Im allready sick of rage/dc´ing cowards. Bring finally the DC penalty system back



  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Of course they can play that way. And every sitauation is different. But lack of skills are why players D/C and poor sportsmanship form the killer is why others D/C. It isn’t one or the other. They are all connected in their own way with the same consequences.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I’m tired of survivors DC’ing because they don’t get it their way. I’m tired of killers DC’ing because they got outplayed. Grow up and accept the reality that you lost. DC penalties should come back in my opinion because literally about every game some guy thinks pulling the plug is somehow going to save his fragile ego.

    Even when bots come into the game. As stupid as this sounds, I wouldn’t feel any joy outplaying a bot. They’re only bots after all, even when they’re “hard”.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Wait so even though someone D/C the challenge still worked? We have someone telling us on here that he hates D/C's because it makes it impossible to do a challenge like that. I am just asking if the D/C counted towards the challenge?

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I suck at chases a often, but I've seen it done (thank you Kindred) and I've made efforts to do it myself with another teammate who was stronger. It works. If you're going to DC anyway - at least let people try.

    I think my only thing with camping is when it's done on every hook. It makes it really hard to get any real points. :-( I might change my mind as I improve though. Who knows. :-)

    I experienced yet another DC'er last night in game - and this one broke my heart for the killer. They did nothing wrong. They played well and were very fair. Two of us were left at the end and my teammate leaves me hanging on a hook to look for the hatch *cries in her cereal at the memory of abandonment* but anyway... EGC starts. She's being very good and sneaky, gets the gate nearly open - killer comes back and wacks her down.


    I was like Wthelk wow, why? I apologized to the killer on behalf of the idiots and let them know they played well. That wasn't fair at all to them - and right at EGC - are you kidding me? Killer still got their points, the only loser their was the teammate.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Lol yes sir, that's not a surprising scenario. Honestly I feel worse for you guys in that situation, by EGC that killer probably maxxed what he could receive in points from that guy anyway, but he left you guys a man short.

    The thing is there are a host of players here that defend DC at all cost. They feel justified in not having to go against what ever killer they don't like or certain add ons (mention DC's and Huntress iri heads I'm the same thread, works everytime) and killers dc'ing because they can't tackle looping (Although sometimes when I see a huntress around a tight loop and some ######### running around it 15 times, just to repeat at the next loop 10 feet away for all the gens, I fell bad.... Especially if the survivor was me) or flashlights. Camping is just another excuse for the type of people who don't want to get better at the game.

    This game DEFINITELY has a lot of frustrating scenarios and I don't know how long you've been playing, but at some point it does get to us all to a degree. You are coming into it with a great mindset, tho! You seem like the type of person who actually wants to improve instead of complain or ruin others game by being selfish. I think you'll learn looping just fine. If you play on PS4, I could help you learn as well

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    *laughs in csgo, a balanced pvp game with disconnect penaltys ranging upto 1 week.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    Actually we were good in this case. Everyone was dead and she was the last man standing. That was what stunned me.the most. All that and you DC? Made zero sense.

    Oh I get it - I see wraith and I'm like "Oh no, Bell guy!" and ohhhhh the temptation to not play is strong lol But If I don't face him - I mess up my team - and I don't improve - so - I suck it up and go "Okay bell guy - you - me - let's go" lol

    OMG Flashlights -imho useless tool. Can never get those to work right. I feel like smack them repeatedly going "Is this thing even on!?"

    I've only been playing about 8 weeks now. Week two was the hardest tbh as I ran into every griever, nasty soul on the internet. Oh the names I was called - shocked me. I was not prepared for that abuse. Nearly quit. It was bad. lol

    I've now learned to take the temperature of the game. If I have nasty game after nasty game for a few games running, then I walk away for bit and wait until the temperature is better. I also block grievers etc. If I'm in a lobby with one - I know now to just leave the lobby. No point. If I've blocked someone - there is a solid reason.

