No, I'm not sorry. I want to have fun too.



  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    sigh such an over the top response. No one said hack the game, I mean seriously its all the melodrama like this that leads to such a toxic community. Seriously aggressive responses intended to intimidate others into playing the game how you want them to play it. Such as calling people scrubs because they play it differently.

    There is no need to grief abuse cheat etc etc, just play the game.

    If you get chased for three to five minutes then camped you got 3-5 mins of quality game play and yet you're still complaining. Maybe you're getting camped because you got chased for 4 gens and the killer knows its over so might as well secure this one kill. That's legit, its not optimal but its legit.

    Understanding that I'm not responsible for your fun, just as you are not responsible for mine is different from not giving F about other people's experience. While being chased for those five minutes did you stop and think "this has gone on for a while I should stop and let this killer hook me so we can both have a positive game experience" Of course you didn't and nor should you. But expecting them to do the same for you really is silly.

    If you disagree great you're allowed to but I tell you the game experience will be crappy if you expect people to play your way all the time and then rage when they don't.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    You wait "15+ min" to sit at a hook and camp someone to death

    idk whats funnier, the idea of someone wasting their time like that, or that the person doing it is proud of it

  • AberrantPsychologist
    AberrantPsychologist Member Posts: 27

    I think this discussion highlights a particularly insidious problem with the community's perception of the Killer role; generally players expect that a killer player's number one priority is improving their skill as opposed to having fun.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    My games are ruined when I wait 15 minutes for a match and dont get anything

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    Then we are on the same page. You don't like it and neither do I and I'm not about to get better if I can't regularly practice. I dont exactly have hours and hours to spend to begin with so I usually can only get 1 or 2 killer games a day and I'm not about to waste them getting no kills.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    My queue times are still consistently at around 15 minutes.

    My queue times arent lower so I continue to use the strategy that the game rewards me for doing.

    I find a more complete waste of time to be not getting any kills in a game.

    I played a lot of survivor until I realized it wasnt really that much fun. I enjoy playing killer and feeling like I'm powerful. I'm currently in a position similar to the nurse before she went insane. Medical field and everything too ironically enough.

    But my queue times are still pretty long.

    I usually play at around 5 or 6 in the morning before work and maybe at 2 or 3am when i'm off duty or on call. So maybe my hours have something to do with it? I just assumed that there are people playing all over the world so my time is probably peak time for someone somewhere.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    Exactly this. I play to have fun, I'm not trying to be a streamer or professional esport player.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2020

    I find it to be better than to waste 15 minutes and then not get a single kill at all.

    Its way more fun than feeling like I did nothing. I'm not exactly proud or ashamed of it, I'm just as the title says not particularly sorry for doing it. I wish I was better and didnt have to play like this, but with these queue times I can't exactly get lots of practice compared to when I play survivor and get games instantly.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Camping is a very effective strategy I get 4ks camping at rank one almost every game. You just have to know when the right time is to pull the proxy camp.

    Are they injured? How far are the gens? How many left? Is he struggle/death hook. Watch the survivor movements and location with bbq to make your plans. Leave the hook to use pop goes weasel then go back if they are slow to save. Watch hexy if you wanna know how to camp properly and still get a 4k.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    lmao 5 or 6am that is literally THE WORST time to queue for killer. That probably has a lot to do with it

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Yup, only way to learn is try new things. Clearly the method utilized by OP doesn’t net him kills.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Yea, no one cares. You are free to do whatever you want. Sure, go ahead and camp if it makes the game fun for you, no one is stopping you.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    He's easy because of the instadown. COmpared to playing another killer where I get no kills at all, billy is infinitely easier and better.

    In fact the devs know this given they are nerfing him on ptb and making it so I cant camp with the chainsaw fully charged anymore.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    I see. Maybe thats the problem. Its the only time I have an hour to spare.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    It nets me a kill which is more than my average of 0.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Camping ruins the games experience for others. I see no difference. Dont dictate how I play.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Use those 2 games a day to get better then instead of wasting them on a single kill. With practice you could be getting 4 while actually playing the game.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    I'd rather keep playing as I do until someday my queue times are lower and I can get real practice

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    No, I think I'm going to keep playing. I like this game and I dn't feel like I need to improve or get better just because its a PVP game. I play to have fun and enjoy myself at the end of the day, not to turn the game into another job.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Problem is the way he goes about playing for "fun" is the complete opposite of fun. Idgaf if I lose, but if I go down after a long chase or because I felt like taking the aggro off a teammate I shouldn't then be face camped into another looby.that is horse #########. If you want to have fun over skill go play a PVE game.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Well like I said, you ruin the game for others by doing this as well. And I'm sorry if I seem like I'm coming at you hard right now. Its not your fault but instead just very poor game design by the devs that creates a situation that is not fun for both sides and wastes everyones time.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Oh no, it's more that you can have fun playing killer (I mean, I do quite frequently anyway) and not have to ruin 4 people's experience. Sure, you paid for the game, but so did they.

