What do you think about comms ?

BlueskyNew Member Posts: 11
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I want to know what you guys think about comms, about people playing while communicating with each other.

Were comms intented in the game ? Are they fair ?

If they're not intented why make some perks only worth running if you're coordinated (so on comms) ? I can list for example Soul guard, BT, Unbreakable. Why am i saying that they are worth running only when you're coordinated ? Well soul guard grants you invincibility for 8 seconds, if you're playing solo, you will almost never will get use of it, but if you are playing with someone, you can coordinate a good timed save while also bodyblocking the killer from hitting your friend.

BT, same, don't worth running in solo, because there're always some dumb players to farm the hooked person without BT. When playing with friends, everybody know who will go to the save, the survivor with BT.

Unbreakable will do more harm than good if you're in solo Q, nonody knows you can get yourself up, so they will waste time running around the map the heal you.

Comms solve this aspect of the game, making it more enjoyable, but they also give another advantage, it gives you free perks like bond, kindred, empathy, alert, aftercare, and many others.


  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    allows too much free info, BT is perfectly good without coms.

  • BlueskyNew
    BlueskyNew Member Posts: 11

    Don't get me wrong, BT is an excellent perk, what i was saying is that sometimes, your teammates make it not worth using something in the game, i've seen many survivor in solo Q unhooking in front of the killer without borrowed while you have it, but you didn't make it to the hooked survivors before this dumb farmer.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    that's just solo Q life, you can mitigate this with pregame chat somewhat.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah comms is kinda cheating. I've played some survivor with friends and if we are on comms the game is incredibly easy compared to running around without info. I know where the killer roughly is at all times, I know where my team mates are at all times, we're pointing out totems and areas where pallets are used up. Its kinda broken before we even add in any perks.

    I'm a potato survivor but I've never been killed in a comms match. This is not due to my ability and its a low level game given how rarely I play survivor so maybe better killers do well enough to counter the huge advantage comms gives but it really is the game on easy mode against anything but high tier/experienced killer. I kinda prefer not knowing my heart beat is a lot higher when I try solo survivor. That intensity makes the game a lot more fun even if I get killed more.

    Although I've only played around 20 or so games as survivor even at that level I feel the difference and I know enough about the game from playing killer to know the difference too.

    Still I won't berate anyone from wanting to chat with their buddies while gaming. As such I just try to have fun regardless of outcome.

  • Kaleria
    Kaleria Member Posts: 9

    If they made it open proxy coms, it would be balanced both allowing for the exchange of information to people near you, but also a risk you take if the killer is nearby.

    "Hey, I'm in this locker the killer didn't check right by the hook, I'll get you off in a second" works on discord, but if that were in open coms chat and the killer is nearby, guess who just got grabbed out of the locker.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    VOIP is now more important to be implemented than ever before with the MMR news. Say you have two solo q'ers, one has a map and the other a key. While there isn't much synergy there imagine if it's SWF. As soon as the black lock spawns the team knows right where to go to get out. When MMR is actually used they need to be able to condition for this. BHVR officially supports Discord with an official channel so they really need to get off of the fence already and just add it.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    100% correct, they need to add VOIP to where it would act exactly like discord. Only the team can hear it, unlimited range.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    I think you're missing the point of balancing the game :/

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    to balance the game around voip you would basically need to rework most of the perks entirely, and massively buff killers all around, or nerf survivors massively someway, or both.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2020

