When will BP be better on survivor side?

Pryzm Member Posts: 393

So, I made the mistake of playing survivor tonight for the first time in weeks. Four matches and I was done. Three were hardcore tunnel matches that were absolute snorefests. In one, I did 3.5 gens and 2 totems with an escape and did not even score 13k. What the flying pigs is that?! Because the killer sucks and has to tunnel down two other players, the surviving players get crap bp and at best a black pip? Come on! Give these guys some BP already!

My match making is way faster in the evening as killer. I can toy around and not even try and make 25k in a match. I can get my arse handed to me and make nearly 25k in a match. I was watching people get tunneled out of the matches with less than 8k, even though I know they did a couple gens and got chased 3 times (really fast on the 2 later chases due to not being barely off the hook when downed again).

This is one of the primary reasons I left survivor three years ago. Absolute crap for BP and putting up with constant tunnel/camp. If you get tunneled/camped out, there should be a BP bonus for the hassle. If you are gen-jockying, you get crap for BP. That should not be the case. Gen jockies should get lots of BP as well.

Sorry, I just think this thing is insane. It's why the survivor role is so toxic. The best way to get BP is to bully the killer as much as possible. Gens don't give crap and totems are not much better. I've done 2 gens and 5 totems before getting faced camped out of a game (basement bubba and a lovely lag spike that stuck me in a corner) and left that match with less than 10k. Wow!

Getting tunneled and camped would be a lot less frustrating for people if they were getting more BP for it. I know it helps me as a killer knowing that I can get owned and still get good BP.



  • Zane
    Zane Member Posts: 75

    That is extremely true, I play survivor a lot more then killer but when I do play killer I get 25k or more usually 30k, but when playing survivor you have to literally do everything, heal everyone, do every totem, and keep in mind that if you do something then your teammates wont be able to get those points so tbh it might be survive with friends but its literally everyone scrambling to get as many points as they can. I honestly just play survivor cause I love the game, I don't pay attention to BPs anymore, it used to really annoy me specially when saving up but the tome challenges should even the bps you get out a bit.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    It might be intentionally lower to incentivize playing killer. I'm a killer main, but if they made getting a 32k on survivor as easy as it is on killer I would main survivor. Moreover, it could be a way to get survivors to play better as finding totems, healing, rescuing survivors, & looping the killer gets you more bp and takes more skill than doing gens even though it's the main objective for survivors :/

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    Im just surprised a killer main actually acknowledged that camping and tunneling actually exist.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    No, it was a rank 17 in the match getting tunneled to death by a rank 7 killer. The rest of us hit gens and escaped. You can't get BP if the killer is too focused on the one character. We tried body blocking and protecting her, but he did not care at all for anyone but her. So, yeah. It is what it is.

    It's why I am playing killer though.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    The trick here is not that all five generators were fixed and he escaped but that he probably spent a long time in the trial before leaving. The main reason why Killer get so much points is because he have to spend the entire trial in-game.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    If the killer tunnels one person, they aren't getting a lot of BP either. What's your point?

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    The survivor is dependent upon the killer for good BP. If the killer face camps and the remaining survivors do gens and leave, as is the constant advice of killers on the forum, then the 3 escapees are hosed for BP at no fault of their own.

    I'm just pointing out that survivor BP truly needs a bump, specifically in the o objectives, healing and non killer engagement aspects. There is tons of BP for looping the killer already.

    It's the reason I moved to killer 3 years ago. The difference is astounding.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Survivor BP is far from fine there isnt even a solid way to earn survival points other than escaping,wiggling, and struggling. I'm excluding perks like ds,deliverance, selfcare, and items like medkits because you shouldn't have to bring those to max out a category. Also the wglf is a joke compared to bbq and a waste of a perk slot. You must be a killer main if you think this way.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    I got 32k only a few times in 1k hours of playing survivor. Feels extremely imbalanced and depressing compared to killer bp.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited July 2020

    Both sides are dependent on each other for a good amount of BP. Again, what is your point?

