Why is gen-rushing still possible?



  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Says the one using this meme format:

    Yeah I know, you're done with me cause the circus is calling, bye bye 🤡

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    If you're so confident about your opinion, go ahead and play 50 killer games on red ranks. Upload them to your Youtube channel. I promise to subscribe and watch every single video if you promise to have this discussion again afterwards.

    You either prove that all of us are just extremely bad at playing killer, or that you are wrong.

    I love playing killer. However, 2 matches a day and I stop playing it, cause I'm always close to writing a novel in this forum about game balance. After those 2 matches I switch back to survivor and am reminded of how easy and chill this game can be, and that is even though I'm really not a good survivor. So awesome to know that if I lose as survivor, I know it's always gonna be because of my own mistakes and therefore my own responsibility to work on myself. Which is simply not the case for playing killer. Nobody's perfect and there's always room for improvement, however as killer there are lots of situations that simply cannot be solved, regardless the killer's skill level.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Gen rushing doesn't exist, its a made up word for survivors that do there job quickly and effectively against a killer not doing his job properly.

    Gen rushing would be like whining about a football team scoring too many goals to early in a match ffs 🤣

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2020

    Do thanatophobia, dying light, and sloppy butcher stack?

    Edit - seems they do

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited July 2020

    You can also camp main buildings against PH and slinger, but overall yea if they're really good gen rushing is the only counter unless you can guess right.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    My point exactly they dont have specific counter play just general which is genrushing and until they get actual counter play I say genrushing needs to stay this poor character design the devs have needs to stop it's only the older killers that have actual counter play.

  • coolking094
    coolking094 Member Posts: 2

    It's a hard topic since there are a lot of variables like what killer, what perks, what map and most of all whether it is a swf or not a good team that can communicate will destroy a killer unless it's a spirit or nurse on a killer sided map with a killer who plays super sweaty however a bunch of potatoes who hide in the corner when their spine chill goes of for 0.5 seconds will get destroyed by a legion or a clown with mediocre perks. Personally I support treatments idea of slowing down how fast gems are done I a game depending on how many are in a sec but a doubt the devs will add it nor will it get a lot of support from the community so idk

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237
    edited July 2020

    Wait, weren't you that 'Spirit main' now hard defending survivors again? Right, wolf in sheep clothes, I knew it.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Did I say im a killer main? No, I didn't, I said I main SPIRIT, not that I main the killer, stop putting things on my mouth I have never said. I didn't know you had to be biased towards killer to be a spirit main, lmao.

    In case you didn't know, that's my youtube channel, you can clearly see I play both sides equally, but hey! think whatever you want, i dont ######### care.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Killers DO have all those things at their disposal, sure...but when we use those things, we're berated and called sweaty in end game chat. Among other things.

    Just yesterday I had someone tell me to "slit my wrists" because I used corrupt and pop. It's okay though. Do whatever you want, just don't disconnect from your game. 👍

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    has lullaby ever worked for anyone? the moment survivors touch a gen they know you have it. i have never gotten passed 2 stacks

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I've gotten 5 stacks before. It still suffers a similar problem with old ruin in that it's really dependent on whether or not survivors get skillchecks and survivors missing skillchecks. Sure it's easier to miss skillchecks if you don't the warning, but if you pay attention to the center of the screen it's not hard to miss them.

    Ideally Lullaby would be great on stealth killers who can take advantage of the fact survivors won't hear their TR and are likely too busy focused for the skillchecks they might not notice you approaching. But keeping the totem alive on most maps is certainly tough.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Lullaby only works on rank 20s, or a map where totem spawns are actually decent. Like Lery's, or Hawkins.

    On open, outdoor maps, they 95% of the time spawn next to gens...cause for some reason the devs think thats a good idea. But, you know, these are the same devs who once removed timing from flashlight saves and thought it was a good idea.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I will try to offer up an answer to this..