    Thank you - I try to take with me a good attitude - some days the game does get to me too and that's when it's break time! I will still never DC on purpose as I think that's not the right way to handle it. I wish we could convince others not to as well. :-(

    and thanks for that offer too. I'm on a PC though. Hopefully that allows cross play for you?

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I was playing as The Nurse the other night. Three cakes in the lobby, none of them mine. Almost immediately after I blinked (and found a survivor), that survivor (who, it turns out, had been one of those who had brought in a cake), DC'ed without even being hit, presumably because they didn't want to face a Nurse.

    I've played The Nurse less than a dozen times. I was actually running only one perk (Nurse's) and was playing simply to practice against live players and learn her mechanics since I'm, not surprisingly, terrible with her at this point. The other three survivors figured that out soon enough. I ended up getting a few hits in, actually downing a couple of people. One of them generously sacrificed themselves willingly during the EGC, the three remaining players all racked up huge bloodpoint totals and the other two easily escaped (I did pretty okay myself in BP as well), and I got some good practice in on a tough killer.

    I only hope the person who DC'ed hung around long enough to see what they deprived themselves of (BP wise) by quitting on their team in what would have been a ridiculously easy match for them the way they did, lol.

    In a different situation against a competent killer, that person who DC'ed would have been putting his fellow survivors at a huge disadvantage by thinking only of themselves. The DC penalties can't come back soon enough.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Two rank 8's DC on me yesterday as I had just started a trapper basement game. The so called rank 8 was trying to disable a trap so she could save the other rank 8. Before she sabo'd it, she got hit and stepped on the one they were disarming 🤣🤣

    Let the 4th survivor escape because of it.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I can’t count the number of times in the first 2 minutes of the game someone DC’s with one hit. It’s not “rage” it’s “lazy” and childish like they need a trophy or they won’t play their video game.

    when I see it I yell “Why?” Because it makes no sense to me. Players DCing early should be a penalty. And IMO a point penalty for Kikees who wait the clock standing in front of the hook. Like do tunnel and slowly your regular points dwindle they longer you stand there.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    I 100% think that you should be able to DC. There is not good reason to make people play with people that do not want to play with, period. This is a game people pay money for, not a prison. I think people should have the option to leave a match if they so choose. Just like players have the option to play crappy and underhanded, so to should players have the option to not put up with it. Player behavior got way worse after DC penalty was instated, for the reason I stated above. Negative behavior was raging unchecked and even in some cases encouraged, and players who did not wish to participate in that kind of toxicity were just stuck being victimized. SO you know what I am glad DC ban is not a thing right now, and hope it is gone for good. I do not DC very often but I do not for one second think it should be off the table. I also have never been inconvenienced or had a fellow teammate "ruin my game" by DCing, they want to go, go ahead. Sometimes I agree with their decision to leave and think they had a good reason, sometimes I have no idea why they left and just do not care. It is not a problem for me in any way.

    I see up above you also stated that tunneling and camping are a strategy and not toxic. If this is your view you should expect to see a decent amount of DCs, deserved ones. No one should have to sit there while you camp them to death, if they are gonna depip anyway because you have chosen a toxic playstyle, they should have the option to take the quick depip and go get into a more palatable match.

    I play killer about 20% of the time, so definitely not 50/50 but out of my nearly 2000 hours that is a decent amount of matches. I could probably count on 1 hand the amount of people who have DCd out of a match I played as killer. I do not camp, tunnel and minimally slug, I do not use hooked or downed survivors as bait. If DCs are enraging you so much it says more about how you are playing than the people refusing to pay with you.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) i don't think i should be limited to 55 mph, i can choose to exceed this posted legal limit but I must accept the penalty if I am caught doing so.

    2) by your logic, if people should be allowed to dc without penalty then you can't talk about toxic behavior at all because then you are denying people playing the way they want to.

    3) The Devs have said that tunneling and camping is allowed, if you define looking at you for a long period of time as toxic then everyone playing myers is toxic. but they aren't are they? only to you it is toxic. I never said they were a good tactic, just that it is a tactic and not reportable since the DEVS have said so. the DEVS have also said that if you disconnect from a match that is against the rules. There is a feature you can use but if you do you risk being "caught" by the game doing something against the rules.

