Spirit change to give her power a tell

When phasing spirits terror radius shrinks at a rate of 8 meters a second,
What does this mean for players
This means spirit when using her power depending on how long she is in it will always make the whooshing noise even if you are right next to her
Meaning close mind games still work and get countered by running away and either being chased or knowing without having to move that far away from the spirit that she if phasing after you.
This will also reduce the spirits ability to put you right at the edge of her terror radius then phase to the gen or totem for the grab early and mid-game because thats where it would be most effective.
To compensate the tell remove the first half of her window vault animation just to give her back some mindgames and give survivors less but still some reaction time on windows
i dont feel this would work because spirit is very good because that unpredictability and doing that would give survivors the ability to just know when shes phasing and possibly where her whereabouts are
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She is still very strong even without her unpredictability it would just knock her down a peg
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These threads should be against the law.
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because you dont hear it in a chase????
as for a "tell" just let survivors see when she moves her hands, she can fake it still, just gives people a chance to play around it
for those against it, name 1 other killer that doesnt have some animation that gives an indicator of their power being used
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The point of Spirit's power during a chase is that you don't know if she's using it or not when she's standing still. That's the point. She's a 110 speed killer who often needs to use her power to get hits. They already nerfed her being able to mindgame window vaults, and they nerfed her not clipping through survivors during phase walk.
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Huntress is 110% and you see her raising her hatchet, giving you a chance at an escape, a dodge, or a hit.
Deathslinger has his ADS that gives you a chance for a dodge, an escape or a hit.
Nurse, raises her hand.
Hag, places her traps.
All slow speed killers, each of them you can tell in a chase what they're doing, giving you a chance to react.
...see how it makes it a bit unfair against Spirits? Especially with Stridor using Spirits?
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Name 1 other killer that has that as their theme
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This is too much, it wont just effect her chase itll affect any plays she can make during chase too like changing targets..alternatively I'd add a short moment of flickering when her phase starts because
1: itll make positioning more important to spirit
2: itll give you a base to start from and after a couple phases you can roughly gauge her speed
3: itll reward you for being attentive and not give it for nothing
4: She keeps all her mind games but has a way for both sides to take advantage of it
That's my compromise idea anyway
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There isn't any because they are designed to give the other player feedback
This isn't a "lore" thing or however people wanna spin it
Those were hardly "nerfs" and did nothing except bring her down a single notch, giving a minor tell such as hand movements will bring her down 1-2 more notches and she will still be top tier, except she would then have to think more about her power ever slightly
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No, I still think that there should be simultanious non-auditory tells for both spirit and the survivor as to where the other is. Reducing the TR only prevents stand-still mindgames, not the general problem that is being unable to tell where she is and react accordingly.
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There was a bug a while ago with Spirit making it so that you could still hear the phasing sound even in chase. I believe they fixed it but they really should just unfix it again lmao.
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No it's not a lore thing..its even stated in her power and tips that's the whole point of her so I agree theres no debating that XD
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Can't hear the big loud vacuum cleaner until a certain distance, with this the distance will shrink the longer she uses it so you know faster when running away
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Not true..her ptb showed that too clearly man
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She is a 110 killer but even without bothering to mindgame using her power moving at 7 meters per second for 5 seconds is more than enough to catch survivors and close distances.
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Thats pretty close to what this change is actually
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So during the ptb the time where many people were new to it and didn't have all the perks addons and loadouts they would have is a good tell for almost 2 years later
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Going to stay 100% impartial here, but any effect of that change would be completely negated by Insidious, which also takes away your terror radius if you stand still at a rate of 8m/s. You still wouldn't be able to tell if she's phasing or just standing there with Insidious.
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Wouldn't insidous by standing still with no terror radius immediately tell survivors when she starts phasing because survivors outside her terror radius hear the phasing sounds.
