gen/heal fails out of your fov, you miss hearing vaults, you miss locker doors swinging open and closed. As a survivor without sound you miss heartbeat, skill check warnings, grunts of teammates you could potentially heal, and more. Also learning placement and movement on both sides is extremely important, gen patrolling vs chasing for the killer, and when to heal/help others/repair gens as a survivor.

    Anyways to keep from ranting even more I'll repeat, in my personal opinion I believe both sides require skill.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah the fact that you think you can master survivor in a week shows me that you dont play survivor. I'm gonna leave it at that.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Go against a good killer who knows how to mindgame and has good pathing. Based off of what you said you havent played much survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    I'm a survivor main at rank 1 now and have been playing it for 2 years. I have come across many of those killers, and it isn't that hard, because on most maps there isn't long walls or jungle gyms.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2020

    I agree I usually just backwards moonwalk towards killer, hit em with a dead hard when they swing, then 360 them into a dumb tech into flashlight blind into slow vault into cj tech and finish it with a few chain blinds after i window tech them. its easy af ddude.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    So are you saying you can only loop filler pallets damn.

  • Member Posts: 3,099
  • Member Posts: 5,797


  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I still wouldn't say that because powers like oni can strafe and get a free one shot down.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Thats how we know youre stupid do you not understand that people can't tell if she is phasing? And that with a good headset you know where they are regardless of they try and mindgame you?

  • Member Posts: 393

    Let me get this straight, we say killer is skill based and survivor isn't. Keep in mind my Trapper and I are bouncing between rank 1-3 depending on the day. I'm nowhere near the skill level of an Otzdarva or Zubatlel. Yet, I rank up with absolute ease. Killer is not that hard.

    When survivors come in and complain about camping and tunneling, we tell them to get gud or don't get caught. So we openly admit it takes skill to loop a killer, but we now say there is no skill in playing survivor? When Ruin was changed we screamed that survivors just needed to get better at hitting great checks, which means they needed to be more skilled, yet we claim there is no skill at survivor.

    I'm sorry, but this is pure hypocrisy. I face very skilled survivors all the time. They both rank up too easy. There are boosted survivors and killers (myself included) in the red ranks. Not a very high skill cap for either.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Being a good survivor does take skill and also game sense. That don't mean bad, average or maybe even potatoes can't make it to rank 1 because that is mostly down to play time (and who they play with).

    Problem is that you don't have to be a good survivor even because all you need is comms (and not be a complete potato) to do well as a team to get to rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 478

    these are the games i go for EVERY day. One after another and another and another

  • Member Posts: 172

    If survivor takes no skill, why am I so bad?

    Checkmate atheists.

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