    4) I have never said you should not be able to dc, but I believe you should not disconnect manually except in very specific circumstances which are game braking bugs or issues like being stuck in the geometry or something else just as bad like being hooked but spectating the killer which causes the game to never end.

    5) when the reason for the disconnect is any of the following: "He looked at me wrong!", "he nodded his head at me." "he tunneled me!" and more of this. it's all bs because you get your feelings hurt. a recent post showed a streamer's vod where he was pulled off a gen, hooked, the killer went away downed another while the first was unhooked and healed then jumped on the same gen he was pulled off of originally. then the killer came back looking for anyone they could find. well even with the other survivor leaving the gen, his spine chill going off, he just claimed tunneling. That is laughable. Most of the time when you get tunneled it's accidental and part of the game. have you ever followed scratch marks to find the guy that just got off the hook and you didn't even go back to the hook? and then been accused of tunneling? oh yea i have and another time i chased someone for much of the match, and even though i didn't get a chance to hook them because i was getting chase time in, and I was accused of tunneling them the whole match! because I am supposed to be the one that makes sure he gets a great game experience? he was a rank 4, I was a rank 15.

    Just because you have the ability to does not mean you should use it. if I owned a gun should I shoot anyone i feel like? no I shouldn't but I CAN if I wanted. People abused the fact they had a dc mechanic, and thus why the penalties were put it. people used to be able to see who the killer was, and they'd litterally disconnect to depip the killer. how is this action fair hmm? It isn't. they did it before to gain a benefit out of it, a 4 or 2 pip removal for causing someone that didn't want to depip to depip. they gained a benefit that they lost rank so they'd not face higher ranks and they get to make someone loose rank at the same time. this is also something against the rules (to derank to intentionally face easier opponents).

    Stop making assumptions about how I play just because I know something doesn't mean that I do it. I do not tunnel or camp intentionally but the definitions of both fluctuate from player to player. but as said before, apparently chasing someone the whole match but not hooking them is tunneling. but you know what? if you want to condone violating the rules of the game as written by the devs and company that own the game then you can kindly leave any lobby I am in and you are as well. I will not leave because i'm not going to wait again, but you are more than welcome to leave and wait yourself because you are the one that will break the rules as stated.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    How on Earth would I know if I am in your lobby? Because I will avoid it if you have some way for me to tell.

    Why should people be forced to play with people they don't want to? If someone walked into the grocery store and spit in your face you would walk away from them, not sit in their cart and take more abuse.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all if I play survivor just as much as i play killer. so if you're in my lobby please leave because i don't want you to sit in for more abuse.

    why I would actually call 911 and report an assault with a deadly weapon if someone spit in my face. In a game you follow the rules set by the game. If you are willing to take the penalty by all means disconnect, if you don't know who it is why would you disconnect? just because they don't play how you want them to play is no reason to leave the game. Put it to you this way: 1) why would you play a game only to piss away any points you've made? 2) why not just attempt to get off the hook and not struggle that is something you can do and not have to worry about a penalty. simple as that. instead of breaking game rules, personally if you keep thinking about disconnecting you should assess the game and really think about if you really want to play the game.

    I love how you're fine with breaking the rules in this game but make no comment about exceeding the speed limit. Rules are rules. if you do not like rules don't play a game with rules. I would love to know what game you have played that has no rules I'd wager there are none and that each game you've played had rules of some kind. Enjoy trying to think about one.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I haven't played any games that I can't leave whenever I want. This is the only one that penalized people for leaving when they wanted to or more often then not got booted off the server. During the DC penalty, myself and a decent amount of others did suicide on hook to get out of unsavory matches. Why are you so hell-bent on defending bad behavior. There is rarely a discussion about sportsmanship, fairness, decency. Just you telling me that no matter how someone else chooses to conduct themselves I have to "just put up with it". Why? How am I more wrong for removing myself from a situation than the perpetrator of the situation. I don't think anyone should have to put up with face-camping, or a 4-man slugfest, etc. And in those situations if I see someone in my group leave, kudos to them. May their next match go better and maybe the face-camper learns something if enough people are unwilling to play with them.