    Chances are if you're getting 1 kill per game, every game, you need to improve.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    And like I said the game is ruined for me when I get no kills at all.

    And don't worry, I don't take anything anyone says here personally.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I'm not dictating how you play, never have, never will. You think people wasted their time because they didn't play in a way you believe will improve them, maybe that's not the goal today, who are you to say.

    Your reply was " to not play a pvp game" if they don't want to do what you suggested. Their answer was no and to that I say good on them.

    The only behavioral suggestion I gave was play however you like but perhaps curb your expectations of other players. Because it seems like at the moment in your mind there is one way to play this game... your way, by your rules and everyone else is wrong.

    Well I'm sorry mate we all have bad games, we all get mori'd, we all get camped or tunneled, or gen rushed, looped, stunned, clicky clicked, butt danced or any of the other things people complain about. Shrug your shoulders and queue up again or take a break. Its just a game.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Yeah, people who do not care about the experience of others will abuse poor game design and game devs who do not want to fix design issues and release DLC instead will ignore those design issues because people will still play the game and still buy the DLC. Maybe I need to curb my expectations for this game and its playerbase. Apparently they were much too high. Thank you for the advice, I will massively lower my expectations and expect every game to be awful

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    If you're not cheating or trying to ruin other people's games then do whatever.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    I mean most people dont have to camp as they are probably better than me. But yes, you should lower your expectations of people, not ure why anyone would have high expectations of human behaviour especially in a place where they are anonymous and the games asymmetrical design pervades a certain degree of animosity from both sides

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    i know this whole thread is bait and you just want attention you have been deprived of, but if ruining the game for others due to your own lack of skill is fun, I can’t imagine the kind of people who would play any game with you

    he said he does it to ruin the game for survivors to feel better about only getting 1 kill

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    If that's how you want to interpret the point I've made then so be it.

    Perhaps rather than curb your expectations I should say don't expect a particular playstyle from someone else as you will probably be disappointed.

    If you are not actively cheating or trying to grief people, abuse people or belittle people then play as you like.

    There will always be a mechanic that can be exploited in some way and the devs appear to be making changes to stuff for QOL of both survivors and killers, railing non-constructively at them doesn't seem very productive either.

    Lastly its not worth taking so seriously its a computer game.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2020

    I mean by continuing to respond you keep giving me attention.

    I don't have fun getting nothing done after a 15 minute game.

    I don't camp to ruin anyones fun I do it to guarantee a kill so I have fun.

    The survivors arent just going to let me get a kill. SInce when do survivors care if the killer has fun? Not in any of my games.

    In fact survivors ruin my games when after I either open the gates for them or someone triggers the collapse by opening the gates, they don't leave and often wait until the last second to leave just so they can taunt. I can't even imagine playing killer before they added the EGC and thank god i only played survivor then.

    I'm not ut of my way to ruin anyone's fun. If I was I would just pick Wraith and find a corner to hide in and just let them finish the game. Theyll likely depip since they wont get any evader or altruism points.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    You gotta run insidious and bubba if you're gonna camp.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    this is last reply I’m giving you

    you clearly are either

    a. Just baiting for reply’s or

    b. Too lazy to learn how to play and if it’s the latter, you are better off playing a different game, maybe a single player game, Halo isn’t hard on Easy, just let the AI kill everything

    kinda surprised this thread hasn’t been closed, it’s pointless trying to discuss things with this guy

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Holy #########! This. This is one of the real problems in our community that no one talks about.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2020

    If I'm baiting for replies, you're clearly falling for it and I can almost guarantee this isnt your last response on this thread since I can't imagine someone like you would let anyone else have the last word.

    ANd like I said, I like this game and would love to get better but for now with 15 minute queue times I'm not about to try and do that. I will continue to play the way that has actually been rewarding and given me more points than not getting any kills.

    Getting 1 kill even with the losing points by proximity is more than what I get if everyone escapes and its more fun and I feel like i did something.

    I mean we have been discussing but all your points so far have been to quit playing the game and just saying to get better so not really helpful.

    I've explained why I'm not going to do that and that I like playing how I am currently as I play for my own satisfaction and fun, not for anyone elses.

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    K, Play standing still simulator if you want and you find that fun

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    I find it more fun that running around and not getting anything done and having everyone escape

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316
    edited July 2020

    A game I spent money on, a game that wastes my time. A game that has had these issues for four years. Where are those QOL changes?

