Practicing Shred, got any tips?

So i am a Demo main, pretty obvious, but while i don't try to be the best i do try to be good and impress so that i might be able to show Demo's potential, which is why i spend a good chunk of my games not playing seriously and just practicing my skills, what tips do you guys have?


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Hmm. If you know how to use Oni or Billy's power to stop loops you can use shred to semi stop loops. Basically, on short loops, you can moonwalk, charge shred right before you round the corner and hit a survivor. This only works on some loops. A extremely helpful tip from Bronx's guide, is on car loops like Badham, your shred won't make collision, so you can counter car loops entirely.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    I've been practicing a lot too, and so far the best way to shred seems to be when a survivor stops looking back for a second. If they're looking at you, they'll just dodge. However it can work to your advantage to fake them out too, as I've had survivors veer off making them lose distance.

  • Zane
    Zane Member Posts: 75

    One good way to use shred is not to use it at all, if you see them going to a window, hold shred for a bit to make them doubt themselves and not go to the window or pallet, and then let go of shred and hit them with a basic, they always fall for that, I would also advice you to use the rat addons that are brown which increase your movement speed while doing shred, those to me are one of his strongest addons even though they are brown which should be in his basic kit already but thats besides the point, you don't have to focus on hitting the actual shred or using it in general, try to think about any way you could catch them and what mind games you can pull.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Don’t walk around holding shred. Do short holds. Hit at choke points or windows (high percent plays) or let go for basic attack.

    I’ve seen a lot of players swear by the brown add on that makes Demo faster while holding. I think it’s a crutch to a bad habit. Portals are more useful than given credit.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Treat shred kind of like PH's ranged attack. Don't always go for it. The threat of using your shred is more powerful than actually using it. Portals (in my opinion) can be used in two ways that depends on your playstyle. You can either place portals right next to gens, so survivors have to waste their time closing it and be oblivious and be seen through killer instinct, or hide portals a decent distance away from gens to have more maneuverability and to catch survivors off guard more easily. I recommend Bronx's guide on demo for tip on how to play as him effectively.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    What I'd recommend for demo and any other alt attack killer is (as long as you don't care about the outcome of the match, and just want to learn) just spam it. Try and shred at every possible opportunity, no matter how unlikely it is it'll work, and you get the feel for it much faster and what you can and can't pull off with it, as well as how survivors react. Also survivors often have little idea of how far away from you can/ hit with them with it because they probably don't see many demos so you can get them trying to dodge you just by opening your face even when out of range or hit them when they feel far enough away.

    I'm learning him rn and I underestimated him for sure.