    And since you would call the police after getting spit in the face I assume you also distanced yourself from the spitter. You keep going on about the rules, but my main point is DCing should not be against the rules. No one should be forced to "PLAY A GAME" with undesirable people, and you have no idea who is and is not a problem until you are in the situation.

    I wish they would institute Ban Lists, because if people who engaged in poor sportsmanship got themselves on enough lists they would run out of people to be terrible too and we would never have to see them again. But unlike most other games it is not possible at this time and may never be.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    games that are online and pvp/competitive/ranked that have disconnect penalties: Pubg, call of duty modern warfare, overwatch to name a few. single player games will penalize you for shutting things down by dropping you back to your last save point so i believe that there is a penalty for most games. I asked if you played any games that didn't have rules to break and I'm pretty sure you can't name a single one like that. if you are willing to put up with your penalty, you are more than welcome to disconnect. I hope that someone see you in the lobby and disconnects on you, and I hope that you are left to be the only one in the game by disconnects, and I hope you come here to complain about how you were robbed of points and your rank, because you will then be 1 v 1 with the killer where the killer will catch you. or you won't get much of a chance as the killer could find the hatch and close it on you.

    if you look at the unsportsmanlike category, disconnecting is right there. so they have started to, also most people don't understand the reporting system and it's not just at the score board section. you have to have proof of the unsportsmanlike conduct and submit a supplemental ticket as well with said proof. so since you're so hip on unsportsmanlike conduct disconnecting is considered that and with the penalties they are penalized.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183
    edited July 2020

    Oh pls enlighten me what ONLINE multiplayer TEAM BASED PVP game you play that does not have a leaver penalty. I play or have played overwatch, pubg, lol, hon, hots, DotA, smite, cod, csgo, rocket league, rainbow 6 siege, dbd and two or three others I can't remember right now and they all have a form of timeout up to permaban penalty for leaving the game intentionally.

    And pls don't start about random breakdowns. If you know that you system or internet connection does not allow for undisturbed online gaming, then don't play. Even I have a disconnect from time to time because of internet break down or software malfunctioning but this is so seldom that I can take the 5 minutes of forced break and do something IRL or watch some yt.

    I for myself have the decency to take the responsibility for my teammates not to disconnect and leave them at an disadvantage. And I see rq/DC as lack of said decency. You go in those games knowing that leaving will ruin the game for all others because of your selfishness because the round is not to you liking.

    In lol for example, I play the whole round even when my teammates suck or the enemy stomps me.

    I d/ced ONE time in dbd, I played killer and all 4 survivor exploited a fat-shaming spot. They could pass the gap but not me. That is the only time I dc, when I encounter a cheater or exploiter on my costs.

    Edit: And I am for the implementation of bots as placeholders and the possibility to reconnect, so evade the timeout ban. Most of the games I mention have the feature of rejoining a round after getting thrown out of the game due to some error.

    I know dbd does not have either option but those only help to ease the pain but the root of the problem, the attitude of people protected by online anonymity stays, on both sides in dbd.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    Yep. I played a lot of solo games yesterday. Probably at least 4 early game dcs/suicides and about the same amount of afk the whole match survivors. Kind of ruins the match.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    Its halarious when theres that survivor that demands my attention then fails a loop and goes down then they instadc. Why did you want my attention then?

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    600 bp is not enough compensation for a teammate dc'ing. One full safe unhook is 1500, 500 for a full heal, more time you can spend on gens, increased chance of survival if they stay in the game. I mean c'mon.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    also dcing to give mates the hatch is annoying too

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Dilly dilly!