    It is not in any shape, or form imbalance. Killer is the harder role. They have more to do, and require more strategy. Therefore, they get more bloodpoints. Killers getting more BP is also seen as an incentive to play killer. So, if you want the BP, play killer. Earn it.

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  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    When a single Survivor has to babysit 4 Killers.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So let me get this straight this will have jo effect on core gameplay other than increased points and yet you still dont want it.

    Also like I said those are perks, and items. A new player wont have access to these and some of them are DLC, and another thing is one of them Is licensed so you cant even earn it. Killers dont need to bring in specific perks, or addons to earn all their scoring methods why do survivors need to?

    Your killer bias is showing you really must be a killer main.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I think it's fine. Survivor is incredibly easy. I can consistently get mid 20ks bps every match unless i'm face camped or tunneled. Even if i'm tunneled, when I get the chase points, stun points etc. I never die with 8k points so i'm not sure why people are getting so little. But in my region anyway killer que is instant, survivor is 5 to 10 minutes. Survivor is easy to play, I don't feel there needs to be more incentive to playing survivor. If people want more bps, they can play killer and hopefully help the que times in the process.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    What's the difference between asking the grind to not be such a grind and asking for more BP rewards? I rarely tread into the survivor realm simply because the average BP of survivor is crap in comparison.

    Your screen shots are great. They show what kind of BP a survivor can make vs a good killer who is likely not wasting the whole game focused on 1 or 2 players while ignoring all others. My killer end screens look very similar. But when I switch to survivor, I see the numbers change on average. They change a lot. It can often take 2 to 3 survivor matches to equal 1 killer match. I despise playing survivor because of it.

    I played 4 survivor matches last night and had around 60k because 3 of them were vs killers that would not engage me due to their absolute focus on 1 survivor. I then played 4 killer matches, in the same amount of time due to quick ques, and made around 200k. As survivor I ran WGLF and PtS for BP. As killer I ran Chili. No offering as killer.

    Yeah, no problem here.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Survivor BP should less. It is a 4v1 so it should be 50% for killer & 50% for survivors, so 12.5% each.

    I'd love to play survivor over killer and then get even more BP but it shouldn't with that way.

    Can I ask, why don't you just play killer?

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    My 7k with birthday cake and a killer ebony mori beg to differ.

  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319

    This wouldn't really be an issue if BHR decided to buff WGLF since it's the survivor equivalent of BBQ.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Yeah it's unfortunate, definitely seems to stem from the us-vs-them mentality that is so rampant in this community.

    The grind is still insane imo, any way to alleviate it would be welcome in my books, weather it be for survivor or killer. Just so happens that survivors need it more. From my own experience, I can play killer and easily get 25k to 30k BP most games, while as survivor 15k to 22k BP is my usual average.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I don't think you are paying attention.

    1. I do main killer (My Trapper, Pig, Doc, Huntress, Freddy and Hag have every perk - except PH's because I just never pulled the trigger on buying him....boring and uninspired killer imo.)
    2. If everyone just decided to play killer to get more bp, how would we play anymore?
    3. You approach the concept like there is a limited pool of BP, and that is not the case. Technically, based on bp caps for each category, it is a 20% split across the board with each capable of getting 32k bp. It's the BP actually given for tasks that is in question. The killer gets the bulk of their bp from engaging in the main objective, chasing and killing survivors on hooks. Survivors get less bp for focusing on their main objective, doing gens and escaping. The bulk of survivor BP comes from looping the killer - which is bass ackwards. What we are saying is that survivors should get more BP for things other than looping the killer. The focus is on the fact that survivor BP is entirely dependent on killer interaction. If a group of survivors get a killer who refuses to engage anyone other than the 1 they tunnel/camp, then all survivors will get crap BP even if 3 do the gens and escape. That is a bad formula.
  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Only in dbd you dont get rewarded for doing the main objective. x)

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Or, perhaps, take some pointless perks and turn them into BP perks. WGLF is barely useful a lot of the time. You have to get 4 safe hook rescues, or protection hits, which is not always obtainable in a match. Especially in matches where a killer is hardcore camping/tunneling. Even if you try to body block, many of these killers won't take the shot on you, they will instead move to isolate the rescued survivor. There should be other ways to get stacks, like finishing a gen while someone is in a chase, or being in chase while someone else is rescued safely from a hook. Team-focused achievements should give stacks.