    Mainly alot of the streamers of this game are survivors they can not have to much going on as its very difficult to read chat this is the only reason I can think of..

    if you look at people such as otz tru3 monto etc play killer they really struggle to keep and eye on the chat as well as play well as killer.. But when they play surivior they don't have this issue.

    I really wish we had more rewarding perks like repressed allience personally.


  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    well i feel like some survivor perks to be worked for.......

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Idk, I wish they could just change some core aspects of gameplay. I wouldn't consider genrushing a scummy tactic considering there really isn't much else a survivor can do, with tunneling etc killers can go to other survivors but with genrushing you cant really do much else other than stand around like a melon or cleanse totems I guess (which I tend to save throughout the game as I love a bit of inner strength). I have however drifted away from the game in the last few months because it just gets so dull... I tended to be a bit lacking on the generator front and instead go around finding the killer so I could go in some long chases since chases are by far, the most enjoyable aspect of the game for survivors however when killers leave you etc (completely understandable given how the game has been made) I would have nothing else to do besides fixing generators which is incredibly boring. For the first few hours you play DBD fixing generators is actually fun because it's so tense, you have no clue where the killer is and it feels like a huge risk. By the time you get slightly more advanced it just becomes incredibly boring. In my opinion, and I am not a game designer so I don't know how exactly they could go about implementing this, however if gens became a lesser part of the game, perhaps even having their time or numbers needed for completion reduced BUT more objectives were added (We currently only have 2 before we can leave excluding side ones like saving teammates ( 1: Gens 2: Exit gate). If there was some sort of objective in-between gens and the gate it could spice things up a hell of a lot. Again, I'm not denying that finding an idea that would work and then implementing it would take time, but personally I'd rather they spend more time on this and make new killers and survivors less of a focus, at least for a while but then again, they would probably never do that as they can squeeze tons of money out of players from new characters, though changing the gameplay itself would have a much greater impact.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Survivor main here: I have seen it happen very occasionally and moreso when I was bad at the game and often when I got downed first, but man, I think he has to understand that it is incredibly rare and you have to be exceptionally bad for that to happen 1/100 games

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Unfortunately, any hex perk is broken 20 seconds into the match by any survivor with at least one working eyeball.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2020

    Im tired of noobs hitting red rank n then thinking they know what they're talking about. You didn't even list dying light or thanat as a good slow down ur obviously a toddler within the gaming timeline i cant even take this post seriously...simple u r bad get better. So many people killers and survivors blame the game its just you sucking. Unless its an actual bug or a perk that cant be countered your complaint is just u being trash. But even stating this youll just keep complaining argue and not get better. Even thos itll come from someone who has like 1000 plus hours in the game. Also if you were here 4 years ago you should know gen times has been slowed down about 5 different times already.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Not really. I run mostly M1 killers like Trapper. I spread the damage and pressure the gens. I pick an area of the map and that is my zone. I get 8+ hooks in every match. They knock out the first few gens pretty quick, but then it slows down. Keeping them off the gens, picking my spots to chase, not going into dead zones with no gens during a chase, etc. Camping and tunneling are for weak-minded players. They fear losing, they fear growing and learning tactics. It's fine, if that is how you want to play, so be it, but don't cry about gens popping too fast because of it. The literal counter to camping and tunneling that is always recommended by killers on this forum is to "do the gens and leave." Seriously.....

    Gen rush is a joke. Are coordinated teams insanely fast and make you have to make very few mistakes, yup! That is what separates the good killers/survivors from the mediocre. I consider myself to be mediocre. When I get owned in a match, I don't blame the game, I know I made lots of mistakes.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    What else are survivors supposed to do??? They are against the clock, especially against killers that have high pressure.

    I don’t see any threads complaining about killers winning with 4K slug at 5 gens, survivors fault, right?

    Killers are totally not to blame when they get genrushed....

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282
    edited July 2020

    clearly you're not playing much survivor matches. Killer is hard, survivor is hard. The only thing not hard is swf.

