Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Re-reworking killers whose reworks I found unpleasant. Legion.

Copying my reddit post with similar title here. The idea of this rework to make Legion a more threatening killer, remove the boring "mending part" (though it can be brought back with an addon, which could be scrapped and replaced) and make him more interesting to use.

Feral Frenzy

Rush into a murderous sprint, slitting their throats in a thrill of neverending slaughter.

Feral Frenzy

Trigger Feral Frenzy to run at high speed and chain attacks between multiple Survivors. When you power gauge has reached at least 33%, press the Power Button to initiate Feral Frenzy. While Feral Frenzy is active, Legion moves at higher speed and gains access to additional abilities: Pallet Vault and Feral Slash.

Pallet Vault:

Press interaction button while Feral Frenzy is active, to perform a quick Pallet Vault. This would drain 5% of your maximum power gauge charge but will always leave at least 4% of it.

Press interaction button while Feral Frenzy is not active, to perform a slow Pallet Vault. Next time a survivor attempts to vault that pallet, it instantly breaks. Press secondary power button instead of interaction button to break the pallet normally.

Feral Slash:

While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a survivor with Feral Slash would put them into injured state and afflict them with Deep Wound status effect. Hitting multiple survivors during one Feral Frenzy increases lethality of Feral Slash and reduces the fatigue after ending Feral Frenzy. Hitting a survivor with a Deep Wound status effect while Feral Frenzy is active, does not grant Feral Slash bonuses and prevents hit survivor from gaining "damage" speed boost, while slowing him down by 5%.

1st Feral Slash - Triggers Killer's Instinct on survivors within you terror radius, afflicts hit survivor with Deep Wound status effect and refreshes Feral Frenzy.

2nd Feral Slash - Decreases the remaining amount of Deep Wound health on hit survivor by 34%. Refreshes the Feral Frenzy. Decreases fatigue duration by 1 second.

3rd Feral Slash - Decreases the remaining amount of Deep Wound health on hit survivor by 66%. Refreshes the Feral Frenzy. Decreases fatigue duration by 2 seconds.

4th Feral Slash - Puts hit survivor into Dying state. Ends Feral Frenzy. Decreases fatigue duration by 3 seconds.

While Feral Frenzy is not active, hitting a survivor with a basic attack would additionally afflict them with Deep Wound status effect with maximum health remaining.

Deep Wound status effect.

Just screw old Deep Wound for Legion, okay? Old deep wound still remains for other killers, perks and items, however it is now remained to "Bleeding Wound". New Deep wound is exclusive mechanic to Legion:

Deep Wound:

  • No longer needs to be mended.
  • Has fixated amount of "charges" called health. 100 at maximum.
  • These charges cannot be increased or reduced by any means and are permanent for the existing Deep Wound.
  • The less charges survivor has, the harder and more common skillchecks are.
  • By default, survivor faces 4 skillchecks during healing while being affected by Deep Wound. Their number is increased to 6 if survivor has 66 charges and to 8 if survivor has 34 charges. Their sizes are reduced by 30% and 60% accordingly.
  • When survivor is hit with Feral Slash, he receives 100, 66, 34 and 0 health charges depending on how much Feral Slash is empowered.
  • When Deep Wound health is zero, survivor is put into dying state regardless of his condition and ignoring any effects that normally prevent being put into dying state.
  • Deep Wound exists as long as survivor is injured. When he is fully healed or put into dying state, deep wound status effect disappears.

Power Details:

  • Cooldown - 20 seconds.
  • 15 seconds duration.
  • Sprint Speed is 5.2 m/s.
  • quick pallet vault time is 0.9 seconds.
  • slow pallet vault time is 1.5 seconds.
  • Vaulting perks like Fire Up or Bamboozle affect slow pallet vault.
  • Bamboozle now blocks the pallet vaulted by Legion.
  • Feral Slash bonuses are empowerment applied to Feral Slash which has damaged survivor without existing Deep Wound.
  • Attacking survivor with Deep Wound will not do him any harm except taking away his "damage" boost and slowing him down.
  • When Feral Frenzy is active, Legion is unable to track blood, scratchmarks and auras. Legion also doesn't get any noise notifications.
  • Base Fatigue Duration is 4.5 seconds. Minimum Fatigue duration is 2.5 seconds.
  • When Feral Frenzy is refreshed via Feral Slashes, it is refreshed to the same amount of charges you had when activated that Frenzy (so if you started it at 33%, you get refreshed to 33% and not to 100%).
  • Missing an attack while in Feral Frenzy would instantly end it.
  • When Feral Frenzy is active, Legion's terror radius is directional.
  • Fuming Mixtape works the following way: When 4 survivors are alive, 4th Feral Slash downs a survivor. When 3 survivors are alive, 3rd Feral Slash downs a survivors. When 2 survivors are alive, 2nd Feral Slash downs a survivor. When 1 survivor is alive, 1st Feral Slash downs a survivor.