    I DON'T want to see any type of aura site, or funny business on the perk. Chili and WGLF are not meant to be opposites of each other, they have very different functions.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    it use to be that way till the Emblem system came out, getting tunnel by a killer was rewarding. now its i max out bold and saying killer leave me the hell alone gotta get these other points.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    oh no i Depipped because rank matters in this game =/

    you would't have posted that image if the survivor didnt get hatch.

    imagine if you found hatch the survivor didnt, that survivor only got 519 BP and you already have 4253 because you got rewarded for those DC ingame survivor don't we get the BIG F U.

    fyi on the depip because it matters to you, the survivor also depipped.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Just increase the BP amount per action for survivor by 1000 and there you go. Everyone is happy.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    "You wouldn't have shown the evidence unless it was evidence".

    Are you for real? LOL

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    You don't think you should be better rewarded for having to do more than someone else?


  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Survivors make less points bc they are competing against each other for limited resources. Totems, Doors, and chests award fixed amount of points for the whole team. If the killer applies no regression, the amount of points you can gain through gens are also capped. Altruism is also capped by the skill of your teammates and the killer along with his/her willingness to slug. Boldness is limited by the resources available on the map (RNG + whatever your teammates didn't use). Survival is bad enough: escaped? take 5000. died? too bad. To get 8k on this one you need to bring Deliverance + DS.

    Situations where you make little to no BP are not uncommon:

    -up to 4min on the ground slugged by the killer, recovering to 95% in this state awards no points. I would be happy to getting something in survival for this.

    -looking for totems. Some of them can be devastating, especially in SQ and/or Low ranks. Ruin/Noed/Devour Hope. IMO, performing actions while cursed should allow extra BP. It would be nice to have an after match reward if you're feeling bold or just overall can not cleanse the totem.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    With this game, no. DBD is very inconsistent. One side can be doing more work than the other team.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited July 2020

    So, again, you don't think that the killer role, which requires more attention, skill, strategy and work (since they are ONE person) shouldn't be rewarded more points as that one entity than the survivors, who are a team of FOUR??

    Okay there, Captain Entitled, lol. 100% of the time, the killer is required to do more (unless they use a mori, in which they get significantly less bloodpoints anyway).

    Go play killer, get good at the game, and you'll get more bloodpoints. If you don't wanna do the work, quite whining.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So you atent even versed well in the killer side wow. Sure I agree some killers may need addons but not all. Its all about getting good at them, who are you to say whether or not killer needs addons when you dont even have much experience and havent played enough to reach rank 1.

    Sure you can say I made a strawman but as a survivor you should know you are at the mercy of the killer they can tunnel you out and you dont even break 10k bloodpoints or if you are camped annoying time for you team to do gens and you dont get alot of bp. That type of opinion is far to common among killer mains.

    Sure survivors may not have to level up as many characters as killers but they get alot of bp even without bbq and chili averaging 25k plus every game. Survivors counterpart wglf while free is a waste of a slot honestly no secondary effect and also you have to go out of your way to get stacks.

    Like I said if you have to use an item or a perk to get a points that's not good design that's like saying you need run bitter murmur to get deviousness points.

    Once again I still dont see why an increase to points as survivor isnt good as it doesnt do anything negative to killers. What exactly is pushing you away from this idea?

