Fixing Worthless Perks day 6

Every day I will propose changes to 1 survivor perk and 1 killer perk to make them not unusable garbage like most perks are.

Survivor Perk: Lucky Break - You've had your share of scrapes and bruises, but luck's always on your side. Any time you are injured, do not leave any trails of blood. Additionally, your scratch marks spread in a 50% wider radius while in the Killer's terror radius.

Killer Perk: Zanshin Tactics - You are mentally alert of key points on the battlefield, you use them to your advantage. The auras of Pallets, Breakable Walls, and vaults are revealed to you within a range of 24 meters. If you are in a chase with a survivor, the Entity will block windows 1 vault sooner, and will automatically break a Pallet if the survivor you are chasing vaults the same pallet 5 times.

Justifications: Lucky Break adds an extra layer of stealth play, but a very weak one as it is right now. This change would make the blood trails permanently not show while injured. The additional ability that makes scratch marks appear in a wider radius should make it harder for Killers to track exactly where you went if they lose line of sight.

Zanshin Tactics as it exists right now doesn't really do anything useful... like at all. The survivor is the one who dictates the importance of local pallets or windows, not the killer, so knowing where they are does little to nothing helpful. And it even has a cooldown! This change removes the cooldown, and makes the Killer's chasing potential stronger.

I have proposed 12 perk changes so far. BHVR has made perk changes since I started.