  • Smiley face pin - Survivors hit by Feral Slash are additionally afflicted with Blindness status effect for the duration of Deep Wound.
  • Scratched ruler - Decreases Feral Frenzy recharge time to 18.5 seconds from 20 seconds.
  • Mischief list - Increases Feral Frenzy duration by 1 second.
  • Friendship Bracelet - Increases Killer's instinct range by 8 meters'


  • Never-Sleep pills - removes any darkening visuals from fatigue and feral frenzy.
  • Mural Sketch - Increases Feral Frenzy duration by 2 seconds
  • Nasty Blade - Increases amount of time it takes for survivors with Deep Wound to fully heal by 8 seconds.
  • Etched ruler - Decreases Feral Frenzy recharge time to 17 seconds from 20 seconds.
  • Defaced Smiley Pin - Survivors hit by Feral Slash are additionally afflicted with Broken status effect for 30 seconds.


  • Filthy Blade - Increases amount of time it takes for survivors with Deep Wound to fully heal by 12 seconds.
  • The Legion Pin - Survivors hit by Feral Slash are additionally afflicted with Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds every time they enter killer's terror radius for the duration of deep wound.
  • Stolen Sketch book - Increases Feral Frenzy duration by 3 seconds
  • Cold Dirt - Increases fatigue movement speed to 101%. Increases Fatigue duration by 2 seconds.
  • Stab Wound study - Survivor's deep wound health is draining at rate of 1/second whenever they start working on generator, cleansing totem, opening chest, using exit gates switch or healing other survivors. Unlocks Mend action for survivors. Survivors can mend themselves in 16 seconds which would remove deep wound from them and grant 50% of healing progress. Mending takes from 16 to 24 seconds, depending on remaining Deep wound health. Subject to change


  • Julie`s mixtape - When Feral Frenzy is active, Legion becomes undetectable. Killer instinct now triggers on all survivors within the range equal to your terror before being undetectable. Killer instinct disappears in 3 seconds.
  • Susie's mixtape - Increases Feral Frenzy speed to 5.8 meters/second. Decreases Feral Frenzy duration by 2 seconds. Vaulting a pallet or window while in Feral Frenzy drains 20% of it's remaining power gauge.
  • Joe's mixtape - Missing a Feral Slash does not end Feral Frenzy. Increases Feral Slash lunge range by 2 meters.
  • Frank's mixtape - Allows 3rd Feral slash to put survivor into dying state. Performing 3rd Feral Slash would end Feral Frenzy.


  • Fuming mixtape - Grants an ability to kill any survivor put into dying state by Feral Frenzy. Every time a survivor dies, allows Feral Slash of lower power to put survivor into dying state (explanation in power details). Decreases Feral Frenzy duration by 5 seconds. Increases Feral Frenzy cooldown by 20 seconds. Decreases Feral Slash lunge range by 1 meter. Subject to change.
  • Iridescent Button - When Feral Frenzy is active, all generators are blocked by the Entity.

What do you think? Next is nurse.

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  • Member Posts: 5,498
    edited July 2020

    Survivors really hated the Gameplay with Old Legion, that they could continue on and on.

    I really enjoyed the long actionfilled chases, but Survivors seem to not like that as it was, and BHVR did not seem to balance & keep that part.

    I commend any changes to Legion, that:

    1. Remove the boring parts about Deep Wound.
    2. Does anything to make Legion to be less like, "The Killer who hit me and ran away."
    3. Makes chases more action-filled and less M1 oriented.
    4. Makes Legion feel less impotent and helpless.

    You get a gold star for the post above, Good work.

    Perhaps some survivors could share their thoughts on making a Legion we both wants? Im all ears.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Dude...this is so good! I like this alot, legion is kinda lame in it's current state. Same with clown. I love this concept, though!

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