Deliverance Perk is Worthless Now.

I always play solo survivor. No group coordination or dynamic that favour me. But when I decide to use the perk deliverance just in case, I cannot use it if all survivors have left the trial, as you know. Last week I managed to save other survivors so deliverance was ready to be used. We all reached the endgame collapse and two survivors left. When I was near the exit, Spirit downed me. A Nea was nearby with her flashlight and acting entitled. Spirit saw her and injured so she ran to the exit. I only needed that she hid somewhere waiting so if Spirit hooked me I could unhook myself using the perk. Instead, she left too and I died miserably. I was so pissed. I know when all survivors are hooked and there is no chance to escape, the entity kills you immediately. But in this case, I had %100 chance of escaping (as the perk describes) and I died anyways. How this could be a fair perk?
You still had a 0% chance of escaping, because the Killer would have simply watched and downed you immediately after you jumped off the hook.
"But wait, if they have DS the-" If Deliverance still worked when there was just one survivor left AND killers had to fear DS, every reasonable killer would be forced to just drag any player as far as possible from the gates and make them bleed or wait out the entire EGC. You'd get the same outcomes we have right now except everyone gets to waste more time.
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at that point you were dead already.
the killer would just wait near the hook to instadown you again after you unhooked yourself. and then you would be left on the ground for a full minute and a half before he picks you up again and hooks you.
if you even could crawl out during that time you would need DS or the result is the same.
there 1/1000 chance of deliverence saving you when you are alone in the map, and that's a generous number.
it would waste so much time for every person that having it work would be terrible for game health.
just take a hook for someone else before everyone else dies or leaves. deliverence is there to make it safe for you to do that.
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The problem is that it's just not worth letting every game go on for 1-2 minutes longer than it needs to just so one guy can unhook himself and then probably just get immediately downed anyway. You're basically describing a pretty niche situation where you didn't get to use your perk because you had already lost the game.
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You bring the perk encase you get a chance to unhook yourself. Doesn't mean you will get a chance to use it. This thread is like someone complaining they didn't get to use unbreakable because the killer didn't slug.
My advice, make friends and play in a swf. Randoms suck.
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Deliverance is a fairly balanced perk
You can unhook yourself
Saves time and lets your teammates focus on objectives
Anti-camp (depends if you can escape)
Decisive Strike works well with this for solo queue if you need to escape
Broken (60 seconds if you have tier 3) which pretty much exposes yourself to easy M1's
Waste of a perk slot if you get hooked before you get the hook save
Need to get a safe unhook (Borrowed Time can help)
Killer could just tunnel you if you can't get away
Overall, Deliverance is one of those hit or miss perks imo because you'll either get unhooked before you activate it or get hooked and use it. Even then you'll still be in danger unless you have Decisive or you use it at the right time. It's a very well balanced perk since killers can counter it and survivors can make very good plays with it
Deliverance isn't completely worthless but it's more of a gamble
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It does kinda suck that if it's your first hook you can't even go for a kobe if everyone's left. I think a nice compromise would be 15-30 seconds before dying for people who want to try, and if you reach the second stage or don't use Deliverance in that time it goes ahead and kills you.
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If he had anti-slugging perks such as Unbreakable, Soul Guard or Tenacity along with his DS and Deliverance, he could well have escaped. Of course a full anti slug perk build like that is unlikely, but it's a possible build that would be incredibly useful (And kinda OP) in end game scenarios.
If Devs wanted to resolve this 'issue' (I guess), they could buff Deliverance so it allows players in such a scenario OP described to be able to attempt escape. They wouldn't need to reverse the hook changes so that every survivor without deliverance could attempt escape.
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You were the last survivor, and you were caught and hooked.
You have lost.
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you just described an ever rarer situation. no. it's not worth the change, it would just waste time
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It isn't worthless. It's still a good perk.
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I agree, but the Devs are loathe to waste 1 minute of the killer's time. Killer time is precious and your points and chance to escape regardless of percentage of possibility are nothing when compared to the killers 1 minute.
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devs are totes killer sided guise for not giving out free escapes when survivors already lost.
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If a survivor escapes it wasn't free, why do killers get free kills for doing nothing. (EGC)
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Can't even remember the last time EGC killed me, how about this: don't overstay.
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I have no problem with EGC kiling folks and hustling up the end of the game. I have issue with killers getting credit for literally doing nothing.
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If the killer does nothing then how does the EGC kill you?
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End game collasp was added because the survivors were holding the game hostage while the gates were open in FAR too many games.
It wasn't added to help the killer it was added to end the game hence the name.
