Midwich's Absurd Design

Clockso Member Posts: 853

Yes yes i know,, license holders like the map.. bhvr can't change it but i just wanted to get it off my chest, literally went against the most average solo team ever.. and i struggled so hard for some reason, it's not like they pulled some insane tech that outplayed me, they literally just held W without even looking behind, i couldn't get in a chase cuz i was still far behind in the hallway, they don't even need a terror radius cuz they can still see me coming down the hallway and i couldn't cut them off cuz there was nothing, this map just doesn't work with M1 killers, if it were hag or spirit they can catch up no problem, but i was playing demo and i even tried cutting them off with my portals and tried baiting with shred to force them to juke and lose distance but they called the bluff cuz i was way too far.

