Fixing Worthless Perks day 6

Every day I will propose changes to 1 survivor perk and 1 killer perk to make them not unusable garbage like most perks are.
Survivor Perk: Lucky Break - You've had your share of scrapes and bruises, but luck's always on your side. Any time you are injured, do not leave any trails of blood. Additionally, your scratch marks spread in a 50% wider radius while in the Killer's terror radius.
Killer Perk: Zanshin Tactics - You are mentally alert of key points on the battlefield, you use them to your advantage. The auras of Pallets, Breakable Walls, and vaults are revealed to you within a range of 24 meters. If you are in a chase with a survivor, the Entity will block windows 1 vault sooner, and will automatically break a Pallet if the survivor you are chasing vaults the same pallet 5 times.
Justifications: Lucky Break adds an extra layer of stealth play, but a very weak one as it is right now. This change would make the blood trails permanently not show while injured. The additional ability that makes scratch marks appear in a wider radius should make it harder for Killers to track exactly where you went if they lose line of sight.
Zanshin Tactics as it exists right now doesn't really do anything useful... like at all. The survivor is the one who dictates the importance of local pallets or windows, not the killer, so knowing where they are does little to nothing helpful. And it even has a cooldown! This change removes the cooldown, and makes the Killer's chasing potential stronger.
I have proposed 12 perk changes so far. BHVR has made 0 perk changes since I started.
Is Lucky Break Permanent?
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If so, then it's likely too powerful. Combo it with Iron Will and Unbreakable and you get a more powerful No Mither with no downsides.
If we want to make Lucky Break's effect permanent it should lessen the blood flow, but not stop it entirely.
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Slap spirit break on zashin? Nah the window blocker is a good addition.
These suggestions aren't as horrible as your other ones
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You're comparing 3 perks to 1 perk. The synergy of 75% of your loadout should be better than 25% of your loadout.
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The point remains that your Lucky Break is too easily made into a broken and abusable combo. It's all upside with no down to balance it. Bond and Empathy let you see your teammates, but only within a certain distance/ if they're hurt.
If you want to improve it, my thought would be either make it permanent while lessening bleeding, instead of stopping it, or leave it as no bleeding but make it rechargeable by being in at full health.
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A more power no mither at the cost of 3 slots doesnt sound too bad
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This is not broken, the killer can still track you by scratch marks and other sounds (like the steps sound) this build would be good but not nearly as much as some current builds like, DS/ Sprint Burst/ Borrowed time/ 4th meta perk. This changes would make this perks became a lot more viable but not overpowered.
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My god you people are afraid of buffs. This would buff stealth play a bit, there SHOULD be strong perk interactions with each other, for both survivor and killer. Just because a survivor doesn't leave blood pools behind doesn't mean they won't leave scratch marks, or be trackable by whispers, or Nurse's calling, or Infectious Fright, or I'm all ears, etc.
Perks shouldn't be worthless and weak, NOT A SINGLE PERSON EVER runs Lucky Break as it is now, even though you say the effect "not leaving blood pools behind" is just too strong. It lasts for 3 minutes in a world where gens can easily get done in 6 minutes. If the effect is so damn good, then why don't you run it as is?
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Jesus, why do people think Lucky Break would be OP? Even after the buff, it would still be miles worse than Iron Will and the " op combo" of these two perks used together would work around 5% of the time because scratchmarks are a thing...