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Did you happen to see my suggestion? I feel like this stuff should be met in the middle else we repeat what just happened to Billy,
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Yes because it wouldnt change how people negated her power..and in fact would be way worse because people know her now
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Explanation of my idea with how I think spirits power works based on description
But even if they didn't have insidious the longer you phase the smaller your terror radius just to give some sort of tell on longer close range phases
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It would mean having to use a perk slot for such tricks though.
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True even if it doesn't work like In the diagram I made above it would still be giving up a perk slot that you might want for something better like stridor, bbq, pop or some other strong perk.
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Honestly, the easiest way to fix Spirit is by slowing her down. Currently using a Mother Daughter Ring and Dirty Uwabaki, she moves faster than Hillbilly; using a Mother Daughter Ring and Yakuyoke Amulet puts her just below Hillbilly but faster than Double Windstorm Wraith.
Additionally, give her either a small dust cloud that you can see as shes walking (kind of like survivor blood) or a wraith like cloak.
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I mean addons were already changed but I feel a direct tell is a bit much
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What does ADS mean?
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There's really no other way to fix her; and giving her an aura wont affect that much since her speed is still a lot faster than survivors.
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Aim down sights
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This one is a tell that lowers mindgame potential which ideally is enough to knock her power level down a peg without making her terrible
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Aim Down Sights.
Edit: spelling error
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That would just let people camp pallets with no risk though..therefore making her power useless
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Yeah come on guys, she's been nerfed SO MANY TIMES. Everyone knows she's at the bottom of the killers and doesn't need another nerf!
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Considering the fact that I main her; it wouldn't make her power useless. That's like saying Wraith's cloak is useless.
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The more you play Spirit, the more you learn to tell when she’s faking it. Also you learn the best locations to stand at.
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It to a degree is..? The turning invisible does nothing unless you hold still..you only use it for the speed and lack of tr..the two arnt even comparible..wraith is a low mid killer with decent map pressure but barely any chase power , spirit is a slower killer that blinds herself to give her a moment to make a move on the survivors..she cant chase outside power like a wraith can and even if she could If that was the price she would still suck
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Have to repeat myself on that one: Spirit's wooshing is not bound to her TR
There is a point near the edge of her TR where you can hear both. And stuff like Distressing seems not to affect the wooshing distance. At least perks tested in KYF, but hearing both also confirmed in normal games. Might be a bug but still a thing then.
I heard people saying "you can hear her footsteps, easy counter for phasing". I noticed that actually. Yes, you can hear that. But you only hear ONE step, two at most and then she hits you, no time to really react. The distance you hear her footsteps is minimal compared to the her speed in phasing, even without addons.
I would just suggest a simple thing to test, as it should be a simple change and easily revertable (also without knowledge about the code): make her wooshing directional for a PTB and see if that breaks her or makes her fair. (@Peanits would that be as simple as I think? Or thoughts about that change?)
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So just change it so outside tr but close is always phasing noises
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A direct tell would be good, IMO.
DOWSEY had a good idea on his stream. It would have to be subtle. Something you pick up with experience. Like, if you didn't know what to look for you wouldn't notice, but eventually you'd learn. Kind of like Myers with Tombstone.
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Wraith main here. His cloak is far from useless.
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Ok? I've played wraith enough to know it's far from game changing ..itll catch people off once in a while on a good day sure..but not so much attentive players
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I never said it was game changing. I said it wasn't useless. In direct contrast to you saying it does nothing unless staying still. You said nothing about game changing. I've mained Wraith since 2016 (and his legacy is sick looking), with the right build and the right person controlling it, he can be brutal. The issue is, most people would rather default to a killer with better loop shutdown mechanics. Not that I blame them, but it's a thing.
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mindgaming spirit is not that hard, she has already been nerfed.
She is fine as is, and i juke her all the time.
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Because his hit and run strat isnt very effective vs high quality teams..just takes too long
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Maybe it's not effective for you.
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Or perhaps your not taking into account the terrible matchmaking
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Again, I've been maining Bing Bong since 2016. Matchmaking wasn't always potato. I mained him when killer was actually hard, and actual infinites existed.
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It's a reference to deathslinger. Ads means aim down sights.