    I would rather have that then the developers trying to balance two separate games. The only type of person who wouldn't is a swf player.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I dont think they are an inherently bad thing. But people can easily abuse it to gain a competitive advantage.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    as someone who mainly plays solo survivor I would probably quit the game if they forced coms, unless I could mute them. going by the general community interactions I get with randoms in this game.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    And they do....on a consistent basis in red ranks. This game's been out for 4 years and it still hasn't been fixed. Hopefully now that they are actually taking small steps to get this game on track with balance we can finally get it done so the dev's can balance the game properly.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Yeah there definitely should be a quick mute option like alt+ left clicking on the players icon on the bottom left of the screen to mute someone being obnoxious and toxic. I've noticed that VOIP does tend to make people more respectful on average as well.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393
    1. If Comms were not intended in the game, the developers were raised under a rock. People are on comms playing everything. Heck, you can even get on comms to play online solitaire! Solitaire is a one-person game!! Seriously, there is zero chance the developers did not sit there at some point and say, "You know, people may jump on Discord, or their phones or some other communication media and talk while playing survivor." If they did not, you are looking at the most incompetent development team since Wile-E-Coyote's research and development department.
    2. Comms are strong, but to be expected. If you don't anticipate a team communicating while playing killer, that is your own mistake. I am always considering the likelihood they are talking. If one of them hit a trap, I make sure to move it, or leave it and place one nearby as a trick. If I hear a gen being worked while I'm in a chase, I let them break LoS and quickly dip to the gen to throw them off. Mess the faith in their comms up some. Make them nervous.
    3. I do not, in any way, want to see comms built into the game. The last thing I want as a killer or survivor is to hear a 10 year old going off in the game. Or, for that matter, a 20 year old with a 10 year old's mental capacity going off. Nope, post game chat has that covered. I would like to see the OPTION for the killer to converse with the survivors before the game. If you don't want to, so be it, if you enjoy chatting and trying to make the atmosphere less angry/frustrating, then go for it. Entirely voluntary. Some might say, "That will encourage farming." Umm, no more than me walking up to a survivor pointing at a gen and then pointing at me. If I want to farm, I nod yes. If I don't, I smack them. Same goes as survivor, the killer smacks the gen and nods yes. If I want to farm, I respond, if not, I run off.
  • Kaleria
    Kaleria Member Posts: 9

    SWF people would and still do sure. I was talking more for single queue players or groups of 2-3 to be able to communicate with their other group members.

    Proxy chat helps solve the issues that things like discord bring, making the information one side has access to vastly overwhelming.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Comms were never intended for DBD (SWF wasn't even in the first release of the game, they just added it cause people would constantly dodge lobbies until they finally matched with their friends anyway). That being said, there's not a lot that can be done about them, and honestly, while they do have the potential to be unfair, 90% of SWFs are just shooting the ######### with their friends. They aren't super tryhard and the most hardcore info they tend to give out is "hex totem is over at this location!", but hex totems are usually found quick anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    I'm all for it. It makes survivor a whole lot more fun and as killer I either get the satisfaction of beating them or I can tell myself "it's fine they were on comms shouldn't have expected to win". Helps my ego and let's me have fun; win win scenario.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    I think using comms is as scummy as tunneling and camping. Iegit strategies that were not intended and ruin the game for some.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I play against comms and with comms all the time. They do not turn bad players into good players. 4 average players on comms are still average players from a mechanical standpoint, and no amount of comms will help in a chase. 4 good players on comms will still beat a killer without comms if they're better than the killer. The impact of comms is greatly overstated. At best, they help to organize average players or fine tune high level teams, but it doesn't replace skill.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    *Were comms intented in the game ? Are they fair ?*

    The devs have said on multiple occasions the game is designed around 4 solo survivors and didn't add comms to the game for atmosphere and they didn't balance around them. So by the admission of the devs themselves, comms are neither intended, nor are they fair.

    If comms were intended, survivors wouldn't have 20-30 perks that specifically give them locational information that comms give for free. SWF is basically cheating.

  • ZttII
    ZttII Member Posts: 12

    I find comms aren't really that much of a problem for most killers. For Trapper it can be annoying to have your traps called out to the whole team, but by and large it doesn't really matter. There's no information in this game that can't really be replaced with good game sense. If players consistently make the "correct" play, comms don't matter at all.

    For example, imagine four solo players. The killer downs and hooks player A. Player B is pretty close to the hook working on a gen. Player D is far away and working on the gen.

    The logical play is for Player B to go for the unhook, but he hears the terror radius so he's apprehensive. Suddenly he sees that Player C goes from healthy to injured. He's in a chase. Player B goes for the unhook. Player D assumes since he's on the other edge of the map that someone else will go for the unhook. That's coordination based entirely on common sense and good game knowledge that comms don't really help with. The problem is that you can't control the teammates you get in solo, so sometimes you'll have a potato. Comms would help that player not make braindead moves, but if he's bad he's bad. Comms don't do enough for bad players to make a difference. They only really push that top percentage of players a bit higher.

  • BlueskyNew
    BlueskyNew Member Posts: 11

    So what would you guys think if they could get free perks like shadowborn, unrelenting, whispers, bloddhound, deerstalker etc ?

    wouldn’t it be unfair ?