With killer powers being as it is right now, looping will be non meta very soon.

Recently, we have been getting power reworks or killers that have amazing anti loop potential, that makes looping irrelevant. We had oni, where in his power, he denies almost every loop besides shorter loops and long walls. After Oni we had the gunslinger, who can shoot over most tiles and can reel survivors in, if he can see them. We got pyramid head after gunslinger, who can shoot through walls and deny loops entirely. Now, we have new Bubba, who has amazing anti loop potential, without denying loops. I think the devs are trying to push for less looping in the game. With powers like this, I think looping will be non meta, and instead pre throwing pallets will be the meta. Just my opinion though.
Eh. Half the old cast works the way they always did. Half the new cast completely body slams the old meta. I for one welcome the shake up.
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eh true unless they come up with something to defend gens
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Yeah I agree, if they keep doing this they will be forced to buff stealth.
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There really should be more killers like this, so I'm happy to see it.
However, they really should buff stealth. I think it might get buffed when the new graphics are out, but if only by a little bit. Not sure how they could do this other than make more little hiding spots, better grass/bushes, and maybe something new to hide in like a barrel.
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If pre-throwing pallets becomes the meta then, and I can't believe I'm saying this, maps need more pallets.
If stealth becomes meta, it needs a hell of a buff.
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Well firstly, a majority of the anti-loop killers don't even counter that well to think it would change the meta. Even then, the ones that do it decently in exchange have their map pressure completely gutted rendering that loop countering not nearly as meaningful. I wouldn't say the strategy for pre throwing pallets on a few killers is gonna change the meta, it just means on a few killers you throw them early, that's it. The meta is still absolutely looping and spread out pressure on gens. The vast majority of those killers can still be looped, it just means 1 less loop.
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Less “run around low wall safe loop until pallet is dropped” style looping is good in my opinion, more “whoever plays better wins” looping is what they should be aiming for. So no ultra safe, un-mindgameable pallets, no bloodlust, no killer powers that force holding W until you die. Unfortunately I don’t think Behaviour really know what kind of meta they’re creating, I think they just do stuff they think is cool and hope people like it.
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looping needs to die. basing a game around a gag from Scary Movie and Looney Tunes is a stupid idea.
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I don't really know what are people suddenly on about. Anti-looping killers were here always, not just recently. If utilized properly a lot of killers in DBD are anti-looping killers. Trapper, billy, nurse, hag, huntress, clown are all anti-looping killers to an extent, they can either outplay pallets or force pre-throws or completely bypass some or even like nurse all pallets.
Just because last 2 killers have very good anti-looping power and 2 before them decent anti-looping power doesn't suddenly mean that chases are unwinnable. To top all that none of them can compete with anti-looping strenght of nurse who also has mobility unlike them so it's not like DBD is suddently making "OP" killers completely countering looping/genrushing meta via strong chases + mobility.
Imao people are just loud since they have to think more to win chases and are realizing it more now since there wan't really easy to loop killer released in a while.
17 -
I think a survivor being able to have a killer chase them to buy time for their team to finish gens should always be a legitimate strategy. Therefore "looping" should always be possible. However, looping shouldn't be as easy as it is. A survivor should have to be genuinely good to loop, but me, a baby survivor, can easily loop so many killers just because I know of some really good vault loops on some maps.
Survivors/killers don't need buffs/nerfs here. Maps just need to get rid of the really op loop locations. I'm not talking about really safe pallet loops. I'm talking about op vault loops that are guaranteed to be somewhere on the map. Like some easy haddonfield vaults, or crotus prenn asylum window vault from the building, or the wild west (don't know map name) stairs vault where it's just a set of stairs, straight path, and then a vault locations. These are all vaults that are almost impossible to mind game. You just have to chase until you catch up with your increase move speed buff as the chase goes on. Looping should not be based on op locations. It should be completely based on the skill of the survivor with some lucky pallets
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Stealth becoming more popular would make the game so much better in my opinion. Survivor matches would finally feel like a true horror game instead of just an endless running & looping simulator. However, this would also lead to a rise in Doctor players since he is the perfect counter to stealth and looping. Maybe a buff to stealth or a Doctor nerf would help with that? Still, I really can’t wait for those graphic updates!
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Holding forward has always been and will always be better than looping. Way too many survivors don't take advantage of the speed boost when they get hit, and allow the killer to approach for a free hit.
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Anything for less boring looping, as long as it's healthy (enough).
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Jesus christ, no it wouldn't. Imagine if every single game as killer was just "find the blendette on Yamaoka's" but with every single survivor and every single game. I don't play this game for hide and seek, I play for outsmarting people in chase. If they reorient the game around stealth, I know I (and a very large portion of the playerbase) would be gone.