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    Then try following his play style or advices, you won’t have to camp and will have more fun

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited July 2020

    For some reason I find this thread to be a low quality bait...

    Anyway. Everyone at rank 20 doesn't get a single kill and that's because you're learning how to play, my brother used to do the same, I encouraged him not to camp and now he manages to 1K or 2K, with many hook constantly and without camping, that's how you learn and by the way, if you're 15 mins waiting for a queue you can simply manage to do something else in the mean time, read a novel or so. Start baking, write your own novel, practicing programming, do some push ups and sit ups (15 mins looks like nothing but if you have 3 matches that means almost one hour doing push ups and sit ups). You know, something productive so you're not wasting your time watching a screen saying "Waiting for match".

    At the end of the day is up to you however you want to play or however you want to use your time but I do believe you're better than that, that you're better than saying "Ok, I will just give up" but giving up or choose to try your all and being better it's up to you, no one can make you magically better. It's a road that you need to travel by yourself and no one can travel it for you.

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2020

    Stop treating kills as your win condition. Instead, focus on something else as your objective.

    Focus on getting as many hooks as you can, or as many downs, or on keeping the gens unrepaired for as long as you can, or just on trying to minimize the time you spend at each loop in a chase. These are things that will earn you more points, they will actually help you improve your gameplay, and they'll be more entertaining to get good at.

    Camping for a kill doesn't have any challenge, there's no skill involved, and it's garbage for points. It might be more satisfying than just letting them go, but you'll get bored of that. If you focus on something else as your objective and don't get any kills, it doesn't matter, you're playing for your own objective. If you keep that in mind, you'll have much more fun in games where you get no kills than games where you get them from facecamping.

    When I first started, I was garbage. I would have long ass queue times for matches where I wouldn't get any kills. But it didn't matter because I wasn't playing for kills, I was playing for hits, and every match where I got some hits was a victory. I got better at getting hits and I started getting hooks, and then I started getting kills, and now I get plenty of kills, even if I hook everyone twice before anyone dies. I guarantee you that's the same way otzdarva and other top players began with the game and began improving, and that's the reason they're as good as they are.

  • AberrantPsychologist
    AberrantPsychologist Member Posts: 27

    I wholeheartedly agree*; and, with that said, my point is further reinforced by your statement. You insist he must improve instead of acknowledging and accepting that his personal priority is having fun.

    *He does not need to improve, however it may be best if he did.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Ah I see what you mean.

    Then let me be clearer about what I mean; to have more fun playing this game, and to play in a way fun for the opposition as well, op must improve. If they find getting their singular kill fun the all power to them go right ahead, but by employing scummy tactics they lost all right to complain about other scummy tactics that could occur in game, and is also not exactly a good killer. I feel like op would have a better experience if they got better at the game, hence why I kept saying "need".

    Like if a survivor died within the first 5 minute of a match because they can't hide or loop, instead of blaming the game or the killer they need to improve to have fun.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Oh look, our camper killer is mad.

    You can play how you want, HOWEVER dont come to the forums crying when you get smart survivors that know how to counter camping and outplay you.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Wanna know why your queue times as killer are long? For people like you.

    YOU destroy low ranks survivor game experience by camping, which means they will unistall = longer queue for killers.

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11

    I mean... if you're not interested in improving your skill, you should be fine with just playing this game as you are now - try and catch one survivor, stand in front of him, repeat. But since you had to get it off of your chest i'm guessing you're not completely fine with it, and even tho you say you do have fun knowing one person dies, you sound... i dunno, frustrated? I'd recommend putting the efford in getting better, cuz when you're just gonna climb up in rank, not skill, it's only gonna get harder and way less fun. But you don't wanna do that, so i honestly don't know why are you here or how to help you. Sorry.

  • Redhammer03
    Redhammer03 Member Posts: 5

    I just don't understand the perk choices. Why haunted ground when you have noed? When the gates are powered and they look for your hex, if they mistakenly cleanse haunted, it doesn't matter they r already one shot-able. Personally when I run haunted I go full hex, Devour Hope, Thrill of the hunt, Haunted ground, and the new one Gunslinger brought to reveal auras when a hex is clensed. This makes all 5 totems start as hexes, which means someone will almost definitely spawn near one, they will almost definitely start to clense it, and be pinned by thrill for me to immediately start chasing. If they cleanse a haunted and leave totems alone then they get devour hoped, and if they target the hexes then I target them with thrill.

    Also I agree camping won't make you better, you don't learn anything new by sitting in front of a hook, but if that's what makes you happy, keep camping my dude, but please change your perks a little.