Spirit change to give her power a tell

bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

When phasing spirits terror radius shrinks at a rate of 8 meters a second,

What does this mean for players

This means spirit when using her power depending on how long she is in it will always make the whooshing noise even if you are right next to her

Meaning close mind games still work and get countered by running away and either being chased or knowing without having to move that far away from the spirit that she if phasing after you.

This will also reduce the spirits ability to put you right at the edge of her terror radius then phase to the gen or totem for the grab early and mid-game because thats where it would be most effective.

To compensate the tell remove the first half of her window vault animation just to give her back some mindgames and give survivors less but still some reaction time on windows
