Killer Reworks

CWill22 Member Posts: 69

At the moment it seems like several are in need of changes. Legion, Pig, Clown (just to name a few). What are some things you'd like to see improve killers. I know a lot of killers need work but I hope the devs avoid another Freddy situation were they make the killer overly strong rather than balanced.

I think a lot of killers could be improved by just making some of there add-ons there base abilities.


  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    thats an understatement.

    trapper and piggy are probably bottom of the barrel with wraith under the bottom of that with their "ok" powers but poorly utilized due to addon dependency, especially trapper.

    making trappers darkened traps, trap placement speed and his 3 trap addon baseline would do a world of wonders for him alone.

    piggy im abit stumped by since she needs crouch speed addons and her ambush turned into being considered m1 to actually make her work in her current state, otherwise just tweaking it so traps are harder to get out of, take little longer, have twice the amount of puzzle boxes, maybe an audio cue of when they get a wrong box instead of a notification, maybe punish piggy for re-hooking a trapped survivor by breaking their trap and then maybe giving her 2 to 3 more traps so she will work better as a game staller breaking people down over time so the more gen happy survivors are busy trying to save their heads. would be largely different but you couldn't deny that it would make "the game" alot longer, especially if ambush counts an an M1 for perk usage.

    wraith... oh boy where do we start? lower his shimmer visbility? speed up decloaking? im clueless with wraith he's that bad

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Trapper, Clown, Wraith, and Legion do not need reworks in my opinion. Maybe some sort of QoL change. Some small adjustment.

    Pig, in my opinion, could use an add on rework. Her add ons encourage an unfun playstyle. She has all the justification in the world to tunnel masked survivors.

    I don’t blame the Pigs for doing it. It is the add ons and their benefits are clear.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I think Wraith would really benefit from faster uncloaking speed. That alone would improve him a lot. but also making him quieter (breathing and footsteps) would actually allow him to be stealthy. Wraith is my personal favorite killer to play and I think this would make him a lot better.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    Maybe not entire reworks but some kind of significant change.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Legion could use a doctor style rework. Maybe pig too.

    Clown could use an overhaul.

    Most other Killers just need straight buffs or maybe an addon or 2 made basekit.