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282
    edited July 2020

    You said yourself you hardly if ever play survivor and are honestly trying to explain to a survivor main who also plays about 1 killer match for every 3 survivor matches how easy solo survivor is?

    Like what are you saying, that if four random survivors who can't communicate were to simply communicate with eachother then it would be easy for them?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,335
    edited July 2020

    I think your post would be valid if half of the perks illustrated were even slightly impactful. Dying light gives more advantage to the survivor in free botany knowledge than actual help to the killer and Surge numbers are too low. Ruin and Lullaby are hex perks and until a perk that comes out to protect these perks exists, They're too much of risk for no real reward for when you actually want the perk to work. Only corrupt, Pop and to some extend sloppy have an impact, Thanto just being an extension to sloppy effect similar to how Quick&Quiet works well with Head on for survivor which is ok I guess. Maybe the problem would be less prominent if new perks like Surge were less trash and dying light did not give survivors free advantages.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    The only viable anti tunnel is DS and it's a one time use for 60 seconds , all the other are easily navigated around , and then when you suspect DS killers can just use the other underhanded tactic which is slugging , otz shows a good example of why gen rushing is not even a problem , he mops the floor with a swf that did a gen in like 20 seconds

    Just get good , tunnel , slug and camp , it's killer vs survivor , not a happy tea party , use the tools the game gives you for free

  • MercySparda
    MercySparda Member Posts: 17

    So... Why are second chance perks stacked constantly but anything to make the game last more than 4 minutes needs to stand on it's own? That's some backwards thinking if ever there was. Maybe if hex totems weren't just thrown directly into the survivors face and gone in the first 20 seconds that would maybe stand up, but as it stands the vast majority of maps it's pointless to bring hex perks. Honestly people keep complaining about spirit and Freddy but expect to see a lot more of them with the current rate of how fast games are going. They're basically the only viable options to counter gen speeds and the devs don't seem to actually understand that, and I'm sure at some point both are going to get nerfed into the ground.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    I'm a killer main and I wouldn't take gen rushing away, are you insane? You're leaving out such important information. There are very few things that counter camping. Gen rushing is by far the biggest most efficient way to counter a camper. Without it what would survivors do against campers? Hopelessly run at the hooked survivor, get downed, and lose the game?

    All you have to do to not get genrushed is don't tunnel or camp. Patrol the gens that survivors will most likely be at. You don't need a perk to slow or stop gen progress. Keeping survivors busy with you is also a way to stop gen progress. It seems like so many people who play this game forget there are ways to counter playstyles other than using perks. It seems to come from a lack of skill, so all I can really say to you is "git gud"

    Do you want perks to do everything for you so you don't actually have to play the game?

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    You'd have to be a pretty bad group of survivors to all go down in 2 minutes.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Obviously if you play the match with the sole target to 3 gen, you're bound to win.

    Just like if you tunnel someone early out of the match, you're bound to win.

    Gen-rushing also makes you bound to win.

    None of this shlt should be in the game in the first place

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    No, three gen is different entirely. I am merely aware of my current killer's limitations. I usually lose a couple of gens in my chosen area because the survivors realize I'm guarding them. That forces them to play in my minefield with Trapper. That is nothing like tunneling. It slows the game down. By the time they break my gen strategy, I'll have most on dead hook or some dead. There is no quick death and it's a battle of wits from there.

    3 Gen doc is not the same as preparing a battlefield to your advantage. It is also not toxic. That's quite the stretch.

  • MeetTheLegend1
    MeetTheLegend1 Member Posts: 3

    I don't think you understand the idea of gen rushing. Gen rushing isn't about doing gens and completing then quickly because you couldn't apply pressure. Gen rushing is doing gens without doing any other objective. Like unhooking, healing, or totems (although totems can be ignored if there's no reason to do them). People can bring the best tool boxes and prove thyself with other perks that help to boost gen speed. However, just going gens the entire game without doing anything else if the occasion arises, that's gen rushing

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Swfs can make anything possible! You just gotta believe in magic! ;)

    I purpose that we end all baby dweets before the grow into sweaty swfs. It cannot fail.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    So, people who have different opinions don't deserve to speak? I noticed earlier in the thread that you wanted to deny their human rights.