10 -
Oddly enough, the "boring" "no counterplay" arguments are actually rooted in the power that survivors have in wasting killer time.
New killers have the power to have very short chases now because new perks do not have the gen slow down power they used to.
This reverse power creep is very disorienting and I didn't realize it until recently.
This is how the "gen rush" is going to be fixed, by creating a "chase rush" to balance it out.
If it keeps going this way, chases will feel very short and survivors might feel more vulnerable, leading to a new gen rush meta.
It's going to be an interesting year.
13 -
Thank god.
Loops were the most boring part of the game for me as killer and the most predictable ,especially since a lot of loops are simply unmind gamable - namel chest high walls- they gave the survivors a massive and easy way to extend the chase time with very little effort and while I respect to a certain extent that gitting gud at loops to a level against competent killers takes...some...skill.
I refuse to believe anyone out of absolute sweaty try hards find looping fun. If you like that, got to garrymods, put down a box and loop a zombie AI for eternity. You're welcome.
That's not to say looping dosen't have it place nor there aren't specific conditions it CAN be fun but that mostly a resuilt of a magical match of equally skilled survivor and killer facing off with both enjoying a stand still moment of "who will win" and not the standard looping experience.
That and looping is absolutely meta-game bull and takes away all fear, adrenaline and sense of urgency from both sides. I've always said survivors should get more interactables, more hiding spots and mot items since their base mechanics are designed around alertness and spatial planning-360 camera- but the maps are so empty loops,vaults and pallets are thier only real choice.
I don't blame loops for becoming meta-it's the devs fault for not giving survivors anything but bloody perks and standard items despite it being how many chapters in- and I hope survivors get a plethor of buffs and items that help them fight the killer in other ways than baiting a chase and running a chest high wall for 2 minutes mindlessly.
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Sadly, it's that design that, for me, stops DbD from being anything but a very occasional game that I log into for a couple of matches, then go log into something else. Be it when playing killer or survivor, the goddamn looping, looping, looping is like playing a bad episode of the Benny Hill Show in a horror skin. It's boring.
4 -
I don't think looping being non meta is a good thing. I'd MUCH rather chase survivors and mindgame them at loops to catch them.
Searching for minutes on end to find stealthy survivors that will go down very quickly in a chase? Having whispers as a mandatory perk? I'm not interested. Maybe that was fun at rank 20... for a few hours.
But can you imagine playing DBD just to immerse? Has anyone here experienced playing against blendettes?? You spend ages looking for them, gain no BP, the game is drawn out for wayyy too long and the chases last seconds when you eventually find them. I don't want a 20 min game of looking around rocks and trees. I also don't want to spend all game as survivor hiding behind a tree.
So yeah, I hope DBD doesn't completely turn into a hide and seek game. It'd probably die, like hide or die.
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buffing stealth should of been a thing month ago.
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Calls Deathslinger "gunslinger". Smh.
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Completely agree
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Too bad that ain't happening very soon, but yeah, some killers already promote a more skillful and interesting playstyle rather than just boring running in circles.
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Well what theyre doing is creating killers that require different strategies so when you go in as a survivor you have to actyally think and form a strategy. At its purest form some require you to be more stealthy whike some require you to be better at looping.
They do the same thing with maps by tge way. Some maps are buikt for stealth (swamp) some are built for looping.
When you couple these things together what you get is a fresh experience, provided you understand all of this of course.
For example you could cause serious issues for a deathslinger on swamp if you know what youre doing with stealth. Just like Azarovs is the bane of wraiths existence.
Add on to this killer add ons that change up their style of play a little and survivors that prefer one playstyle over another and matches become pretty interesting.
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I just wish we had more things to do instead of only looping and hiding, i just don't know what it could be .
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Not that I mind Loopers, but every one of them in my personal experiences that is, seem to think it's untouchable tactics. I mean do all Loopers believe they wont get caught eventually? And when they do. In my personal experience, call out tunneling. I'm kinda glad there are killers who are anti loop. Hell sometimes when I feel confident I'm about to get a Looper, I let out the chase abit more and start singing to my self, "ring around the rosey, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes *thwack!* ya all fall Down" 😝
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And then we are gonna have doctor becoming meta. Yay
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The problem with people saying that looping needs to die doesn't understand the fundamental problem with a game developed like that, and needs to read this next sentence carefully:
Stealth is boring.
