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General Discussions

Either run normally with Sprint Burst or remove it from your perks!

Member Posts: 445
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I'm so sick and tired of Sprint Burst users are all ranks just walking nonchalantly every where to save up that Sprint Burst. You are wasting all of our time. You could pick that person up off the ground, you could get to that gen faster, you could get to the hook before the killer returns, etc. Just run Lithe or something else instead.

Even people that 99 it are annoying because half the time they're trying to 99 it to save themselves instead of helping the team.

Just run or take it off already.

EDIT TO ADD: I'm saying this as a survivor player, not a killer. It hurts the team. And I should add I see this behavior at all ranks.

Post edited by Splinterverse on

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  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Just play around it

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Why would you not chase? If you see someone Sprint Burst that's just like a sigh of relief that you don't need to worry about better perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Sometimes they're too far away to give chase because they used it early, especially when combined with Spine Chill.

    If they use it early, then the scratch marks might be disappearing as you make it.

    There is also the issue of multiple people being near by and the non-Sprint Burst would be closer, so to a lot of people it would make sense to target them.

    You can agree with them if you want, and as a Sprint Burst user, or in some ways a former user, yes I could have used it more often, but there is always that inherent problem of "I might need it later" that a lot of perks like this will have.

    What I really don't appreciate about this OP's statement is the demand that I change my perks because they don't like the playstyle that I have chosen.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Easy to say when that time they spent walking could have meant the difference between escaping or not. I've seen a lot of games with SB runners come down to 1 gen or a hook save end up in multiple downs because they took too long.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    don't like randoms play swf

    don't have friends then don't complain about the randoms

    Without them you wouldn't have a game to play

  • Member Posts: 2,114
  • Member Posts: 445

    No. What I'm saying is that you need to use it for the team not save it to be selfish, which is what I see 99% of the time. You can run it all you want, but don't be selfish.

    Example 1: You are on a hook. Someone is being chased. Another survivor with SB walks to the hook for the unhook. Meanwhile the chase ends and the killer returns to the hook in time to take down the unhooked person again. If the SB person would've just ran to begin with, both the unhooked and SB person would've been fine.

    Example 2: Same scenario as above except chase doesn't end. SB took forever to get to hook but if he had run to it, he would have lost exhaustion before he needed SB again.

    There are many more examples. Run to the objectives at the start of the match. Run to the hook. If your SB isn't ready, oh well. You'll get to use it later in the match.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Example 1 - they would have been saving it for if the killer returns, a common strategy from both sides.

    Example 2 - a situational scenario and one that may not have allowed the SB user to have it again when they needed it. Or they didn't see it that way.

    Sometimes you need to get into the mindset of these players. Understand their way of thinking. I'm not saying that you're wrong 100% of the time on this, just that you seem a little uninformed on parts of what you're asking.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Why would a survivor need to run unless the other players give them reason to?

    Survivors only start fetting pressured by time when other survivors fail, and thats only IF they plan to open the gates.

  • Member Posts: 571

    The only issue I have with SB users is that, so many times I've got to struggle on first hook 'cause of the Megheads walking across mother's dwelling or azarov's resting place to save their precious SB, only to unhook me THEN sprint burst away from the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    wow... so I MUST play your way, and your way only? even without sprint burst I WALK many places on the map when I want to be stealthy, especially at the very begining. if you are here to tell me I play the game wrong, you best keep on trucking before you say it because I play the game the way I see fit, and you are not the devs and even then, I'd tell them, if you meant for sprint burst to be used immediately you'd make running the normal mode of movement for survivor!

    You are arrogant and can take a long trip off of a short runway because I will play as I see fit and not how you tell me I have to do so. Now if you gave a suggestion I'd look at it and decide if I want to try or shift how I do things. To me sprint burst is not the best perk, it can't be controlled. Lithe however only needs you to vault something at speed for it to trigger.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Survivors should run the entire match unless they are evading. Any time not spent running means it's taking twice as long to accomplish anything (gens, unhooks, etc.).

  • Member Posts: 445
    edited July 2020

    Ok. You are not doing the math so there's probably no reason to even respond, but I will just on the off chance that you can actually see reason.

    You don't need to walk 90% of the time in the match. It's twice as slow as running, which means it takes twice as long to get to any objective.

    If a killer is in a chase with someone else, you can run. If you haven't seen the killer yet, but have heard them, you can run. If two to three people are down, you better run.