    I know it is a meme, but that seems a little extreme, doesn't it? It isn't funny just because they have Peter Griffin on it...

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551
  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    This has always bothered me with the game. Devs have become obsessed lately to make killer "work to make their perks work" like new ruin etc. But most of the survivor perks work passively or just pressing a button. Ds gives 60x2 free immunity just for getting hooked (failing) and killer has to work araund it often by shooting himself to foot. Also deadhard by pressing a button. Nothing more annoying than doing good mind game on a survivor in loop and they just press a button to undo that mind and chase starts again.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    What a phenomenal question and input. I hope Peanits answers this, I couldn't agree more.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    lol in my recent match gen was complited so fast that game did not even count it also the same happed in a game of one pretty popular streamer.


    camping hard tunnelung lol, usualy 2 gens are done in red ranks in first 2-3 min in this time you might not even hook a surv for once

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Any decent swf will be setting off your traps as fast as you can place them. i guess the survivors in your area are quite casual? Especially if 3 genning works for you.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331
    edited July 2020

    It is impossible to argue against Gen-rushing. You can't convince someone who doesn't want to be convinced. @slim0b , you are very much wasting your time trying to get through to people.

    Also, until i stop seeing people justify gen-rushing as completing their objective, I will continue to camp and tunnel since i'm only completing my objective as a killer.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Its quite funny how some survivors say "gen rush is not a thing, I'm doing my job", then they complain about camping and tunneling. A bit childish.

    Anyways, the fact that perks like Corrupt or Pop ar mandatory in every single killer in order to compete means that gen progression is kinda an issue, some players say "apply pressure" but if the gens are still poping fast while applying some pressure that's the problem (situation were you hook A, start chasing B, C is going for the safe and D is working on gens alone and they still pop super fast).

    Sloppy is not a real slowdown perk, survivors work on gens while injured because dead hard.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Almost only play survivor these days and feel sorry for killers. Gens just fly and surviving is way to easy. Old ruin should get back and totems spawn must change so Ruin can last.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    LoL, I deal with SWF the same as anyone. Some are good, some not so much. SWF with OoO is a major issue for Trapper. Not what your point is though. It does not change my ability to push them off gens. If I waste to much time on one of them, they pop gens fast.

    Still lots of BP, so no skin off my back.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Kill rushing -AKA Camping and Tunneling- are very looked down upon. Just don't make comments that immediately contradict themselves.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
  • multibingles
    multibingles Member Posts: 32

    You read posts like this, and you realize that maybe the developers of this game might now actually be the smartest.

  • Sour_moonshine
    Sour_moonshine Member Posts: 1

    If you run discordant, some games you spawn in and immediately look to your left and see a yellow gen, then you look to the right and another yellow gen. 2 there and 2 over there. You go left, surviors hear you way before you get there, now again 1 goes left 1 goes right. You chance the one on the right. The left survior goes back to the gen. Now you hit the right surviors and he speed boosts away. You here the ding from the gen across the map, not even 1:30mins in. 1 person injured, the other back on the gen. You have a choice what do you do? Down the one survior risk the gen behind you? Risk getting flashlight or body blocked on the hook? Do you let him run and heal and go back for the other person on the gen? Or do you go find the other 2 surviors because you just saw another gen turn yellow? 4 surviors only need 5 gens. If you want to play a good killer and have a perfect game you need 12 hooks. 2mins on each survior. Thats not including Borrowed time, or Decisive strike. If every survior has DS hats 4 possible escapes. Thats like adding a whole other survior to the game now. Its risky slugging nowadays and now the new girl got a perk where she can drop pallet from your shoulder like ######### is that.