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528
  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Not if you get fl saved. Flashlights don't ever give survival points.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Seriously, survivors need more things that increase the survival bp category and the others across the board.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Overall, good conversation. I just want to be clear that I'm not saying survivors should get a buff. I'm saying non-killer-engaging activities should be worth more BP. Gens, totems, etc. Keep the 8k caps, but survivors can get royally screwed more than killers can on BP.

    Heck, I might actually play survivor a bit more if the BP was better. Right now, there is zero upside to playing solo survivor over killer. None.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    You are so correct. This is the only game I have every played where the points system is far more rewarding for those that don't do objectives. You get close to the same amount of points for doing a generator, cleansing a totem, and unhooking. Only one of those is an objective and it takes considerably longer to do than either of the others.

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    That guy has a Gateau, so um... That's a 40% bonus for everybody. Just saying. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940


    >>Survivor BP should less. It is a 4v1 so it should be 50% for killer & 50% for survivors, so 12.5% each.

    >>I'd love to play survivor over killer and then get even more BP but it shouldn't work that way.

    >>Can I ask, why don't you just play killer?

    .>1.I understand you are telling me you play killer, I am saying as you are interested in BP why don't you just play killer?

    .>2 I'm not saying everyone should play killer.

    .>3 But there is a limited pool of BP, currently is a 32k bp for each player which is wrong. The killers job is more stressful and challenging having to play against 4 other players and should be rewarded more than just 20% from his one of five slices, each being 32k bp.

    For this there are 2 sides so 50/50 to each side should be available.

    If we use the current total then it is 160k bp (32k bp x 5).

    50% of 160k means a maximum limit of 80k bp for the killer (if they do well)

    The rest is 50% / 4 survivors which means a maximum limit of 20k bp (12.5%) (if they do well).

    This means currently for it to be possible to get a maximum of 32k bp for a survivor is much better than 20k bp.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Bp is fine. It is up to the killer to give bold points and altruism points so it sounds like you had the worse games ive ever heard or you died immediately or you did 1 thing because. A gen is 1.85k or more with teamate you did 3.5gens maxed obj at 2sd gen and escaped because obj caped and escaped ill do the math for you 8k+5k=13k that is 13k right there my advice do something that not a gen for the whole game. Instead of complaining about it on a forems. You could try to take a hit stun them while someone is being chased. Either that or you wanted attention and this never happened and as you said 1 game dosent determined how every game goes

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    You make a valid point that the killer does not get good BP then but once again the survivors still heavily depend on a killer doing their job and giving chase. If the killer chooses to tunnel and camp one survivor then he deserves his lack of BP but it's sad the other side is punished as well even if they try to get the killer to chase and they don't. It is a hard debate really and there is no right answer sadly.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I think you missed much of this conversation if that is your only response. TLDR: Killer is tunneling/camping or just not good. Survivor is gen-jockying and escapes. Survivor does 2.5 gens and a totem. Survivor gets crap BP even though he completed the objectives and then escaped. The survivor is completely dependent on the killer engaging the survivors in chases and multiple hooks. It is hard to get healing/unhooks if there are no opportunities to do so.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Killer is not that hard. I mean I have played many rounds as killer and dont even hook anyone once. I run around fooling around and maybe slug and let the people go and get an easy 15k without trying. How is that hard earning what Survivor side gets while they work and trying. I mean survivor side can do a ton of work and at average get 14-22k. As a killer we can literally run around acting foolish and get that in our sleep. lol

    You are right killer side is harder though if you are a killer who needs to get that 4K every match and the 30+ k BP every match but it is super easy to get what the survivor side gets while they work hard while not trying at all as killer. I still enjoy playing survivor though from time to time. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Why does survivor side only need to max one character but killers need to max 20+?

    I figured both sides need to max all if they want to unlock all perks to be taught to each character? I could be wrong but like I need to max Dwight to unlock his perks so Kate can learn them in her blood web. The same goes for the killer side. I need to max Hag to have her perks on Legion.