Should Unrelenting be reworked?

I feel like Unrelenting removes the skill factor of hitting yourself attacks as killer. In general if a new player runs Unrelenting they are not gonna adapt to needing to aim your attacks. I think it also is just a useless perk that teaches bad behavior to new players as killer. Also, I just feel like it’s really weak and practically useless after new players get good at hitting there attacks. I think the effects could be removed and changed to something else other than missed attack recovery. Idk I wanna hear your thoughts.
IMAGINE complaining about UNRELENTING.
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Out of every single perk in the game it's Unrelenting. I'm so done.
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I mean SERIOUSLY, if you're complaining about unrelenting, you would have had a heart attack if you had been here during the days of MACHINE GUN.
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Unrelenting is actually decent perk that has synergy with a few killer powers mainly Deathslinger or Hag. It can definetly use help but certainly not nerfs or large changes to it's base effect.
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Agreed, unrelenting is the most drastically OP perk in the game. Imagine being a survivor, pressing ALL THOSE BUTTONS to dodge an attack, then the killer just..... FLINGS OUT ANOTHER ONE.
Completely ignores survivor skill and experience, it's Deathslinger all over again. The lack of counter play to this perk is really hurting the fun of the game.
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As much as I agree machine gun needed nerfing, it is kinda sad how unrelenting specifically never recovered from the nerf. At least STBFL got reworked into something reasonable down the road.
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This made me sound like a jackhammer laughing.
Unrelenting is an awful perk, it applies only to missed basic attacks AND only greatly benefits Deathslinger pretty much, everyone else you can use STBFL and get a better reward for HITTING survivors
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wait,wait wait, you are complaining about unrelenting?
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I just can’t.
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Unrelenting needs a buff.
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I honestly can't imagine anyone missing a swing and then going, "Pft, doesn't matter, I have unrelenting. I'm not going to try to hit it next time."
It makes it a little less punishing, but even a shorter cooldown could give them enough time to get to the next pallet and drop it.
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Spoken like somebody who has never actually used unrelenting. It shaves off a fraction of a second. It's a very weak perk. It could be buffed to 50% and it still wouldn't be that great.
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Well you could argue that the worst perks should be removed, but it's better to find solutions on how to buff them instead. There are lots of weak survivor and killer perks out there that needs fixing. And no all perks should not be strong, but the worst ones should be buffed.
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I cannot think how the perk could be any weaker than it currently is. Maybe monstrous shrine could take the medal of the worst killer perk
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and the pack of wolves descend upon the lone lamb. how sad.
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I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt, because, at it's core, this is a complaint about "training wheels perks," or perks specifically designed to help you when you mess up something that you're not really supposed to mess up very often, and how the inclusion of such perks might be deteimental to the game and just bad perk design.
Now, that's not something you actually see- even people who get spun by survivors usually don'y run Unrelenting, and survivors who mess up skillchecks still won't usually pick Technician- they're just bad perks. But, I can see where, at least in principle, the idea of designing a perk around "Hey, heres some help for when you mess up this really easy thing." isn't a great idea, and that they should probably be redesigned around enhancing your tracking and chasing ability instead of being a band-aid for mistakes.
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Dude If I had a dollar for every perk that removes the "skill factor" from something I'd be able to rebuy the game twice. Unrelenting could get buffed to 50% and it still wouldn't be good.
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It's more of a beginner perk. Kinda usefull, when you start playing but the player naturally replaces for better perks at some point. It's not strong until you buff the number to such a ridiculous level, that killer lunge-move through the map.
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Make it 80/90/100% and put it on a short cooldown when it reduces the swing recovery rate once and a second attack is used immediately after. That way it's a bit stronger and can be used to fake out survivors to keep them running at a pallet when you wouldn't have gotten the hit anyway. My issue with Unrelenting though is in almost every realistic scenario it's outclassed by Enduring. Because the only reason you take an early swing is to try and hit them before a pallet. Worst case scenario they keep running and best case they hit you with a pallet because it was forced to drop and you can continue chasing.