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Have you not played in a while? The entity kills you, not the killer. So even if the killer just stands in one place and never even sees you, they get credit for the kill if the entity gets you. I think there should be no points of credit given to the killer, since they didn't actually kill you.
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Even if it was not "added to help the killer" it does and is hugely killer-sided.
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You're talking about some theoretical scenario that NEVER occurs. If the killer does not do anything and the EGC kills you then you were AFK or you didn't manage to find the exit in 2 god damn minutes at which point I'd ask you if you have any sense of direction.
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no it's not, just leave the trial instead of dicking around, are you trolling?
I have absolutely NEVER been killed by EGC unless the killer forced an EGC kill in an already lost game.
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Here, I have a solution for you, the killer has 2 minutes in EGC and if he fails the entity kills him and all hooked survivors escape? Better? rofl
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hate to tell you this, but this has been the way it has worked since before adam came out. as soon as you're the last one on the map and then hooked, even at first hook, you get sac'd. deliverance is adam's teachable, so obviously you found value in the perk before now, how when there was no change in that aspect of the game that it is worthless now? come on.... the only change is that IF all remaining survivors are in the second stage of being hooked, all are sac'd to keep the killer from waiting another minute to get out of the game. You obviously are remembering wrong but i started playing just as spirit and adam came out and back then last survivor was sac'd immediately on first hook. and that was in 2018!
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Now you are just being ridiculous. My request that the killer not get rewarded for literally doing nothing is reasonable, what you just said is outlandish and childish.
About half the time the doors spawn within sight range of each other, literally the killer just stands at the halfway point and swivels back and forth. There is zero hope of getting out of that game. The kill has just been given to the killer for doing nothing, just luck. Killer-sided
He also had however much time there was from 1 to 0 gens to locate the hatch and generally knows where it is if it comes down to a hatch situation because he was free to roam the map w/o worry of being killed, thus starting the EGC. Killer-sided
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It's supposed to be killer sided if you're the lone survivor and didn't manage to power gens.
You lost at that point, killers don't have a pity-kill mechanic.
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A bit off topic, but I've always felt a good quality of life for Deliverance would be if the aura of a survivor with a successfully-active Deliverance has a white aura so other survivors know you can get off the hook yourself.
Might not be necessary for SWF, but I play solo and that info would help me out.
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I like that idea.
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Oh I see, so at some unknown point in the match the killer becomes entitled to all the kills and points because he is in the "power role". I see where you are coming from now. If this is the case maybe NPC survivors would work better because clearly they are just props in the killer's game.
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No, it's because he beat you guys he's "entitled" to those kills because he beat you, what are you even complaining about, the game always gives you a chance to escape no matter how slim it is.
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Yeah but it's okay for Killers to waste survivors time in an otherwise hopeless situation by slugging them and leaving them to bleed out.
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Are you not overly familiar with sarcasm. I was clearly joking, I think it is ridiculous how many changes have been made that screw survivors out of points on the premise that is wastes the killer's time.
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Because slim is often non-existent. And if all the survivors are not dead he isn't entitled to anything because he didn't everyone. Killers should not be given free kills at the end of the game for simply existing.
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LOL I should be asking you that very question. I agree tho.
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I’ve always considered the perk useless anyway. Most of the time you get saved before you reach 2nd hook state and in solos they have no way of telling if you have Deliverance or not.
It has some value in endgame but that’s if you managed to not get hooked before 5 gens are done.
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How is Deliverance "worthless" only now, the thing you described was always there. And no, it definitely doesn't make Deliverance worthless
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If the Killer stood in one place doing nothing, then how did the EGC manage to kill you?
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You do realize that was always the case right? Even before they changed it to all survivors dying.. The last person hooked if everyone left/died automatically died on hook.
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Clearly you did not read all the thread of this convo, scroll up a bit it is explained, probably several times.
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No, it actually is not explained how the EGC managed to kill you if the Killer stood in one place and never even saw you. What you pointed out was the EGC managing to kill someone after the Killer killed everyone else and successfully managed to close the Hatch. From there, the Killer deserves that credit.
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######### I remember back when The Pig had the add-on that only allows two boxes and one Trap. I got trapped and The Pig just sat in front of one Jigsaw box (the one with my 'key' as it turned out). The team escaped, but we all crowded around The Pig and watched me die... It's a moment I still remember.
This to me sounds like a miserable moment that I would not want to see replicated, not a fun one that supports the idea that "winning isn't everything".
Deliverance pointlessly extending the game 99% of the time isn't worth the 1% of the time where it makes a difference.