  • SolidusPrime
    SolidusPrime Member Posts: 39

    Why did they re-add it? I've been on break for many moons so I'm out of the loop, but that was one of their best QoL changes.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    This game is simply buggy and unbalanced. Bugs that cause the game to break for everyone or just one player is pretty common. Also people shouldn't be forced to play against stuff they find unfun.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    DbD already had a penalty on par with the other games you listed, you Depipped and Lost all your points for the match. And that is a fine penalty that is similar to other multi-player games. I play overwatch and can leave whenever I want without being forced to quit for the night because I can't log in for 6 hours. This penalty sytem is ridiculous and way over the top as far as time.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903
    edited July 2020

    depping is a penalty? it is a reward! they do it TO depip because they don't have to face people in the game their rank. that is why people were dc'ing... first 4 pips... wow I could clear a whole rank in one shot! then 2 meh it's ok still get there faster now it's 1. and still people are doing in droves. played 6 games today... SIX... five of them had a dc in them. I played a killer, didn't tunnel, didn't camp, didn't body block for more than a quick swing (more than survivors can say when ganging up to prevent a hook). hell in 3 of the games I didn't even get a kill because i didn't care to even try I was being generous till they dc'd then I decided screw it.. got 3 freddy 4k's at rank 18, one perk at rank 1 level 1 killer, no add on's no offerings. I guess you didn't research all the games some had stiffer penalties, hell dbd's is laughable... but atleast if it's a swf they are ALL penalized.


    *EDIT because i realized i hit post before this thought* if you are disconnecting enough to get 6 hour penalties, you REALLY need to re-evaluate if you really want to play. DBD had no penalties and loss of 5-32K bloodpoints is nothing, even to survivors, and as stated above depiping rewards you by letting you play "EASIER" opponents. You know what? I hope that a DC with the MMR will increase your MMR for ALL killers thus making you face tougher opponents! That would be a great idea, ALONG with your 6 hour plus game time out. I am just glad I'm not someone you swf with because if that were the case i'd stop playing with you because I'm not going to stop playing just because you felt the killer was boring, or that they mori'd off of first hook or what ever LAME reason you come up with for that. I've seen rank 20's play better and they get trounced because they are just starting out and they don't dc but keep playing to get good at the game. you dc apparently at the whim of a feather on the wind, not someone I ever want to play with.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    BTW killer still gets the points if they DC. I know it's not fun for you all though. That's sometihng?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    i don't have it saved. i saw it here in the general discussion a couple days ago (maybe sat?) sorry wish i could i wanted to show that clip to my g/f lol. if i get it i will post the link

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    ok 1000 points for a hook, 200 per stage including sacrifice and a dc gives the killer 625 or 675 points only... also hooking goes into the sacrifice point score category, the dc benefit goes into brutality and if the brutality was maxed out it's worthless. yea that's something... great thinking.

  • Sacre
    Sacre Member Posts: 38

    I once got 31,950 points because someone DC'd before I could hook them


  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337


    valid point.

    DC's should be based on downed or not I would think. If you smacked them and they were down, it should count as a hook.

    Maybe that will get sorted at some time.

    Was that a typo or....

    'cause that's a lot of points! 😮

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    thing is i don't know if this has been thought about now and that concerns me.. i don't think that a dc should count as anything but points into sacrifice. it removes a player from the game. but outside of points the mmr system probably will not handle dc's properly since we have no information on this. i still have issues with the fact that there are shadow fixes being put out there so it makes me question if the fix was truly there.

    also 32,000 points is the max you can get in any dbd game (8K per category, 4 categories). so 31,950 is within the bounds of reality. :)

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    LOl Good, I thought you meant on top of your normal points, like a bonus.

    Ah the English language and the 100 ways you can read something! 🤣

    THis explains why when I see an offering of 100% bonus on brutality I quiver a bit. It seems some always DC's when that offering is up. Ahhh - it's all coming together.

    I think it will be sorted eventually. Not sure quite how yet.

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Bloody hell so many wusses here. Every serious game has DC penalties for a reason. You commit to play. Nobody cares about your feelings: "oh god, it's a huntress with iri and mori", "those survivors were bullying me". Blah blah.