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I use it to accommodate for frame drops on maps like Ormond and Red Forest (and corn). Like, bruh. Killers shouldn't have to have pinpoint accuracies for M1 attacks, and missing an attack shouldn't mean that all of the killer's momentum is then lost (which is sometimes true), but you seem to think otherwise?
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How does it work with either? I'm thinking of picking up Deathslinger soon, so I want some ideas.
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I run the perk because you can use it to stop loops. After the survivor gets two loops lunge early if they go for a third loop you get a free hit I love that perk.
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Next it will be called “Boring” lmao
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No. Unrelenting should be basekit.
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I run it on Hag and for her if you miss the attack after immediately teleporting its a little less punishing so you can get back in the chase and attack again a little bit faster. Not really sure how it helps Deathslinger though.
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It’s best used when moving to hit on a loop. Ex:I shoot meg at a loop but when I go to the shortest possible route If I try to hit her I will without a doubt miss and wasted the shoot. But with unrelenting I recover fast enough to make up the distance when I lunge.
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If a Deathslinger harpoons an injured survivor, but quickly realizes he won't be able to reel them in for a hit, the quickest thing to do is M1 at nothing to cancel the chain so you can move and/or reload again, so unrelenting would make you lose a little less time. Probably not worth a perk slot, though.
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Lol the amount of comments telling me I’m complaining and that it’s weak. I understand it’s weak and it actually seriously needs buffs but how about change the perk entirely. It was only a thought and an idea because I feel like missing basic attacks recovery as a perk is pretty bad. I’m not a survivor main lol I play killer and Survivor and I’m not gonna complain about Monstrous Shrine lol. I just feel like Unrelentings design should be reworked. 😪
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I would rather buff Unrelenting. As the only unique anti-DH perk.
It's okay if players dare to choose Unrelenting rather than more useful and powerful perks like B&C, Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, PGTW, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle...
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Also Deathslinger could use unrelenting but then again it won’t get you far. They should just change how this perk works.
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Yeah But would buffing it make it more favorable than other perks. Idk but thanks for giving a comment that doesn’t bring down my low self esteem.
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I’m not complaining about the perk I’m just saying that this perk is poorly designed and should be changed or removed. Or buffed idc I’m just tryna start a discussion stop treating me like a low life I’ve been playing this game since 2017.
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I’m not saying remove in a way that it disappears rather change the way it fundamentally works because missed attack recovery just isn’t favorable compared to better perks with better effects.
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Ok that’s fair but it’s still a really weak perk. I think they could change it.
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Its weak but still fun to meme with.
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He may have a point. Unrelenting is MVP. It didn't save timestamp, skip to 5:20 for the game.
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Ok it worked well in that scenario pretty well. I still believe it needs buff or change.
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Unrelenting is like Calm Spirit for killers. It rarely comes into play, but when it does, it comes in CLUTCH AF.
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It just needs a buff.
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Very Much Agree
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Omg i saw it on a youtube. Musta been annoying to go against.
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We'll save you some meat for later 🍔
No but for real unrelenting is a pretty decent noob perk, when I started as a killer and had no idea what I was doing and had no other perks it was nice enough. If you're worried about it becoming a really doesn't, literally no one uses it once they have a few more perks and some experience.
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When I started playing Killer. Unrelenting, Shadowborne, Bitter murmur are tool that helps me to getting used to the game.
It explains itself, Unrelenting helps me to deal with 360, Shadowborne helps me getting use to small view (after playing survivors), Bitter murmur helps me know where Survivors are by doing nothing (BBQ requires hooks to its harder)
Those are equal to Dejavu or Darksense, Small game from Survivors to know where they should go next.
Pretty much "how to play" perks
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Actually, it wasn't that bad, really. Still OP for sure, but looping a machine gun killer was about the same as looping any other killer today. We even had more pallets to work with back then (more as in, 2-3 times the amount, and many, many times with double pallets).
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i bet you would same can be said about survivor.
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Next we complain Monstrous Shrine and No Mither