It's boring for the killer, and it's boring for the survivor. If you remove looping and instead decided to base the game around stealth, you introduce several issues; the main one being that the killer is likely going to be incredibly irritated looking around the map for the four P3 Claudettes hiding in bushes.
As for the survivor, how much fun can you have crouched in a corner, un-moving? Sure the first time you hide from them would be entertaining, but do that 10, 15, 20 times and all of the "hehehe he could find me lol" factor goes away.
A majority of DbD is sitting still, holding M1. They want the one thoughtful process that isn't brain dead to be removed and replaced with sitting still, holding CTRL? Sounds to me like that would kill the fanbase of the game pretty fast, and evidence of past games such as Hide or Die points to that exact situation.
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Stealth is boring for you. That's what you mean, so say that. I don't find it boring at all. You don't even understand what stealth is if you think it's just holding Ctrl and standing still.
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I'm surprised people don't realize this, but the more you nerf chases the more you encourage survivors to become more and more efficient at repairing gens. So the only thing that you'll accomplish by nerfing chases is even more genrushing.
Nerfing chases which are the single fun part in this dumpster of a game will end bad for both survivors(which will have very boring games and ultimately no reason to play since who enjoys hiding behind a rock or holding m1 the entire game) and killers(which will have even shorter games because of the reason I already explained).
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No, it's boring period. I'm fully aware how to avoid the killer stealthily and it's fun to do so occasionally, but it goes back to the same point; keep doing it and it's going to get boring.
You really think that if the meta shifts to stealth that people would still enjoy it for 500+ hours like a lot of the player base has? I brought up Hide or Die in my last point and I'll bring it up again, the game was centered around being stealthty and look how long it lasted. The simple fact of the matter is that not the type of game the majority of people want nor bought DbD for.
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No, it's boring for you, period. Fun is subjective, as is boredom. However, anything you do repeatedly gets boring. Stealth is not unique in that respect.
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The biggest problem is every way a survivor loops or how he plays is different but stealth is really cookie cutter don't get in los and don't make noise. Stealth in this game is just not what experienced survivors usually play for, you'll alienate a decent margin while hoping it will attract others. If they reworked stealth to be more than hide behind this or just q&q over somewhere or in a locker then it could be a fun strat.
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Stealth is a lot more than that. However, it's easy to make anything sound boring if you say it the right (wrong) way. Observe:
Looping is just running away from the killer in a pre-defined pattern and dropping a pallet when the killer gets too close.
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First of all I have to say that I agree with what they're trying to do. Even if loops aren't the main problem for killer right now it's one of them. Anyways you mentioned oni, who is an m1 killer until he gets his power, then you said gunslinger, ph and bubba but don't forget that these killers have zero map control and you can genrush them like hell.
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You definitely do have a point. As space coconut said, I think they are pushing for fast chases rather than map control.
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I don't think adding pallets would make much sense considering that they are nerfing loops probably to give killers some time to do things.
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Nah it's boring, Deathgarden wouldn't have flopped if it wasn't. I liked the game but god it was repetitive. Looping introduce mindgames which make the game fun and non repetitive.
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I think they are trying to give killers time to do something, so making chases faster you can have more gen control and not be forced to tunnel and camp just because of gens speed.
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You do understand that your opinion isn't necessarily shared by everyone, right?
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Most loops are very uninteractive and have barely any mindgame potential, like autohaven trucks or hold forward loops.
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Stealth is useless. People will just play Doctor even more, what's the point?
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Depends on what you mean by "looping". So many people boil down survivor gameplay to "running in circles" when, while it's true in some areas on a lot of maps, the majority of "looping" is a series of mindgames and 50/50s, and optimizing your resources. The half-loops everywhere on autohaven maps like the small junk loops in the middle of blood lodge should be kept to a minimum because that is just running in a circle and then hitting space to throw a pallet. No thought required. But a lot of people think that whole process is for EVERY loop and tile in the game which is just not true.
The only time a survivor is "running in a circle holding W" at jungle gyms, L-T walls etc is when the killer is doing the same thing and just playing with their brain switched off. The loop takes much longer than it should to be shut down by the killer, And then they come here or somewhere else to complain that survivors have way too much power and survivor is too easy, or whatever. Survivors are only playing that way because the killer is letting them, when they should be dictating how the chase plays out. Faking your red light, doubling back, running tiles counter clockwise instead of clockwise so the survivor doesn't get a fast vault etc.
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So then you use the Doctor's counters like you're supposed to. No strategy should work perfectly all the time.
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Yeah, I love being able to do mindgames with my red light, but it's a shame when we get hold forward loops on autohaven that the survivor can see over.
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You mean the single counter iron will.
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Calm spirit. Problem solved.