    Yes. I dc'ed. I rage quit and I took my penalty that I deserved.

    And the argument that: "they can do whatever they want with the game" is also bollocks.

    Rules are rules. When you paid for it you should have expected consequences.

    Grow the ######### up.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    there are 4 scoring categories for survivor and for killer, each have the 50/75/100 extra for one category and then a 25% across ALL 4 as well as a 100% for all. but it's nothing more than getting points based on those categories :) if you have any questions please ask, if i see the question i'll do my best to answer to my best ability but I am not a dev, just a guy that has played a while and looks at how things are done in general to be able to work in the enviroment :) feel free to pm me if you'd rather keep it quiet @MaybeShesCrazy :)

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Thank you for this - it does help to make sense of things better than wiki actually.

    This board I think disabled the PM's. Probably because we all get a bit satly from time to time lol Only a little though. Okay sometimes like an ocean but still.

    I'm sure there is a solution for this. I have to think. It'll come. :-)

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    Well, yeah, the game is buggy, i found one bug while playing as Deathslinger, for some reason i started moving like a turtle and i had to disconnect, waited 5 minutes, played again and didn't found any similar bug again, and that was 1 month ago, and i don't think you are forced to go against things you don't want to face, as survivor you can afk or ######### on hook, as killer you can afk staring at a door and open it as soon as gens are done, you can't do this in most games, as you get kicked if you afk or get a penalty for disconnecting, and i honestly think disconnecting because you find something unfun is just selfish and makes the other survivors have a free depip, but that's just my opinion, the game is not competitive so i understand why you think the way you do, though.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I guess they did do that.... ah well when you mention a person it comes out. and lets you know :) but I wish you the best and if I can help in any way I'll try. :) see you in the fog!

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    If you cant handle a ######### situation and need to DC OR suicide on hook, then just dont queue up at all.

    It's a waste of your time, apparently, and it ruins the game for everyone else.

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36

    As a surv main it gets on my nerves when literally my entire team DC and I'm left stood there. Eyes locked with the killer, hatch to my right/his left before we both make a dramatic dash for it. But for real, killers too. Took forever to find a match a moment ago and the killer dcs as soon as he gets to the gen where we hid from. Umm ok then. For killers and survs it's a nightmare.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited July 2020

    People disconnect because they’re unhappy with the state of the game.

    I’m a 2000 hour tryhard. I play very competitively. I’m being put as survivor with actual rank 20s with barely any time on the game. You sit on a gen with them and they fail skillcheck after skillcheck after skillcheck. They aren’t just useless to the team then, but they’re actively sabotaging my progress on the generator due to the failed skillcheck regression. 3 in a row!! After this they do what all rank 20s do and crouch around the edge of the map. So at that point our team is basically a player down for all intents and purposes.

    I’ve been tilted and quit before. Call me entitled if you want but it’s ridiculous how in a game that only has a RANKED mode the game is failing to rank me with players of similar skill. I’ve never played any other ranked game that has failed this hard. I just want a good sweaty game on both sides like DBD used to be but my games now feel like I’m babysitting the new survivors and its not a good experience. My every move is getting them out of trouble which means we dont have a chance at doing generators. Ironically if im playing 2 man swf with a friend who is on the same skill level as me the game becomes much easier when the newbie survivors are dead. Because now we’re not having to break off gens to pull people off hooks or out of traps, now theres nobody feeding Myers unlimited stalk or Oni unlimited blood. One of us can competently run the killer and the other can do gens.

    Of course when you played killer though its all red ranks. Click their profile and they’re all 3,500 - 5000 hours per survivor.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    i rly hope they will finally fix that issue

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    EAC is to easy to bypass and is essentially there to keep honest people honest.

    We need a new anti cheat or EAC needs an overhaul before dc penalty comes back and we go back to people racking up unjustified dc penalties on other people.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Well i feel with the crossplay Console players Dcing like Hell. I hope rly they fix it and bring the system back