    The only time you need to walk is to avoid leaving tracks for the killer to find. The rest of the time you are simply slowing the whole team down. It's simple math!

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    the idea is to make you miss a swing, which does buy more distance than simply using it right away.

  • Member Posts: 445
    edited July 2020

    I have plenty of experience with it in my 1800+ hours. I've seen many teams using it while I was hooked or on comms with them or even in solo. I've watched what folks do with it. Very few SB users run unless they have to.

    The mindset is that they need to save the perk. If they would stop thinking about that and run when it is needed, a lot more would be accomplished (saving, gens, etc.). Instead they hold back all match. Oh I can't run at the start of the match because it might be a stealth killer and I'll need SB. Oh I can't run now because when I get to the hook I might need to SB away. Oh I can't run now because I might . . . yada yada.

    It takes twice as long to walk anywhere. You should run the entire match and then not do so when you need to evade. If you are running SB, you are slowing the whole team down. Use it and hope it recovers in time, but don't slow down the whole team.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I think people overestimate how long 40 seconds is. You can burn Sprint Burst right at the start to get to a gen, work on it for a little bit, and have it 75% of the way back even if the killer finds you immediately.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    You hate that people walk with Sprint Burst and you hate that people run with Sprint Burst. So, you hate Sprint Burst?

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    Example 1 leads to the survivor u unhooked getting screwed over.

    Example 2 yeah it's situational but its generally a time waster. U would probably save more time running then it wastes the killers time saving u in that chase. Now if you're stealthing when it makes sense, sure. I dunno how many times I've seen YouTube videos of a killer seeing a survivor walking to the hook, making note of them and continuing their chase. Then still having enough time to go back after the unhooking. Since the survivor took so long to do the unhooking the killer can still figure out the direction a survivor could've gone. That's how it looks from the other side. From the survivor side im just screaming hey the killer has been gone for awhile! I know you saw the killer go! Here's your perfect chance to run!

    I don't see why u need to get into the mindset of the other survivors to give criticisms and tips.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    you misunderstand me. I will do what I want, it is not about math but about surviving. I hate and rail at people that say you should run just because it's faster. I don't CARE about that, if I'm running and the killer is chasing someone else then sees my scratch marks he may go after me. This causes me to have issues with dying and I do not want to die in game if possible. people like you are the ones that will not listen to reason because you think your way is the only way. You run all over the place I don't give a damn, however I demand the same respect I give you in return. If you don't like it don't play with me in your group but know that you're the one that doesn't know the difference between tactics and math, because math is more important... I bet you're someone that thinks cleansing totems is not worth it as well since that takes away from getting the gens done, and I laugh when i see people like you taken down to noed because bones were not done.

  • Member Posts: 316

    I bet you are one of those super useful survivors that leaves scratch marks right past the gen someone else is working on.

  • Member Posts: 316

    And I have seen jackass survivors get others killed by sprinting everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Solution: run it with Urban Evasion. You have a purpose for not running and you still have the burst

  • Member Posts: 312

    If sprint burst can get gens done faster quick saves quick flashlight save why are you so mad at the people that use it if you play survivor? I play both equally and I don't have a problem with it so that sounds like a killer main complaing not a survivor

  • Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    I use sprint burst. It's got like a 40 second cool down to if you use it once you finish a gen to get to the next gen, you're perfectly safe. By the time you get off that next gen you will have sprint burst back.

    However, using sprint burst to get to a hook isn't always a good idea. It's good to hold it so you can bait the killer to go for you instead of the unhooked survivor and then sprint burst away. There are different situations to use it for different reasons. Sometimes the killer is far away and it's a better idea to use it to unhook faster.

    The point is there are sometimes actually good reason to hold sprint burst and walk, just not all the time.

    It's not even bad to not have sprint burst at the start of a chase either. Let's say you have it on a 15 second Cd after having used it recently and you start getting chased. You won't have your sprint burst so the killer might think you have lithe or dead hard. 15 seconds into the chase you get a fat sprint burst outrunning the killer by far wasting even more of the killers time.

  • Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    Okay your idiocy knows no bounds. You're implying it's better to do all the bones in a map to avoid noed rather than genrushing and escaping? None of your arguments are valid after trying to say sometime as stupid as that. You're the survivor that wastes literally everyone else's time and causes the loss. You're the survivor that sucks so bad at chases you do everything you can do avoid them. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a perma rank 20

    The fact is at higher ranks you should run, because it's faster. And if the killer finds you because of it, good, waste their time in a chase while your team rushes gens. The fact you don't know that this is the easiest way to winning games shows how inexperienced you are as a survivor. It also shows you shouldn't be commenting on a post like this with the extreme lack of knowledge you have.

    I run sprint burst so I know this from personal experience as a sprint burst user. Let's say a chase starts and your sprint burst has a 20 second Cd on it. Imagine being mid chase and getting that sprint burst. That will help you a lot more than a sprint burst just at the start of the chase.

  • Member Posts: 445

    You should not be worried about dying and escaping every time. If you escape, pip up or safety pip, that means you won. Escaping is not the only win.

    And yes I do care about what you do because this is a TEAM game if you are a survivor. What you do, impacts me.

    I do think cleansing totems is important and I don't go down to noed. You are clearly immature so keep losing those games for your team by playing as a scaredy cat. And please dodge me if you see me because I don't need the dead weight on my team.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Let me guess? A sprint burst fan? LOL.

    No I don't do that. However, if I'm in a chase and the chase ends up near a gen someone is working accidentally, oh well. Chase takes priority. Anyone working a gen near a terror radius needs to be prepared to get away (or for you with Sprint Burst, walk away slowly lol).

  • Member Posts: 445

    Sure that happens and I'm certainly not advising that. If you need to evade, walk, crouch, whatever. If you are dealing with a stealth killer, by all means play stealthy, but in general, do not walk everywhere and waste everyone's time because you chose a perk that is "wasted" if you run. It's stupid.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I'm not mad at Sprint Burst in isolation. I'm sick of people that use it as an excuse not to run. There's a difference. If someone actually knows how to use it and runs frequently without holding back to save SB, then I'm cool. If they're going to hold the team back walking everywhere and making things take twice as long, then yes, I have a problem with them. They can switch to Lithe or something else. There's almost always a vault point nearby that can be taken advantage of and Lithe users can run at all times.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Not in a chase, just because you gotta go fast. Thanks for the confirmation.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    Well in the last few hours i played about 10 matches as survivor with friends and i died 2 or 3 of those 10. so 30% "LOSS" rate. BTW your comment about having 20 seconds cool down on your sprint burst while in a chase and suddenly you have it again? what are you doing? WALKING the killer? because Exhaustion does not clear while you are RUNNING! And for your information I have played the game for over 2500 hours, and I know everything you said is situational. take my games today: 70 percent we GOT OUT of the match, did bones and totems. I never said anything about doing all the bones solely, as a team it's great... I take one or two totems down, the other 3 take one or two down (if there are any left) and we have lost maybe 1 minute combined while the others run the killer, do gens and heal each other. your outburst and final statement that the sprint burst cool down will come back mid chase makes you even worse than you make me out because that's impossible, and if you are getting it back in a chase you're cheating.

    lol read the above.. my team I was playing with today did quite well!!! gotta love how you are making judgements. fine, here is my judgement of you: You are the kind of person that doesn't want to loose and will take any chance to feel big by trying to cut others down and make them feel bad....(didn't work... welll my side hurts from all my laughing so hard) sure I'll leave your damn lobby if i can, and i'll take my team with me! you can find another 3 survivors to play with! and enjoy the ones you MIGHT GET that aren't up to your calibur of players.

  • Member Posts: 181

    2 things here.

    1. You're not special for surviving on sfw. Sfw is literally easy mode. It's hard to die in sfw unless you're just plain bad or the killer is face camping.

    2. If you're running for the entirety of a chase you're doing it wrong. When you're looping there are areas where you just shouldn't be moving much until you know what the killer is doing.

