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Do dedicated servers change automatically when you move countries?

sailormars Member Posts: 122

So I'm from the US and I'm visiting Mexico. We have pretty good internet over here as far as I can tell, but every game has been super laggy as if I'm still on US servers playing against people from there. Do I have to manually switch servers somehow (by changing ps4 location settings or something) or are there just no servers in Mexico?


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561

    There is no dedicated server in Mexico and the nearest one should be one of the US servers.

    (at least that was the status when they first introduced dedicated servers, America had 2 in the US and on in South America)

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    This list is a year old, so dunno if they added some locations:

    • US East (Ohio)
    • US West (N. California)
    • South America (São Paulo)
    • EU (London), EU (Frankfurt)
    • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
    • Asia Pacific (Seoul)
    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • Thiccsty9
    Thiccsty9 Member Posts: 42

    Listen if youre playing on a dedicated server in this game youre going to have a terrible time until they resolve the issues...

  • palmheatkills
    palmheatkills Member Posts: 10

    It puts you in the nearest data center that youre located to