THe Greek Collection ( What are your thoughts on it)

After seeing the trailer of the new skins I gotta say they do look cool, but the survivors skins don't look as amazing to me though. But as the title suggests I want to know what you guys think
Can you link the collection? I want to see it so bad.
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Sure my bad here it is
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They look awesome. Great job on the art team.
That said, I dislike the legendary skins idea because it is going to limit their future design options. For example, now that Oni has a minotaur legendary skin there will never be potential for a minotaur killer in the game. So as they keep adding legendary killer or even survivor skins, it's going to be eating away at future possible killer and survivor ideas.
Second issue is the new player experience. The newer players are going to be confused as to what killer it is. They're going to see a minotaur for example and be like, "wow I didn't know there was a minotaur killer, I wonder what he does". This is going to be repeated many times as we get more and more legendary skins. Not gonna be good for newer players that don't know the game well yet.
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this rift is kind of meh
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It's one of the best collection thus far. I'm super excited for Adam outfit. I like that they kept the beard from his previous look. It really suits him. August 4th, needs to hurry!
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Spirit out here lookin' like a Dremora lord.
Elder Scrolls X Dead By Daylight?
The Minotaur skin looks pretty neat but out of place IMO
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Now I agree to some extent to what your saying but you gotta realize it would take them forever to go over all of the cultures and such for each killer they add, through the skins it allows them to explore it, and allow those cultures to enter dbd, I like the Minotaur skin but the sword needs to be bigger, and I hope you get your own theme music and chase music while wearing it. BUt I understand but this them the time and effort and for the newer player expierence it is still gonna be rough even when they change it.
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So Iโm guessing that the hag with the multiple face look in the conviction image is supposed to a Janus mask then?
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The skins look mostly okay with only David, Feng (somewhat) and Oni standing out to me. Although screw the Oni skin because the price for a Legendary is absurd.
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While looking at the skin I saw pottery styled armor, which is a nice nod to the art of the Greeks
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Oh I totally agree but if this is the first time for killer, so it will be worth it if the theme changes with-it two
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I'm not buying them. But Oni does look good, although totally out of context. I would rather have cosmetics that at least have some small connection to the characters' lore.
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I guess I can see that point if they really do have that many endless ideas still that they're not even remotely worried about running out.
Rather than be excited when a new legendary skin comes out though, I'm just disappointed, because now I know I'll never get to see that killer come to the game.
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My least favorite survivor skin is david I'm like what is that, you look like a blond hat-less, Abraham Lincoln I mean really,
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I totally agree I am kinda upset about the clown skin mostly due to the fact I love the clowns original look, with his tailcoat swaying about, I just wish they made more skins like that but I'll see
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I am obsessed with that Feng outfit. It is S T U N N I NG. She looks so cool and fresh with that hairsyle and the concept is really impressive. I love Spirit's warrior outfit, Jane's, Clown's, Oni's and Yui's are sick too. Adam's and David's dont interest me that much, but at least I am happy we didn't have another Claudette outfit or a half-shaved haircut for any of the girls. This Collection is a 9/10 for me. Kinda sad we didn't have a Medusa Plague tho
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No. The rift skins are from the Conviction Collection and are completely separate to the Greek Legends Collection.
Speaking of, I love it. Goddess Jane makes me happy and this?
Bhvr take my money.
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Good to know. I donโt keep up with all of this stuff anymore.
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Minotaur oni looks awesome, WOW
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Not a huge fan, but I'm not super into skins in general. The Greek theme feels weird and out of place to me.
Some good looking skins though.
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I love the concept and some designs but HATE the execution!
I dislike the Legendary Skins due to lack of customisation. I can understand it for certain ones like the Minotaur Oni due to clipping but the weapon should still be interchangeable. Legendary skins make no sense to me for the survivors (maybe Janes dress?) but not allowing you to easily sway hairstyles is just idiotic to me.
For a final not - what is up with Davids eyebrows?!?!
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People hating on that David hair... so sad... I actually want to buy it and use it with my current David outfit! ๐
And I'll be buying that Jane outfit as soon as it's out, everything is perfect about it! Especially the hair, definitely my favorite hairstyle for her!
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I'm just here for every single David outfit they have and like, yes please Bhvr give me more thank you
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I like the David skin too but i don't like how his beard looks. I wish there was a mustache to go with it so it didn't look so unnatural. and that his eyebrows matched the rest of his hair lol
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######### oni looks awesome as hell, never thought they would make him look completely different.
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His bear reminds me of Abraham Lincoln way too much
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The David skin will be the de facto toxic skin for a while
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Good news is that it isn't a set.
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Iโm glad to see sets come back. I liked when they used to do that for killers like Clown and Spirit.
Should have tied it in with a greek killer and new ancient greece map
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But it kills creativity slighltly
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No one talking about mostly shirtless clown tho
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I love the Oni and Feng skins and I'm hyped for them!
Also Jane and Spirit looking really good.
However, David's head is looking like a lion. Not a big fan of that one.
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I want a Zeus or Asclepius skin for Doctor.
Or maybe an Asclepius skin for Jeff. (Same beard and Zeus for Doctor makes more sense.)
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On the other hand I wonder what might be next
Plus I want Feng Min and Spirit
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It would be nice if Jane and Clown weren't linked...I am starting to hate linked cosmetics.
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I think he's supposed to be Hercules, and Hercules slayed the Nemian Lion, so I think they're trying to go for a more animalistic look with bushy eyebrows and a "mane."
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I absolutely loved Feng and Jane from the surv side, Yui is so barebones to me, she's not getting good skins at all.
Clown is pretty neato too, but Oni is amazing straight away, didn't expect them to do a minotaur at all.
I am liking the path they're taking for some cosmetics lately.
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The skins look good, definitely gonna pick up The Oni and Feng ones even though I don't use either of them.
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I won't buy anything from it. I hate the whole new linked skins thing.
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I want a martial art collection. David in a black Gi would be cool! Real ninja and Kung Fu outfits would be great too!
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I really like these skins, I love mythology and it's really cool seeing two of my biggest interests collide like this! I'm definitely buying the Yui, Min and Spirit skins.
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The skins are great..but must they lock EVERYTHING together? At least let us use the weapons...I really wanted that oni sword
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Dude we got demo, deathslinger, entity pulls killers from everywhere a minotaur aint that far fetch.
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Oni looks sick.. that is all I know. But all of them are pretty nice ngl.
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But it's Oni.
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Closest thing to shirtless Clown we'll get, so I'm all for it. And Oni is kickass, Minotaurs are super cool.
Also really want to use the David head piece with his shirtless body piece, thank the Entity it's not a locked set ๐
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Yeah..kinda irksome 2 of the 3 killer sets are
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I really like this collection!
Heard Jane's linked set would be unlockable with iridescent shards, so I'm really happy I saved up plenty. I'm just hoping it looks as good ingame as in the trailer.
Might buy Feng's head piece and combine it with the Chinese New Year dress. But idk.
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Absolutely love it. Can't wait to play nothing but Minotaur Oni for a month.
I don't think legendary skins kill creativity or disallow it. If the devs truly wanted to add a killer idea into the game, they wouldn't make it a legendary skins. Simple. At the same time it gives them more leeway to play around with skins, and make even more developed ones.
Honestly super keen on all the latest skins, my wallet is going to be in shreds after this...