    Getting 20 seconds of exhausting back in a chase is not hard if you're looping the right spots.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    lol you keep changing your answer to fit your narrative. look you play your way, i'll play my way, and YES I have also survived without a swf and gotten win conditions without a team as well. just because you play differently does not mean that my way is incorrect what so ever. Stop making it that way, this game has the room for you to play and for me to play. my comments stand and STOP telling me how to play the game I know how to play and how to win just like you. I have not altered how i say my comments yet you keep having to clarify yours. take a walk, if you tell me i'm playing it wrong I'll tell you that you are playing the game wrong and if you antagonize me over it I WILL report the harassment. I've even suggested we call it but you keep coming back trying to make your point the only one way to win, it is not.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    People who save sprint burst and walk all game are part of the reason why rank is meaningless

    hiding and surviving =/= high skill

  • Member Posts: 393

    My Trapper supports this message. Should be a Public Service Announcement - Please use Sprint Burst immediately as the match begins and every time you need to go somewhere. Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 75

    I mean using it at the right time is something you come to learn over time. I don’t run at the start of the match. I’ll use it if I have to make a save or get to the other side of the map quickly otherwise I’ll just walk.. I’m red rank, mainly a solo player and probably survive 4/5 matches so it’s working fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Killers, the survivors are on to us. No more walking with sprint burst to ruin games for them.

  • Member Posts: 512

    I also really like sprint burst. The way I use it is as a time saver. Minimising the time it takes to move between objectives like gens, totems and saving teammates is very powerful, I understand you prefer to use it as self assurance the killer won't catch you immediately, and that's fine! Perhaps when you are solo you rightfully value your survival over your other teammates, and nobody should tell you otherwise.

    But if you are the only one who is able to realistic save a teammate from a hook and you are a distance away, walking all the way to the hook is probably not the best course of action to ensure you and your whole team escape alive. As a mostly solo player myself I see at it like "looking out for my teammates increases the odds of my own survival", and the best way to help is to constantly be on objectives if I am not in danger.

    I am NOT telling you how to play the game, having SB off cooldown to help you prevent a hit in chase is great I agree, and being stealthy and avoiding a chase altogether has it's place as well. But it doesn't hurt to be flexible. It comes down to having good game sense, and a feel for how the match is going. If you know the killer is occupied and you aren't in danger, then walking between objectives is safe sure but perhaps not the most effective way you are spending your time. If you are uncertain about how safe you are in the moment than perhaps see if you can fit perks like kindred, Bond, Empathy or play in SWF to help better judge if you are likely to end up getting chased. Game sense is a skill that can be constantly improved, and it can help you decide for yourself the best way to win.

    Sprint Burst only has 40 seconds of cooldown, in my opinion saving it only for when the killer is nearby just means I don't get to use it as much, whereas using it frequently means I get more value out of it, with only the occasional chance I don't get to use it in chase. And using it frequently means that sometimes, I get to run around with it at 99%, giving the best of both worlds.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Rank in general is a measurement of effectiveness. Not skill

    A high skill low reward strategy shouldn't rank you up as much as a low skill high reward strategy, simply because the low skill strategy is more effective and overcomplicating things is a sign of a worse player even if it technically takes more skill.

    Tldr: If hiding is an effective strategy then it should rightfully rank up the Survivor. It doesn't matter if the strategy is hard or not, what matters is if the strategy gets results.

    If you don't rank up the Survivor then they will never be matched with Killers that are better at tracking after all. You'd just be continuing to not challenge them.

    Imagine if league refused to rank you up because you were playing Darius. Or because you won the game through a backdoor. That would be ridiculous.

    Saying Survivors shouldn't rank up because the strategy they were using revolved around stealth is just as ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    I comment twice and you're talking about reporting for harassment and that I keep changing my story. You are a complete idiot. You can go ahead and report me, ######### if I care. The fact you're crying that much about 2 comments just shows me how "well" your playstyle works.

    The fact that you think people are afraid of your reports shows what a garbage snowflake you are. What's the worst that can happen? I get banned from forums and have to make a new forum account? Ohhh nooooo

  • Member Posts: 174

    Why would a killer complain about a survivor wasting time walking to every place they go

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I said if you harass me in the game. but maybe I should report you here you have multiple times called me an idiot and many other insinuated things. I have not stooped to your level, I have not told you how to play yet you keep telling ME how to play. I suggested dropping this, and you will not. IF YOU CONTINUE, I WILL REPORT YOU for harassment. obviously you are an elitist gamer and know every game so much better than I, for that I bow to your ultimate wisdom and toss it in the circular file because it is not what I have learned.

    I have never once said anything bad about sprint burst what so ever. I know people that swear by it and I never tell them to play something different. me, I do not like that i have to HOLD back to prevent using my power so to me Lithe is a better exhaustion perk because I am able to control when I trigger it. Again nothing wrong with sprint burst to those that like it and if you want to play it more by all means please do so. I am all about playing the game in our own way and not yelling at others to play a specific way.

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